Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #240 on: February 12, 2019, 12:06:02 pm »
lol you lot need to start aiming a bit higher!

If I go to the reports page of cleaner planner and select revenue by user and select the date 1st jan 18 to 31st dec 18 here is what I see.

So not all of my team (10 cleaners) were with me for all of 2018 but from the ones that were here are their totals for the year. I will also say my staff all get 20 days paid holiday and all bank holidays off paid.

Andy £78,368
Chris £76,070
Danny £65,848
Dean £83,248
Luke £60,728 (he also had a month off extra when his wife was very sick)
Mike £74,623
Tom £72,660

Is there vat in that?
If not, that’s very impressive.
Hard workers.

Good point, I didn't  included the VAT when going over his costs.
Employee, average  £80k x 10 employees on tools.
VAT £16000 per employee.
Employee wages and costs £35k, reduced to stop crying
That leaves  £29k per employee times 10  £290k to cover vans, tools, premises and costs, business rates and water charges, marketing , 1 office staff  1 office manager, his wages, the list goes on.
Talk about a house of cards.
A “house of cards” that provides full time employment for 13/14 people.   ::)roll

How many people did BHS employ ? I will repeat one of Tosh's replies to you, its like you don't know how to think.


  • Posts: 6078
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #241 on: February 12, 2019, 12:15:34 pm »
i still cant get my head around one person being able to earn £70k a year window cleaning!they must be working full time and cleaning very good priced work.....i couldnt work full time anymore...i havent got the stomach for it.....

you must get hammered for tax though.......

I think it would be piece of p at Southern prices.

Arnt they getting £20 or more for a semi?

Don't know own about you but 20 -25 jobs a day 9-3 isnt too difficult for me. If my average price was £20 rather than £12 I think I could hit the VAT threshold without too much difficulty


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #242 on: February 12, 2019, 12:32:09 pm »
I’m not knocking you Lee it can be done but as you’ve done it you do need cash behind you initially,even longer road without.
You are replicating what you already have with window cleaning it’s a numbers game,I’ve always said if you have 1 £50 job there’s nothing stopping you getting another 100 jobs at £50.
You need drive a lot of it and there’s a lot of people that flatly refuse it can’t be done because they don’t have it,that’s not a criticism it’s just the way of the world.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #243 on: February 12, 2019, 12:49:29 pm »
OK I know some on here who will think I am sucking up but I do not get all this hate for lee pryor, I read post after post about window cleaners how are sick that customers think that our work is for beer money and is not a proper job then you get some one like lee that is trying to help and show what can be achieved if you know how  ::)roll ... I am a small fry just me and my sister that works in my business and I would kill to have the wage that lee gets,  Love reading his post and seeing his youtube videos
Isn't this what the forum is all about to help one another  :-\

Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, Lee Pryor tends to pull out the hater card when he cant answer a question or is called out for being foolish.

Lets be clear that because I choose not to answer a question doesnt mean that I cant answer it.

Also in your other post further down you have made the usual VAT calculation mistake which I have pointed out before in other topics. You NEVER pay 20% because you always spent on something every month. 

I think you forget ive been long past a single opperator for years and years. Clearly not a house of cards then. Many companies exist all over the uk that employ staff, I suppose the owners of those dont earn any money either.

What we have here from you and a few others is a simple case of attack something you dont understand. As I keep saying you have no experience past where you are now, I do and everything in between.

Lets put an end to this shal we.

I will finally tell you the number. I wont be breaking it down though.

If we turn over 1 million we will make 250K or 25%. Granted from a % point of view a one man band will be a lot more. As you grow so do your expenses thats just a fact of any business. Frankly I will be very happy with that for a job that by then I will be going into maybe 2 days a week!  In the world of business 25% profit is considered very good. If you think what Ive done would have only been worth it for something like 500k a year then good for you, thats just silly. When I then consider my other half earns 150k a year I think we are doing quite well with a combined household income of 400k.

Now you can speculate all you want, Im the only one that has all the facts so why waste your time. In the end as long as your happy doing what you do and im happy doing what I do thats all that really matters isnt it.

More wibble, your VAT on one million would be £200k to offset even a small amount of this, let say £40k, you would need to be spending £200k a year on equipment, keep digging.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2286
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #244 on: February 12, 2019, 12:59:11 pm »
OK I know some on here who will think I am sucking up but I do not get all this hate for lee pryor, I read post after post about window cleaners how are sick that customers think that our work is for beer money and is not a proper job then you get some one like lee that is trying to help and show what can be achieved if you know how  ::)roll ... I am a small fry just me and my sister that works in my business and I would kill to have the wage that lee gets,  Love reading his post and seeing his youtube videos
Isn't this what the forum is all about to help one another  :-\

Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, Lee Pryor tends to pull out the hater card when he cant answer a question or is called out for being foolish.

