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Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by M & C Window Cleaning on Today at 06:00:49 pm »
I use an Xtreme flocked brush, wet but without the water flowing. For some reason when the water is flowing it seems to cause the brush to glide over them without removing them or at least having to use more effort to scrub them off.
If it's downstairs windows and they are stubborn trails, I put a damp microfibre over them first followed by brush and rinse.
The snails are an absolute pain at the moment due to all the rain we've had.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Interesting day, Wednesday
« Last post by Stoots on Today at 05:54:11 pm »
Good read that thankyou mikel
Window Cleaning Forum / Snail Trails
« Last post by AuRavelling79 on Today at 05:53:25 pm »
Seem more abundant than ever!

Any tricks?

Do you scrub until they are gone completely?
No but I've had it the other way when the next door neighbour has come out and tried to pay me thinking I clean theirs.
In the early days I fell off a ladder - another local windy was going around to my customers saying I wouldn’t be back
Thankfully lost just one customer to this underhand activity
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Wooden frames
« Last post by M & C Window Cleaning on Today at 02:21:18 pm »
Had a few like this over the years and have treated them as Smudger does.  I also explain to the customer the problem we have with old wooden or stained frames, and often their response is, "Don't worry too much mate as long as you keep them reasonably clean I'm not too worried." Then I just do the best I can in the time allotted and don't overly worry about it.
Yes, but many years ago and the customers also getting angry with me even after I'd told them that these chancers had zero to do with me. Didn't lose any customers though as I recall, but a couple of the tricksters took my money before the customers caught on. Also had a couple of attempts to take my customers over this way as well.
it's not happened to me as yet, but I have to say that's an awful thing to to people
Had three in the last  two weeks  at separate jobs miles away from each other 
they pitch up at long standing jobs and ask for my money saying he was sick / died/given up
 could he have three months money in advance  and getting angry when they refused
the customer then calling me at all hours to ask if was ok /dead or given up and lastly  how dare I send someone round to collect my money in that state then cancelled me !!
has anyone else had this it happens every ressesion  along with a spate of newbies and chancers
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Interesting day, Wednesday
« Last post by Don Kee on Today at 12:25:41 pm »
Imagine if there was a way of powering a vehicle that didn't rely on belts and pulleys that can potentially catch fire? Power steering run by the power train battery, no belts or idler pulleys to worry about?

You could be trundling along with massive amounts of low end torque, fully gassed up every morning. Not a care in the world about your mate and his lack of ramp space.


I think the fan belt was electric…
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