KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3929
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #200 on: February 11, 2019, 05:21:55 pm »
On a forum, if you are feeling negative, and read something someone wrote the whole context can be completely mis construde.

Arrogance or the perception of it is irrelivent if you want to grow your business. Lee isn't trying to win a populartiy contest, he is showing us how we can improve our businesses, and communicating that, that's all, if you find it arrogant, so what..either try to learn from some of the things he has done or carry on as you are, he doesn't care and neither do we if you wanna be a cry baby...boo hoo.

I have met lee, he is an easy to chat with, down to earth bloke.

I'm looking forward to the channel lee, it's refreshing to see someone who is business focused, not soneone who is consumer led with buying the best brush, or thinnest hose.
Cleaniac calling others cry babies 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂  that’s brilliant coming from someone who spat the dummy and left the forum not so long ago.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #201 on: February 11, 2019, 05:22:55 pm »
On a forum, if you are feeling negative,

How is trying to be a decent person who cares about others rather than being an arrogant individual who sounds so focused on his business that I would hate to be part of his family, negative???

I would have thought it was the opposite.

Your getting rather personal there don't you think. Remember as I said before you have never met me and don't know me. Try to keep that in mind mate, all you do know is what you read here and starting to talk about my family is stepping a bit far in the wrong direction. I find what you just did there repulsive so I guess now we are even. Better just draw the line under that.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #202 on: February 11, 2019, 05:41:27 pm »
Also john boy

As you dont seem to be able to read between the lines of what I said let me spell out the context you seem to have missed. Dry clean argued a case that there is no money at this level. My rant post about cars holidays ect was in no way intended to belittle anyone. I was simply pointing out to dry clean in what was meant to be a tongue in cheek bit of humour that I must be making some money in order to keep doing these things in life. For some reason you were repulsed, but I bet there were others that read that and laughed and others that read that and were inspired a bit or entertained. If you are replused by me then why get involved at all.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.


Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #203 on: February 11, 2019, 05:47:01 pm »
On a forum, if you are feeling negative, and read something someone wrote the whole context can be completely mis construde.

Arrogance or the perception of it is irrelivent if you want to grow your business. Lee isn't trying to win a populartiy contest, he is showing us how we can improve our businesses, and communicating that, that's all, if you find it arrogant, so what..either try to learn from some of the things he has done or carry on as you are, he doesn't care and neither do we if you wanna be a cry baby...boo hoo.

I have met lee, he is an easy to chat with, down to earth bloke.

I'm looking forward to the channel lee, it's refreshing to see someone who is business focused, not soneone who is consumer led with buying the best brush, or thinnest hose.
Cleaniac calling others cry babies 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂  that’s brilliant coming from someone who spat the dummy and left the forum not so long ago.

Yeah I did.

I acted foolishly.

So what?

We learn from our mistakes and move on.


  • Posts: 1628
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #204 on: February 11, 2019, 05:49:47 pm »
Also john boy

As you dont seem to be able to read between the lines of what I said let me spell out the context you seem to have missed. Dry clean argued a case that there is no money at this level. My rant post about cars holidays ect was in no way intended to belittle anyone. I was simply pointing out to dry clean in what was meant to be a tongue in cheek bit of humour that I must be making some money in order to keep doing these things in life. For some reason you were repulsed, but I bet there were others that read that and laughed and others that read that and were inspired a bit or entertained. If you are replused by me then why get involved at all.

I read it and thought what a K.n.o.b ! It all sounds a little bit too desperate from you Lee, I'm begining to question your level of "success" recently. Just how much is fact Vs BS! You are desperate to be "somebody" that's for sure, I just find it a little sad that your audience are strangers on the internet!
Comfortably Numb!

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2124
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #205 on: February 11, 2019, 06:00:44 pm »
This forum is now up there along side kindergarden and the house of commons.   ;D
Claim your 50% off your mobile payment card reader with Sum Up.  http://fbuy.me/f7Ve3

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #206 on: February 11, 2019, 06:02:14 pm »
I find it sad that its always the same few here like you that pump the forum with negative energy. Not really sure what you gain from doing that?  It really makes no difference to me what you believe or think. You see to me your just another hater that like the others hides behind a fake name.