Lets be clear that because I choose not to answer a question doesnt mean that I cant answer it.

Also in your other post further down you have made the usual VAT calculation mistake which I have pointed out before in other topics. You NEVER pay 20% because you always spent on something every month. 

I think you forget ive been long past a single opperator for years and years. Clearly not a house of cards then. Many companies exist all over the uk that employ staff, I suppose the owners of those dont earn any money either.

What we have here from you and a few others is a simple case of attack something you dont understand. As I keep saying you have no experience past where you are now, I do and everything in between.

Lets put an end to this shal we.

I will finally tell you the number. I wont be breaking it down though.

If we turn over 1 million we will make 250K or 25%. Granted from a % point of view a one man band will be a lot more. As you grow so do your expenses thats just a fact of any business. Frankly I will be very happy with that for a job that by then I will be going into maybe 2 days a week!  In the world of business 25% profit is considered very good. If you think what Ive done would have only been worth it for something like 500k a year then good for you, thats just silly. When I then consider my other half earns 150k a year I think we are doing quite well with a combined household income of 400k.

Now you can speculate all you want, Im the only one that has all the facts so why waste your time. In the end as long as your happy doing what you do and im happy doing what I do thats all that really matters isnt it.

More wibble, your VAT on one million would be £200k to offset even a small amount of this, let say 40k, you would need to be spending £200k a year on equipment, keep digging.

Ah you got me. Oh well it was worth a try. Off to the job centre I go then.

You really dont know much about vat do you. Not just equipment is it, fuel, van finance and maintenence, equipment, marketing, office bills, the list is endless. Once again your lack of any real experience shows through. I expect you have never paid a vat bill and yet here you are again giving strong opinions on something you have litterally never experienced.

Dont worry guys one of my up coming videos will cover the issue of vat from someone that has paid a fair few vat bills in his time.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #245 on: February 12, 2019, 01:16:18 pm »
LOL, if his VAT knowledge is anything like yours I will give it a miss, even with all  the VAT claimable expenditure its still only going to save you peanuts on your VAT bill, the fact that you though it made a sizeable difference shows you haven't a clue.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2286
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #246 on: February 12, 2019, 01:19:13 pm »
LOL, if his VAT knowledge is anything like yours I will give it a miss, even with all  the VAT claimable expenditure its still only going to save you peanuts on your VAT bill, the fact that you  though it made a decent difference shows you haven't a clue.

You know whats really funny. You and all the haters will watch my videos just as much as anyone else. I expect you might even follow some of the advice because deep down we all know why people like you are the way you are. We all know why dont we.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #247 on: February 12, 2019, 01:23:20 pm »
I don't think you will need to rush to the job centre but with the amount of money you have invested in your business it will take you many years to break even, and for what. double what a sole trader can make in your area.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #248 on: February 12, 2019, 01:24:28 pm »
OK I know some on here who will think I am sucking up but I do not get all this hate for lee pryor, I read post after post about window cleaners how are sick that customers think that our work is for beer money and is not a proper job then you get some one like lee that is trying to help and show what can be achieved if you know how  ::)roll ... I am a small fry just me and my sister that works in my business and I would kill to have the wage that lee gets,  Love reading his post and seeing his youtube videos
Isn't this what the forum is all about to help one another  :-\

Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, Lee Pryor tends to pull out the hater card when he cant answer a question or is called out for being foolish.

Lets be clear that because I choose not to answer a question doesnt mean that I cant answer it.

Also in your other post further down you have made the usual VAT calculation mistake which I have pointed out before in other topics. You NEVER pay 20% because you always spent on something every month. 

I think you forget ive been long past a single opperator for years and years. Clearly not a house of cards then. Many companies exist all over the uk that employ staff, I suppose the owners of those dont earn any money either.

What we have here from you and a few others is a simple case of attack something you dont understand. As I keep saying you have no experience past where you are now, I do and everything in between.

Lets put an end to this shal we.

I will finally tell you the number. I wont be breaking it down though.

