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In the early days I fell off a ladder - another local windy was going around to my customers saying I wouldn’t be back
Thankfully lost just one customer to this underhand activity

This happened to a local windy a few years back, another established wc(toerag) found out and randomly knocked on doors whilst canvassing telling people he had taken over his round. Unfortunately he lost quite a bit of work through it. He could have helped himself out though by communicating his predicament to his custy's but didn't.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by the king on Today at 12:50:55 pm »
i wander how effective a water additive will be like vision or added sparkle been i long time since ive used any
Used Equipment For Sale/Wanted / Prochem Polaris 800
« Last post by Steven Butler on Today at 11:59:39 am »
All working
Used Equipment For Sale/Wanted / Buffers high speed x 3
« Last post by Steven Butler on Today at 11:54:16 am »
All good condition between £600/1000 new each.
Photos available
£200 each or all 3 for £450
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by dd on Today at 11:50:31 am »
As others have said I find it best to scrub again with water turned off (after I have first cleaned window). Seem to come off easier this way and also saves water.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by windowswashed on Today at 10:56:25 am »
For the most noticeable snails trails I clean them in the same direction as the trail itself, for the remainder little ones they will disappear when the glass dries, no point being paranoid as they won't be seen when the glass dries.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by Simon Trapani on Today at 10:02:30 am »
Great thread this.

I’m going to try some of the techniques mentioned.

Snail trails are an absolute ballache wfp, that’s  for sure.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by zesty on Today at 10:01:59 am »
Leave them, when the window drys you can’t see them again  ;D often I find you can’t even see them until you get the window wet.

If they’re visible before cleaning the window, I just scrub till there gone. No particualr technique.

I'm always paranoid that the customer can see them from the inside!

I never had a complaint in all these years, so I’m guessing they can’t!
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by AuRavelling79 on Today at 09:54:40 am »
Leave them, when the window drys you can’t see them again  ;D often I find you can’t even see them until you get the window wet.

If they’re visible before cleaning the window, I just scrub till there gone. No particualr technique.

I'm always paranoid that the customer can see them from the inside!
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by AuRavelling79 on Today at 09:53:50 am »
Brush in a circular motion clockwise and then ante clockwise

Wax on. Wax off!
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