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waterless car cleaning
« on: March 19, 2004, 10:34:25 pm »
;) why are we still cleaning cars etc the same way as 40 years ago, water is no longer the way, we are in the 21st century and as usual the americans have left us miles behind.

this is not advertising as the company whose web site i say look at will not accept any work, but view www.blueplanetvaleting.com to see the future.

i am not a valeter, just a woman who demos but these guys are the business and what they dont know about valeting you could get on a stamp.



Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2004, 11:22:56 pm »
I sometimes use my Water Fed Pole to wash my car ( got a wicked 2ft Pole now ), no cleaning the water off after just leave to dry. Comes up sooo good had a few people stop and ask how much i charge. Might look into it with pure water cos it dont half look good after.



Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2004, 05:10:41 pm »
no- water-no wet    Most of the good american detailers slate waterless valeting  because it`s a coating not a protective if you do your research you will find that out,it`s not a big thing over there to the detailers in the know, they just rubbish it

Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2004, 08:55:07 pm »
Sorry James
But your wrong there, no-wet is not like the other products dri guard etc, it contains caranuba wax and kaolin clay amonst other things and as been approved by all the major paint manufactures worldwide. it is not a glaze but a high class polish and my research is based on my visits to the states. you might also be interested to know that in the uk there are jaguar dealers and merc as well as lexus dealers to name just a few who have endorsed it and are using it.
no- water-no wet    Most of the good american detailers slate waterless valeting  because it`s a coating not a protective if you do your research you will find that out,it`s not a big thing over there to the detailers in the know, they just rubbish it


Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2004, 01:28:11 am »
same stuff different name sorry!

Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2004, 07:54:02 pm »
so what you are saying is that all the experienced valeters in these prestige showrooms are wrong in their choice and that the five valeters i know with over 30 years service between them are also wrong in choosing it. i think we should agree to disagree, before we do that i assume you have put the no-wet through its paces.



Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2004, 08:30:10 pm »
yes i have had a sample as i say i found it same as dri wash even the bottles look the same,each having 17 different ingerdients each to our own i suppose.


Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2004, 10:20:27 pm »
???HI James

have just come on board and caught yours and no wets running battle,  well thats what it looks like to me.

i dont think you have tried the no wet product, and are confusing it with dri-wash or similar, no wet from when i have used it is nothing like the others.

the dri guard lists over 64 ingredients not 17 and the bottles are nothing like each other nor the smell.

everyone to their own i agree, i have many years experience in the game and you cant stop the future, yes there are a lot of bad waterless products as there is normal polish, but no wet is top class, and americans only slate most of them because they want to stick to the cheap crap and water.


  • Posts: 576
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2004, 05:22:17 am »
Sorry for butting in here and not being experienced at all in this field, but reading the above, I have to ask the question, "what exactly is wrong with cheap crap and water"? It seems to have worked and proved itself for many years and I suspect much longer then any expensive modern crap.

My point is if there is a modern product as you say that offers a real economical or viable benefit then that’s evolution, great.

However lets keep it in perspective, as there has to be a reason why people still want to use or revert back to water and cheap crap. After all it still keeps many millions of people gainfully employed across all fields, can they still all be wrong?

Just another point of view, that’s all and please remember that anti ageing cream has a vast number of ingredients as well, but it has never managed to stop my wife looking older every single day.   :(

Ps. does your stuff work on people by any chance?  ;)
Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!

Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2004, 08:32:02 pm »
hi DP

leaving out the argument what is better, the main point of waterless products being produced was because some states in the U.S.A banned car washing to preserve water stocks.

if every one stopped to think the average amount of water being wasted is something like 80/90 litres using a pressure washer and even worse change that to gallons with a hose pipe then you get the idea.

Now put those figures in to the mix with thousands upon thousands of car dealers washing cars daily you will soon realise what we are wasting. Now thats not the main reason why council car parks are now canceling contracts with the car washers, it,s because that cheap rubbish like wash n wax and the like are filtering down into rivers and waterways causing toxins to damage wildlife and worse it is contaminating our own water source which is costing more and more to clean .
here is some food for thought for everyone, less than one per cent of the total water on this planet is fit for human consumption and we are wasting it on car cleaning, thats why i became a waterless supplier.
Thank you jb valet  for your input on no_wet and if you contact me i can now supply you instead of you having to get delivery from Scotland.

Love to you all even you James


  • Posts: 576
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2004, 10:01:43 pm »
A very noble and worthy cry in the dark, and I take my hat off to you for your morality on this subject especially if you can make money from it.

However there is non so more convincing then the evangelist particularly when they can earn from it, so with this incredible commitment to saving the planet, I take it that socialising for you must be difficult in light of no baths, or clean cloths, carpets, windows etc etc.

I think you will find that all production of any product puts a strain on the planet and many of the professed eco friendly chemicals actually more strain then most by vertue of their natural product requirements and levels of concentration to be able to work.

So spread the word by all means, but you get nothing for nothing so lets not be too keen on the subject, as I often find the formula of:

Planetary views +
Available Product +
Source of income        = Commercial Bull !

