Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Jack Wallace on March 01, 2010, 08:46:31 am

Title: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Jack Wallace on March 01, 2010, 08:46:31 am
I have just been checking the bank account which customers pay into via online banking. On my invoice in big BOLD red letters its clearly states, please use your address as a reference, yet still I get people use it and either put no reference or put something stupid like "susan"
The other night I got 2 separate envelopes through my front door with cash in (£25 in total) with no address, name or anything. How the hell do these people think I am meant to know who put in through my door. Telepathy??

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 01, 2010, 08:59:05 am
sounds like you need to communicate with your customers as judging by this post there is a lack of it.

try to make it your business to know all the names of your customers,  its not hard.

I call each and every customer the night before,  resulting in NO COLLECTING as payment is always left in a convenient place if customer is going out  because they know I'm coming.

a little communication goes a long way

of course you will always get one or two who forget but thats just human nature,   and defo no need to come on here slagging them off.

my customers are my business so they are all very important to me so comming on here calling them muppets is a big NO NO for me.

Monday morning eh, start of a new week and already so called w/cs moaning about customers

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Sapphire Window Cleaning on March 01, 2010, 09:02:10 am
I have just been checking the bank account which customers pay into via online banking. On my invoice in big BOLD red letters its clearly states, please use your address as a reference, yet still I get people use it and either put no reference or put something stupid like "susan"
The other night I got 2 separate envelopes through my front door with cash in (£25 in total) with no address, name or anything. How the hell do these people think I am meant to know who put in through my door. Telepathy??


We give our customers a SAE and write their reference number on the back.

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: daz1977 on March 01, 2010, 09:02:55 am
might be a pain, but give them an invoice slip to post back with the money,  that way u know whos payed, and put in it  no invoice will be classed as not paid
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 01, 2010, 09:05:23 am
might be a pain, but give them an invoice slip to post back with the money,  that way u know whos payed, and put in it  no invoice will be classed as not paid

naaa     why should a customer post a slip out after every clean ?????      it don't make sense
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Jack Wallace on March 01, 2010, 09:30:48 am
Ha ha yeh Monday morning blues I guess!   ;D
Stephen s I understand what you say but the last thing I want to do is spend all night on the phone, we get through hundreds of jobs each week, it would take me hours, 
I have great communication thanks. I do know almost all of my customer’s names but if they don’t bother putting ANY reference its impossible to know who sent it.
When my business was small it was easy to manage, any phoning  each night would have been easy as you obviously find. but as your business grows you have to find ways to streamline it to make it efficient. Spending all night on the phone is not efficient.
Each customer gets an invoice which they send back completed with their details or they pay online. Simple and very efficient. Unfortunately the odd muppet forgets.  It may give me a headache but it always sorts itself out.
And as for “so called w/cs moaning about customers”
This is a forum for freedom of speech, you may be unhappy with people airing their frustration on here but they are entitled to do so.
If you don’t like it go phone up all your customers or something. You don’t have to read it SO STOP MOANING ABOUT IT!!!! ;-)
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Clive McDonald on March 01, 2010, 09:52:07 am
Hi Jack
i get this too, so i can't claim to be able to sort the problem out.

But it may benefit you to go a bit deeper and do things better.

What you say about systems and being efficient is very true and this 'invoice' of yours is one of the few point of contact you have with the customer.

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: formb on March 01, 2010, 11:31:30 am
Get some standing order forms made up, give them to your customer to fill in then post to the bank. That way you specify what their ref is.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Ian Lancaster on March 01, 2010, 04:59:24 pm
You have to see things from the customer's point of view.

They know you sit on your a**e all month, waiting till it's time to clean their windows again, so how could you possibly not know who the payment is from?  After all, they're your only customer, aren't they? ::)
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: paul rulton on March 01, 2010, 05:28:40 pm
they will soon letl u when u put on the tickets through the door sayin that they owe 4 2cleans ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: tompoole on March 01, 2010, 06:04:28 pm
yes its fun isn't it , I think most peple think windowcleaners are just sat around doing nothing most of the time, the best one is when someone calls and expects you to come round in 10 minutes to clean a 5 bed house inside and out, when you say it will be next week or next month they act as if youre a lazy low life.
Customers dont you just love em
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: A & J Owen Window Cleaning on March 01, 2010, 06:08:35 pm
yeh they am probably sharing 1 brain mate
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: david watts on March 01, 2010, 06:25:17 pm
got payment the other week;£38 50 p ??? no job i do for 50 p
no address or owt else.
also got payed at xmas for a job last march ::)
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: wizard on March 01, 2010, 07:25:55 pm
Jack I see were you are coming from a ref no is normal in all business for payments and there own address. You are rite they are moppets. If it was rent or council tax  it would be none payment . Don’t listen to the laid back chaps when they have a problem we all need to listen. To empathise is not skin of any ones nose.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: tacky on March 01, 2010, 07:49:37 pm
i do my custies for free .that way i have no prob collecting .                    then i wake up in a cold sweat
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 01, 2010, 08:04:50 pm
Ha ha yeh Monday morning blues I guess!   ;D
Stephen s I understand what you say but the last thing I want to do is spend all night on the phone, we get through hundreds of jobs each week, it would take me hours, 
I have great communication thanks. I do know almost all of my customer’s names but if they don’t bother putting ANY reference its impossible to know who sent it.
When my business was small it was easy to manage, any phoning  each night would have been easy as you obviously find. but as your business grows you have to find ways to streamline it to make it efficient. Spending all night on the phone is not efficient.
Each customer gets an invoice which they send back completed with their details or they pay online. Simple and very efficient. Unfortunately the odd muppet forgets.  It may give me a headache but it always sorts itself out.
And as for “so called w/cs moaning about customers”
This is a forum for freedom of speech, you may be unhappy with people airing their frustration on here but they are entitled to do so.
If you don’t like it go phone up all your customers or something. You don’t have to read it SO STOP MOANING ABOUT IT!!!! ;-)

so what your saying is Jacky boy that the people who pay your wages deserve to get slagged off on a forum full of strangers ?     wonder what your customers thought about you if they found you were slagging them off ?

