Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #160 on: February 11, 2019, 12:11:13 pm »
Lee has taken alot of risks, suffered lots of stress and has odviously put the hours in to build up his business. I would imagine he can put his feet up if he desires and reap the rewards (A lovely position to be in) or re-invest and build it  even bigger (Still a lovely situation to be in).
Lee has made alot of valid points regarding  the people who use this forum.
IMO nearly all on here will run there own business, its there little baby, they have spent time building it up and refining it, never in million years will they go back to being employed by someone, BUT, outside of this very small collection of self employed business owners is a massive world, full of people not wanting to take risks, people who are and do, quite happily work all there lives for someone else, making that employer or company a fortune over the years. Its they way the world works. Im sure if Lee has half of his lads leave tomorrow his business wont collapse and within a month it would be buisness as usual.
Why am I blowing smoke up Lee's bottom?
Years ago on this forum I suffered from similar 'always negative' comments. I decided too not really contribute on here anymore, instead just watch from the side lines and concentrate on proving people wrong.
What I have noticed is only a small amout of people seem to ask Lee the right sorts of questions or for advise. (Im sure some may contact him privately, good on them, tap into his knowledge on growing a big successful domestic window cleaning business) Most people are trying to drill down into all the negative aspects of running a larger business, maybe trying to justify in there own minds as to why they havn't or wont grow bigger.
I would imagine one of Lee's goals is not to have to work at all, yet still get well (very well) paid for all the work and stress he has/is going through now, getting paid continually in the future for very little or no input. I believe window cleaning residential properties is the almost 'perfect' business to achieve this in (I have started and been involved in many). Never continually having to replace or look for work, a domestic window cleaning business however big or small will look after itself (unless you are having to do the cleaning bit yourself ) if you have the right training and staff/operators in place.

My business is 99% residential, based up in the North East. I could if I wished retire today, close my office and unit down, stop growing  and collect each week a hansome retirement wage, but aged 45, my plan is to continue building/re investing in the business till I am 50, then retire and actually enjoy the rewards, rather than living very simply as we do at the moment due to re-investing. (Remember this is MY plan, Im happy with the way we live at the moment because I can clearly see the end result and know what Im suffering for.)
It will have taken 14 years for me to get the business to this point. 

So why this post?
Everyone can learn something new every day IF you open your mind to new ideas. Your way of doing things may be just perfect for you, thats great, BUT when others share there idea's, dont shoot them down just because YOU personally dont think they will work.
Hope you all, whatever journey your on, have a good day and a prosperous 2019.
Keep shining.
Kind regards

Now that is the sort of post this forum needs more of.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.


  • Posts: 2214
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #161 on: February 11, 2019, 12:18:40 pm »
We all work the way WE want to.
Surely it's the person you are that's most important.
Material things /money etc have their place but contentment never came from those things alone.
Being big headed and arrogant is not the person I aspire to be.
I look up to people who care about others, they are the true heroes.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #162 on: February 11, 2019, 12:21:46 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #163 on: February 11, 2019, 12:25:24 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #164 on: February 11, 2019, 12:28:29 pm »
ok so now your saying that earning 200k a year for a job I almost wont need to work for isnt very good? hmmmmmmm interesting.

ok you win. I better pack it in. Oh and in the mean time show me a single 1 man band that EARNS 80k a year. All your speculation about expenses and your 80k one man band doesnt seem to have any then
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #165 on: February 11, 2019, 12:30:29 pm »
Holidays need covered by other employees, usually at a higher overtime rate, the only other option is to skip their work which still has a cost.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #166 on: February 11, 2019, 12:33:47 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #167 on: February 11, 2019, 12:44:41 pm »
ok so now your saying that earning 200k a year for a job I almost wont need to work for isnt very good? hmmmmmmm interesting.

ok you win. I better pack it in. Oh and in the mean time show me a single 1 man band that EARNS 80k a year. All your speculation about expenses and your 80k one man band doesnt seem to have any then

So selling your home and all the years invested to get to where you are now dont count ? once again  I will say £200k a year isnt  to be laughed at but its not a lot of return for the effort, time and money you have invested, remember you work in areas where a guy on his own could spend under £10k head out door knocking and within a year or so be earning £80k.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #168 on: February 11, 2019, 12:50:50 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.

LOL, as Iv already explained you have 10 employees with 30 days holidays each, these days still  need to be covered by overtime  from your other workers at an extra cost, Boom there it is (roll eyes)

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #169 on: February 11, 2019, 01:00:38 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.

