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  • Posts: 16952
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2019, 12:20:12 pm »
Obviously my opinion only but I would say if at the moment you try and get everyone on go Cardless  you’ll lose work,people will pay you and after a Couple  or a few weeks of cleaning they always do,you start dictating to customers you will now only pay me like this you see what happens with quiet a proportion of wok.
It’s a business yes still to this day people out there don’t see it in the same light


  • Posts: 3931
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2019, 12:24:31 pm »
Sending a txt reminder takes the same amount of time as it does logging into your go card less and clicking a few buttons. It’s hardly costing you any more money so I don’t know how you work that one out

try sending text reminders and sifting through a bank account to find out who has paid and who hasn't to 3000+ customers vs a couple of clicks and money is collected, like I said its a big difference with being a sole trader vs someone running a business

Exactly, your telling daz it’ll cost him more in the long run but he’s a sole trader so your point doesn’t make sense when referring to daz. For yourself, your right !

Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2019, 12:46:04 pm »
All these internet based schemes to help run businesses be it payments or round management are the same in that they are in it to make money. Just as we are. The worrying thing for me is how reliant people become on them. They then have you by the short n curlies when they decide to change the terms and up their profit. Virgin provide me with broadband and are going to do the same when my fixed term ( ahem )  "discount"  ::)roll finishes. Fortunately the market is saturated with providers and great deals so I'll have the pleasure of being able to tell them to do one. I've been very sceptical as to cleaner planner etc. monthly subscriptions ... its just a matter of time. Cheques, bacs, cash works for me and always has. No charges. George also works fine for what I need and was a one off price. No right or wrong, its all about what your time is worth. But you have to expect these price increases, thats the nature of the beast.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2019, 01:03:52 pm »
I’ve not been one in the past for religiously putting them up when they should have gone up,this is when all of a sudden you become the only one that hasn’t increased that ends up losing out.
There is uncertainty out there at the moment though you can feel it that’s for sure,I won’t be increasing prices next year.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1517
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2019, 01:43:39 pm »
Sending a txt reminder takes the same amount of time as it does logging into your go card less and clicking a few buttons. It’s hardly costing you any more money so I don’t know how you work that one out

With aworka & I believe Cleaner Planner it does save time because it’s fully automatic.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1517
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2019, 01:47:47 pm »
Obviously my opinion only but I would say if at the moment you try and get everyone on go Cardless  you’ll lose work,people will pay you and after a Couple  or a few weeks of cleaning they always do,you start dictating to customers you will now only pay me like this you see what happens with quiet a proportion of wok.
It’s a business yes still to this day people out there don’t see it in the same light
I believe  it depends on how professional you  present yourself. Van, signwriting, uniforms, invoices, slips etc etc.

If Lee Pryor believes it’s the way to go that’s good enough for me.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2019, 02:45:21 pm »
I do all of the above it makes no difference to some people-customers,if they don’t want to pay or can’t they won’t.
A business of his size will be losing as well as gaining work on a daily basis,it’s a juggling act.
There’s less control with a direct debit style window cleaner,some people will love that way of paying if they have a busy life,some won’t like it at all they like the fact they can maybe pay twice next time or do it one evening if you have enough good paying work waiting for money to a degree shouldn’t be a problem.
If your business is smaller you shouldn’t need to use this system,with a larger business it’s easier to see what works been done and activate payments,like all things it looks and seems the way to go but not always the best way.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2019, 03:15:46 pm »
I must admit and ive posted many a times about it. I gained customers due to a direct debit payment option. Many of my customers who leave a review have also commented how good it is and so I can say that so far I have not lost work due to only offering direct debit as an option.

