
  • Posts: 23852
after my serious accident i am still in two minds what todo

one day its down size and keep a bit,then it build and employ then its sell the lot,getting to sound like dazmond lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

This is one area I've made my mind up on......I'm gonna work until I die.....or physically can't work anymore.......the end. ;D

Me too! I see too many of my customers wasting their lives away watching TV volume up loud, subtitles on. Work whether paid or voluntary gives you a purpose in life. When the time eventually comes I'll gradually wind down the work and just do a few bungalows a day.

the older window cleaners i know(both trad by the way)look great for their age and still working part time(69 and 71)....my dad is still working and he s 72(not window cleaning but packing perfume/driving)....my dad is a lot happier now he s gone back to work....he was getting depressed sometimes in retirement and getting on my mums nerves!

im working class and come from a long line of workers....my gran was still working right up to her death at 74 (she had a stall in a local town selling second hand clothes)...she loved it....... :)
price higher/work harder!

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
My parents where the same, they spent all their lives working and when it got to the stage where they no longer needed to work they had nothing else. I will be cleaning other peoples windows today because I need their money, the minute I don t need their money they can clean their own.

Steven Biggs

  • Posts: 1350

The thing is in this country we have the NHS and a benefits system.

So you can't win...spend all your life building a business and security and they take it all off you to pay for your care should the worse happen, this happened t my grandma...had a few quid she wanted to leave to the family in her will but recently fell ill and all her savings etc is going on her care. They will even take her house and downsize her eventually...what's the point.
there are ways round that . So it doesn’t happen . You need to get things in place in advance. You need to get advice from a good solicitor. Might cost a few hundred but we’ll worth it .

John Mart

after my serious accident i am still in two minds what todo

one day its down size and keep a bit,then it build and employ then its sell the lot,getting to sound like dazmond lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

This is one area I've made my mind up on......I'm gonna work until I die.....or physically can't work anymore.......the end. ;D

Me too! I see too many of my customers wasting their lives away watching TV volume up loud, subtitles on. Work whether paid or voluntary gives you a purpose in life. When the time eventually comes I'll gradually wind down the work and just do a few bungalows a day.

I do feel for people who have nothing in their lives but TV and work, very sad.
Yes. I find it amazing when I see people watching tv in the daytime when out working.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
after my serious accident i am still in two minds what todo

one day its down size and keep a bit,then it build and employ then its sell the lot,getting to sound like dazmond lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

This is one area I've made my mind up on......I'm gonna work until I die.....or physically can't work anymore.......the end. ;D

Me too! I see too many of my customers wasting their lives away watching TV volume up loud, subtitles on. Work whether paid or voluntary gives you a purpose in life. When the time eventually comes I'll gradually wind down the work and just do a few bungalows a day.

I do feel for people who have nothing in their lives but TV and work, very sad.
Yes. I find it amazing when I see people watching tv in the daytime when out working.

Amazing ? nothing wrong with watching daytime tv as long as its by choice and not because you have nothing else, same goes for work when financial need is no longer the main driver.

John Mart

after my serious accident i am still in two minds what todo

one day its down size and keep a bit,then it build and employ then its sell the lot,getting to sound like dazmond lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

This is one area I've made my mind up on......I'm gonna work until I die.....or physically can't work anymore.......the end. ;D

Me too! I see too many of my customers wasting their lives away watching TV volume up loud, subtitles on. Work whether paid or voluntary gives you a purpose in life. When the time eventually comes I'll gradually wind down the work and just do a few bungalows a day.

I do feel for people who have nothing in their lives but TV and work, very sad.
Yes. I find it amazing when I see people watching tv in the daytime when out working.

Amazing ? nothing wrong with watching daytime tv as long as its by choice and not because you have nothing else, same goes for work when financial need is no longer the main driver.
Surely you’d only do it IF you had nothing better to do.

And do you mean financial need? If the driver was just need, benefits would probably meet the need.

Marc Stock

This is why i am working now to build up my business into a going concern that doesn't require my day to day input.

I am nearly at 55k turnover a year now. My target of 60k is now coming into sight. But its getting harder and harder to get the correct sort of work for one person fitted into the schedual. Its getting tight and i am also getting very bored during the week. I normallt have a day off halfway through the week and thats happening less and less.

Once i hit my 60k target; its another van and a full time employee. Then my job for the next 3 months  will be canvassing; marketing and growing the work to my stage 2 growth to 80k  a year.

Then after that its onto 120k a year with two vans and two full time window cleaners.  I hope to be at this 120k stage by the time i am 40 years old. I dont want to be working at 50. So if i keep doubling my business growth every two years from that point forward i should have a good business i can pass onto my children should they want it, or just keep reinvesting in the business all the way through my retirement

Mate, if you're getting bored already growing a business with all these exciting plans for the future I think you're only going to get more bored. If you're bored earning good money with a good future in view how bored will your employees be?

Sorry mate only just noticed this response.

I don't get bored growing my business. I get bored cleaning windows. Been doing it now nearly 16 Years; i think i am entitled to feel bored with the job by now.

And your comment about how bored will my employees will be? I don't flipping know do i! I don't care either; as long as they do the job they are paid to do and are happy enough doing the job; that's all that matters.



  • Posts: 6153

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

John Mart

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!
I don’t think it’s any more boring than any other run of the mill job. Less so mostly. In general you have to be self sufficient and enjoy your own company though. I like it on the whole even though for the time being I’m not actually doing it.


  • Posts: 23852

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

well imagine working full time and getting a lot less money!as thats what an employee will be doing! ::)roll

i dont mind window cleaning at all even after 25 years.mainly because of short hours and good money,fresh air and beautiful surroundings/views......
price higher/work harder!