LOL, as Iv already explained you have 10 employees with 30 days holidays each, these days still  need to be covered by overtime  from your other workers at an extra cost, Boom there it is (roll eyes)
I don't know how Lee does it, but I calculate on 46 weeks and don't pay overtime to catch up.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #170 on: February 11, 2019, 01:06:05 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.

LOL, as Iv already explained you have 10 employees with 30 days holidays each, these days still  need to be covered by overtime  from your other workers at an extra cost, Boom there it is (roll eyes)
I don't know how Lee does it, but I calculate on 46 weeks and don't pay overtime to catch up.

So your employee gets 6  weeks holidays and is expected to catch up on those 6 weeks without any extra pay, where do you get these idiots from.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #171 on: February 11, 2019, 01:09:38 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.

LOL, as Iv already explained you have 10 employees with 30 days holidays each, these days still  need to be covered by overtime  from your other workers at an extra cost, Boom there it is (roll eyes)
I don't know how Lee does it, but I calculate on 46 weeks and don't pay overtime to catch up.

So your employee gets 6  weeks holidays and is expected to catch up on those 6 weeks without any extra pay, where do you get these idiots from.
If it's calculated on 46 weeks, where are you getting 6 weeks to catch up from? 52-6 = 46. Stick to trolling Vision posts.  ;)


Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #172 on: February 11, 2019, 01:19:23 pm »
show me a single 1 man band that EARNS 80k a year. All your speculation about expenses and your 80k one man band doesnt seem to have any then

I only earn 15k a year, and the missus too so 30k a year is what we extract from our business,  imo any more than that and its just not worth it with the tax you start to pay on wages.

Now I am forecast for a turnover of 55k of actual money through the business March 2019, that's real turnover..not what my customer list says. I do on average 10-14 jobs per day, and work for the most part 4 days a week (could condense to 3 and a half, but no thanks I'm not killing myself again) if I was working 5 days a week, and killing it I would easily turn over 80k a year, but that's not earnings...the amount of tax on that would make you cry.

For the self employed people saying they earn  ( take home) 50k or 60k a year, your tax bills must be astronomical as sole traders, and the payments on account would cripple you, but I bet if we were to see your personal tax returns it would show a much more conservative figure. Interesting that isn't it.  ::)roll

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #173 on: February 11, 2019, 01:32:22 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.

LOL, as Iv already explained you have 10 employees with 30 days holidays each, these days still  need to be covered by overtime  from your other workers at an extra cost, Boom there it is (roll eyes)
I don't know how Lee does it, but I calculate on 46 weeks and don't pay overtime to catch up.

So your employee gets 6  weeks holidays and is expected to catch up on those 6 weeks without any extra pay, where do you get these idiots from.
If it's calculated on 46 weeks, where are you getting 6 weeks to catch up from? 52-6 = 46. Stick to trolling Vision posts.  ;)

Wow that is just beyond stupid, heres how business people do things, your employee will have 6 weeks paid holidays which means 6 weeks of that employees work that still needs to be done, if you skip this work it has a cost, if you get other employees to cover it will be extra work for them which also has a cost, its not hard.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #174 on: February 11, 2019, 02:12:26 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!

Couldn't even address a single point, just more wibble about haters, its time you guys woke up and smelled the BS. (roll eyes)
I didn't say there was  no money in window cleaning, the long and short is even with a one million turnover because of your over inflated expenses you will be lucky to be left with £200k, its not to be laughed at but in an area where a one man operator can make £80k its hardly a lot for the effort and money invested.
Wont answer why paying an employee £30k a year will actually be close to £40k when you add employee costs holiday cover and so on,  you should already know that. (roll eyes)
Well that's because it's not true. Holidays will be in the £30k. It's just pensions & NI on top.

Boom and there it is!

Dry clean you know why 8 weekly was able to spot this? Because he has experience that you dont. As in running a bigger business thats going to the next level. So on that 1 point alone we just found about another 70k in my business model over the year.

LOL, as Iv already explained you have 10 employees with 30 days holidays each, these days still  need to be covered by overtime  from your other workers at an extra cost, Boom there it is (roll eyes)
I don't know how Lee does it, but I calculate on 46 weeks and don't pay overtime to catch up.

