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Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up with
« on: May 05, 2004, 03:43:44 pm »
I went to put a "water saver" bag into the toilet cistern yesterday and could not believe the state of it in there.  It is covered in black grimey stuff and I just don't know what I should or should not use to clean it out.

Can I use bleach or is this a no-no?

I would appreciate your earliest replies - yeuch!

Many thanks


The Great One

  • Posts: 12043
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2004, 07:05:37 pm »
Hi carrie

I use spirit of salts which is basically 32% Hydrochloric acid.

I have only used it around the bowl area, so do not know how it will react with plastic cisterns. Diluted in water should be no problems, test with a small dose 1st

Thanks to DP for this remedy, life saver


Martin 8)

Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2004, 07:14:27 pm »
Go on get the bleach in it

thats what we do and we dont have any probs.

Barry :)


Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2004, 07:33:05 pm »
Thanks Guys for the tips.  The one thing I'm worried about with using bleach is this:

Some years ago, I was regularly using one of those blue bleach drop in things for the cistern, until one day there was a leak in the pipe between the cistern and the bowl.  I called a plumber out and he told me never to use those blue bleach things inside the cistern as it corrodes it over a period of time.

You can see my worry.   ???


Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2004, 10:27:25 pm »
This is meant to be a serious answer

Buy a packet of Steredent Tablets from Tescos and put them in. Could try one at a time but as it is experiment put in entire packet.  Leave overnight should then clean easily in morning.

Tescos own brand just as good if cost is a worry.

Adapted from How clean is your house.


Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2004, 11:19:27 pm »
thanks Ian, I will try that and see if it does the trick.

Carrie  :)

Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2004, 01:42:11 pm »
???..why the hell do you want to clean "inside" your cistern in the first place?


Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2004, 11:46:49 pm »
There's no need to be stroppy. >:(  If you go to the trouble of reading my first post, you'll see why.  Maybe you don't mind the idea of places like this looking so bad, but I believe that just because I can't see the inside of the cistern unless I happen to take the lid off, why should I ignore the fact that when I did have to take the lid off it looked disgusting.

I should add that it was not me that left it in that state.  We rented the house out and when we moved back in, the tenants had almost trashed the place.  This cistern problem was just one area I wanted to address.

But don't worry, I had some helpful replies, so I really didn't need your unhelpful reply.


  • Posts: 148
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2004, 12:15:40 am »
This is meant to be a serious answer

Buy a packet of Steredent Tablets from Tescos and put them in. Could try one at a time but as it is experiment put in entire packet.  Leave overnight should then clean easily in morning.

Tescos own brand just as good if cost is a worry.

Adapted from How clean is your house.

WARNING be carfull with these things they can foam all over the place  :-[ yes it hase happend
do it today tommorow never comes


Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2004, 01:22:35 am »
Thanks very much, I will be careful when using them.   :)  


Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2004, 01:44:01 am »
95 times this has been read upto now and I`ll lay money on it all 95 have laughed themselves silly at such a ridiculous question.

If you can`t think of anything worthwhile don`t bother.

I wasn`t unhelpful nor was I helpful, I merely asked a question.  

As for stroppy Carrie, don`t make us all laugh anymore please.

You were told what`s what at the top of this posting, I bet you still haven`t done it.  Common sense dictates that you get your hand in and clean it out with a rag then use one of the domestic bleach based products to prevent reoccurance.  Simple really, quite like the questioner!

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2004, 09:27:28 am »
I guess Im going to be told off now.

The problem with this part of the Forumn is not enough questions are being asked.

Hence stimulating debate and knowledge

That way we all learn.

On The Carpet Cleaning Section The Doctors of the Art with years and years of experience go to a great deal of trouble to help and advise.

Buy doing this the standards being achieved by all the Carpet Cleaners who participate on this board, Cleantalk, and another forum have reached new standards.

Far higher than any training course manual etc.

My post on Carries problem although I know it does work ie done it myself yes I am sad I clean inside cisterns aswsell and would normally use bleach was meant to inject a bit a humour, as I laughed when I read it in the book.

Only saw a bit of the programme for the first time this week. (How Clean is your House) And the standard they acheive is amazing.

Going back to bed now




Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2004, 03:02:56 pm »
It's people like you, Wreelyclean Services, or whatever your stupid name is, who give men a bad name.  You are sad and pathetic.  

For your information, yes I did try the suggestions, but
I don't really see why I should justify myself to you or tell you whether I was successful.