I think if you and maybe 3-5 others were removed it would be a more posetive place. Because of you and others people on here just watch from the sidelines and dont get involved, those people could be helping a lot but dont because of crap being thrown at them like this.

In a strange way people like you inspire me. Your exactly what I dont want to be and it really does make me even more focused on achieving my goals in business.

Haha as for believing me or not. Everyone here knows my name, my business name, where I am, our website. Ive done videos filming the computer screen showing figures proving what im talking about. I would argue im the most transparant person on here. Who the f..k are you? A hater that hides behind a fake name.  lol or is your name actually peavey wolfgang? If so you were almost certainly bullied at school which might account for all the bitter attitude.

Come on hater, humour me..... go on, tell us your real name, business name, address, website.... Nah of course you wont. Perhaps until you do you should stick to threads that talk about things like brushes and poles.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #207 on: February 11, 2019, 06:07:31 pm »
Also john boy

As you dont seem to be able to read between the lines of what I said let me spell out the context you seem to have missed. Dry clean argued a case that there is no money at this level. My rant post about cars holidays ect was in no way intended to belittle anyone. I was simply pointing out to dry clean in what was meant to be a tongue in cheek bit of humour that I must be making some money in order to keep doing these things in life. For some reason you were repulsed, but I bet there were others that read that and laughed and others that read that and were inspired a bit or entertained. If you are replused by me then why get involved at all.

I read it and thought what a K.n.o.b ! It all sounds a little bit too desperate from you Lee, I'm begining to question your level of "success" recently. Just how much is fact Vs BS! You are desperate to be "somebody" that's for sure, I just find it a little sad that your audience are strangers on the internet!
I think for some Lee is inspirational and actually has provided a marketing blueprint for anyone to follow. He’s even shared his mistakes like TV advertising, or was it radio so others don’t make them. He is prickly on here, but let’s be honest most people are.

Personally I wouldn’t sell my house and some of the things he did verge on the grandiose, but you can’t deny he’s (whether deliberate or not ) helped quite a few, including me.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #208 on: February 11, 2019, 06:12:57 pm »
ok im back in, sorry couldnt resist.

"nothing adds up"

Well then how do we live, how do we continue to grow? Whos paying for the holidays and nice cars and so on? Where's that money coming from? Thin air?

Could spend all day here going through it and you still just wont get it.

Lets remind everyone of a clear fact. I have been the one man band, I started trad from nothing, I have been at every stage from there to here. You have not. So when you with no experience at all of anything past the point you are at right now, come on here saying it doesn't add up, you have literally no idea of what you are talking about.

You would be lucky to be  left with £150k a year and your wibbling on about working for free to bankrupt an x employee like you're the JR of window cleaning, you don't need a business degree to see through this sort of BS.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #209 on: February 11, 2019, 06:17:34 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!
If this is what money does to you, no thanks, I’d rather be skint!

Try to see the fact im having a laugh mate. Of course if you want to be skint then good for you, enjoy that.

NO one wants me to be skint,
Just  not rich and big headed
Arrogance is not a positive attribute 😱

Arrogant people don't need the constant validation of others to feel good about themselves, its lack of self worth that drives both 8 weekly and Lee to constantly brag about their achievements, its also why they take it so personally when anybody dares to question them.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #210 on: February 11, 2019, 06:32:53 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!
If this is what money does to you, no thanks, I’d rather be skint!

Try to see the fact im having a laugh mate. Of course if you want to be skint then good for you, enjoy that.

