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Web site, almost.
« on: November 26, 2006, 02:10:36 pm »
Finally or almost finally I have finished my web site so have put it on here to find out peoples opinions. All comments welcome especially the negative ones. There are a few spelling mistakes and I have to change a couple of images before it goes public so to speak. So to save a few posts again I know of the spelling mistakes. I also know it says a lot but that was the idea. Lastly I know the title is long winded but I thought wrongly so that I would be able to change it. Next year I will condense it somehow. Best, Dave...

matt jones

  • Posts: 411
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 02:41:34 pm »
Dave, how did you go about getting work for all those famous people listed on your site i read that you did some work for celeb's etc but didn't relise it was that many lol. Sorry abit off topic i know i was just surprised thats all  :)


  • Posts: 3688
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 02:44:36 pm »
Looks good Dave. The only bits that aren't very user friendly are the bits you've already mentioned.

Good luck with the site



  • Posts: 660
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2006, 03:09:45 pm »
Dave it's looking good, I like the way the name is used consistently throughout, but on a negative note sorry but I dont think the front page is up to much, I understand the presence of your site is for info and not realy designed to be working hi in the search engines but I still think first impressions count but thats omo but still looks very professional

all the best
W -
E -

Kind regards James C


Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 03:21:30 pm »
James, sorry I should have said. The whole front page is to be changed. But hey, comment on how you feel as that is what I asked for. Matt, its no great secret. I target designers and very high end suppliers, be that for carpet, rugs or any type of fabric. I also targeted Studios (entertainment) and got many clients from them too. Best, Dave.


  • Posts: 1899
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2006, 05:45:48 pm »

I got bored reading it all.

Perhaps a different layout with short bullet paragraphs.

Sorry can be more positive but I do understand you market is not mine.


PS. do all those celebs live in England?


Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2006, 06:40:27 pm »
Mark, dont apologise mate, this is why I posted it. I understand being bored but is that cos you know most of the info or is it boring. My theory is if those reading it dont know what it is I am writing about then maybe its not boring but point taken. Also the website is for designers to read on the whole so it really needs to be that much info. Most of the clients, the individuals, have properties in this country as well as other countries. By having them as clients in the states they were happy for me to continue maintaining their properties both in the states and also over here in the U.K. I also travel into mainland Europe where they also have properties. In direct answer as to where they or some of them live would to be in anyone of the countries they have properties in. In one case for one customer that would be anyone of 7 countries and 28 properties...... Best, Dave.

Steve Chapman

  • Posts: 1743
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2006, 06:46:36 pm »
I can understand the need for lots of info, but i think the way it's set out makes it hard on the eyes, esp as colours and text are similar colours.

Maybe if the text was set in different style boxes or frames it wouldn't look like an essay but be more appealing.

Whether you're celeb or not I'm not sure you would read the entire piece, it just looks too much in one go, on each page.



Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2006, 06:54:41 pm »

Certainly it's fine for what you intend Dave, info to potential clients already referred by Designers etc.

 Just wondered whether, while very impressive, the 'star client' list might break some confidentiality or at least put some of them out a bit. Talking about the work you have done for these people is slightly different than broadcasting it to the world. Just a thought.

I am now a fan of long copy over bullet points and white space, so long as it keeps them reading it's way better. I didn't believe this until I found out how it works and saw the results.



Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2006, 06:56:37 pm »
hi Dave,

very posh mate!,

i would say the domain names bit long though, i mean to give out over telephone when nessacary, as opposed to being given on your literature,



Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2006, 07:11:25 pm »
Mike. If I mention anyone by name or company it is because I have their permission to do so. That is why it is such a small list as most of the clients I work for have me sign a disclosure so obviously cant list them. Steve, point taken but the idea is that the people looking at the website are indeed there to read all I have to say. They havent come across the site by accident and accordingly my theory is that the site wont be found by any search engines by mentioning carpet cleaning or such! Best, Dave.


  • Posts: 96
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2006, 07:40:36 pm »
Yes your phone number wants to be alot bigger on every page.
I had a paying customer tell me that she found it difficult to find my contact detail's, and gave me the same advice.


  • Posts: 3688
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2006, 09:30:07 pm »
They havent come across the site by accident and accordingly my theory is that the site wont be found by any search engines by mentioning carpet cleaning or such! Best, Dave.