maybe its the way you conduct your business  but I would never slag my customers off to anyone on here beacuse thast to me is spineless as if you cant say it their face then then why say it to comp-lete strangers in their absence ?

as for the communication you say your good at  then why not put it to proper use and communicate with the people who pay your wages

as for cant be botheredf to call everyone up each night cos your busy  ha ha ha a belter    you have time to come on here and slag your customers off so surely you have time to send a group text.

you see Jacky baby my main gripe is w/c who moan moan moan on here about their very own customers  just like yo9u did this morning,  just to start the week off.

were you and sqeaky clean seperated at birth ?     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: prestige cleaners on March 01, 2010, 08:44:47 pm
Ha ha yeh Monday morning blues I guess!   ;D
Stephen s I understand what you say but the last thing I want to do is spend all night on the phone, we get through hundreds of jobs each week, it would take me hours, 
I have great communication thanks. I do know almost all of my customer’s names but if they don’t bother putting ANY reference its impossible to know who sent it.
When my business was small it was easy to manage, any phoning  each night would have been easy as you obviously find. but as your business grows you have to find ways to streamline it to make it efficient. Spending all night on the phone is not efficient.
Each customer gets an invoice which they send back completed with their details or they pay online. Simple and very efficient. Unfortunately the odd muppet forgets.  It may give me a headache but it always sorts itself out.
And as for “so called w/cs moaning about customers”
This is a forum for freedom of speech, you may be unhappy with people airing their frustration on here but they are entitled to do so.
If you don’t like it go phone up all your customers or something. You don’t have to read it SO STOP MOANING ABOUT IT!!!! ;-)

so what your saying is Jacky boy that the people who pay your wages deserve to get slagged off on a forum full of strangers ?     wonder what your customers thought about you if they found you were slagging them off ?

maybe its the way you conduct your business  but I would never slag my customers off to anyone on here beacuse thast to me is spineless as if you cant say it their face then then why say it to comp-lete strangers in their absence ?

as for the communication you say your good at  then why not put it to proper use and communicate with the people who pay your wages

as for cant be botheredf to call everyone up each night cos your busy  ha ha ha a belter    you have time to come on here and slag your customers off so surely you have time to send a group text.

you see Jacky baby my main gripe is w/c who moan moan moan on here about their very own customers  just like yo9u did this morning,  just to start the week off.

were you and sqeaky clean seperated at birth ?     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

ignore this moron jack, (patronising jumped up twerp) im like you mate, i only ring when absolutely necessary. ive never had an unknown envelope turn up, but i leave a sae and write the custs name and address on the back, that might help in the future.

also that is what this forum is for, to air your views, i dont think calling a cust a muppet is that bad, you didnt name them.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: AuRavelling79 on March 01, 2010, 11:24:26 pm
I wish I was as "professional" as stephen s! (SS)

Then I could go through this rigmarole from time to time:

Custy (upon receiving SS's text informing them of his impending arrival) sends back text: "Leave it this time please, rain is forecast"

SS: Ok that's fine!

Or this exchange:

SS: I hope you don't mind my mentioning it but the £8.50 wasn't under the plant pot.

Custy: Well I put it there - my young son saw me do it as we left this morning.

SS: Well it wasn't there at 3.47 this afternoon because my Ikonic Tymotherm System would have logged it straight to my accounts if I had collected it.

Custy: You calling me a liar?
Custy's son: Ymmmmph! Chmmmph, Flmmmph! (Translated as : Yeh! Wotchit mate - but can't be heard because he is eating £8.50's worth of sweets)

SS: Errr no - the custy is always King in my book!

You really are in danger of becoming a sanctimonious prig stephen s!
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: richywilts on March 02, 2010, 12:01:59 am
I have just been checking the bank account which customers pay into via online banking. On my invoice in big BOLD red letters its clearly states, please use your address as a reference, yet still I get people use it and either put no reference or put something stupid like "susan"
The other night I got 2 separate envelopes through my front door with cash in (£25 in total) with no address, name or anything. How the hell do these people think I am meant to know who put in through my door. Telepathy??


We give our customers a SAE and write their reference number on the back.


good idea that matt il do that myself from now on
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: wizard on March 02, 2010, 12:23:51 am
Stephen SS: Wally is slaging of his costy of he has not mentioned any one by name. Better then you trying to slag off window cleaners to there face on here.Pull the lemon out and put your sword away.Also please go to spec saver and have test,Read his first post properly your like a dog with bone, never let go do you!
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 06:14:10 am
Ha ha yeh Monday morning blues I guess!   ;D
Stephen s I understand what you say but the last thing I want to do is spend all night on the phone, we get through hundreds of jobs each week, it would take me hours, 
I have great communication thanks. I do know almost all of my customer’s names but if they don’t bother putting ANY reference its impossible to know who sent it.
When my business was small it was easy to manage, any phoning  each night would have been easy as you obviously find. but as your business grows you have to find ways to streamline it to make it efficient. Spending all night on the phone is not efficient.
Each customer gets an invoice which they send back completed with their details or they pay online. Simple and very efficient. Unfortunately the odd muppet forgets.  It may give me a headache but it always sorts itself out.
And as for “so called w/cs moaning about customers”
This is a forum for freedom of speech, you may be unhappy with people airing their frustration on here but they are entitled to do so.
If you don’t like it go phone up all your customers or something. You don’t have to read it SO STOP MOANING ABOUT IT!!!! ;-)

so what your saying is Jacky boy that the people who pay your wages deserve to get slagged off on a forum full of strangers ?     wonder what your customers thought about you if they found you were slagging them off ?