Glad to see you have forgiven James I’m sure he will sleep better now. Looks like I’m doomed though, what will I do with those wide awake nights FOX where are you!!  ;)

Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!


  • Posts: 824
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2004, 10:59:35 pm »

I'm still about you just wore me out!!!!! Kept me up all night last time - was good though   ;D ;)

As for the waterless thing whether my opinion means anything or not I don't care - going to give it anyway!!

My Dad worked at the sewage works for over 30 yrs (basically brought up there lol!) and I don't think any of you on here have a clue what goes on at a water treatment plant.  The last thing to worry about are the 'cheap chemicals' that may end up in the water system, yes they don't help but I think you will find now days they have to be environmently safe.

I must say that I do agree with DP and James using the fact that things are 'environmentally safe' you are selling an idea not your product, does it really help? (in short scaremainering if you ask me). Does it really make the world a safer place? Ummm - no but it makes you money!!!!!  

Yes we all need to look after the environment but surely this can be done on an every day basis without putting other methods through the mill and not thoroughly investigating them.

For me - car wash - hose pipe and 'cheap cleaner' anyday.


Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2004, 12:37:21 pm »
To water or not to water surely depends on preference.
Our Autobella waterless products are cleaning 1000´s of cars per day as I am sure are  other valeting methods.
The Waterless system opens up areas of business which is not convenient for water based cleaning. I.e in sites with poor drainage or where there are not chemical traps etc.
Some people prefer waterless to water and vice versa.
I think the individual is quite capable of assessing which product works for them and they also quite capable of determining which product suits there needs.
There are a number of products available which satisfies a number of applications and with any business whether its window cleaning or car cleaning the individual will determine for themselves which is best. Advice is always usefull when it is qualified.
All I know from this forum is that the majority of the regular participants are nothing but tyre kickers, a waste of time and effort. I have no time for you.
You beg for samples, and then when you receive them you don’t have the courtesy to comment, good or bad.
I am pleased there is an alternative to this site! It may well turn out as this one has but at the moment it’s a refreshing change.
I do wish you all the best but I think the word anorak was invented for most of you.
Signing off permanently.


  • Posts: 129
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2004, 05:05:52 pm »
hahahahah! ;D ;D ;D
Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire.
"A Local Company with a Passion for Exceeding Expectations"


Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2004, 05:06:51 pm »
Don`t   Rush Back


  • Posts: 824
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2004, 06:24:19 pm »
Talk about throwing your toys out of your pram!  :P


  • Posts: 576
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2004, 01:04:51 am »
Sorry Mr Waterless but I think they only want professionals over there, so using comments like that might get you booted off, but then again maybe they wont !!!!!!!!!!
Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!


  • Posts: 249
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2004, 10:40:12 am »
Well I'm going to defend Waterless and NWNW and if you don't like it - tough!

Gary from Waterless was one of the earlier members of this forum and his advice has always been technically sound, constructive and helpful - what more do you want from the guy?!

Free samples - apparently!

I have seen several posts from people asking for them, and assuming that they were sent, there has never been any word of thanks or comment upon their performance.

To me it is professional courtesy to at least acknowledge the sample and to pass comment on how well/badly it performed for us all to see.

OK, at times his posts were a little annoying as the mention of his products was getting a bit repetitive BUT people had a problem that he had the solution to. Isn't that what you were asking for?

Now to NWNW.

With respect DP a dig on someone's cleanliness is just a bit too personal for my liking, whether tongue in cheek or not.

The comments about the manufacture of eco-friendly products putting a greater strain on the planets resources is a huge generalisation and I would be interested to see the sources of your information to back up your comments.

Even assuming that you do have that information, can I ask if you have researched the products that NWNW uses?

As far as an evangelical approach goes, I think it's great that somebody can feel so strongly about their products or services. If I had the choice of buying from someone who was enthusiastic about their product, who really believed in it, or from someone who was a lot more laid back and uncommitted I would certainly go for the former.

I took am a hard nosed cynic, but I do try to see the best in people and the insinuation that NWNW is promoting these products through the Commercial BS route is, I feel, a little wide of the mark.

One thing I have learned from life is that there are two types of people - those that say they are going to do something, and those that actually do it.

We can all sit back and wait for other people to do their bit for the planet, or we can get off our backsides and do it ourselves.

Gary, for one I'm sorry to see you go, and Lyn keep flying the flag, I hope you are successful - I'm sure you will be.

Success is where hard work meets opportunity!

Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2004, 09:08:46 pm »
thank you music man, i already have several good customers and have three main dealers who want me to come and demonstrate the product for them.

for all those valeters and future valeters out there a word of advice, don,t pay over the odds for your supplies.

i don,t sell anything except my product but know the prices of items such as carpet cleaner, wash n wax etc can differ by as much as 200%, i do know of a supplier who is very good on prices and his products are very good. He lives in Hampshire area and covers areas bordering it, if any one wants his number.


Len Gribble

  • Posts: 5106
Re: waterless car cleaning
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2004, 09:35:48 pm »

You get my vote

Lyn keep at it

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. (Sidcup Kent)