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Window Cleaning Forum / Re: New van setup for franchisee
« Last post by Spruce on Today at 10:52:55 am »
A little addition into the emotional bank account that good franchisors and employers donate.

I suspect I may have posted about this before as it's core to everything we do.

We don't really care a great deal about our end-customers directly. Our entire focus, everything we ever do, every decision we make  is based on keeping our franchisees happy. They look after the end-customers, we look after them.

I've bored on about this before but above my desk is a sign I paid to have engraved: "Always do what is in the best interests of the franchisees"

I'd dread taking our business to Dragon's Den. I'd have trouble telling them turnover, return on capital employed, etc. I'd just keep replying "You misunderstand, we just keep the franchisees happy. I don't care about the financials. We do OK and everyone's content."

Sorry for the quasi-religious rant.


Brilliant. Wish a few more, not necessarily window cleaning, ran their business like you do.👍
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by DJW on Today at 10:46:04 am »
Rub their nose in it (then stamp on them).
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by Simon Trapani on Today at 09:24:02 am »
Haven’t got time for that poop
Carpet Cleaning Forum / Re: Vacuum cleaner recommendations?
« Last post by Amber51 on Today at 06:01:22 am »
For professional carpet cleaning, I recommend a Sebo BS36 or an industrial vacuum like the Karcher CV48.
got some more questions.

does everyone generally use a hose reel? are these attached to the machine, on a trolley? or just placed on the ground near your machine?

what do you do if you don't have access to the rear garden from the outside? e.g. a midterrace property. do you run all your hoses through the house? or do you lob it over the roof perhaps :D

Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Gutter clearing
« Last post by Bungle on Yesterday at 10:52:18 pm »
^^ he works on a Sunday. Sacrilege.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Gutter clearing
« Last post by Smudger on Yesterday at 09:38:03 pm »
wow - you really are THE man !

Just loving your experience of life

Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Gardiners Through Pad
« Last post by M & C Window Cleaning on Yesterday at 09:07:39 pm »
Pretty much all I use now for all my work is a 35cm Xtreme flocked, 35cm Xtreme Tapertec DuPont hybrid and the water through pads.
Window Cleaning Forum / Gutter clearing
« Last post by michael mckeary on Yesterday at 07:47:41 pm »
Once did a gutter clear on a bungalow in the middle of a dry summer. Used the vac and it was a nightmare, dust everywhere. Ended up just using the ladder and it was quicker and far easier. Today I cleared one with grass growing out of the full length of back gutter. The customers were saying that it will be hard with all the grass in it. I told them it will be fairly easy because its been so hot it will have shrunk. The moment I got hold of a big clump the whole lot nearly came out. They were pretty upset that I made it look so easy because nothing was holding the roots in place and it was dry as a bone. I reckon it would have took me three times longer with the vac.
In the early days I fell off a ladder - another local windy was going around to my customers saying I wouldn’t be back
Thankfully lost just one customer to this underhand activity

This happened to a local windy a few years back, another established wc(toerag) found out and randomly knocked on doors whilst canvassing telling people he had taken over his round. Unfortunately he lost quite a bit of work through it. He could have helped himself out though by communicating his predicament to his custy's but didn't.

Someone canvassed at a customer of mine (when it was just me) and said I'd sold my round to him. Customer phoned to tell me how upset she was that I hadn't told her. I spent a couple of evenings texting, emailing and phoning all my customers in the area to prewarn them. General feeling was "What a ratbag; I'll tell him to where to go if he tries that on me".

Though I can see someone in the pits of depression after falling off a ladder not being bothered with the hassle of calling everyone.

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