maybe its the way you conduct your business  but I would never slag my customers off to anyone on here beacuse thast to me is spineless as if you cant say it their face then then why say it to comp-lete strangers in their absence ?

as for the communication you say your good at  then why not put it to proper use and communicate with the people who pay your wages

as for cant be botheredf to call everyone up each night cos your busy  ha ha ha a belter    you have time to come on here and slag your customers off so surely you have time to send a group text.

you see Jacky baby my main gripe is w/c who moan moan moan on here about their very own customers  just like yo9u did this morning,  just to start the week off.

were you and sqeaky clean seperated at birth ?     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

ignore this moron jack, (patronising jumped up twerp) im like you mate, i only ring when absolutely necessary. ive never had an unknown envelope turn up, but i leave a sae and write the custs name and address on the back, that might help in the future.

also that is what this forum is for, to air your views, i dont think calling a cust a muppet is that bad, you didnt name them.


well said twin towns,  I must stand corrected when Shadwell tells me off,  I just so glad to see swansea has electricity after all those years.  do you know Pavlov evans at all ?

yes ignore this moran Jackie ( isnt thar a girls name ?  oh well each to their own )

well Jackie its Tiesday now I'm sure you will have a few customers to slag off    go for it Jackie baby  ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 06:35:53 am
I wish I was as "professional" as stephen s! (SS)

Then I could go through this rigmarole from time to time:

Custy (upon receiving SS's text informing them of his impending arrival) sends back text: "Leave it this time please, rain is forecast"

SS: Ok that's fine!

Or this exchange:

SS: I hope you don't mind my mentioning it but the £8.50 wasn't under the plant pot.

Custy: Well I put it there - my young son saw me do it as we left this morning.

SS: Well it wasn't there at 3.47 this afternoon because my Ikonic Tymotherm System would have logged it straight to my accounts if I had collected it.

Custy: You calling me a liar?
Custy's son: Ymmmmph! Chmmmph, Flmmmph! (Translated as : Yeh! Wotchit mate - but can't be heard because he is eating £8.50's worth of sweets)

SS: Errr no - the custy is always King in my book!

You really are in danger of becoming a sanctimonious prig stephen s!

well well well if it isn't the old forum brown nose popped up to give his cowardly views,  how are you brownie ?
the only SO-CALLED W/C who sneezes and poo goes everywere but it aint his as he was ju8st minding it for someone  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

£8.50 houses ?  come out of the 60s brownie and get with the programme,  yes you can leave your tank top on but give your nose a good clean as WE all know where its been  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

text message sunday from me to 9 custies got 7 replies saying thanks Steve cheque in usual place,  one saying hi Steve can you also do conny roof £60     and the last one actually called me back and said  hi Steve yes please come and clean windows but we have now sold and moving in 10 days time,  however the lady moving in has already asked me for your number.    also the new house is only about 8 miles away if you could come and clean there,  its much bigger and if you leave me some leaflets I will sort them for you.

I really must be doing a great job eh Yellow,   but I have to admit Yerllow lad  that I did enkoy your SS of me   did make me chuckle in more ways than one asnd if you knew me you would fully understand  especially if your surname was berg

anyway Yellow lad  keep up the spineless work  and I'm at the cleaning show ( if an £8.50 job hasn't come up )

so if you fancy a chat come and say hello  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 06:42:36 am
Stephen SS: Wally is slaging of his costy of he has not mentioned any one by name. Better then you trying to slag off window cleaners to there face on here.Pull the lemon out and put your sword away.Also please go to spec saver and have test,Read his first post properly your like a dog with bone, never let go do you!

hi Nobby

listen why not meet up as your only7 in Basey and me in Newbury and we can iron out our differences there and then ?      you see I will also say it to a persons frace asd I don't need to hide behind a pc    so waht say you Wizzy ?

in fact I'm in Ascot and Stoke Poges this week if thats convenient for you    just let me know Wendy
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Jack Wallace on March 02, 2010, 07:36:46 am
I don’t normally waste my time with fools who are clearly out for reaction but in this case I will make an exception.

Stephen what is your problem? 
You are not happy with people coming on this forum airing their views if they happen to be anything other than happy thoughts as its ruing the forum in your opinion, yet you seem to feel its ok to come on call people names and threaten them.  what does that do to the forum? I imagine there must be loads of newbies out there who want to say something but don’t for fear of you giving them a hard time
You have a go at me for slagging of customers (who lets face it are about as likely to come on here as you are of winning a popularity contest) yet you slag of fellow window cleaners individually knowing they will read it. Calling people names and goading them is the type of behaviour best left in the playground. I did not mention any customer by name and was just generalising yet you seem to get some kind of thrill from winding people up. (Maybe I was having a bad morning but so what! you are not forced to read every word that is written on here)
In my experience people like you are usually cowards as you know full well no one will actually stoop down to your level and meet up. Perhaps your not man enough in other departments so get off being the pushy arrogant type on here to make up for it.
I have no doubt you will come back at me with some half arsed stupid and childish remark, perhaps by calling me Jacqueline or something equally as childish but all you are doing is making yourself look a right tosser.
Stephen grow up and shut up!
I wonder how many people feel the same as me about you?  All those in favour say aye!
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 08:12:33 am
ok you asked me so its Jackaline just for you.     but let me put you straight right away   I HAVE NOR HAVE i EVER THREATENED ANYONE FROM HERE OR ANY OTHER FORUM   so get your so called facts right      what I did say to people like Wazza and golden nostrils was why6 not slag me off to my face rather than behind a pc screen,  after all I would say everything to your face what I said on here because I'm just being honest.