If we turn over 1 million we will make 250K or 25%. Granted from a % point of view a one man band will be a lot more. As you grow so do your expenses thats just a fact of any business. Frankly I will be very happy with that for a job that by then I will be going into maybe 2 days a week!  In the world of business 25% profit is considered very good. If you think what Ive done would have only been worth it for something like 500k a year then good for you, thats just silly. When I then consider my other half earns 150k a year I think we are doing quite well with a combined household income of 400k.

Now you can speculate all you want, Im the only one that has all the facts so why waste your time. In the end as long as your happy doing what you do and im happy doing what I do thats all that really matters isnt it.
For perspective, Amazon's margin is 4.1%.


  • Posts: 7743
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #249 on: February 12, 2019, 01:43:44 pm »
Lee doesn't like me, thats a fact, but I admire his courage and persistence.

Who gives a hoot what Ewan/Sean/Dry Clean think. 200K is more than he makes after tax in a decade. If I drank Id be supping G & T's in Dubai too, I'd be first in the queue.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #250 on: February 12, 2019, 01:44:14 pm »
LOL, if his VAT knowledge is anything like yours I will give it a miss, even with all  the VAT claimable expenditure its still only going to save you peanuts on your VAT bill, the fact that you  though it made a decent difference shows you haven't a clue.

You know whats really funny. You and all the haters will watch my videos just as much as anyone else. I expect you might even follow some of the advice because deep down we all know why people like you are the way you are. We all know why dont we.

Lee if theres one thing you like more than people kissing your backside its people who you think hate you and are  jealous  because of your success, If I really hated you I would ignore you not feed your ego.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #251 on: February 12, 2019, 01:46:05 pm »
Lee doesn't like me, thats a fact, but I admire his courage and persistence.

Who gives a hoot what Ewan/Sean/Dry Clean think. 200K is more than he makes after tax in a decade. If I drank Id be supping G & T's in Dubai too, I'd be first in the queue.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #252 on: February 12, 2019, 01:46:56 pm »
Lee doesn't like me, thats a fact, but I admire his courage and persistence.

Who gives a hoot what Ewan/Sean/Dry Clean think. 200K is more than he makes after tax in a decade. If I drank Id be supping G & T's in Dubai too, I'd be first in the queue.

I like the meme.


  • Posts: 1619
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #253 on: February 12, 2019, 06:55:18 pm »
Telly's a bit rubbish tonight! ;D
Comfortably Numb!


  • Posts: 9022
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #254 on: February 12, 2019, 07:14:45 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.
lee thats a down fall there for you i am affaid

,dont big up 8 weekly everyone knows hes a plo-nker ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 1083
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #255 on: February 12, 2019, 07:24:17 pm »
OK I know some on here who will think I am sucking up but I do not get all this hate for lee pryor, I read post after post about window cleaners how are sick that customers think that our work is for beer money and is not a proper job then you get some one like lee that is trying to help and show what can be achieved if you know how  ::)roll ... I am a small fry just me and my sister that works in my business and I would kill to have the wage that lee gets,  Love reading his post and seeing his youtube videos
Isn't this what the forum is all about to help one another  :-\

Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, Lee Pryor tends to pull out the hater card when he cant answer a question or is called out for being foolish.

Lets be clear that because I choose not to answer a question doesnt mean that I cant answer it.

Also in your other post further down you have made the usual VAT calculation mistake which I have pointed out before in other topics. You NEVER pay 20% because you always spent on something every month. 

I think you forget ive been long past a single opperator for years and years. Clearly not a house of cards then. Many companies exist all over the uk that employ staff, I suppose the owners of those dont earn any money either.

What we have here from you and a few others is a simple case of attack something you dont understand. As I keep saying you have no experience past where you are now, I do and everything in between.

Lets put an end to this shal we.

I will finally tell you the number. I wont be breaking it down though.

If we turn over 1 million we will make 250K or 25%. Granted from a % point of view a one man band will be a lot more. As you grow so do your expenses thats just a fact of any business. Frankly I will be very happy with that for a job that by then I will be going into maybe 2 days a week!  In the world of business 25% profit is considered very good. If you think what Ive done would have only been worth it for something like 500k a year then good for you, thats just silly. When I then consider my other half earns 150k a year I think we are doing quite well with a combined household income of 400k.

Now you can speculate all you want, Im the only one that has all the facts so why waste your time. In the end as long as your happy doing what you do and im happy doing what I do thats all that really matters isnt it.

More wibble, your VAT on one million would be £200k to offset even a small amount of this, let say £40k, you would need to be spending £200k a year on equipment, keep digging.