So your employee gets 6  weeks holidays and is expected to catch up on those 6 weeks without any extra pay, where do you get these idiots from.
If it's calculated on 46 weeks, where are you getting 6 weeks to catch up from? 52-6 = 46. Stick to trolling Vision posts.  ;)

Wow that is just beyond stupid, heres how business people do things, your employee will have 6 weeks paid holidays which means 6 weeks of that employees work that still needs to be done, if you skip this work it has a cost, if you get other employees to cover it will be extra work for them which also has a cost, its not hard.
There isn't 6 weeks to catch up. I consider him "full" at 46 x his weekly turnover and all my calculations are based on that. There's nothing to catch up and no work to skip.  ;)

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #175 on: February 11, 2019, 02:31:00 pm »
Just 1 last thing to add

I never said it was 200k

Look when its all said and done I earn just fine thanks. If we didnt make any money I wouldnt be buying 2 more vans with the plan for 3 more on top of that next year. As for selling my house being worth it or not I think it was and Im the only one with all the facts about why, you can speculate all you like.

Im out of this thread now but keep the eyes peeled next month for the start of my youtube chanel where I will be upsetting the masses in person! haha!
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #176 on: February 11, 2019, 02:34:43 pm »
How can there be no work to skip, if Mrs x is due in 8 weeks and your employee is off on holiday who cleans Mrs x property ?
If I take a holiday I will either skip the work or do it either the week before or after the holiday (extra time), I would be a total mug to do this for nothing as an employee with holiday entitlement.

John Mart

Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #177 on: February 11, 2019, 02:54:32 pm »
How can there be no work to skip, if Mrs x is due in 8 weeks and your employee is off on holiday who cleans Mrs x property ?
If I take a holiday I will either skip the work or do it either the week before or after the holiday (extra time), I would be a total mug to do this for nothing as an employee with holiday entitlement.
Another employee. No one has a fixed round - the work is allocated on a daily basis. No one puts in a double shift. We're usually a little behind anyway - especially in the summer. Don't worry about us. We're fine.  ;D

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #178 on: February 11, 2019, 03:01:28 pm »
How can there be no work to skip, if Mrs x is due in 8 weeks and your employee is off on holiday who cleans Mrs x property ?
If I take a holiday I will either skip the work or do it either the week before or after the holiday (extra time), I would be a total mug to do this for nothing as an employee with holiday entitlement.
Another employee. No one has a fixed round - the work is allocated on a daily basis. No one puts in a double shift. We're usually a little behind anyway - especially in the summer. Don't worry about us. We're fine.  ;D

Touched a raw nerve, as per usual with you guys nothing adds up.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3929
Re: Average wage for a window cleaner
« Reply #179 on: February 11, 2019, 03:09:57 pm »
What makes you think you are the biggest in the south?
By turnover?
By vans on the road?
Or by profit

Because nobody else would be foolish enough to try and build a large window cleaning business in the south, Lee's guys average £70k a year, he pays them £30k plus costs holiday pay and so on, lets say £40k, that leaves  him around £300k for 2 office staff an office manager, 10 vans and all the other equipment, premises and marketing the list goes on, theres a reason why theres no Amazon or Virgin window cleaning.
Believe me if there was real money in this he wouldnt be broadcasting it to all on here.

Oh this is just pure gold! Actually made my day.

How on earth do you get to 40k per staff member? haha. One of the 2 girls is the manager so not 2 plus manager. I own 4 of our 10 vans outright and the list of where your wrong goes on and on.

So in your last sentence your saying there is no money in window cleaning. Jesus we all better find another job then!

Your totally right theres no money left for me, im skint ha!! My mrs and I will be poolside in dubai (again) in 3 weeks(4k for the week). While im there with a g&t in my hand at the swim up bar, still being paid and everything running fine without me, I will try to work out where it all went wrong. Dont worry I will let you know when the answer comes to me. In the mean time ive decided to not work today, (just because I can) instead I will jump in my brand new 75k m4 cabrio and drive into town where I will drop off my 7k breitling navitimer to get serviced before we go away. Then im off to purchase a new video camera which I plan to use for our new youtube chanel starting next month (watch this space) Oh and as theres no money in window cleaning I better swing by the job centre to sign on while im out! On my way home I might pop into the office just to see if the £4k on the worksheets for today got done and click the button to start all of it being collected by direct debit.

Yep, theres no money in window cleaning past being a 1 man band. I better cancel the 2 brand new vans on order. Thank god you were here to save me from myself before I made a huge mistake.  :'(

Growing your business to achieve financial freedom and freedom of personal time = ...........brilliant

1 man band online haters slating a person whos business is fast approaching a million a year=.......... priceless!
If this is what money does to you, no thanks, I’d rather be skint!