Can you explain this bit Dave, it's got me a bit puzzled


Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2006, 12:06:06 am »
Art, sorry for the confusion. If you typed in bbc cleaning or similar then the site would come up as there arent many bbc cleanings. However if you typed in anything to do with our business it should never come up. The people I want to see it are by my choice or associates I deal with's choice. This way I am asked when can I do as opposed to how much do I charge to do. For example I live near Bristol so if someone typed in carpet cleaners in Bristol then it would be craigp's site coming up and not mine, ever. I am trying to narrow it down that I dont get looky loos phoning me up. My theory is too that although there is a lot of writing in the site, those who take the trouble to read it all would realize that I dont clean "stuff" for 2 or 300 quid and then they would chose for me. If they didnt call then thats fine cos they arent the clients that I want but if they did call I know they would want what it is I have to offer. This is or has been in the past why I get 100% of the people who phone me. I dont expect 100% from this website although it would be nice but again I am hoping the way it is written will narrow down the people who will phone. I am not after 10 jobs at £200 I am after 1 job at £2000. This way I hope to achieve it. Hope this helps, best, Dave.


  • Posts: 3688
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2006, 12:12:35 am »
I see what your getting at now Dave. So it's just for reference and to enhance your image to some of your clients and there referals?
Why don't you submit it to search engines etc. as is the norm and state on the site that you only cater for the high end of the market?


Mark Stanley

  • Posts: 237
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2006, 08:34:29 am »
Wish I had one. Let alone that good.

Nice One.



Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2006, 09:03:44 am »
Art, because the high end of the market on the whole dont waste their time on computers looking for anything. They have their "people" do that and that is who I market too. From my experience which granted is limited to about 13 years the better designers and therfore clients dont look for people who advertise. Its the theory of "why do you need to advertise"? Best, Dave.


  • Posts: 1069
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2006, 10:20:43 am »
I know its unfinished and you have more to add but make sure you get someone (other than yourself) to proof read before you put it out.

A bit of general information;

A web site has to be attractive to visitors if you want the all important repeat 'visits' which means it can not be neglected and has to be constantly updated with bulletins and monthly newsletters providing interesting content, (not necessarily, always on carpet cleaning).

It's not hits that count but visits this is often compared to having a shop and getting potential clients to  come in and browse as opposed to looking in the window and moving on.We can get 'hits in the tens of thousands and visits in the thousands each month.

With regards to your web site there are one or two areas I think you need to look at again, for example you list 'Prices' which when clicked goes on to explain they do not give prices, well why have it there then? this is an immediate let down to the visitor who will in all probabilty click and move on at that stage.

Its clear the target you are aiming at and your list of clients is impressive by any standards but the I feel the content lets the quality that you are trying to put across down some what (again this where proof reading come in),I think this is why some of the above say they got bored reading it as visitors will do I'm afraid :(

Its very important to note that visitors will read a awfull lot of content and info 'So long as its interesting' and relevent to them, some others will just go direct to the page that interests them, then leave hopefully to return another time.

Hyperlinks in content are important as it means that highlighted areas that you want the visitor to read are easily skipped to with just one click making it easy for them to navigate through out your site and 'ease' of use is what its all about as one hold up such as 'click to enter' and many if not most move on.Harsh I know but its true as no doubt you have done yourself when surfing the net.

That said I hope I am not coming across as too critical as that is not my intention.The  site is coming along fine and with a few tweeks here and there I am sure will be an impressive site for your clients to visit.


  • Posts: 980
Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2006, 10:33:54 am »
I'm Impressed it's pretty hefty!!   ;)


Re: Web site, almost.
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2006, 10:47:58 am »
Woodman, dont apologise, the whole idea of putting this on here was to get it critiqued....... I know what you mean but apart from looking at other cleaners web sites I dont surf the net. If I need something I usually know who to go for, or as the saying goes....I know a man who does. I take on board about the pricing comment but the idea was to inform them if anything I was going to be more expensive than the next person. If they move on as you have suggested that is fine as it meant it scared them off. Thats the idea. I understand I might be shooting myself in the foot but again one or two jobs at a couple of grand is maybe worth losing those who are frightened off. Again thankyou for your comments though. I will of course keep you informed of how it does. Best, Dave.