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danny mckim

  • Posts: 194
Why is that sometimes when we have cleaned someones windows they try to question your workmanship.Some point to a mark on the window(usually inside) or saying this one was missed when what they mean is they just dont trust you. This hardly ever happen, but when it does u normally find it is just an ordinary couple with a 9-5 job on basic wages who think they are better than you.They think you cant live without their money. Little do they know you stay in a better house and drive a better car and probably have a better all round life. Does this happen to anybody else.I dont think im anybody special. Just a normal guy who always does a good job and is honest and reliable

Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2005, 05:45:09 pm »
I can sympathise.  Just 45 minutes ago an 'old girl' said to me, 'Did you clean that window?' 

'Yes', I said.  'Why?'

'Oh because I didn't see you do it', she says.

So obviously this old girl must covertly follow me about to ensure I do every window!  Bugs me too.

Maybe some people have had bad experiences with 'window cleaners'.  I know I recently took a job from a local guy who was seen missing every  frosted glass window and when challenged by the householder (who was probably covertly hiding in the shed), he just shrugged his shoulders, took his ladders and walked off.

This guy has a bad reputation though for being a cowboy.

I'm sure 99.9 percent of our customers trust us to do a good job and pay without even checking.  They just assume we do a good job and are happy to pay.  It's the untrusting .1 percent that wind you up.

And to answer your question, I think there'll always be both the stereotype of your 'jack the lad' window cleaner who does a shoddy job, and the actual window cleaner who does a shoddy job.

No amount of regulation, licencing or training will remove this problem.

So I think it's just something we'll have to put up with; but at least we have the ability to change our own customer's views; simply by doing what we're paid to do; properly.

Marc's on the Glass, LLC

  • Posts: 134
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2005, 08:45:44 pm »
When talking with potential clients, if they appear to be the type who will be difficult in any way, I simply won't clean for them.  Their are not enough people like that, requiring us to serve them just to make a living.  Pass that work on.


  • Posts: 3503
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2005, 08:57:45 pm »
It is my Integrity that makes me any mans equal. My self esteem feeds off the back of it. I do resent it when it is questioned. I had one customer that said I could not have done her patio door because there was a cobweb still there from before I said I'd cleaned it. The cobweb was across the brickwork 5" away from the glass, my backflip had ample room to pass the inside of it and the glass was spotless. This women was out when I did the clean and had not paid. I said ok lets pretend I havn't been and you owe me nothing. She said yes, ok then.
She has never had a window cleaner since. Dai


  • Posts: 1500
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2005, 07:04:44 am »
Some people will always find faults with your work, it is just the way they are. I have cleaned windows which have been left open and have actually spoken to my customer whilst cleaning them and when I knock on for payment they ask did I do that very window, most I think are just dozy old birds but some are just a pain in the bum, get some more work then drop the ones who always find fault.


  • Posts: 304
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2005, 12:03:38 pm »
I think most people are very suprised than there are so many honest hard working window cleaners around and are suspicious of  paying when it seems not to take very long to clean a house, as it probably takes them 3 times as long when they attempt it.


  • Posts: 779
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2005, 02:13:51 pm »
are suspicious of  paying when it seems not to take very long to clean a house

I had the comment once what £8 for 10 minutes work,
I replied I'll take longer next time but the price would be double. never mentioned it again.

mind you he did sack me two months later (I think he got someone cheaper)
The secret is not doing as you like but liking what you do

Paul Coleman

Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2005, 07:30:01 pm »
I think most people are very suprised than there are so many honest hard working window cleaners around and are suspicious of  paying when it seems not to take very long to clean a house, as it probably takes them 3 times as long when they attempt it.

When I was longterm sick last year, one of my customers cleaned his own windows.  For me, it's a 20 - 25 minute job.  He told me that it took him 2 and a half hours.  Admittedly they were very bad because they hadn't been done in 7 months and they always attract a lot of birds' poo at the back of the house.  Even so, I was astonished it took him so long.  He was astonished at how fast I do it too.  He was honest enough to acknowledge that I'm well worth what I charge.

Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2005, 08:05:46 pm »
Someone said here a while back, when a customer says 'that didn't take long', he replied, 'It's clean windows your paying for, not a fair-ground ride at Alton Towers'.

I liked that.


  • Posts: 25083
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2005, 11:05:50 pm »
I can't see the relevance of it Tosh but I liked it too!
It's a game of three halves!

Marc's on the Glass, LLC

  • Posts: 134
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2005, 12:59:19 am »
With my commercial accounts I get asked:

"Did you get ALL the windows?  "

I say "your windows are clean."

"Yeah, but, did you clean all the way to the top?"

"Hmmm, could you show me which one is dirty?"

"It's just that I don't remember you getting the tops."

"Your contract is for weekly window MAINTENANCE.  Do your windows look clean?"

"Well, yes"

"Right!  They look great"

Wow.  Sorry about the long dialogue.  Maybe I should put an aside womewhere in there


Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2005, 08:52:57 am »
Its not just window cleaners that get it. Ask anybody that you know who works with the general public and they will tell you the same.

Most of the time you are dealing with the lady of the house and she considers the house and anything associated with it to be her personal domain.
Thats not a good start, but usually if she likes you she will be OK.
 Thats why being cheerful and friendly is so important, probably more important that doing a good job on the windows if truth be known.


  • Posts: 251
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2005, 09:11:20 am »
Make 'em laugh, that's the answer!

Once you get to know them, tell 'em a cheeky, [not filthy], joke - most love it!

Easier when you're older, they'll take it from an older man more than a younger one - [see you as a harmless old f*rt].

Try it, works for me.

Baldeagle in Staffordshire.
"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.


  • Posts: 779
Re: When are people going to start trusting domestic windowcleaners
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2005, 10:55:56 am »
Easier when you're older, they'll take it from an older man more than a younger one - [see you as a harmless old f*rt].

Ya the kids used to tell the other half that I'd been looking at the women if I took them in the car, now if they tell her she just comments "that I'm only window shopping, even the strays would'nt come home with me"

The secret is not doing as you like but liking what you do