Don't spunk 6k that's for the pro outfits not a starter.
It's slow to start will take you a while to build up doesn't come as fast as you hope.
Many windiest start and sell up 6 months down the line.
1. A RO system (in shed or garage etc) cost about 500)
2. Custom van system ( tank £300, hosereel and hose £100, pump and controller with battery £150, pole get a 30ft to start a decent ish one £400.
3. Practice, trad and wfp on your own house, family and friends until your hands bleed.
4. Get some leaflets done, don't order 10,000 to Start!!!!!! As a month in you will want to change the design.
5. Get your shoes on and door knock and leaflet drop. You should be coming home knackered everyday 10 hour days, don't skip on it. Hard work.
6. Get a website and buzz page on FB. (Don't waste money on paying for a website use wix or similar.
7. Get a polo with logo etc on it.
8. It will start slow. And I mean slow. You will give out leaflets some mornings and nobody will get back to you.
9. Go for 8 weekly, slow to build however more customers, charge more, crusty happy to see you every other month.
10. At the start you will price too low, whatever price you think add a few pound onto it. You shouldn't get every job you quote for..means your too cheap.
11. Customers are vultures, they will mess you about, not pay you, treat you like scum. Find the good ones and don't even bother with the scum. Don't let them grind you down.
12. Don't bother with adwords, big paid for leaflet drops at the start.
13. Don't think in a month trading you will be making 200 pound a day, trust me you will not.
14. Don't believe what everybody says on this forum, people saying they make that sort of money everyday, you don't and won't.
15. Don't even think about commercial, get a good residential round first.
16. You add ons will come from your windy customers,
Steep learning curve it is bud, best of look to you. Don't be a fool and waste a big load of cash before have even cleaned a window. Window cleaning suppliers make a fortune out of new startups. You can do it ALL the same for a lot less.
And remember the customer is NEVER RIGHT!!!!!!!