• Posts: 16952
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2021, 08:22:06 pm »
How did you employ without having their address?
I assume this is cash in hand then?

I was paying into his bank account. He'd only done 5 days so was going to make him PAYE after a few weeks.

A few weeks do you not think that’s a bit premature you won’t have a proper clue in a few weeks what he’s like as a person,once you’ve employed him unless he does something drastic it’s not a case of just saying I don’t want you anymore and you won’t get anyone half decent on a 10 hour contract.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2021, 08:37:43 pm »
How did you employ without having their address?
I assume this is cash in hand then?

I was paying into his bank account. He'd only done 5 days so was going to make him PAYE after a few weeks.

A few weeks do you not think that’s a bit premature you won’t have a proper clue in a few weeks what he’s like as a person,once you’ve employed him unless he does something drastic it’s not a case of just saying I don’t want you anymore and you won’t get anyone half decent on a 10 hour contract.

Well, yeah hence why he wasn't PAYE.


  • Posts: 6153
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2021, 08:54:58 pm »
I feel your pain, ive been back and forth with employing for about 3 years.

Had half a dozen lads, your story is familiar and lots more to boot  :D

I want to employ, then i want to be on my own, i go back and forth and cant decide. I get depressed working on my own but cant cope with the stress of employing.

I think you have to make your mind up that you want to employ and you are going to make it work no matter what, like you dont care how many guys you have to go through you just keep going till you find the right one...and you will, eventually.

If you are half commited like me, its easy to just give in at the first sign of trouble.


  • Posts: 823
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2021, 08:59:34 pm »
Sounds like a proper nightmare.
Much happier earning my own crust no one else to bother about.
Why do you put yourself through all this C**p?

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2021, 09:26:31 pm »
I feel your pain, ive been back and forth with employing for about 3 years.

Had half a dozen lads, your story is familiar and lots more to boot  :D

I want to employ, then i want to be on my own, i go back and forth and cant decide. I get depressed working on my own but cant cope with the stress of employing.

I think you have to make your mind up that you want to employ and you are going to make it work no matter what, like you dont care how many guys you have to go through you just keep going till you find the right one...and you will, eventually.

If you are half commited like me, its easy to just give in at the first sign of trouble.

Working on my own isn't an option anymore, I hate it. Get proper depressed. Plus I have found the job easier when people work together to set up and pack away.

Will keep going until I find a good one.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2021, 09:26:49 pm »
Sounds like a proper nightmare.
Much happier earning my own crust no one else to bother about.
Why do you put yourself through all this C**p?

I don't like working on my own anymore.


  • Posts: 13419
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2021, 10:50:36 pm »
You need to be more structured - set out what you want - interview them properly - choose a location if you don't want to do it at home like a cafe - always get a cv ( how can you question them if you don't have some paperwork to look through ) see how they dress ( does not need to be a suit - smart casual ) do they ask you questions, are they interested in what you have to say ? - did they turn up on time ?

Taking on an employee is THE biggest step in your biz - make it count, take your time and choose correctly

Ultimately the wrong person could steal from you, ruin your reputation etc....  DONT SKIMP!
Take your time, also you need to be a manager, be professional, no swearing, no losing your temper, no bitching be constructive - expect most people not to be as dedicated as you are, they need rules and regs for everything....

Now put yourself in their shoes - your offering very little security, a bit of cash in hand/ minimum hours or wages and not much else ( I certainly wouldn't be enthusiastic to work for you ) an employee is a prized asset - treat them as such

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2021, 08:04:12 am »
Sounds like a proper nightmare.
Much happier earning my own crust no one else to bother about.
Why do you put yourself through all this C**p?

I don't like working on my own anymore.

Why not try taking on a partner, this could either be another shiner with a similar round who feels the same as you or somebody with a bit of redundancy money to invest in a business like yours.
Window cleaning is ok when self employed your own boss but I couldn't think of anything worse than doing it as an employee.


  • Posts: 2422
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2021, 08:57:26 am »
I feel your pain, ive been back and forth with employing for about 3 years.

Had half a dozen lads, your story is familiar and lots more to boot  :D

I want to employ, then i want to be on my own, i go back and forth and cant decide. I get depressed working on my own but cant cope with the stress of employing.

I think you have to make your mind up that you want to employ and you are going to make it work no matter what, like you dont care how many guys you have to go through you just keep going till you find the right one...and you will, eventually.

If you are half commited like me, its easy to just give in at the first sign of trouble.

Can’t you just pick the best work and do a very profitable 4 day week?

That’s where I’m at, I’m only on the glass 5 hours a day now.

I do need to think about employing, but for now, this is the best wirk life balance untill I take the step to employ.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2021, 09:29:22 am »
You need to be more structured - set out what you want - interview them properly - choose a location if you don't want to do it at home like a cafe - always get a cv ( how can you question them if you don't have some paperwork to look through ) see how they dress ( does not need to be a suit - smart casual ) do they ask you questions, are they interested in what you have to say ? - did they turn up on time ?

Taking on an employee is THE biggest step in your biz - make it count, take your time and choose correctly

Ultimately the wrong person could steal from you, ruin your reputation etc....  DONT SKIMP!
Take your time, also you need to be a manager, be professional, no swearing, no losing your temper, no bitching be constructive - expect most people not to be as dedicated as you are, they need rules and regs for everything....

Now put yourself in their shoes - your offering very little security, a bit of cash in hand/ minimum hours or wages and not much else ( I certainly wouldn't be enthusiastic to work for you ) an employee is a prized asset - treat them as such


I agree except the last bit, I wasn't offering just cash in hand or a few hours here and there or bad money. I was offering 4 days a week full time and they would be PAYE after a couple of weeks.