yes you aeew right on one thing I didn't have to read the post but I did and as its a FORUM then I aired my views on the matter   it is a forum after all.

and then you say the chyances of customers coming on here and reading your post is unlikely     well what your saying is Jack  yes its ok to slag your customers off cos they wont read it       does that make you a sneaky spineless person as I'm sure you wouldn't say it their faces

of course I slag window cleaners off on here,  why shouldn't I ?        we do the easiest job in the world a job ANYONE can do   even someone just getting out of prison can do this job as its Just labouring  and you certainly don't need skill for it.

so when I read post from SO-CALLED W/Cs  trying to say how bad they have it just doesn't wash with me,     you see for these people w/c is a last resort cos they could prob be unemployable in any other walk of life.

sorry I'm not a brown nose for you Jack but I8'm very happy who I am   are you ?

anyway have a great day and don't take my honesty to heart  just getr a few facts right next time.

all my love

Steve  but you can callo me AL  ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Murdie window cleaning on March 02, 2010, 11:40:57 am
Dear Mr Sorenson

I find your attitude towards fellow window cleaners very petty and unnesasary. I see from your website that you portray a very profesional image and while I agree coming on here and making derogatry remarks about customers isn't the most profesional thing to do it is understandable and as has been pointed out it is highly unlikely that any of his customers would come on here and see what has been said by him.

As for window cleaning being a last chance for folks I disagree, I was working in a secure job, but it was a job that I was no longer enjoying or wanted to do. So I made the choice to come into window cleaning and granted the art of cleaning a window isn't exactly a hard skill to manage, but building and maintaining the bussines is the part that is the challenge.

Now what some charge for there services is not for any one to belittle as quite offten this is dictated by the area that they cover, so to you an £8.50 job may not be worth your while but to others it will be a fare price for that particular area.

Now I'm sure you know all of what I have said is correct and I'm also sure you have made those comments to amuse your self at others expence, but it's unnesasary and does nothing to help anyone.

Thanks Paul
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: AuRavelling79 on March 02, 2010, 03:21:23 pm
It's a shame that Stephen Sorensen's website is marred by poor spelling and punctuation.  ::)  Being in the "easiest job in the world" you'd think he'd get that right!

And Steve; I wonder whether Heckfield Management Ltd at Heckfield Place would feel you were "courteous" if they were to see see a screen capture of your posts on this site?
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: prestige cleaners on March 02, 2010, 07:06:26 pm
can that stephen s get banned for threatening behaviour on here, if anyone is unprofessional its definitely him.

btw stephen s, you've made yourself look like a right pillock!
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: paul rulton on March 02, 2010, 07:13:05 pm
can that stephen s get banned for threatening behaviour on here, if anyone is unprofessional its definitely him.

btw stephen s, you've made yourself look like a right pillock!
;D ;D LOL  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:19:31 pm
Dear Mr Sorenson

I find your attitude towards fellow window cleaners very petty and unnesasary. I see from your website that you portray a very profesional image and while I agree coming on here and making derogatry remarks about customers isn't the most profesional thing to do it is understandable and as has been pointed out it is highly unlikely that any of his customers would come on here and see what has been said by him.

As for window cleaning being a last chance for folks I disagree, I was working in a secure job, but it was a job that I was no longer enjoying or wanted to do. So I made the choice to come into window cleaning and granted the art of cleaning a window isn't exactly a hard skill to manage, but building and maintaining the bussines is the part that is the challenge.

Now what some charge for there services is not for any one to belittle as quite offten this is dictated by the area that they cover, so to you an £8.50 job may not be worth your while but to others it will be a fare price for that particular area.

Now I'm sure you know all of what I have said is correct and I'm also sure you have made those comments to amuse your self at others expence, but it's unnesasary and does nothing to help anyone.

Thanks Paul

Hi Paul.

thanks for your comments but you will find I didn't say w/c is a last resort   I said w/c was a last resort for some people as they would never be able to hold another job down   and I was being honest about that    I know some wont like my honesty but thats ther type of person I am.

maybe my 19 years of  service to a world leader company dealing with customers and their needs has rubbed off on me and if so thern I'm delighted.

you seem to have missed the point completely regarding whether customers come here or not,  the point is a w/c who more than happy to take their money then comes on here and slags them off to complete strangers and 1st thing on a Monday Morning   what a way to start the week.

as for the price structure, well that was in reply to a smart arse broiwn nose ( gold yes you )  who thought he was a comedian   so I just gave my reply.

asd for my attatude to other cleaners,  well what do you suggest when a w/c comes on here slagging of their customers ?  maybe I should have given him a big hug and joined in thje slagging off  of the customer ?    I think not and being a forum I aired my views on the matter.      and as I said earlier would they say that to the customers face ?    I think not but on here they can hide behind a pc   how brave eh.

so thanks for yourt imput Paul  but as you can see its not you who is right its me,  just glad you have the sense to see that.   and when the person who posted it said I was threatening people  then that shows he's tellin a bare face pack of lies,     and no one likes a LIAR  as you tend to find they are 2 faced  by saying things about people and then denying it when confronted.

but I do run my business as professional as poss and try to provide the best possible service and customer feedback tells me I'm doing the right thing.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Frankybadboy on March 02, 2010, 07:20:46 pm
can that stephen s get banned for threatening behaviour on here, if anyone is unprofessional its definitely him.

btw stephen s, you've made yourself look like a right pillock!
please tell me where anybody as use threatening behaviour,cause i aint seen it. :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:32:38 pm
It's a shame that Stephen Sorensen's website is marred by poor spelling and punctuation.  ::)  Being in the "easiest job in the world" you'd think he'd get that right!

