johnny bravo

  • Posts: 2672
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2019, 05:14:41 pm »
you sound like you wont get it,      get an old brush on pole, bucket of dirty water and  clean them with this water.   Satisfaction.  big smiley face  She will need someone to get them cleaned,  She will call you then.   
Knock first. See if she is in or not

Just a thought,  Nothing I would do though.   I try not to go more than 2 cleans now.     You know your customers who Apreciate your Services,  These will pay you if  owing you.   


  • Posts: 345
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2019, 10:36:38 pm »
Just knock on her door and ask for it. If you keep going back and asking for it she'll pay eventually. Ringing, texting, sending letters is easy for them to ignore, pretend to themselves that it doesn't really matter, after all it's 'such a small amount'   ::)roll  Park your van around the corner and go and knock the door. Have a clip board with her and others debts on it if it makes you feel better. When you've got your money remember not to go back and clean again + warn off any other cleaners that you're friendly with locally.

£12? You'd go through all that for £12? I've had odd 'customers' not pay me a few times over the years but to worry over £12? I'd have written it off after the first request for payment or second at the latest. After a good few years, you tend to get a weird insight or instinct for those who won't pay. Now if I get that feeling about a potential customer that something isn't quite right I tend to go with it and decline to clean their windows. Of course, there's no way to prove if I'm right or wrong but it's been years since I havn't been paid.

The last time I felt something wasn't quite right was for a builders clean earlier this year. I quoted high and the foreman accepted the price too quickly. I just had a feeling about the job. I only want work I'm happy to do. I may have missed out on a well priced job but I now follow my gut instinct, rightly or wrongly.

£12 though. I cannot believe you or the OP is serious and warn other window cleaners? For £12?

£12? Is this some type of a wind up posting?  £12 is not worth the bother.

Just forget it and carry on working. All that hassle and upset for £12. Unbelievable.

Would I/ have I, knocked the door of a customer that forgets/delays paying me £12 ? Yes, of course I have and would again. Not sure what you  mean by 'go through all that'. All I'm saying is, letters, texts, phone calls to chase debts sometimes doesn't work. Going and knocking on their door and asking for the £12 that they owe you for a job you've done  is worth it. Knocking the door takes very little time and means you could get the money that is owed to you. I do know a window cleaner who finds it difficult to do this (he's afraid to)  so he sends his wife !


  • Posts: 80
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2019, 08:03:54 pm »
Just knock on her door and ask for it. If you keep going back and asking for it she'll pay eventually. Ringing, texting, sending letters is easy for them to ignore, pretend to themselves that it doesn't really matter, after all it's 'such a small amount'   ::)roll  Park your van around the corner and go and knock the door. Have a clip board with her and others debts on it if it makes you feel better. When you've got your money remember not to go back and clean again + warn off any other cleaners that you're friendly with locally.

£12? You'd go through all that for £12? I've had odd 'customers' not pay me a few times over the years but to worry over £12? I'd have written it off after the first request for payment or second at the latest. After a good few years, you tend to get a weird insight or instinct for those who won't pay. Now if I get that feeling about a potential customer that something isn't quite right I tend to go with it and decline to clean their windows. Of course, there's no way to prove if I'm right or wrong but it's been years since I havn't been paid.

The last time I felt something wasn't quite right was for a builders clean earlier this year. I quoted high and the foreman accepted the price too quickly. I just had a feeling about the job. I only want work I'm happy to do. I may have missed out on a well priced job but I now follow my gut instinct, rightly or wrongly.

£12 though. I cannot believe you or the OP is serious and warn other window cleaners? For £12?

£12? Is this some type of a wind up posting?  £12 is not worth the bother.

Just forget it and carry on working. All that hassle and upset for £12. Unbelievable.

I would just assume that you've waste more time and effort to say how wrong I was asking for help than accutaly I waste asking for my money.
Unbelievable  ;D

Susan Dean (1stclean)

  • Posts: 2064
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2019, 11:30:33 pm »
I'd get more satisfaction putting the dirt back on her windows.

From a legal point she can have a claim against you for doing this - I think its called malicious damage to property?
wrong as your returning her property to her (i.e. drit ) is what we have been told by our legal team , they cant even get you done for trespassing as its a civil matter we have just returned the muck to 15 schools we have not had payment for over a weekend


  • Posts: 7749
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2019, 08:49:36 am »
If you're not getting paid by 15 schools I'd suggest the issue lies closer to home than you apparently think.


  • Posts: 3931
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2019, 09:58:04 am »
Iv never known a school to pay in a few days. I’m friends with a headteacher and she still paid me in around 3 months after I’d done the job. It’s not the headteacher that presses the ‘pay’ button but some other people in the council


  • Posts: 16952
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2019, 01:05:05 pm »
The burser at the school should be the one chasing your payment for you that’s who I’ve dealt with in the past when I’ve done them,although the majority of this stuff is done for half what it used to be cleaned for.
I looked at a school around 5 years ago and it was priced conservatively at around 3k,someone travelled down from north London and cleaned it for 1200 with 2 other workers,the caretaker actually said to me when quoting they do a terrible job they want rid I said I’m not surprised at that kind of price. Spoke to him 6 months later and said I didn’t get it then,he said nah they kept the same company on lol,waiting for payment for up to 6 months is not unusual for schools in my experience. Schools and the local council ruined a roofer I know because of late payments,he was owed in the region of 200k the bank waited and waited again but in the end even when he took all his paperwork showing it was owed from the government they still pulled the plug on him.

Susan Dean (1stclean)

  • Posts: 2064
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2019, 04:17:01 pm »
The burser at the school should be the one chasing your payment for you that’s who I’ve dealt with in the past when I’ve done them,although the majority of this stuff is done for half what it used to be cleaned for.
I looked at a school around 5 years ago and it was priced conservatively at around 3k,someone travelled down from north London and cleaned it for 1200 with 2 other workers,the caretaker actually said to me when quoting they do a terrible job they want rid I said I’m not surprised at that kind of price. Spoke to him 6 months later and said I didn’t get it then,he said nah they kept the same company on lol,waiting for payment for up to 6 months is not unusual for schools in my experience. Schools and the local council ruined a roofer I know because of late payments,he was owed in the region of 200k the bank waited and waited again but in the end even when he took all his paperwork showing it was owed from the government they still pulled the plug on him.
they got a local f. management company in which  then they pass it on too us (my son )  ive waited for 6 months and wrote lot of letters until i got sick of it , these people have got away with it because to many one man bands have just let it go or gone under or are to scared to do anything so ive been told off one of there ex staff ..... so i green lighted the return last Friday and the schools were hit Saturday  with  two man teams on each of the 4 vans there were done in minutes , after the return we filled in job sheets from the said F.M. company and explained why we went back . my son lucky as hes got no over heads as we handed him the business over for free so he can take the hit but not everybody could nor should they have too ,


  • Posts: 23847
Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #48 on: November 14, 2019, 01:00:09 pm »
Blimey! Keep us posted as to what happens next!
It's a game of three halves!

Dave Willis

Re: First cleaning not been paid - what do you do?
« Reply #49 on: November 14, 2019, 01:00:17 pm »
Can they see the difference?