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Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2010, 09:25:04 am »
What Do you think, look at the last line and the "in Quote stuff"

I know quite a few average "one man bands", that take more than £30K home. You seem to think that "one man bands" don't earn a lot. Your attitude is, if the "normal window cleaner" doesn't have more than 2 firm vans and T-shirts with printed logo's on them and at least 3 people working for him, then they can't earn more than you. Wrong! I wish, you would get off your high horse. There are people on here, that are 10 times bigger than you.

I don't want to sound nasty, ban me if you like, but all this "I'm a mod, I must be better than the rest of you", is a joke. it makes my blood boil, when I see people creeping up your backside.  Mike Halliday gives great answers on posts, right down to earth.

You don't answer posts from guys, who want an answer on a "forum question", guys who ask mods (YOU) in the "window cleaning section" all you answer, is your own posts. Posts you started, or compliments.


In the last 6 months, all you've been giving is an impression, that you are some kind of household name.

Most of your posts are waving your own flag (I've been on TV, blah blah)

It's embarrassing to read. There is nothing wrong, with doing well, it's when you shove YOUR flag down other peoples throats.

How you accept the praise from "smaller one man bands" is sickening.

By the way, Cozy told you by email who I was when I opened my account, so I am not hiding from anything.


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2010, 09:25:46 am »
Anyone can have a bad run of things, sickness, vehicle trouble, personal issues etc,.. the emergency fund can disappear on silly little things like rent & food,.. and through no fault of your own you find yourself stuck, unable to work & stone broke. It can happen to ANYONE, no matter how well prepared.

When it does happen, shouldn't we be helping & encouraging instead of kicking him when he's down?!!

For what its worth Rog, after consulting a doctor of course, I'd be getting some strong pain killers and doing my best to work short days, maybe only 4 hours a day with a long lunch break in the middle, but it'd keep some money coming in and keep most of the custies happy. Maybe even  work a couple of hours on a saturday to make up for a bit of what you miss during the week?
Its going to be very sore for a while, but most (Not all, check with your doctor) injuries actually heal faster & better with regular light exercise. I'd also consider taking on a part timer to help out on any higher work and also as a source of motivation. I know if I've a worker arranged to meet me at a certain time it forces me to get in gear and get out when I otherwise might make excuses.

Good post, and there's a few planks that need removing from eyes on this forum, though working a 4 hour day is pretty much a full day for Squeaks.  ;D

But hey, bad things happen and sometimes they're the catalyst we need to force us to change and the 'bad things' turn out to be a blessing in disguise. 

Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #42 on: January 10, 2010, 09:46:32 am »
I agree. I hope i'm not one of the planks.

The good things out of bad things is very true. Most of us are in a comfort zone, and only when big things like the wife leaving us or getting the sack do we strike out for change because we have to. Most of us are cowards, but in those nothing to lose situations things can take an unexpected turn for the better.


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2010, 09:55:32 am »
I agree. I hope i'm not one of the planks.

Its something Jesus said, apparently.

Quote by Jesus:
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2010, 10:04:01 am »
I agree. I hope i'm not one of the planks.

Its something Jesus said, apparently.

Quote by Jesus:
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?

I knew that would be a 'post stopper'.  ;D

Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2010, 10:06:12 am »
I never make personal comments.You have made many about squeaks.

You even ran a tag ridiculing him for months, so don't try and twist this into me kicking a man when he is down.

Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2010, 10:32:31 am »
Yes I had a fall yesterday, but not at work!

Walking home from the pub last night (not drunk) I had a bit of an argument with an icy pavement.
Bashed my head and went a bit funny, strained my wrist, bit of whiplash and worst of all according to the hospital I've cracked a rib.

Pretty painful to move today and even breathing hurts if it's too deep.

What i was going to ask is whether it's going to affect working with the pole.
Anyone else worked with such an injury?

Tell you what...I'm in serious financial trouble, still bloody single, my ex stopped me having my daughter this week, and now I stack it and break my ribs.

Never rains but it pours does it?   :-[ ;D

Why was you down the pub then if you are in serious financial trouble.
Have you tried marketing your photography?....there are some excellent ways out there to make a few quid....


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #47 on: January 10, 2010, 10:33:07 am »
I never make personal comments.You have made many about squeaks.

You even ran a tag ridiculing him for months, so don't try and twist this into me kicking a man when he is down.

Why do you feel my post was directed at you?  It wasn't!  I was just explaining the 'plank' bit which was a reference to some earlier posts in the off-topic section.  I haven't looked at your backposts, but I can't recall you giving Squeaks an 'ard time!