And Steve; I wonder whether Heckfield Management Ltd at Heckfield Place would feel you were "courteous" if they were to see see a screen capture of your posts on this site?

yes I agree but thats what happens when you pay someone to build a website ( £895 + Vat )      but again that was my fault as I didn't notice it when I did a proof reading  human error eh     but many thanks for your observations and negative feedback.

oh dear I wonder what Heckfield would think ?       will let you know Saturday as the owers have invited me to dinner on Friday evening as they have also purchassed another large inderpandant hotel  and want me to have a look at it for them.

and yes they have always thought I am courteous as I treat my customers with respect and don't come on to forums to slag them off,   even ones I have lost I don't slag off.

I would rather leave that to th spineless 2 faced so called w/cs just like you,    have you noticed that I don't need to hide my location as I have nothing to hide because I am a ligit business.

once again  thanks for your negative imput  ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:36:03 pm
can that stephen s get banned for threatening behaviour on here, if anyone is unprofessional its definitely him.

btw stephen s, you've made yourself look like a right pillock!

thats rich someone from swansea calling other people around the country a pillock  ;D ;D ;D   whos using your family brain cell today  because your well and truely due a turn.

but I will still love you honey  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:44:50 pm
can that stephen s get banned for threatening behaviour on here, if anyone is unprofessional its definitely him.

btw stephen s, you've made yourself look like a right pillock!
please tell me where anybody as use threatening behaviour,cause i aint seen it. :-* :-* :-* :-*

me too Franky  but you know that there are some people on here with a very low education so a normal  sentence gets turned into a wee witch hunt   oh bless em all  ;D ;D ;D

it was only recently when someone off here started slagging the FWC off big time and when confronted by someone from FWC  they virtually admitted the had told a bare face pack of liers with no foundation what so ever

and then there was the extremely stupid people who started slagging Martin Lewis off and aagain without any foundation,  no I tell a lie on each and every case some bloke down the pub told them.

I would be the biggest Liar in the world if I said these people didn't amuse me because they do,  in fact Ive never noticed so may w/c with foot shaped mouths  ;D ;D ;D ;D     oh dear I do hope the less intellegant of us don't look upon the last sentence as a threat  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Clive McDonald on March 02, 2010, 07:46:01 pm
Macdee's are a great company from the menu to staff management to the layout of their burger bars.Customer service second to none and I can only back him up if any of this has rubbed off on him.

There is nothing wrong with honesty and the rest of you should be more tolerant. If you'd flipped burgers for nineteen years and still wore a cap that said trainee you'd be barking mad too.

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:48:09 pm
Macdee's are a great company from the menu to staff management to the layout of their burger bars.Customer service second to none and I can only back him up if any of this has rubbed off on him.

There is nothing wrong with honesty and the rest of you should be more tolerant. If you'd flipped burgers for nineteen years and still wore a cap that said trainee you'd be barking mad too.

go on Slump tell us all a few more lies about the FWC   as I really enjoyed you being put firmly in your place    remember    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: p1w1 on March 02, 2010, 07:49:15 pm
Macdee's are a great company from the menu to staff management to the layout of their burger bars.Customer service second to none and I can only back him up if any of this has rubbed off on him.

There is nothing wrong with honesty and the rest of you should be more tolerant. If you'd flipped burgers for nineteen years and still wore a cap that said trainee you'd be barking mad too.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:50:02 pm
I don’t normally waste my time with fools who are clearly out for reaction but in this case I will make an exception.

Stephen what is your problem? 
You are not happy with people coming on this forum airing their views if they happen to be anything other than happy thoughts as its ruing the forum in your opinion, yet you seem to feel its ok to come on call people names and threaten them.  what does that do to the forum? I imagine there must be loads of newbies out there who want to say something but don’t for fear of you giving them a hard time
You have a go at me for slagging of customers (who lets face it are about as likely to come on here as you are of winning a popularity contest) yet you slag of fellow window cleaners individually knowing they will read it. Calling people names and goading them is the type of behaviour best left in the playground. I did not mention any customer by name and was just generalising yet you seem to get some kind of thrill from winding people up. (Maybe I was having a bad morning but so what! you are not forced to read every word that is written on here)
In my experience people like you are usually cowards as you know full well no one will actually stoop down to your level and meet up. Perhaps your not man enough in other departments so get off being the pushy arrogant type on here to make up for it.
I have no doubt you will come back at me with some half arsed stupid and childish remark, perhaps by calling me Jacqueline or something equally as childish but all you are doing is making yourself look a right tosser.
Stephen grow up and shut up!
I wonder how many people feel the same as me about you?  All those in favour say aye!


aye  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: wizard on March 02, 2010, 07:51:21 pm
Maybe the time has come to look around for another forum were there is a little respect.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Gleaming windows on March 02, 2010, 07:51:56 pm

aye  ;D ;D ;D

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 07:53:01 pm
Maybe the time has come to look around for another forum were there is a little respect.

oh bless you sweetheart   let me know if you find one  ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Clive McDonald on March 02, 2010, 07:55:52 pm
Mr Dolby comes on here sometimes to promote windex and the fed. I think he's a nice bloke and has worked hard over the years to 'put something back'.

