Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2007, 04:09:39 pm »
There is nothing going on behind the scenes. no lobbying, no writing of letters to mps putting our side of the argument, no attempt at mitigation for us to be educated and follow best practice.
No liason meetings scheduled- no experts instructed- No big push to get people to sign the petition even if they didn't start it- no unifying of the orginisations to fight the common cause  -nowt.

Are you a member of the APWC? or the FWC?  These are the industry associations and they're there to put our collective voice.  The more who join the stronger our representation will be.

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2007, 04:43:22 pm »
I've only just got public liability Ian, and agree the organisations you mention should represent us.
Not a member no, but I know what a fight is, and the signs of one going on.

The only people on here urging people to sign the petition have been private individuals. It's standard practice in this situation to send out a form letter- with an additional form letter- that it is suggested wc's send a version of to their local MP asking for support in this matter and putting our side.

I don't buy this,there is a lot going on but it's a secret. We live in a democracy and therefore even high ranking DEFRA people have to follow legisation. We are going to end up with a fait accompli- if we haven't already


  • Posts: 1137
Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2007, 05:48:07 pm »
I should be cleaning my local Mps windows in December.

He is still a member of Parliment.If hes home I will run the subject by him.

I normally have a brew with him if hes home.He travells down to London on Tuesdays normally.


Paul Coleman

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2007, 05:51:49 pm »
I should be cleaning my local Mps windows in December.

He is still a member of Parliment.If hes home I will run the subject by him.

I normally have a brew with him if hes home.He travells down to London on Tuesdays normally.


No chance of that with my MP.  Apparently she rents a London home and puts it on the expenses.

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2007, 06:28:14 pm »
I spoke to mine Saturday -Brian Binley- but only briefly as I was in a rush. He doesn't know me as a window cleaner but is quite used to me boring the pants off him over this and that.

poles apart

  • Posts: 664
Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2007, 07:09:42 pm »
Well if I fill my static tank (no hosepipes involved) and then pump it across to my working tank (still no hosepipes involved) and then clean windows with a backpack, what restriction orders will I be breaking?


Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2007, 07:55:03 pm »
i have signed  the petition , i feel that  we are  being used as  a scape  goat all the time  and i am sick of it and what for the  suppliers  and manufacturers of wfp not a peep out of them.

Im sorry, but what a load of bloody rubbish.

We are NOT being made scape-goats, we are purely and simply a business that uses water, simple as, and as a business that uses water we, LIKE ALL OTHER BUSINESSES THAT DO, run the risk of restrictions on its use.

They have not said 'I know lets make window-cleaners the scape-goat', the scape-goat for what?? And dont say the water companies lack of pipe repairs, as thats just too boring now.


Paul Coleman

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2007, 10:57:49 pm »
i have signed  the petition , i feel that  we are  being used as  a scape  goat all the time  and i am sick of it and what for the  suppliers  and manufacturers of wfp not a peep out of them.

Im sorry, but what a load of bloody rubbish.

We are NOT being made scape-goats, we are purely and simply a business that uses water, simple as, and as a business that uses water we, LIKE ALL OTHER BUSINESSES THAT DO, run the risk of restrictions on its use.

They have not said 'I know lets make window-cleaners the scape-goat', the scape-goat for what?? And dont say the water companies lack of pipe repairs, as thats just too boring now.


At one drought order hearing last year, a water company actually admitted that our visibility was a bigger issue than the amount of water that we use.  Maybe scapegoat is too strong but it is clear that our visibility would cause us to be treated with less leniency than many, less visible professions.


  • Posts: 212
Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2007, 09:16:29 am »
I will carry on regardless with wfp.UNLESS

 If  my customers told me to stop as I am banned.

If it was a really bad drought and the water supply was really low that you you had to go and qet your water in a bucket from a standpipe.

Failng that I would not pay any fines that came my way.I would make a stand and see if the goverment would send me to prison for breaking the so called law.


A crazy crazy world. Meanwhile the country is being bled to death through leaking water pipes that the water companys are not fixing.


The headlines already read "Rapists and hardened criminals released early to make way for pensioners who are late paying their council tax"

....and nobody cares! :(

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2007, 11:38:59 am »
Well if I fill my static tank (no hosepipes involved) and then pump it across to my working tank (still no hosepipes involved) and then clean windows with a backpack, what restriction orders will I be breaking?
do you have a hose on your pack pack ?, nice try though  ;)


Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2007, 12:37:13 pm »
There is nothing going on behind the scenes. no lobbying, no writing of letters to mps putting our side of the argument, no attempt at mitigation for us to be educated and follow best practice.
No liason meetings scheduled- no experts instructed- No big push to get people to sign the petition even if they didn't start it- no unifying of the orginisations to fight the common cause  -nowt.