And Squeaky wasn't down when I was taking the mick out of him.  I'm more than happy to give and receive on the urine extraction front, and I have received - it makes me laugh - and if you remember, that sig I had was just a cut 'n' paste of what Squeaky had posted.

So there's no need to be getting your knickers in a twist!


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #48 on: January 10, 2010, 10:35:10 am »
Jesus also said

People in green-houses shouldnt throw stones

Anyway, Ive deleted my post which was below the belt regarding Roger, I apologise Roger, particularly if I caused you any offence, there was no need for it. Sorry.



Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2010, 10:41:20 am »
It's true though used  to take the p1ss straight away on many a topic...but since you have turned into a fat little buddha you have calemed down... ;D

I keep on telling you, I'm not fat and I'm a long way off from becoming a Budda.  I'm not even a Bodhisattva yet, though I plan to be one about Spring time.

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2010, 10:43:02 am »
I think he should use more inspirational characters in his avatar instead of all those Walter Mitty ones, ie victor meldrew, Alan Partridge, um betty, I think they say a lot about a person.

Put Richard Branson or Duncan Bannatyne or someone inspirational.

Gosh that last one stood against his van has got to be the worst one yet.

elite mike

Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2010, 10:46:56 am »
sorry to hear that rog , if i can get ahead,  ::) i will pop and give you a hand

when i broke my ribs i did manage to carry on  :o

lived on nuerafen

try not to laugh

dont cough ;D

ps good on you matt bateman ;)


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2010, 10:48:32 am »
Well spotted Dave.
Even though I've sent 2 e-mails telling you who she is. Tosh, Matt Bateman and a few others also know who she is. Having told you at least twice what the score is, would it then be a good idea and me post in her name? Why would anyone do that? ???  I don't really bother with what you post, so if your style bothers her and she has a pop at you, that's her business.

Get over it for gods sake.
Just go and post a few lines about how far you've come since you first started. I'm sure enough people saying how well you've done and lots of "Well done" posts will make you feel better. It's just 1 or 2 people having a pop, nothing more. I don't even know her password.

So having played Sherlock Holmes, maybe it would be a good idea to get a few books on memory improvement.

I've never criticised you in the past. You seem to be rattled by her posts regarding you.I thought you were bigger than that.

Just for the record, I stand by what I posted earlier to Squeaky. Every word. By the way Dave, do think I'm too "Shy" to post my own posts and would hide behind her?  

Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2010, 10:53:27 am »
It's true though used  to take the p1ss straight away on many a topic...but since you have turned into a fat little buddha you have calemed down... ;D

I keep on telling you, I'm not fat and I'm a long way off from becoming a Budda.  I'm not even a Bodhisattva yet, though I plan to be one about Spring time.

So you are going to start showing compassion and wisdom together....still think you you shave your goes with the image... ;D

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2010, 10:56:11 am »

Youhave just been rumbled, its funny how there at least 6 similaritys in the way you post.

You have just critisiced me in the same way Gaby did

I seem to remember Gaby Quoting "fit Birds" in the way you did,

You both say "guys"

you both ended with "by the way"

I could go on

I have never said anything against you but you "both" have something to say about me.

i think it was created so one half of you could talk to Archer and the other to have a go at him all the time

we have seen split personalitys in the past and this is just another.


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2010, 10:59:10 am »
I'll say it again. I sent you a mail in August and another 6 or 7 weeks ago about Gaby, shall I post them on here to jog your memory?  Make a point that makes sense. Rumbled  ??? What have I got to hide?

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #56 on: January 10, 2010, 11:03:46 am »
I dont know what your motives are, you told me there was another user "Gaby" but the writing style and the having a dig are exactly the same, as well as another at least 6 "similaritys"

Like i said earlier , one to have a go at Archer with and one to be nice.

Maybe the same with me up until this moment.

I honestly don't know what your motives are.

elite mike

Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #57 on: January 10, 2010, 11:06:17 am »
whats happened  to this thread ;D


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #58 on: January 10, 2010, 11:08:54 am »
I haven't got any motives to have a go at you, otherwise why would I hide behind Gaby. What part of the story don't you understand? You seem pretty convinced it was me who had a pop at you last time. If that was the case, why would I answer your "Dixon of Dock Green" police work in spotting that we are man and wife?

Doesn't make sense really does it? I see her point though, but didn't think it was a good idea to disrespect a mod. Now I'm not so sure.


Re: Had a fall...can I still work?
« Reply #59 on: January 10, 2010, 11:09:20 am »
whats happened  to this thread ;D

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