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Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Gardiners Through Pad
« Last post by Ched on Today at 05:49:21 pm »
I use them on bad first cleans for upstairs sills, and conny roofs.
I also have a green Synthetic sponge Scourer roll from b&q that's 6mm thick, 140mm wide by 3m long for about £5. I cut sections out and use that, it lasts a lot better than the Gardiners pads but I only use it on glass conny roofs and sills. I use the original Gardiner pads on polycarb.
Window Cleaning Forum / Gardiners Through Pad
« Last post by Bungle on Today at 05:36:35 pm »
I bought one a while back just in case. I used it for the first time last Thursday. I had the internals to do on a public swimming pool. Never been cleaned. Brush wasn't working very well. Pad was 👌

I wish brushes worked as well as these.

Anyone else used one?
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by Bungle on Today at 05:25:45 pm »
This is interesting because I always jump head first into making it a puzzle, I must solve. Will be carrying a small plastic bag with small iso damp cloth to see how it reacts on the trails. Understand I will only be able to do ground level where most are, will get back with results.  😉

Take a bag a of snails and plonk them on the window. When the snail has done his job lob it in the nearest hedge.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by Perfect Windows on Today at 05:06:37 pm »
i wander how effective a water additive will be like vision or added sparkle been i long time since ive used any


Long time since I heard that snake oil mentioned.

Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by Stoots on Today at 03:59:52 pm »
Sometimes I just leave them if I cba  ;)
In the early days I fell off a ladder - another local windy was going around to my customers saying I wouldn’t be back
Thankfully lost just one customer to this underhand activity

This happened to a local windy a few years back, another established wc(toerag) found out and randomly knocked on doors whilst canvassing telling people he had taken over his round. Unfortunately he lost quite a bit of work through it. He could have helped himself out though by communicating his predicament to his custy's but didn't.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by the king on Today at 12:50:55 pm »
i wander how effective a water additive will be like vision or added sparkle been i long time since ive used any
Used Equipment For Sale/Wanted / Prochem Polaris 800
« Last post by Steven Butler on Today at 11:59:39 am »
All working
Used Equipment For Sale/Wanted / Buffers high speed x 3
« Last post by Steven Butler on Today at 11:54:16 am »
All good condition between £600/1000 new each.
Photos available
£200 each or all 3 for £450
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by dd on Today at 11:50:31 am »
As others have said I find it best to scrub again with water turned off (after I have first cleaned window). Seem to come off easier this way and also saves water.
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