• Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2020, 07:33:31 pm »
Words fail me !!!!!!! This guy really is a plonker we have had a device like this for at least 15 years hear it was no good then complete waist of time you don’t need a tap just have the hose on the ground having it strapped to your waist is pointless, PLEASE PLEASE STOP WITH THESE RIDICULOUS  USELESS  PRODUCTS , if you must tinker in your shed then that’s fine but don’t waist your time our ours with this rubbish ,  keep it to yourself , I don’t want to be rude or derogatory but you are making yourself look a total fool with all this stuff
Yes you may believe this.
This what people were saying when people like Henry Unger first started showing there enervator ideas way back in 1964.



  • Posts: 13419
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2020, 07:59:52 pm »
No it wasn't Herman - sorry but you need to go get a life, then invent something that's not on the market AND is genuinely useful

You really waste your time hear, not for what you do but your total lack of understanding your potential customer base, what you do is not required, or wanted, just take it on board without all the silly justifications

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 3931
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2020, 08:03:11 pm »
Telling Herman he’s wrong is like telling griff and soupy that president trump is the best president ever... he just won’t listen.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2020, 09:02:00 pm »
So putting this up for the people here that have this problem.
Know not everyone agrees.
And make excurses why it doesn't work.
But the same people haven't got any ideas to this ether.
There are people that would be interested in this idea out there


  • Posts: 20510
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2020, 04:24:29 am »
So putting this up for the people here that have this problem.
Know not everyone agrees.
And make excurses why it doesn't work.
But the same people haven't got any ideas to this ether.
There are people that would be interested in this idea out there

Crack on H MAN. Don't let the b******s grind you down.
A fully paid up  memeber of the blue pill community


  • Posts: 6153
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2020, 08:29:46 am »

Nathan used this idea

Enough said.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2020, 06:18:28 am »
So appears nearly everyone  good at criticizing ideas ,
Anyone can do this.
But how many of those people actually have had created a tool that has help window cleaners that is on the market now??

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1517
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2020, 08:20:10 am »
Most of us just concentrate on actually cleaning windows Herman. We’re window cleaners not inventors.

If something useful comes to market that makes the job easier, better and/or quicker then we may be interested.

But most of your ideas up until now have been crap.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2020, 09:54:50 am »
Most of us just concentrate on actually cleaning windows Herman. We’re window cleaners not inventors.

If something useful comes to market that makes the job easier, better and/or quicker then we may be interested.

But most of your ideas up until now have been crap.
Most of us just concentrate on actually cleaning windows Herman. We’re window cleaners not inventors.
I rest my case.


  • Posts: 4991
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2020, 09:58:18 am »
If you want to find other inventors then a window cleaning forum probably isn’t the place to look.
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 13419
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2020, 10:02:46 am »
You have to laugh -

Human your trying to invent something for window cleaners then when those people point out it’s no good or it’s already on the market you then start criticising them - bizarre to say the least

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2020, 10:21:50 am »
You have to laugh -

Human your trying to invent something for window cleaners then when those people point out it’s no good or it’s already on the market you then start criticising them - bizarre to say the least


Yes get that but anyone can google something.
Then say oh look it's been done before so must work the same.
Without knowing whats difference is non even having tried it.

As Simon said,
 Most of us just concentrate on actually cleaning windows We’re window cleaners not inventors.

If you want to find other inventors then a window cleaning forum probably isn’t the place to look.
No in the right place most ideas people say nothing on here.
But they are listening watching.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2020, 10:50:15 am »
Maybe Herman's ideas are his inventions. To get us thinking and talking about a product that no one is interested in. Or to think that they are not interested in but end up Googling a similar product and extolling its virtues even if they don't like or use  one.
I think that we are being controlled by Herman. He's a marketing plant.


  • Posts: 20510
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2020, 11:36:32 am »
Maybe Herman's ideas are his inventions. To get us thinking and talking about a product that no one is interested in. Or to think that they are not interested in but end up Googling a similar product and extolling its virtues even if they don't like or use  one.
I think that we are being controlled by Herman. He's a marketing plant.

Martin, is that you?
A fully paid up  memeber of the blue pill community

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2020, 12:37:32 pm »
Maybe Herman's ideas are his inventions. To get us thinking and talking about a product that no one is interested in. Or to think that they are not interested in but end up Googling a similar product and extolling its virtues even if they don't like or use  one.
I think that we are being controlled by Herman. He's a marketing plant.

Martin, is that you?
We don't listen to the narrative. We have smelt the coffee and ore not sheeps.
We are the original radicals.

Dave Willis

Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2020, 07:44:18 pm »
Most of us just concentrate on actually cleaning windows Herman. We’re window cleaners not inventors.

If something useful comes to market that makes the job easier, better and/or quicker then we may be interested.

But most of your ideas up until now have been crap.
Most of us just concentrate on actually cleaning windows Herman. We’re window cleaners not inventors.
I rest my case.

Somewhere to rest a case ................. now there’s an idea! 🤔


  • Posts: 966
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2020, 08:45:54 pm »
Gents,  I find some of the comments on this thread rude and unnecessary.
I won’t be using the idea Herman is  demonstrating, but I wouldn’t insult and criticise him.
His motive was in the right place, to try and help fellow window cleaners.
Cheers Rich


  • Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2020, 06:50:57 am »
Of cause the other problems this solves.
Is no more dragging your reel hose connection that is connected to the pole hose, over the ground wearing connection and snagging on things.
No more having to replace coupling all the time.
You can have any ON/OFF switch you like on this.
This will aluminate having to get expensive pole tubbing as well.
And finally for the people thinking is going to leak ?
Of cause it will leak if you don't put it on properly (Do a half job)


Dave Willis

Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2020, 07:08:42 am »
Could be tricky driving the van though.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: NO more TRIPPING on pole hoses.
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2020, 07:26:44 am »
Could be tricky driving the van though.
Don't give up your day time job .  ::)roll ::)roll
Comedian  your not. ::)roll ::)roll ;D