I had been planning to bring my back-pack system to the Windx exhibition, as some here and on other forums have expressed an interest.
However, something I did not consider was that some suppliers have paid for space there, and it would be unfair to them to "exhibit" something for free at an event that they have invested in.
Now, I fully accept this point, and the absolutely last thing I would want is for events like this to be jeopordised because those suppliers who pay for space see other suppliers kit getting publicity for free. We need more events like Windex, not to discourage them.
But, as I am not a supplier, (I made the back-pack myself) and to my knowledge, nobody as yet manufactures a back-pack system, would there be any objection?
If any exhibiting supplier or sponsor of the event thinks so, I wont take it. PM, reply to this topic or email me if you have an objection. I have no problem at all if someone thinks its unfair, or might encourage rouge 'car parkism'.