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Customers from web page?
« on: October 17, 2009, 12:40:12 pm »

do you have a lot of coustomers from the internet directly from your web page?
How is it working for you?Do you know on what depends that you are marked on google maps?What doo you think about internet marketing?


  • Posts: 362
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2009, 01:01:01 pm »
We get loads of hits to our home page, 9-22 hits per day we are on Google maps and top of Google page, most people are turning to online so a place on 1st page is a must.


Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2009, 10:13:03 am »
Thanks a lot.
As we already have our webpage since three months and I am wondering if use the internet to get new customers or if only to be visible to customers who already knew us.

Can you also give me any feedback regarding my web page, would would you change on it what is good?

sunshine windows

  • Posts: 2361
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2009, 08:32:38 pm »

How do you find out how many hits your site is getting???

To climb mount fuji you must first find a path
(Swindon, Wiltshire)


  • Posts: 128
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2009, 09:29:06 pm »
Lance when you have a web site you get packages of different tools to analyze your site, so you can see how many hits and also where they found your site etc

Daria Taylor

Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2009, 04:48:43 am »

How do you find out how many hits your site is getting???

Use google webmaster tools and google analytics :) its easy to register and monitor your progress.

sunshine windows

  • Posts: 2361
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2009, 02:02:47 pm »
To climb mount fuji you must first find a path
(Swindon, Wiltshire)

Daria Taylor

Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2009, 08:55:14 pm »

Ur welcome, will take a while for it to load up proprly but onc its up and running you will get more accurate results.

Dash t


  • Posts: 203
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2009, 08:30:25 am »
Hi Madlaine, I'm a cleaner not a techie but I have learned a lot from and

What I would do is just register for their freebie newsletters and stuff and just read for a while till you start to understand it all a bit more.

The Ed Rivis guy is a Yorkshireman and is solid.

NB Follow the earlier advice about Google Analytics first otherwise you are flying blind if you start doing AdWords etc


  • Posts: 148
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2010, 09:33:31 pm »
Does any one get work and therefor profit from websites. I resently had a telesales call about setting up & hosting a website. The chap directed me to a very good site he had made that was super. So I phoned the company they were on the first page (with the right search) and they had lots of hits but no work and hence no money.
Regards Mal


  • Posts: 153
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2010, 01:50:02 pm »
92% of our customers are from webpage, 25 - 30 hits a day.



Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2010, 06:29:55 pm »
Hits are one thing but getting business (actual customers) is another.

My son is a web designer and search engine optimization specialist. He has worked on websites since the internet began back in 1996.

He created my cleaning website for me which ranks very very well with all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing (formerly MSN). My site even ranks No1 on page 1 of Google for certain keyword searches like: 'Cleaners in (our town)' or '(our town) Cleaners' which is basically what you want.

As for hits to the website this means nothing! I see people mentioning here they are getting between 20 and 40 hits per day...
Without trying to sound big headed I often get over 150 unique hits to my website a day sometimes over 200 but none of these convert to getting extra business (well 1 has!) 0.5% of hits.

Hits can mean anything such as the spiders/crawlers which are sent from the search engines like Google and Yahoo to crawl your websites content so they can index it.
They can send these out several times a day to your website to collect the information on it (that's several hits a day). The more you update your website content the more times these spiders/crawlers will come to your site to keep the internet updated.

So those who are receiving 20 to 40 hits per day may actually be receiving less than they think - people wise! Hits do not equate to actual people looking at you site on the internet - and there arn't just crawlers from Google and Yahoo there are hundreds of different search engines, directories etc.


Let me tell you now before you all go wasting your money on a web design company that will promise you the earth... Don't bother with them!

What they will do is promise to get you on page 1 of Google (and lets face it if your not on Google there is no point having a website as 90% of all searches are done on it). Yes most companies promise to get you onto page 1 of Google but 99 times out of a hundred this will be for your company name for example 'Joe Bloggs Cleaners'.
When they have finished designing your website and have published it to the internet and Google have indexed it for you so it shows up in searches, they will tell you to type 'Joe Bloggs Cleaners' into Google and Hey Presto! There is your lovely new website (Joe Bloggs Cleaners) at the top of page 1 on the worlds most popular search engine.