Are you a member of the APWC? or the FWC?  These are the industry associations and they're there to put our collective voice.  The more who join the stronger our representation will be.

Those of us who were on the forums last time this happened will remember that the FSB. APWC and FED along with suppliers manufacturers and private individuals worked extremely hard on lobbying, getting precise facts and details to make sure that we window cleaners could indeed carry on with our businesses. I belive that the time that any talk of us perhaps having to stop our usage is when there is a certain level of drought order reached. At the moment there is only "talk" of a hosepipe ban and that would be for DOMESTIC usage only, not domestic customers, but domestic Mrs Smith down the road washing her own car with a hosepipe :) For those of you that didn't visit the forums last time, don't just take it for granted nothing is happening. Remember even if you are not a member of an organisation such as FSB, they still act on your behalf as part of the whole window cleaning industry.
I don't believe we should hide away and put our heads in the proverbial sand, but....... why put ourselves in the limelight, there are many many other industries that were affected last time and will be again if it should happen.
Contacting your local MP is a good idea, but they probably don't have the information to hand, especially if their specifc duties are not to do with such. It would be better to contact your water supplier and see what plans they have, should this happen. You can request this as an individual member of the public and not as a window cleaner :)

Personally and I said this last year, should the water supply situation get so bad that we are back on stand pipes (last time I remember was 1976) I morally could not draw water to clean windows whilst knowing that I may just be taking it away from someone who needs water more than our business, for example a hospital with ill people that need to be cared for hygenically.

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2007, 04:30:18 pm »
Helen and Shiner, we are not talking about drought orders. This thread doesn't even mention them in the title. You are guilty of hearing what you want to hear.

Poles apart, for the tenth time, it's done on use or usage, the term hose pipe ban is only the title of what it is called. Window cleaning is included as a use that is prohihibited. Domestic, commercial, customer, window cleaner, doesn't matter window cleaning with a wfp will not be allowed, (that is what is proposed).

I don't like it anymore than anyone else, and shiners point about visibilty was a good one, as was Hellens about drawing attention to ourselves in a negative way or appearing selfish.

Paul Coleman

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2007, 05:06:05 pm »
Helen and Shiner, we are not talking about drought orders. This thread doesn't even mention them in the title. You are guilty of hearing what you want to hear.

Poles apart, for the tenth time, it's done on use or usage, the term hose pipe ban is only the title of what it is called. Window cleaning is included as a use that is prohihibited. Domestic, commercial, customer, window cleaner, doesn't matter window cleaning with a wfp will not be allowed, (that is what is proposed).

I don't like it anymore than anyone else, and shiners point about visibilty was a good one, as was Hellens about drawing attention to ourselves in a negative way or appearing selfish.

I'm not guilty of anything.  I think I understand what is going on.  Previously, window cleaners could only be prevented from using WFP in a drought order.  The water authorities now appear to be trying to make it possible to prevent window cleaners using WFP if a hosepipe should occur (not too infrequent an occurrence in parts of the southeast.  I say "appear to" because there could be some ambiguity in the wording.  Part of the problem could be that they seem to be trying to limit the amount of water that can be stored in the wetter times for usage in the drier times - with a possible detrimental effect on window cleaners with static holding tanks.
One concern is that by stopping WFP in a hosepipe ban rather than a drought order, it could mean that livelihoods are badly affected by decisions made behind closed doors.  At least with a drought order being required for this previously, a public hearing was needed.  I did take the trouble to look closely at things last year.  Indeed, I think I was the only window cleaner to attend all four drought order hearings (though only one of those was eventually activated and even then not with full force).

Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2007, 05:10:59 pm »
That's a fair summary. I can agree with all of that.


Re: hose pipe ban
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2007, 11:07:23 am »
have just looked on our water suppliers website and links from there, according to this website no final decision has been made as to what will be prohibited in this region (South East Water). As far as I can see the law revision has not yet hit parliament. (that may be wrong, but just saying what I found) It does say that the final decision on restrictive use will be down to the individual water supplier. Any of you on Mid Kent Water supplies?? From December this year SE Water is merging with them :)