Sure, they have a captive audience at the moment who require their services and we will moan at their standing charge per transaction but we will do nothing about it. Even convince ourselves that it is still the better option but time will tell. However time is also great for other companies to offer similar services and then begins marketing and prices becoming competitive to choose from.  Look how many card readers are now on the market, in such a small amount of time for instance


  • Posts: 23852
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2019, 04:55:22 pm »
That's the difference between those who are just working it as a job to those who are running a business, time is more valuable,

Dazmond I prob clean 10x more than you and I have a debt amount of a 3rd of yours, its been said time and time again get everyone on gocardless but it falls on deaf ears,

accept bacs and cheques to save a few pennys but it will cost you far more in time wasted chasing debts

i dont collect in the evenings anymore so i save time working hours including all admin,purifying water,cleaning the van and actually cleaning windows comes in at around 30 hours a week.......that includes sending a few reminder texts for payment every month(which is very little).....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 23852
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2019, 05:01:54 pm »
Sending a txt reminder takes the same amount of time as it does logging into your go card less and clicking a few buttons. It’s hardly costing you any more money so I don’t know how you work that one out

try sending text reminders and sifting through a bank account to find out who has paid and who hasn't to 3000+ customers vs a couple of clicks and money is collected, like I said its a big difference with being a sole trader vs someone running a business

fair play  but ive only got 342 jobs.....if i had 3000 it would be a nightmare!they d ALL be on gocardless without a doubt! ;D
price higher/work harder!

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1517
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2019, 05:52:41 pm »
I get what your saying NWH but as well as growing I’m trying to filter out those that pay when THEY want.   We’ve done the job so I want paying within a reasonable timescale. I’m not hand to mouth but its the principle to me. Some people think they can take the pee. I like everything neat & tidy. As little loose ends as possible. Done my share of chasing over the years.

Mr B shine

  • Posts: 145
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2019, 06:13:23 pm »
Just had an email about their fee increases.  They now intend to charge a flat 20p fee per transaction plus the usual rate.
It was always going to happen, they are still a cheap option.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2019, 06:20:38 pm »
Cant resist!

Sorry NWH but your opinion is wrong (no offense mate) like most opionions it isnt based on experience. I can say from experience that you can dictate how you want to be paid quite easily and we have been doing just that for years which is why we have over 6000 customers on GC.

I have not had their email yet and I wonder if they will send it as we obviously do a lot of business with them. If they do send that to me it will cost us a lot and I will be speaking on the phone with their CEO who I know of and is based in London, If he will not talk to me I will be going in person to their office to have them explain such a masive increase to me.

Regardless GC is esential to my business and frankly any other that aspires to get to any real size.  We could not survive without it, fact.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.


  • Posts: 23852
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2019, 06:52:40 pm »
Just had an email about their fee increases.  They now intend to charge a flat 20p fee per transaction plus the usual rate.
It was always going to happen, they are still a cheap option.

not if your lee pryor..... ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 23852
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2019, 07:17:07 pm »
I’ve not been one in the past for religiously putting them up when they should have gone up,this is when all of a sudden you become the only one that hasn’t increased that ends up losing out.
There is uncertainty out there at the moment though you can feel it that’s for sure,I won’t be increasing prices next year.

itll be 3 years next year since i had a price rise across most of my jobs,time to put them up from next april,most a quid and the larger ones up to a fiver.....i think its a good time to put them up as itll be 2020 which sounds so futuristic!BUT THE TIME IS NOW!! ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2019, 07:27:04 pm »
The majority of my domestics are large they wouldn’t go for Gocardless I know they wouldn’t most of them that is,if you do a massive amount of 3 bed semis or similar then obviously this is the way to go to keep track of payments.
Lee may be doing 200 plus houses a day with his business,most days I get away with under 8 if I was turning over a huge amount of jobs not necessarily money wise it would make sense to use this system to keep track.
The thing is most of us don’t need this kind of system in place.


  • Posts: 1083
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2019, 08:03:40 pm »
Are there not other companies offering the same service as Go Cardless, for a competitive price?

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2124
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2019, 08:15:31 pm »
Are there not other companies offering the same service as Go Cardless, for a competitive price?

I was thinking the same.   Direct debit is what gc uses. So wonder if you can DD yourself.  DD lets you control when and how much to charge.
Claim your 50% off your mobile payment card reader with Sum Up.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1517
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2019, 09:24:28 pm »
I don’t think it would be anywhere near as good though without integration into aworka & cleaner planner.

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3486
Re: GoCardless are increasing fees from Feb
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2019, 09:34:14 pm »
Sorry if this has already been asked, but what is the increase in money terms?

So now, a £10 customer, you pay 20p. What previously would you pay?
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher