
  • Posts: 2536
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2019, 11:23:19 pm »
I've been window cleaning for 21 years and it gets absolutely boring at times. Get excited when I get big jobs. Prefer to do two or three big jobs a day then a dozen smaller ones in a day. I've had so much time off it's unreal. Don't wish to grow the business and expand, just enough to pay the bills with spending money for rainy days. Prefer time off and disappear doing my own thing a lot of the time to stop boredom creeping in.
If I was suffering depression I wouldn't put more pressure on myself employing others. It's great motivation for growing a round employing others but if you're struggling mentally with depression it can be an extra pressure that doesn't allow enough freedom to concentrate on your own health. Find some motivation or distraction that works for you and stick with it. We can't take our money to the grave with us and life is for living, not being stressed out worrying about work. Stress, depression, both big life takers if it isn't dealt with.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2019, 11:55:41 pm »
Boredom: the desire for desires.

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4856
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2019, 07:43:39 am »
Employ someone now and push hard towards getting enough work for you both, you wont have time to think about being bored.


  • Posts: 6079
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2019, 08:15:44 am »
Just another though marc but how about finding a part time helper a couple of days a week?

give you a chance to dabble with employing to see if you like it and an insight into the pitfalls etc and who knows you might enjoy having some company a couple of days a week ?

if nothing else you might get an extra day off a week and if it doesnt work out you havent lost anything.

some days i like having someone in the van with me, it gives extra motivation in bad weather etc and other days you just want to be left alone!

Also, not to sound harsh but havent you been on a push to 60k for a year now ? from what ive read you dont seem to have got anywhere ? correct me if im wrong  :) but i thought you said you wernt far off year ago ? have you actually done anything to market/grow the round ? maybe if you havent its because you are not really that motivated to do so......

james peters

  • Posts: 937
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2019, 08:19:58 am »
I have been a wc for 27 years.
Its easy to get negative periods, when these periods arrive , I focus on what I do have , rather than what I don't have.
window cleaning is so boring, but has allowed me to be there fore my kids when they were younger, taling them to and from school.
it has given me a good stress free life


  • Posts: 23617
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2019, 08:24:28 am »
O.k.  for those who are saying..i'm an attention seeker, well you are entitled to your opinion i guess.. ::)roll

Listen guys, this isn't some sob story. Its something i am thinking deeply about, and the comments written have been very helpful so thanks  8).

You know window cleaning is a very solitary job, and sharing our opinions together all part of being a member of this forum.

Daz, I do have hobbies. 1. Motorcycles 2. Fixing up older cars 3. Model Making 4. Family holidays etc  ;D i'm not referring to the private things i enjoy in my life, this post is simply about the window cleaning business and my boredom with it after 17 years.

I think a few people have hit the nail on the head, and i concede that the next date system probably does make it more regimented, but as a result all of my customers know and expect me to clean, and pay me on time so from a business perspective its better, but not from a mindfulness perspective i suppose.

Gomo understands exactly what I am talking about.

Oddbodds...Thanks for the guidance its appreciated, you along with a few others on here are the saving grace of this forum tbh.

Someone mentioned about being too comfortable.. I suppose there is truth in that, and I have just reached a peak that to continue my interest i need to get out of the comfort zone. Money isn't a major issue, and we are more than comfortable...i'm just B O R E D!  :P 

As Lee agreed; he needs to keep pushing forward to be interested. I guess i'm just discovering that to stay interested in this game, i'm going to have to let go and employ, or franchise or whatever.. just for the sake of sanity

i can honestly say ive never been bored for many years......theres always something to do,learn or enjoy is a gift and i thank my lucky stars every day i wake up in the morning....
price higher/work harder!

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3483
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2019, 08:43:24 am »
I’m full time at the moment, mon-fri and to be honest, if I could do 60k a year, with one whole day off every week, I’d be incredibly happy to stay at that stage.

If your struggling with the “get up and go” even with those figures that you’ve mentioned, then no matter what level of business you achieve, I suspect you will feel similar.

The big question you have to ask yourself, is “what effect will expanding and pushing the business forward have on my mental health.”. There is more stresses, more responsibility.

The “Lee Pryor” stage, granted, is probably a lot more stress free for him now..... but that’s with everything in place, a business that is automated and nearly runs itself.

