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Window Cleaning Forum / Re: pressure washer issues
« Last post by Smudger on Today at 10:35:00 pm »
normally with an unloader you just lose pressure (VRT) I cant remember far enough back for the K1 or 9 type

when you let go of the trigger are you recycling the water or going back to the buffer tank?
Great finish - always proud when the jobs comes out like this
thanks darren much appreciated and fantastic post.

i bit the bullet and bought a pro foam from rutland as i had a few jobs in pipeline for using it.
what a fantastic bit of kit , put grey nozzle init with, my hypo with some sufrfactant , lauryl dimethaline oxide from local supplier and was bloody awesome, doused it out on and left 20 mins and the finish was unreal, so impressed tbf,
i tested it and left some of the black spots and lichen to see its effectivness, gobsmacked how a decent surfactant helps the hyo stick and disolve them
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Electric vans
« Last post by michael mckeary on Today at 09:50:23 pm »
Scrap copper is about £5 a kilo. Did his charging cables really weigh 12kg?

I think they are talking about the cable that comes out of the charging station. They use boltcutters and chop everyone of them. Its a nice earner if you have a full row of them at a carpark. I think in future they will change to the same idea as the air hose. Once you put in your debit card then it will allow you to pull it out. It costs a fortune to fix it when its been chopped.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: scaffold tower
« Last post by michael mckeary on Today at 09:40:29 pm »
I think if i buy one guys, i will also need to add a trailer to my van. Fitting it all in looks a proper tight squeeze. I have my water tank in the van also, so that cant easily be taken out, anyone use a trailer, seems sensible to me.
I have a VW Transporter, will just fit a tower in i feel.

Probably better fitting a roof rack. I have a roof rack on my VW Hi Roof Crafter and that's where I stack my big scaffold frames on when transporting them to a job. Fit them on the night before and chain and padlock them onto the rack.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: pressure washer issues
« Last post by michael mckeary on Today at 09:30:28 pm »
Sounds like something is stuck. What happens when the revs are down to idle?
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: pressure washer issues
« Last post by Steve H on Today at 08:06:58 pm »
To also add to that - its a Honda GX390 petrol engine
Can you buy just the parts for the unloader valve, or is it best to buy and replace the whole thing?
Many thanks
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Talk to me about franchising please
« Last post by Stoots on Today at 08:00:13 pm »
Well you are if your abroad - I’d be quite p!seed investing several grand and ongoing fees to only get the franchiser only accessible by phone or email

I'm not sure why it matters. It's only window cleaning it would be worrying if you had franchisees that couldn't be self sufficient and need their hand holding. What is it that would need you in person ?

Window Cleaning Forum / pressure washer issues
« Last post by Steve H on Today at 07:59:29 pm »
For those guys that use pressure washers, any ideas on what the problem could be?
When using the pressure washer its fine, power is there as normal. As soon as i release the trigger on the lance or fsc, the machine is juddering like mad, almost like its got an air block. I then have to open the release valve quickly, to stop the juddering.
Ive tried the usual methods to unblock the air, but its still doing it. (only happened yesterday and then again today)
Could it be the unloader valve that needs replacing? any ideas appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys
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