Me being clever or rude at his expense was not something i wanted to do. I didn't know enough about the subject to disscus it properly so i bowed to his superior knowledge and commitement, or as you phrase it was 'put in my place'.

It wasn't the end of the world.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 08:05:40 pm
Mr Dolby comes on here sometimes to promote windex and the fed. I think he's a nice bloke and has worked hard over the years to 'put something back'.

Me being clever or rude at his expense was not something i wanted to do. I didn't know enough about the subject to disscus it properly so i bowed to his superior knowledge and commitement, or as you phrase it was 'put in my place'.

It wasn't the end of the world.

I'm afraid it was for you that day,  how wer all laughed at you for spouting your big mouth out with packs of Lies about people you have no knowledge of.   even Jebediah springfield   ( dave morris )  asked you to explain and give facts  ;D ;D ;D ;D

so the the best thing for you to do is keep you foot shaped moth shut as we all know you will put your foot in it at some point  ;D ;D ;D    simples                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          oh yes you are  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Clive McDonald on March 02, 2010, 08:14:06 pm
I see wizard has deleted his account,
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: ftp on March 02, 2010, 08:28:24 pm
Definately going downhill  ::)

Anyway Jack, I've had the same in the past, even had an empty envelope that I had to pick up from the post office 'cos the custy didn't put a stamp on it. I had to pay for the postage to take an empty envelope home  ::)

These days I write part of their name in very small writing on the back somewhere. Works for me.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 09:10:24 pm
Definately going downhill  ::)

if you need a push just let me know
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: ftp on March 02, 2010, 09:15:38 pm
 ;D are you a drinker by any chance?
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Clive McDonald on March 02, 2010, 09:24:18 pm
What about the ltd thread steve?
We could all do with some advice from someone with your customer service background with a global brand. All those years of dunking the deep fat frier must have taught you something.I apologise for earlier mentioning the trainee cap you had to wear.C'mon go large and share some of that inside info.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 09:25:50 pm
;D are you a drinker by any chance?

no not any more,  have the odd glass of wine when I'm entertaining  and don't even smoke big fat ones anymore as gave that up as well.            does Earl gray count if so then I'm an alchy  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Ian_Giles on March 02, 2010, 09:47:38 pm
Stephen S, can you please start showing some more restraint.

Bluntly telling people the truth - as you see it - and often in an extremely rude and antagonistic fashion is, quite simply, NOT considered good form on the forum.

You all too frequently come across as aggressive and condescending and often resort to name calling (as you have in this thread)

We can all work up a head of steam when we read what we consider completely dumb arse and poorly thought out replies, I'm  no different in that respect, but I won't be rude or insulting in any responses I might make.

Regardless of how forthright and direct you might be out in the real world, on here in the 'cyber' world which only has the written word, you are constrained; Admin are gods, they set the rules and we have to obey them, whether we like it or not, and as one of the moderators I'm required to point this out now and then.... :-\

In the 'real' world we have vocal inflection, facial expressions and body language to gauge the spoken word and it's intent, be it humorous/sarcastic/aggressive/pedantic or whatever.

So please Stephen, make my life a little easier and rein it in a little.... :-X

And this also goes for the rest of you who are responding in kind, it makes unpleasant reading to say the least.

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Ste M on March 02, 2010, 10:04:53 pm
its ok Ian ill take it from here, ste calm it down or else

Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: AuRavelling79 on March 02, 2010, 10:06:30 pm
I'm glad to be of service Stephen. (in regard to my pointing out that there are spelling and other errors on your website) I am sorry you feel that is negative to do that but it is of the utmost importance that you portray your excellent company in the best possible light.

After all £895 + (VAT) isn't to be sneezed at even for a wildly successful businessman such as you. Why don't you go back to the website designers and get them to put it right? Or did you proof-read it before giving the go ahead? Never mind.

My fees are minimal and a pint of good English ale of my choosing will suffice. Or perhaps you'd be so kind to as to leave £8.50 under one of my plant pots - I'll leave the gate open.


Seriously - so much anger is not good for you - think about it - getting wound up on a forum by the responses of "so-called window cleaners" (a job which by your own admission can be done by jailbirds) is silly isn't it? I think ftp has been quite insightful and I think it unkind to mock in the circumstances; but please calm down.

Now you have a lovely time with your important friends this weekend - and please don't ask for Black Forest Gateau - it is such a give away as to one's roots.
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 10:10:36 pm
What about the ltd thread steve?
We could all do with some advice from someone with your customer service background with a global brand. All those years of dunking the deep fat frier must have taught you something.I apologise for earlier mentioning the trainee cap you had to wear.C'mon go large and share some of that inside info.

no real reason skunky lad,   but I will admit to thinking that by going Ltd it may lead to to bigger contracts believing they mostly went to Ltd company's        does that make me a bad person ?

plus the fact that should I go from strenth to strenth then one day I would leave it to my daughter who's the comapny secretary.

oh I like everyone else made mistakes when starting up,  was even Vat Reg  until the end of 08  but that was just to serve a purpose which it did.

But yes I am still Ltd and apart from what Daz said about persopnal protection  there isn't any major benifits.

what are you thinking of going legit ?
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: Ian Mason on March 02, 2010, 10:19:41 pm
Stephen S, can you please start showing some more restraint.