Problem I have is that im desperate, I cant bare working alone.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2021, 09:30:56 am »
I feel your pain, ive been back and forth with employing for about 3 years.

Had half a dozen lads, your story is familiar and lots more to boot  :D

I want to employ, then i want to be on my own, i go back and forth and cant decide. I get depressed working on my own but cant cope with the stress of employing.

I think you have to make your mind up that you want to employ and you are going to make it work no matter what, like you dont care how many guys you have to go through you just keep going till you find the right one...and you will, eventually.

If you are half commited like me, its easy to just give in at the first sign of trouble.

Can’t you just pick the best work and do a very profitable 4 day week?

That’s where I’m at, I’m only on the glass 5 hours a day now.

I do need to think about employing, but for now, this is the best wirk life balance untill I take the step to employ.

Im doing 4 days a week maybe  6 to 7 hours a day. Hate it.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2021, 09:39:45 am »
Why do this job if you hate it, life is too short to be doing something you hate.

Disliking a job is tolerable for paying bills and supporting a family but long term hating a job is a clear to sign to look elsewhere to save your mental health.

Richard iSparkle

  • Posts: 2490
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2021, 09:51:27 am »

If you hate it they will pick up on that

You’ve looking for quick fixes.

Like smudger says.

If you want to employ it starts with a good plan. Right from the job advert onwards

If you hate the work that’s gonna make it difficult

Saying that good employees are amazing

I went on holiday last month for a week. While I was away my business grew by £300 a month, my employees turned over more than £5000

There are the benefits
iSparkle Window Cleaning


jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2021, 10:46:43 am »
Why do this job if you hate it, life is too short to be doing something you hate.

Disliking a job is tolerable for paying bills and supporting a family but long term hating a job is a clear to sign to look elsewhere to save your mental health.

My only previous experience is non sales which I don't want to go back to.

Ive found working with someone else so much better. Stress/depression cut down significantly. So just want to get someone rather than jack it in completely.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2021, 10:47:24 am »

If you hate it they will pick up on that

You’ve looking for quick fixes.

Like smudger says.

If you want to employ it starts with a good plan. Right from the job advert onwards

If you hate the work that’s gonna make it difficult

Saying that good employees are amazing

I went on holiday last month for a week. While I was away my business grew by £300 a month, my employees turned over more than £5000

There are the benefits

I don't hate it when I work with someone. Completely changes it for me.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2021, 10:52:14 am »
Little update:

The first bloke text me last night saying how sorry he was. That he had a massive fight with the mother of his child and go really drunk. Then the best bit: Since Tuesday he hasn't had any battery on his phone as he left it at his Mum's and was only able to borrow £10 to buy a charger! He reckons he will return the clothes tho. its laughable.

Second bloke had a bad attitude when I asked for a CV this morning (as was recommended on here), said he shouldn't need to produce one for £100 a day job. So I said forget it. Then he sent it, but I'd made up my mind by then. He then lost it (this is via txt) said he was the best thing since sliced bread, that he's proved him self to earn a basic £100 a day wage, its my loss and that I rip off my customers by cutting corners (ive only lost two customers this year that weren't happy) and finished off by calling me a mug.

Great fun isn't it.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2021, 11:08:09 am »
Just another day at the window cleaning employment office m8 I’ve read nothing I didn’t already know on this thread,if you find a good worker that comes in on a regular basis picks it up relatively quickly and basically is a normal person you’ve been very very lucky,if you find this person then you’d be a fool not to look after them.
It takes a few hours to find out what you will be in for with someone not days or weeks,it’s not building the business that’s the hard part with this job the people that exist in other parts of the work industry don’t exist in window cleaning,most people don’t look at the job they look at you being care free and having spare time what they fail to realise is that it’s you’re business not theirs so they are expected to work set hours once that hits home they are off m8.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2021, 11:13:48 am »
Imagine buying  a new van and kitting it out ready for one of these idiots to go to work in you’d never recoup your investment,if someone doesn’t look like they can earn you at least 75% on top of what you pay them they aren’t worth bothering with someone said to me once you need to go really big or stay small anything in between you will be in for less money and way more hassle,he was correct.


  • Posts: 8146
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2021, 11:23:20 am »
Little update:

The first bloke text me last night saying how sorry he was. That he had a massive fight with the mother of his child and go really drunk. Then the best bit: Since Tuesday he hasn't had any battery on his phone as he left it at his Mum's and was only able to borrow £10 to buy a charger! He reckons he will return the clothes tho. its laughable.

Second bloke had a bad attitude when I asked for a CV this morning (as was recommended on here), said he shouldn't need to produce one for £100 a day job. So I said forget it. Then he sent it, but I'd made up my mind by then. He then lost it (this is via txt) said he was the best thing since sliced bread, that he's proved him self to earn a basic £100 a day wage, its my loss and that I rip off my customers by cutting corners (ive only lost two customers this year that weren't happy) and finished off by calling me a mug.

Great fun isn't it.

I would've felt tempted to respond with 'I will take your text responses as being your submitted C.V., please note that on this occasion you have not satisfied the required criteria to secure the vacancy, good luck in the future'.


  • Posts: 25083
Re: My recent experience with employing
« Reply #39 on: August 07, 2021, 11:38:36 am »
Jay, have you tried any distraction tricks while working? Listening to books or learning a language?
It's a game of three halves!