What are you?  Some sad time-waster who hasn't got a life?  Someone who thinks it's highly entertaining for other readers to see your pathetically stupid comments?  Well, let me tell you, you are as funny as a boil on the bum.  No, hang on, a boil on the bum is a lot funnier than you.

Ridiculous question?  That's why some people went to the trouble of posting answers, is it?  

You have the audacity to call me simple?  Look in the mirror.  No, on second thoughts don't, you might scare yourself.

Finally, yes this was a genuine problem.  If you'd taken the trouble to read one of my posts, you would have read that it was left in one hell of a state by tenants.  Now, maybe you don't give a s**t about things like this, but I happen to, and I'm not one of these women who goes around polishing and cleaning everything till it's shines each and every day. Oooh no, I'm encouraging you to leave another post.    

I don't know how I found this forum, but I am pleased that not everyone is a n*bhead like you. In fact, why don't you change your name to Wreelyclean n*bhead?  There's a thought.  

You're enough to turn any decent woman into a lesbian and I'm sure that many of your ex's as we speak, have done just that.

By the way Ian, thanks for your replies.  Nice to hear from someone normal on the board (as well as the other helpful people who replied, of course).



  • Posts: 104
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2004, 10:56:22 pm »
I remember a film titled Carrie,spooky.

Seriously,I need some info on how to clean a kitchen sink.My wife became a lesbian twenty years ago,so no point asking her.
Any insults gratefully received.

Yours sincerely Dave    

Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2004, 11:47:29 pm »
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Look, laughing again!!

Simple? can`t even spell can you Carrie!!  Carrie eh?? the spooky one who can`t answer simple questions!!

Don`t forget the K.....

Maybe, due to your persistant references to lesbianism you wouldn`t Know how to spell numpty...ever had one or are you too busy cleaning cisterns??

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Get back to your cistern and dream about least they are useful.

Oh Look laughing at you again,  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Len Gribble

  • Posts: 5106
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2004, 12:29:39 am »
Wreelyclean Services take a back seat

Carrie your words can I use it? Sorry if I offend a true pro the word bleach doses not come into any equation, look up the definition. Buy the way did you ever get rid of the dog urine smell!

I totally agree with Ian but will add within your field and with others Mrs Mop syndrome, I posted a genuine request for help see under fitness club the only people who responded were carpet cleaners or agents, I was not expecting this, sorry to say it keep vacuuming and dusting.

The only chance you have is to educate your self first then the customer.

By the way what training have you done within this field?

Like you Ian can’t wait for the reply if any,

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. (Sidcup Kent)

Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2004, 01:25:52 am »
There is no back seat to take! :o

I asked a simple question so it would be understood and the spooky one got her K nickers in a twist and started using abusive and offensive language.

If the spooky one took her time to research this forum she will see that I have been a main contributer to many a question posted, with thanks  from quite a few people for my replies!

Don`t bother telling people to take a back seat when there is obviously a personality disorder within the spooky ones mind.

Simple question.....Simple answer... not a ranting & raving deluded maniac, abusing and offending other members of this forum!

Little wren needs to spread her wings and eff off to "Nutters R Us"..

Oh by the way..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2004, 04:24:37 am »

Loved your reply so much, I think I have fallen in love with you.

Apoligise to your partner

And to other members for being a little unproffesional.

but heck its late.

Keep Posting cleaners everywhere.



Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2004, 01:45:21 pm »
Ian, it was so refreshing to hear from a normal, nice person.  ;)  Maybe it's because you come from East Anglia, like me. (Now I will receive a reply from the weirdo, telling me I'm sad for reading profiles but hey, whatever).  

I can't believe just how much of a psycho this Wreely person is?  I can only presume they have let him out for a few days, but I bet he's stopped taking the medication.  I showed my daughter his replies, and her reply?  Just "he's not all there, Mum."

And he has the cheek to call me spooky! He started this with his first message saying "why the hell do you want to clean "inside" your cistern in the first place?"  Very weird.  Notice, Wreely one, that all the other messages were helpful............except yours.  

Oooh, so I missed out a "k."  Shock horror.  I don't know how I'll be able to sleep at night worrying about it.  



  • Posts: 1069
Re: Inside toilet cistern - what do I clean it up
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2004, 04:07:02 pm »
wreelyclean, littlewren

This adds nothing to the board call it quits now and put it down to a mis-understanding and getting off on the wrong foot

I don't want to have to wield the big stick ;D