NO one wants me to be skint,
Just  not rich and big headed
Arrogance is not a positive attribute 😱

Arrogant people don't need the constant validation of others to feel good about themselves, its lack of self worth that drives both 8 weekly and Lee to constantly brag about their achievements, its also why they take it so personally when anybody dares to question them.
Oh dear Sean. You were good for so long. Stick to Vision. You know it makes sense.   ;D


  • Posts: 1628
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #211 on: February 11, 2019, 06:47:22 pm »
I find it sad that its always the same few here like you that pump the forum with negative energy. Not really sure what you gain from doing that?  It really makes no difference to me what you believe or think. You see to me your just another hater that like the others hides behind a fake name.

I think if you and maybe 3-5 others were removed it would be a more posetive place. Because of you and others people on here just watch from the sidelines and dont get involved, those people could be helping a lot but dont because of crap being thrown at them like this.

In a strange way people like you inspire me. Your exactly what I dont want to be and it really does make me even more focused on achieving my goals in business.

Haha as for believing me or not. Everyone here knows my name, my business name, where I am, our website. Ive done videos filming the computer screen showing figures proving what im talking about. I would argue im the most transparant person on here. Who the f..k are you? A hater that hides behind a fake name.  lol or is your name actually peavey wolfgang? If so you were almost certainly bullied at school which might account for all the bitter attitude.

Come on hater, humour me..... go on, tell us your real name, business name, address, website.... Nah of course you wont. Perhaps until you do you should stick to threads that talk about things like brushes and poles.

Not at all predictable that you pull the "hater" card ::)roll

Why on earth would I spill my personal details to strangers on the tinterweb? I don't need cyber strangers to massage my ego, It's very poor taste IMO and thus best left for the desperados around here.
You're a very aggressive person- the vast majority of your online reviews also confirm this. The minute you don't get your "ego fix" you belittle people and resort to aggression.

"When you are dead you feel nothing, it's all the others that suffer. It's the same when you're an idiot! "::)roll
Comfortably Numb!


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #212 on: February 11, 2019, 06:49:11 pm »
Your wrong mate, you have to be a bit arrogant/confident/mad to push forward to higher levels. Those traits can be good things. Lets also not forget you don't know me, have never met me, and your only experience of me is on this forum. Perhaps Im a certain way in business and totally different in my personal life. You don't know do you., because you don't know me. I do what I have to do in order to get the job done and reach the goals I aspire to. If along the way faceless strangers and haters think im arrogant then good, Im glad you do.

I honestly can’t fathom why you bother to post on here.
You certainly seemed to have achieved a level of success most of us envy, but not necessarily want to work so hard for or want to risk everything you did to emulate
You’ve spent time today replying to comments, to fight you corner, why?

If I’m charitable, you post your success stories to encourage others but then if anybody challenges or takes the micky you become argumentative. That’s fine, it’s your right. To me it just makes you the same as the one man band as your more prepared to try and mix it rather than rise above.
Your business profile
I once wrote that you had made a stupid comment on a thread you had commented on. Immediately you took it as I had called you stupid and changed your plans with a day or two to go, to attend the show where I could say it to your face.
See what I mean?

Your YouTube channel will serve you well, those who enjoy your success will follow, comment and encourage. The haters, fiss takers and everyone will either take no notice or you can ban them!
Written in spirit please note I haven’t called you fat or stupid. You stupid fattie. 😁


Actually Tony I was disappointed to not meet you at the show. I would have enjoyed chatting with you over a beer there. I think most people here would be surprised about what im really like in person.

My youtube channel will be aimed at people in our industry who are either a 1 man band who want to aspire to more or for companies that already have maybe 2/3 vans on the road and are finding it hard to get beyond that.  The goal of the channel will be to inspire others, share my experiences and also help me connect with like minded people. A bit like on here there are youtube channels with window cleaners already but they are mostly one man bands and don't have the experience I do. My videos will not be about how to clean a window or the latest brush. I will assume people watching already have moved past that point and I will be dealing with the bigger issues of running a business rather than being a window cleaner.

