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Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Safe contractor
« Last post by Suffolkcleaners on Yesterday at 02:19:52 pm »
Talk to safe contractor for the price it varies
Its all  paperwork RAMS  /  insurance /   environmental policy / anti slavery
If you do not have the correct paperwork they will provide (sometimes for a cost)

There online  application  system is not easy , you should do it in a afternoon (allot of uploading )

The only issue is if you pay safe contractor and lose the job you lose money
ask the company you work for if you can put the price on

Just let mine expire use the FWC Safety Accredited Member


Thank you. I’ve done the job for 15 years so for the sake of £400 a year or whatever it looks as though I will have to sign up. Thanks for your advice.

Ps I’ve also emailed the manager to double check as I’m a sole trader and want to make 100% sure they basically need me to sign up or I lose the job which I can not afford to.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: gardner extreme
« Last post by michael mckeary on Yesterday at 01:37:49 pm »
pole is fairly new top section is badly worn due to the clamp nut working loose

Use a bit of threadlock on the bolt.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Safe contractor
« Last post by michael mckeary on Yesterday at 01:36:03 pm »
Handy to have it on your van and on your website. As long as the money keeps coming in and it helps you keep the contract. In the end its just another money making thing because we are all safe contractors.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Safe contractor
« Last post by Bryan Dolby on Yesterday at 01:04:38 pm »
Talk to safe contractor for the price it varies
Its all  paperwork RAMS  /  insurance /   environmental policy / anti slavery
If you do not have the correct paperwork they will provide (sometimes for a cost)

There online  application  system is not easy , you should do it in a afternoon (allot of uploading )

The only issue is if you pay safe contractor and lose the job you lose money
ask the company you work for if you can put the price on

Just let mine expire use the FWC Safety Accredited Member

Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Safe contractor
« Last post by Suffolkcleaners on Yesterday at 12:48:02 pm »
The job is worth it as it’s monthly. Any advice of what’s involved would be great. Thanks
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Safe contractor
« Last post by deeege on Yesterday at 12:40:27 pm »
How much is the job worth? It would have to be a very profitable contract to make me want to sign up to safe contractor as a one man band.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Non Vat Company stating VAT is in the price
« Last post by Smudger on Yesterday at 12:39:05 pm »
I agree - if it was shown as extra I would agree the tax man would be interested.

my thinking was he was trying to make out he's bigger than he is - he's been in window cleaning a few more years than me but now trying to do p/w work

spruce - I might just do that  ;D
Window Cleaning Forum / Safe contractor
« Last post by Suffolkcleaners on Yesterday at 11:50:30 am »
Hi guys, today from one of my commercial clients I’ve had a request to sign up to this before Feb 2025. It appears looking at the email it’s obligatory. I’m only a one man operator. Is this as daunting as it seems? What is the process to get accredited? Also I note there are different packages also starting from £399 per year.

Any advice would be great. Thanks.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Non Vat Company stating VAT is in the price
« Last post by Stoots on Yesterday at 11:47:38 am »
Probably badly worded but could land him in trouble i guess if it ever came to light
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: This is the best cancellation ever!
« Last post by Ggh on Yesterday at 08:05:31 am »
Doubt it - any by the time you've half arsed about doing that you could have done 4/5 cleans and earned 200 notes instead of 40

there will always be people (customers  ::)roll) asking you to do odd little jobs - usually because they get it done cheap.

One word of caution - check you have permission to "Deep Clean" headstones - and I don't mean your customer

What happened?  ;D
I was previously a memorial mason. You didn’t bleach some marble per chance?
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