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

well imagine working full time and getting a lot less money!as thats what an employee will be doing! ::)roll

i dont mind window cleaning at all even after 25 years.mainly because of short hours and good money,fresh air and beautiful surroundings/views......

Tell yourself something over and over and eventually you will believe it, lol, theres a reason why this forum is full of dreamers and BS'ers, clue, is not because window cleaning is a career or mentally fulfilling job.
I hate cleaning windows (you would need to be some sort of Zombie not to ) but its serves its purpose which is to put money in my pocket when I dont have a lot of other options.


  • Posts: 13419

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

well imagine working full time and getting a lot less money!as thats what an employee will be doing! ::)roll

i dont mind window cleaning at all even after 25 years.mainly because of short hours and good money,fresh air and beautiful surroundings/views......

Tell yourself something over and over and eventually you will believe it, lol, theres a reason why this forum is full of dreamers and BS'ers, clue, is not because window cleaning is a career or mentally fulfilling job.
I hate cleaning windows (you would need to be some sort of Zombie not to ) but its serves its purpose which is to put money in my pocket when I dont have a lot of other options.

Yes regular window cleans are mind numbing

I enjoy first cleans and the pressure washing 😁

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 23852

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

well imagine working full time and getting a lot less money!as thats what an employee will be doing! ::)roll

i dont mind window cleaning at all even after 25 years.mainly because of short hours and good money,fresh air and beautiful surroundings/views......

Tell yourself something over and over and eventually you will believe it, lol, theres a reason why this forum is full of dreamers and BS'ers, clue, is not because window cleaning is a career or mentally fulfilling job.
I hate cleaning windows (you would need to be some sort of Zombie not to ) but its serves its purpose which is to put money in my pocket when I dont have a lot of other options.

i feel sorry for you sean.....fancy doing a job that you "hate"!i certainly dont hate cleaning windows........its one of the best,easiest underrated jobs in the world(now we have WFP,electronic payments,etc) ;D 8)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 2554

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

well imagine working full time and getting a lot less money!as thats what an employee will be doing! ::)roll

i dont mind window cleaning at all even after 25 years.mainly because of short hours and good money,fresh air and beautiful surroundings/views......

Tell yourself something over and over and eventually you will believe it, lol, theres a reason why this forum is full of dreamers and BS'ers, clue, is not because window cleaning is a career or mentally fulfilling job.
I hate cleaning windows (you would need to be some sort of Zombie not to ) but its serves its purpose which is to put money in my pocket when I dont have a lot of other options.
If you really hate cleaning windows you should either try to change your attitude, or change your job.

Every one gets fed up from time to time, but going to work hating what you do is not a good way to live.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847

Window cleaning is boring and gets tedious day in day out...most days I can't be arsed with it but i just get on with it for the money and that's what an employee will do.

The thing with it for me is that I know I could earn really good money working say 9-5 x 5 days a week as a solo operator. Probably 60k a year which up north is excellent money...however I just don't have the stomach to do that much window cleaning, I would be bored to death, knackered and depressed... it's ok for 5-6 hours a day with plenty of days off here and there but full time no thanks. That's why id rather employ someone else to do it!

well imagine working full time and getting a lot less money!as thats what an employee will be doing! ::)roll

i dont mind window cleaning at all even after 25 years.mainly because of short hours and good money,fresh air and beautiful surroundings/views......

Tell yourself something over and over and eventually you will believe it, lol, theres a reason why this forum is full of dreamers and BS'ers, clue, is not because window cleaning is a career or mentally fulfilling job.
I hate cleaning windows (you would need to be some sort of Zombie not to ) but its serves its purpose which is to put money in my pocket when I dont have a lot of other options.
If you really hate cleaning windows you should either try to change your attitude, or change your job.

Every one gets fed up from time to time, but going to work hating what you do is not a good way to live.

dd I would be very wary of a guy who's says they like cleaning windows and its the dest job ever, yes I hate cleaning window but that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for the money it puts in my pocket or that I want to take an overdose every morning.

Marc Stock

I think hate is a strong word Dry Clean.

I dont hate cleaning windows; i do find it incredibly tedious though.

I hate conservatory roofs though. Id happily start up a charity to rid the world of the damn things.


  • Posts: 6153
I dont think im at the extreme of either daz`s love or dry clean`s loathing  :D.

I usually find a few days off gets me itching to go back and get stuck in, then by the end of the week im slowing down and looking for a break. 

A mixed bag.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1517
Think I just hate work full stop.

Approaching my mid forties & I can see why people want to 'get off the tools'.


  • Posts: 23852
isnt it strange how we all view window cleaning in a different way?

most of the time im so glad im a window cleaner.....really!.........it allows for a certain freedom that is denied you when you work for someone else....

do NOT underestimate freedom and flexibility....its truly a gift that a lot of people NEVER HAVE THE WHOLE OF THEIR WORKING LIVES!!!

couple that with good money,fresh air,WFP  so no need to risk your neck up a ladder anymore,no collecting(or hardly any!)compared to years ago makes this job so much easier and more profitable.....whats not to like?

oh i tell you what has put a smile on my face lately MY ELECTRIC REEL!!should of got one years ago it really does make a difference!!plus i have my hot water and xtreme poles....

ive also got my card machine for card payments so no dodging payments anymore! 8)...

loving it.........im so glad ive stuck at window cleaning all these years as im reaping the benefits now......
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 23852
Think I just hate work full stop.

Approaching my mid forties & I can see why people want to 'get off the tools'.

i dont get it...i never feel like this!! and im 46(nearly 47)....... 8)
price higher/work harder!