Remember the most stressful part of any business like ours, is having 2 or 3 vans, and 2 or 3 employees.

So for you, unfortunately, the most stressful part is still to Come.

Throw yourself into a hobby, look for a higher meaning in life, do whatever works. But make sure your on top of your mental health before making any big jumps. It can push some people under, I’ve seen it happen first hand.
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher


  • Posts: 1111
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2019, 08:50:21 am »
I started using Spotify recently for Music & Podcasts with earphones, i find that helps with the boredom.


  • Posts: 23617
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2019, 08:55:53 am »
i mentioned this a while back jonny when he was all ready for his "big push" to expand......some people cant handle stress as well as other people can....marc could be one of them....i know i am thats why i keep my life as simple and stress free as possible....

price higher/work harder!

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2019, 09:01:58 am »
Window cleaning isn't boring; finding it boring is the problem; your problem.
You can't blame a job or a task for how you feel. Look at yourself first.
Change how you feel don't change what needs to be done.
Sorry to be so deep so early but I'm bored at work.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8556
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #50 on: February 19, 2019, 10:09:52 am »
Window cleaning isn't boring; finding it boring is the problem; your problem.
You can't blame a job or a task for how you feel. Look at yourself first.
Change how you feel don't change what needs to be done.
Sorry to be so deep so early but I'm bored at work.

Marc comes from a manufacturing background where you get to see a finished product, think of the sense of pride a bricklayer gets driving past a house that he built, its not just the boredom that makes repeat domestic window cleaning so soul destroying.
My advice to Marc would be to take on more one off jobs especially commercial where you get to see a difference for your days work, this certainly helped me.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #51 on: February 19, 2019, 10:59:37 am »
Window cleaning isn't boring; finding it boring is the problem; your problem.
You can't blame a job or a task for how you feel. Look at yourself first.
Change how you feel don't change what needs to be done.
Sorry to be so deep so early but I'm bored at work.

Marc comes from a manufacturing background where you get to see a finished product, think of the sense of pride a bricklayer gets driving past a house that he built, its not just the boredom that makes repeat domestic window cleaning so soul destroying.
My advice to Marc would be to take on more one off jobs especially commercial where you get to see a difference for your days work, this certainly helped me.
I know what you mean; it can seem like a thankless task.
But only if you let it. We're talking about feelings here (I'm getting all Tosh here) and I know it's probably too deep.
You feel bored; you are not bored. Feelings come and go. If not then there might be something more serious going on. I know Marc has had mental health problems. If that's the case, then there's a good chance he'll take his feeling of boredom with him in his next move, venture or job.
Don't let your job, customers etc determine how you feel. Easier said than done mind  ;D.
I wonder if Marc has children. They're usually good at alleviating boredom.


  • Posts: 6079
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #52 on: February 19, 2019, 11:10:10 am »
Window cleaning isn't boring; finding it boring is the problem; your problem.
You can't blame a job or a task for how you feel. Look at yourself first.
Change how you feel don't change what needs to be done.
Sorry to be so deep so early but I'm bored at work.

Marc comes from a manufacturing background where you get to see a finished product, think of the sense of pride a bricklayer gets driving past a house that he built, its not just the boredom that makes repeat domestic window cleaning so soul destroying.
My advice to Marc would be to take on more one off jobs especially commercial where you get to see a difference for your days work, this certainly helped me.
I know what you mean; it can seem like a thankless task.
But only if you let it. We're talking about feelings here (I'm getting all Tosh here) and I know it's probably too deep.
You feel bored; you are not bored. Feelings come and go. If not then there might be something more serious going on. I know Marc has had mental health problems. If that's the case, then there's a good chance he'll take his feeling of boredom with him in his next move, venture or job.
Don't let your job, customers etc determine how you feel. Easier said than done mind  ;D.
I wonder if Marc has children. They're usually good at alleviating boredom.

Ah the curse of the human race...the ability to think is our biggest asset and our biggest downfall. 

Nothing is inherently good or bad only thinking makes it so.

Remove thought and you remove the problem


Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #53 on: February 19, 2019, 12:21:39 pm »
It's the window cleaning job I am bored with.  It's not like I am kicking about cans and rocking back and forth on the kerb, about to slit my wrists.  My life is very good right now, it's just this business, it's just not stiumulating enough for me that's all.