Bluntly telling people the truth - as you see it - and often in an extremely rude and antagonistic fashion is, quite simply, NOT considered good form on the forum.

You all too frequently come across as aggressive and condescending and often resort to name calling (as you have in this thread)

We can all work up a head of steam when we read what we consider completely dumb arse and poorly thought out replies, I'm  no different in that respect, but I won't be rude or insulting in any responses I might make.

Regardless of how forthright and direct you might be out in the real world, on here in the 'cyber' world which only has the written word, you are constrained; Admin are gods, they set the rules and we have to obey them, whether we like it or not, and as one of the moderators I'm required to point this out now and then.... :-\

In the 'real' world we have vocal inflection, facial expressions and body language to gauge the spoken word and it's intent, be it humorous/sarcastic/aggressive/pedantic or whatever.

So please Stephen, make my life a little easier and rein it in a little.... :-X

And this also goes for the rest of you who are responding in kind, it makes unpleasant reading to say the least.


I agree that many of the comments on here do get silly at times, & much of Stephen S`s comments were out of order, but I do admire him for speaking out whilst his contact details & address are so freely available.

I think much of the trouble on here is caused when people give it out, but are in hiding behind a screen, with absolutely no reference to who they are.

I also notice that during some heated discussions, NEW members seem to appear, & within a matter of minutes of joining, they are giving it out in much the same way, but I guess they don`t want to ruin their CIU god status! ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 10:34:08 pm
Stephen S, can you please start showing some more restraint.

Bluntly telling people the truth - as you see it - and often in an extremely rude and antagonistic fashion is, quite simply, NOT considered good form on the forum.

You all too frequently come across as aggressive and condescending and often resort to name calling (as you have in this thread)

We can all work up a head of steam when we read what we consider completely dumb arse and poorly thought out replies, I'm  no different in that respect, but I won't be rude or insulting in any responses I might make.

Regardless of how forthright and direct you might be out in the real world, on here in the 'cyber' world which only has the written word, you are constrained; Admin are gods, they set the rules and we have to obey them, whether we like it or not, and as one of the moderators I'm required to point this out now and then.... :-\

In the 'real' world we have vocal inflection, facial expressions and body language to gauge the spoken word and it's intent, be it humorous/sarcastic/aggressive/pedantic or whatever.

So please Stephen, make my life a little easier and rein it in a little.... :-X

And this also goes for the rest of you who are responding in kind, it makes unpleasant reading to say the least.



Very well put and yes I take on board everything you have pointed out,   and yes I'm guilty of name calling and hold my hand up to it,       but you have to adress the other name callers as well Ian as in these cases its a 2 way street.

thing is Ian if someone starts slagging me off for disagreeing with and airing my owm views then I aint just gonna take it I will give it back and I live by the motto if you cant take it don't give it  and give better than I get.

I fully understand your position and the fact you have to try and keep order on here and I fully respect that,     but I will aleays air my views and if that gets me barred then so be it.

there isn't a single person on here who Ive name called that I wouldn't say it to their faces,  thats not being some kind of hard case or some aggression freak,  thats just my upbringing to have a point of view of my own and think for myself.

so yes I will respect your wishes and stop the name calling  but expect me to be barred if some rag head tries it as I say I give better than I take,    meaning that if someone slags me off then you know thr rest
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 10:36:49 pm
its ok Ian ill take it from here, ste calm it down or else

now thats what I call brilliant,  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D if I didn't know you better I would say your a scouser  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 10:39:12 pm
Stephen S, can you please start showing some more restraint.

Bluntly telling people the truth - as you see it - and often in an extremely rude and antagonistic fashion is, quite simply, NOT considered good form on the forum.

You all too frequently come across as aggressive and condescending and often resort to name calling (as you have in this thread)

We can all work up a head of steam when we read what we consider completely dumb arse and poorly thought out replies, I'm  no different in that respect, but I won't be rude or insulting in any responses I might make.

Regardless of how forthright and direct you might be out in the real world, on here in the 'cyber' world which only has the written word, you are constrained; Admin are gods, they set the rules and we have to obey them, whether we like it or not, and as one of the moderators I'm required to point this out now and then.... :-\

In the 'real' world we have vocal inflection, facial expressions and body language to gauge the spoken word and it's intent, be it humorous/sarcastic/aggressive/pedantic or whatever.

So please Stephen, make my life a little easier and rein it in a little.... :-X

And this also goes for the rest of you who are responding in kind, it makes unpleasant reading to say the least.


I agree that many of the comments on here do get silly at times, & much of Stephen S`s comments were out of order, but I do admire him for speaking out whilst his contact details & address are so freely available.

I think much of the trouble on here is caused when people give it out, but are in hiding behind a screen, with absolutely no reference to who they are.

I also notice that during some heated discussions, NEW members seem to appear, & within a matter of minutes of joining, they are giving it out in much the same way, but I guess they don`t want to ruin their CIU god status! ;D


I have absolutely nothing to hide,   unless you work for the CSA  then I don't know what your talking about  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: matt on March 02, 2010, 10:47:10 pm
Stephen S, can you please start showing some more restraint.

Bluntly telling people the truth - as you see it - and often in an extremely rude and antagonistic fashion is, quite simply, NOT considered good form on the forum.

You all too frequently come across as aggressive and condescending and often resort to name calling (as you have in this thread)

We can all work up a head of steam when we read what we consider completely dumb arse and poorly thought out replies, I'm  no different in that respect, but I won't be rude or insulting in any responses I might make.