I know i had my fair share of disbelieve in the past when u first mentioned your plans and im man enough to apologise as clearly you have worked hard and achieved a good empire of work.
I personally look forward to the u tube chamnel, not particularly because i want to expand to that extent but because i find it interesting and it also expires to keep pushing and it shows with the right mental attitude what you can achieve with a window cleaning business.
Beats watching vids (haha and yes ive done some about brushes etc to help newbies) on brushes or go cardless or how to mix the right dilution of soap to the water on trad.   Its one reason why i dont do vlogs on these topics as they have been done to death (and yes (others reading) i get video requests) so yep, be interesting to see the vids

chris turner

  • Posts: 1488
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #213 on: February 11, 2019, 06:49:45 pm »

Mod note: Post removed. Similar will result in a ban.


  • Posts: 23852
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #214 on: February 11, 2019, 07:01:13 pm »
Also john boy

As you dont seem to be able to read between the lines of what I said let me spell out the context you seem to have missed. Dry clean argued a case that there is no money at this level. My rant post about cars holidays ect was in no way intended to belittle anyone. I was simply pointing out to dry clean in what was meant to be a tongue in cheek bit of humour that I must be making some money in order to keep doing these things in life. For some reason you were repulsed, but I bet there were others that read that and laughed and others that read that and were inspired a bit or entertained. If you are replused by me then why get involved at all.

cmon lee!you know sean(dry clean)by now...he s a wind up merchant and you fall for it every time....jonboywalton is another......

at the end of the day your providing lads with employment,everybody is making money and a half decent living.....it should be applauded....

we cant all be sole traders!(although im very happy to be one :))....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #215 on: February 11, 2019, 07:08:49 pm »
Right, 😂😂 ive caught up to the end of the thread now i think.
One thing which, to me seems clear, that some are not happy with themselves or their own achievements. Why do i say this? The answer is simple!  When anybody comes on this forum and say what they are able to achieve, because they are not able to do so or have no intention to do so, then they feel strongly to belittle or disprove your claims.
In this case with Lee, if you truly are happy with your business then you will see Lees' posts for what they.  However if you are not and have an inferior complex going on, then Lees' posts (and others) are hurtful or boasting and you want him to stop or apologise for the way in which you interpret them.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #216 on: February 11, 2019, 07:15:35 pm »
Also john boy

As you dont seem to be able to read between the lines of what I said let me spell out the context you seem to have missed. Dry clean argued a case that there is no money at this level. My rant post about cars holidays ect was in no way intended to belittle anyone. I was simply pointing out to dry clean in what was meant to be a tongue in cheek bit of humour that I must be making some money in order to keep doing these things in life. For some reason you were repulsed, but I bet there were others that read that and laughed and others that read that and were inspired a bit or entertained. If you are replused by me then why get involved at all.

cmon lee!you know sean(dry clean)by now...he s a wind up merchant and you fall for it every time....jonboywalton is another......

at the end of the day your providing lads with employment,everybody is making money and a half decent living.....it should be applauded....

we cant all be sole traders!(although im very happy to be one :))....

Dazmond  I never said Lee wasn't making any money infect I made it quite clear that what he's making is not to be laughed at,
what I did question was the selling of his home and all the time and effort worth the end result, which would be a good debate amongst the right people, that said when it comes to Lee I did realise the question would result in a hissy fit so some badness on my part. lol


  • Posts: 8146
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #217 on: February 11, 2019, 07:29:33 pm »


  • Posts: 2214
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #218 on: February 11, 2019, 07:41:35 pm »
Lee, the comment I made about family was not having any sort of go at anyone of YOUR family at all.
What I was meaning was, the way you address people at times with a lack of respect, I wouldn't want to be that close to you, to be subjected to that sort of talk on a regular basis
It was about YOU not you're family.

Also Daz, you're right I am a wind up merchant some of the time, but on this topic I'm being totally serious.

What Lee has done business wise is impressive, but a bit of humility is always nice, don't you think.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #219 on: February 11, 2019, 07:49:57 pm »

Mod note: Original post removed

Now now chris.

Not sure wether to laugh or wonder why you know about videos like this one!
The best way to predict the future is to create it.