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Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« on: July 14, 2005, 07:06:54 pm »
This was done some months ago by Wavie Davie, but the thread has dissapeared.

Just recently there's been a few lads who've asked if anyone would take them out for a day to teach them how to clean windows.  Unfortunately, I don't think they had a great response as their requests were buried in other subject headed posts.

Also, often, new window cleaners are on a budget and can't afford to attend a BWCA course; therefore the next best alternative is to spend a day or two with a local window cleaner to learn the basics.

Remember though, if you can afford it; professional training is always superior to 'learning on the job' as this second method of instruction cannot and does not always provide the quality and consistancy of training a 'proper' course does.

Of course, in return for training the new window cleaner would be expected to provide a days work in exchange for the knowledge he's received. 

Just to be safe though, if I had any new window cleaners for a day; I'd teach them ladder safety; but wouldn't let them climb a ladder.  What would be the implications should he or she fall?  I wouldn't risk it.

They would also be expected to provide their own transport to my house and fit in with my normal routine.

All I'd expect in return would be a positive attitude and the minimum work I'd expect is for you to carry the bucket!

So if anyone wants to learn the traditional way of window cleaning in the South East Wales area; e-mail me.

Who else would be willing to help a new window cleaner? 

Don't forget to state the area you work in and what methods you use (ie traditional or WFP).

If there's enough replies; I'll make this post a 'sticky'.

Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1981
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 07:27:50 pm »
I Would take someone for the day.

Water fed pole and Traditional Monmouth, Ross-on-Wye area.

Roy :)


  • Posts: 1642
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 08:33:07 pm »

The Bear

Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 10:09:52 pm »
I'd gladly train someone, could even find work for them.

North Derbyshire

Perfectly Clean

  • Posts: 77
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2005, 01:22:14 pm »
Is very any one in the Surrey area who would like to take on a dim wit for a day?

I seem to be getting the hang of it I.E WFP but I know there are things which I could do better, just need a helping hand.

Many Thanks Paul

Paul Coleman

Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2005, 08:31:49 am »
Is very any one in the Surrey area who would like to take on a dim wit for a day?

I seem to be getting the hang of it I.E WFP but I know there are things which I could do better, just need a helping hand.

Many Thanks Paul

I did respond to you in another thread.

I'm Paul too BTW.

Perfectly Clean

  • Posts: 77
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 11:10:46 am »
Hi Shiner,

Missed your post sorry. Im in another part of surrey, Chertsey, Addlestone, Virginia Water etc. 

Its the trad method im having a problem with.  Im just taking too long. I think i know what it is, was thinking about it yesterday.  1 I haven't quite got the technique and 2 I do the windows as if they are my own so I wash the frames etc. 

Now I have hopefully discovered what my problem is i'll give myself a couple of weeks and if things haven't improved maybe I can pop over to you for the day.  I need to see someone working and get some points if you know what i mean.

Thanks again

Grafters Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 1287
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2005, 04:30:25 pm »
my offer of help still stands (in the southampton area)
From Southampton

Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2005, 12:27:47 am »
Well done Tosh,
Rescuing us from the mire.
I am willing to take a genuine newbie on for a day.  need to know a bit about him.
would help him with trad. w/c if that's any good.  No charge, no wages.  I would get someone useful up and running.  If they are right.


  • Posts: 26
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2005, 12:50:43 pm »
Is there a website where I can book up for a 1-day training course please?
Or a telephone number?
Many thanks.


  • Posts: 26
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2005, 11:36:33 pm »
Or any guys in South Essex who I can tag along with for a day?


  • Posts: 20
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2005, 08:06:00 pm »
i will like you to put me through on how to start my window cleaning.
please, reply me thank.


  • Posts: 26
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2005, 09:22:08 pm »
Still looking for anybody willing to let me tag along....essex/east london.
Please, if you know anybody, let me know, as I want to get sterted but don't want to buy ladders and equipment etc until I've been up a ladder and learned with hands-on experience. Cheers.


  • Posts: 12
Looking for job
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2005, 07:42:48 pm »
Looking for work around London
Irata level one
2 years window cleaning

james fortune

  • Posts: 22
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2005, 07:25:34 pm »
Im looking to get into the industry and would be grateful if anyone using WFP would be kind enough to let me spend some time with them showing me the basics.
Im in Ayrshire Scotland and any offers would be gratefully appreciated.

Thx jf


  • Posts: 1394
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2005, 11:55:20 pm »
As Tosh has said, there is no substitute for formal training however I can certainly see the benefit of also having a day 'hands-on' with a 'real' window cleaner cleaning 'real' windows so to speak.

I was just wondering what everyone thinks are the most important aspects to cover and whether there would be any benefit in us doing a simple checklist people could work from. Lets face it, even if you use WFP you still need to know how to use a ladder safely - for example, maybe item one could be demonstrating the correct angle a ladder should be used at. 

Just a thought. On the one hand people probably wouldn't want to accept any formal responsibility and yet on the other if it's worth doing then it's worth doing properly!?

What do you think? What else would you show them?



james fortune

  • Posts: 22
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2005, 07:14:27 pm »
Ive looked into formal training but couldnt find any courses in Scotland, if there are any i would be grateful if someone could let me know.
Failing that it looks like i will need to travel and stay over night as it dont look like anyone up here is prepared to help out new starts unlike the guys down south.
Anyone got any thoughts on what seems to be a North South divide when it comes to helping newbies.

Happy Jack

  • Posts: 10
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2005, 10:51:42 am »
If there's any wc from the Leeds/Leeds North area that would be kind enough to show me the basics for a day or two I would be very grateful. ;)


  • Posts: 2095
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2005, 12:11:17 pm »
I'd happily take someone for a day in County Antrim.  No wages, but would happily go for a Guinness after
Live life in the fast lane.......if you break down you'll freewheel further

Ballymena N.I

Bernard Hibbs

  • Posts: 61
Re: Helping New Window Cleaners In Your Area...
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2005, 01:48:28 pm »
I am just starting up in East London - would love to work for a day or two with a pro.  Any offers?  I would even pay for it (though I work pretty hard!)

(You can email me on if you like, or just post here.)
Trying really hard to clean all of East London!