I think I will get another small cheap van, and get someone 1 or 2 days a week whilst I focus on my next move.  I may grow the business further see how that turns out, or sell some off and invest it into something else. We had a delivery of a brand new live tool for our Mazak over the weekend for a new manufacturing contract which was nice, and my other little venture is showing promise, plus the sun is out today so it could be a case of winter blues..Possibly.

The 60k turnover a year list is based on customers that haven't messed me about and have had at least 2 cleans. I don't count brand new signups in my established figures, and around 4k turned out to be either not today thanks, or one offs during my expansion, I'm sure some will call this year in the hope to restart, but they will get a surprise when I won't go back to a time waster.

Dave Willis

Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #54 on: February 19, 2019, 12:32:44 pm »
I’m lucky, I’ve got a very low IQ like Dazmond so I never get bored. I try and make it even more exciting by mixing and messing the work up. Can’t stand routine. Sometimes I do my round backwards ..............tend to fall over a lot though.

james peters

  • Posts: 937
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #55 on: February 19, 2019, 03:51:17 pm »
something that has helped me this past year, is that my daughter has been working for me.
this was not planned and initialy , not what I would have wanted.
last march she decided to leave her college course.   she asked if she could help me as a stop gap until she could decide what to do.
I agreed to let her help me 2 days a week .
at first she was a of no benefit , and she was using water like iv never seen lol.
within 6 months she was with me 4 days , as that's all I work.  I am better of personally by around £10 per hour, after taking out her wages.
it has also been very nice to work together , she takes an interest in the business, and its nice company.
she has turned out to be a real asset... a  good worker, and the customers like her.


  • Posts: 23617
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #56 on: February 19, 2019, 03:57:44 pm »
I’m lucky, I’ve got a very low IQ like Dazmond so I never get bored. I try and make it even more exciting by mixing and messing the work up. Can’t stand routine. Sometimes I do my round backwards ..............tend to fall over a lot though.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
price higher/work harder!

Status Check

Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #57 on: February 19, 2019, 04:20:13 pm »
It's the window cleaning job I am bored with.  It's not like I am kicking about cans and rocking back and forth on the kerb, about to slit my wrists.  My life is very good right now, it's just this business, it's just not stiumulating enough for me that's all.

I think I will get another small cheap van, and get someone 1 or 2 days a week whilst I focus on my next move.  I may grow the business further see how that turns out, or sell some off and invest it into something else. We had a delivery of a brand new live tool for our Mazak over the weekend for a new manufacturing contract which was nice, and my other little venture is showing promise, plus the sun is out today so it could be a case of winter blues..Possibly.

The 60k turnover a year list is based on customers that haven't messed me about and have had at least 2 cleans. I don't count brand new signups in my established figures, and around 4k turned out to be either not today thanks, or one offs during my expansion, I'm sure some will call this year in the hope to restart, but they will get a surprise when I won't go back to a time waster.

You need something to work for. You're into bikes so why not go and buy and a Panigale or a Thruxton TFC?  If the monthly payments are £350 a month go out and find £700 of new work. Set yourself some goals and reward yourself.


  • Posts: 13280
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2019, 04:20:22 pm »
Window cleaning isn't boring; finding it boring is the problem; your problem.
You can't blame a job or a task for how you feel. Look at yourself first.
Change how you feel don't change what needs to be done.
Sorry to be so deep so early but I'm bored at work.

Marc comes from a manufacturing background where you get to see a finished product, think of the sense of pride a bricklayer gets driving past a house that he built, its not just the boredom that makes repeat domestic window cleaning so soul destroying.
My advice to Marc would be to take on more one off jobs especially commercial where you get to see a difference for your days work, this certainly helped me.

Nail and head - well observed

its probably NO small coincidence that my history is engineering /manufacturing and we also run the rounds to a date ( whether you guys think thats odd stressful or not - it works well for me and the custards )
BUT from day one I always have and still do love the one off cleans - the results you get and the satisfaction is great so, yes I think possibly expand your work in these areas Marc

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.


  • Posts: 13280
Re: The truth be told.....
« Reply #59 on: February 19, 2019, 04:31:08 pm »
Mazak ? - now there's a reason to be depressed  ;D ;D ;D ;D

(only joking - not a bad machine tool to have - just a funny programming language)

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.