You’d be amazed how it adds up. 

A tank of fuel a week in ten vans alone....

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #256 on: February 12, 2019, 07:50:16 pm »
I can at least manage to use the CIU quote function. Dork!

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2286
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #257 on: February 12, 2019, 07:54:13 pm »
yep, our fuel bill is about 4.5k a month

So theres 11k a year vat back
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #258 on: February 13, 2019, 01:18:04 am »
OK I know some on here who will think I am sucking up but I do not get all this hate for lee pryor, I read post after post about window cleaners how are sick that customers think that our work is for beer money and is not a proper job then you get some one like lee that is trying to help and show what can be achieved if you know how  ::)roll ... I am a small fry just me and my sister that works in my business and I would kill to have the wage that lee gets,  Love reading his post and seeing his youtube videos
Isn't this what the forum is all about to help one another  :-\

Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, Lee Pryor tends to pull out the hater card when he cant answer a question or is called out for being foolish.

Lets be clear that because I choose not to answer a question doesnt mean that I cant answer it.

Also in your other post further down you have made the usual VAT calculation mistake which I have pointed out before in other topics. You NEVER pay 20% because you always spent on something every month. 

I think you forget ive been long past a single opperator for years and years. Clearly not a house of cards then. Many companies exist all over the uk that employ staff, I suppose the owners of those dont earn any money either.

What we have here from you and a few others is a simple case of attack something you dont understand. As I keep saying you have no experience past where you are now, I do and everything in between.

Lets put an end to this shal we.

I will finally tell you the number. I wont be breaking it down though.

If we turn over 1 million we will make 250K or 25%. Granted from a % point of view a one man band will be a lot more. As you grow so do your expenses thats just a fact of any business. Frankly I will be very happy with that for a job that by then I will be going into maybe 2 days a week!  In the world of business 25% profit is considered very good. If you think what Ive done would have only been worth it for something like 500k a year then good for you, thats just silly. When I then consider my other half earns 150k a year I think we are doing quite well with a combined household income of 400k.

Now you can speculate all you want, Im the only one that has all the facts so why waste your time. In the end as long as your happy doing what you do and im happy doing what I do thats all that really matters isnt it.

More wibble, your VAT on one million would be £200k to offset even a small amount of this, let say £40k, you would need to be spending £200k a year on equipment, keep digging.

You’d be amazed how it adds up. 

A tank of fuel a week in ten vans alone....

I don't doubt it, thing is this make things worse not better,
With VAT employee costs and wages he's left with £29k per employee, if his vatable expenditure is £200k a year then he can claim back £40k or £4k per employee,
So you now have £33k per employee left, but when the Vatable expenditure is added this goes down to  £13k per employee, and you still have to cover office staff wages and other expenses that aren't VAT deductible.
Obviously these are rough estimate's but it shows he wont getting anywhere near a 25% return.


  • Posts: 23834
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #259 on: February 13, 2019, 07:37:14 am »
I don't quite get this obsession with percentage return; it should be obvious that the larger the organisation then usually the smaller percentage margin of profit once you get past the early growth years. Someone above mentioned Amazon and 4.1%. You get to a stage where you might "only" get 10%, but if your turnover is 10,000,000 then you have 1 million per annum profit.

To me the importance of work/business life is to have - buzzword phrase coming, sorry - is a "work/life balance". Now if I am able to have a sustainable profit of 200K a year from 1 million turnover after 5 years of building a business then I would be very pleased indeed.

If it is ticking over with a manager doing the lion's share of running and organising it, leaving me to direct the business in the right direction then wonderful.

I remember when Lee first promoted the idea of selling his house and ploughing the money into his business. Now if he had done what I might have done he'd still have his house which might have gone up in value - let's surmise 250K to 300K - and made his round the best one man band it could have been - let's surmise it went up from 30K a year to 60K a year and he has an extra 15K a year in his pocket and be employing the next person.

I'd be happy with that. But Lee is clearly building an empire.

It shows what can be done and even if part of me is a little disturbed (jealous?) by the fact that someone is doing what "I could have done" if I had been more courageous/focussed/obsessed then I can't understand the need to bring him down or bang on with "Ah, but ...ism".
I think it is great for this forum that in among the bread and butter threads of poles and reels and canvassing and employing we have something that piques my interest even further.

We have had those that come in "Lording it" and they soon show their feet of clay and overstep the mark and get banned or leave in a huff - I hope this doesn't happen here.

Handbags down please.
It's a game of three halves!