Regardless of how forthright and direct you might be out in the real world, on here in the 'cyber' world which only has the written word, you are constrained; Admin are gods, they set the rules and we have to obey them, whether we like it or not, and as one of the moderators I'm required to point this out now and then.... :-\

In the 'real' world we have vocal inflection, facial expressions and body language to gauge the spoken word and it's intent, be it humorous/sarcastic/aggressive/pedantic or whatever.

So please Stephen, make my life a little easier and rein it in a little.... :-X

And this also goes for the rest of you who are responding in kind, it makes unpleasant reading to say the least.



Very well put and yes I take on board everything you have pointed out,   and yes I'm guilty of name calling and hold my hand up to it,       but you have to adress the other name callers as well Ian as in these cases its a 2 way street.

thing is Ian if someone starts slagging me off for disagreeing with and airing my owm views then I aint just gonna take it I will give it back and I live by the motto if you cant take it don't give it  and give better than I get.

I fully understand your position and the fact you have to try and keep order on here and I fully respect that,     but I will aleays air my views and if that gets me barred then so be it.

there isn't a single person on here who Ive name called that I wouldn't say it to their faces,  thats not being some kind of hard case or some aggression freak,  thats just my upbringing to have a point of view of my own and think for myself.

so yes I will respect your wishes and stop the name calling  but expect me to be barred if some rag head tries it as I say I give better than I take,    meaning that if someone slags me off then you know thr rest

rag head ? ? ? ?
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 11:05:42 pm
I'm glad to be of service Stephen. (in regard to my pointing out that there are spelling and other errors on your website) I am sorry you feel that is negative to do that but it is of the utmost importance that you portray your excellent company in the best possible light.

After all £895 + (VAT) isn't to be sneezed at even for a wildly successful businessman such as you. Why don't you go back to the website designers and get them to put it right? Or did you proof-read it before giving the go ahead? Never mind.

My fees are minimal and a pint of good English ale of my choosing will suffice. Or perhaps you'd be so kind to as to leave £8.50 under one of my plant pots - I'll leave the gate open.


Seriously - so much anger is not good for you - think about it - getting wound up on a forum by the responses of "so-called window cleaners" (a job which by your own admission can be done by jailbirds) is silly isn't it? I think ftp has been quite insightful and I think it unkind to mock in the circumstances; but please calm down.

Now you have a lovely time with your important friends this weekend - and please don't ask for Black Forest Gateau - it is such a give away as to one's roots.

why cant all your posts be this interesting  ;D ;D ;D ;D     dont suppose you would believe me when I say I'm smiling a lot when replying and not with rage  but whether you or not is not really my concern.

spot on about the website though and yes it did cost me £895 + Vat  but it was me who messed it up by not doing the proof reading as I stated in an earlier post  but yes I cany blame the web designer for that.

Gold   do you really see me as an agressive person ?     an opinionated T   I may be  but surely using pet names to wind fellow so called w/c up  but does that mean I'm being aggressive ?

its quite strange but the other 2 forums I visit I never seem to encounter this  but I have my idea's why this may be so..

glad to see you have low fees and yes I will leave the £8.50 under your plant pot  but only after I call you the night before or send a text to comfirm as I don't want to turn ip and find youve gone to work and left the gaye locked  ;D ;D ;D ;D

as for the blck forest  well just call me Herman the G.....       that dam SS is always a give away,   even tried being half Danish but lets face it  DANISH PASTRY v BLACK FORREST GATEAU   there's just no contest  ;D ;D ;D

right this opinionated T has to call his daughter  so thanks for the reply  and yes it did make me smile so you take care as well and have a fantastico day tomorrow,             as for me well I'm training up another prison release at 9am   so by 9.30 am  he should make supervisor  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Some people are so stupid!!!
Post by: stephen s on March 02, 2010, 11:06:56 pm
Stephen S, can you please start showing some more restraint.

Bluntly telling people the truth - as you see it - and often in an extremely rude and antagonistic fashion is, quite simply, NOT considered good form on the forum.

You all too frequently come across as aggressive and condescending and often resort to name calling (as you have in this thread)

We can all work up a head of steam when we read what we consider completely dumb arse and poorly thought out replies, I'm  no different in that respect, but I won't be rude or insulting in any responses I might make.

Regardless of how forthright and direct you might be out in the real world, on here in the 'cyber' world which only has the written word, you are constrained; Admin are gods, they set the rules and we have to obey them, whether we like it or not, and as one of the moderators I'm required to point this out now and then.... :-\

In the 'real' world we have vocal inflection, facial expressions and body language to gauge the spoken word and it's intent, be it humorous/sarcastic/aggressive/pedantic or whatever.

So please Stephen, make my life a little easier and rein it in a little.... :-X

And this also goes for the rest of you who are responding in kind, it makes unpleasant reading to say the least.



Very well put and yes I take on board everything you have pointed out,   and yes I'm guilty of name calling and hold my hand up to it,       but you have to adress the other name callers as well Ian as in these cases its a 2 way street.

thing is Ian if someone starts slagging me off for disagreeing with and airing my owm views then I aint just gonna take it I will give it back and I live by the motto if you cant take it don't give it  and give better than I get.

I fully understand your position and the fact you have to try and keep order on here and I fully respect that,     but I will aleays air my views and if that gets me barred then so be it.

there isn't a single person on here who Ive name called that I wouldn't say it to their faces,  thats not being some kind of hard case or some aggression freak,  thats just my upbringing to have a point of view of my own and think for myself.

so yes I will respect your wishes and stop the name calling  but expect me to be barred if some rag head tries it as I say I give better than I take,    meaning that if someone slags me off then you know thr rest

rag head ? ? ? ?


is a scouse thing