Don't let them insult your intelligence - of course 'Joe Bloggs Cleaners' is going to rank very well on the first page because the name of your company is probably unique.
Lets say your business was called: 'Mandy and Pauls Cleaning services' - What's the chances of someone else having the same business name? So obviously your website called www,mandyandpaulscleaningservices,co,uk is going to rank top when some types into Google 'Mandy and Pauls cleaning services'.

They say they will get you on page 1 of Google and they have, so you have no grounds for complaint.

You need to be on page 1 of Google when someone is looking for cleaners in your area NOT SEARCHING FOR YOUR BUSINESS NAME you will probably come top for your business name anyway!

Either set up a free one yourself or get a friend who is a bit more tech savvy to do one for you and save the hundreds of pounds some of these companies charge you.

If you are going to use a web design company ask them if they can promise to get you to the top of google for better keywords like... '(Your town name) cleaners' and wait for the hmmms and argghhs or the other bulls*** that will spew out of their mouths.

Lets face it, only people who already know your business exists are going to type into a search engine 'Mandy and Pauls Cleaning Services' or whatever your business name is. And having a website is not about attracting people who already know you, it is about attracting people who don't know you exist (NEW CUSTOMERS).

Basically you do need a website these days just as much as you do need business cards and letterheaded paper for invoices etc.
It's also good to have a presence on the web in case someone wishes to look at your business and see your porfolio of work or what you offer - rather than trying to explain everything you do to someone you can just say to them... "Check out our website for further details" include on business cards, letterheads and submit your website address to business directories (use caution with directories asking for money to list your business website).
Then there's networking! Network with other cleaning businesses who are not in direct competition with you say in your area.
You could put a link on your cleaning website business based in Sheffield to another cleaning website business located in London or Glasgow and vise-versa.
The more links you have coming into your website the better rank it will achieve with the search engines.

Personally speaking I have tried ads in the Yellow Pages - very expensive with little return.
A website - cost me nothing because my son did it but doesn't generate much new custom.
Local free paper - quite good at times.
Word of mouth - the absolute best!

In summary, Yes - get a website but don't spend a fortune on it and make sure it is geared toward your specific cleaning subject e.g carpet or contract and also your specific area.

So, for example a carpet cleaning business in sheffield would be geared towards these 2 keywords:
'Carpet Cleaning' and 'Sheffield' nothing else.

If anyone is interested in a website doing I can always ask my son. I'm sure he will do you one in his spare time for a few quid and it will rank much better than those offered by these conning companies and he will submit it to all the free business directories for you... Without sounding biased he's a genious when it comes to stuff like this.

Simon@ Clearview contractors

  • Posts: 755
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2010, 09:00:56 pm »
Great post Madge, I would be interested in having a website built by your son, can you give me a rough idea as to what he will charge, it's just that times are a bit tough up here ATM.

Kindest regards, and thanks in anticipation, Simon. :)

BTW, if you would prefer to ring it's 07891 236 167

A & J Owen Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2192
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2010, 02:47:22 pm »
dont seem to get windowcleaning enquiries from my site but we get a lot from the gardening section though


  • Posts: 203
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2010, 07:18:02 pm »
I don't quite agree with everything you've said Madge but what a heck of a good post. You have given a lot of people good solid advice there which will save a lot of them both time and money. Well done you :-)


Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2010, 09:43:29 pm »
Hi all thank you for your comments glad you liked the post and glad I wrote it!

I just hate seeing people get ripped off and didn't realise how much some of these web design companies charged until a few months ago.

My friends husband started his own electrical contractors business last year, he didn't know much about web design or websites for that matter and several companies rang him asking if he wanted a website for his new business.

Obviously they convinced him it was a good idea so he went ahead with it.

He paid £400 for a single page website which basically said:
Company name and address
What type of electrical work they did
Telephone number
and a picture of some electrical testing device at the top.

Not only did they charge him £400 for something that could have been knocked up by a 10 year old in half an hour. He then had to pay £25 a month to host the site on their server and they charged him another £20 for the website name (sorry domain name) which was renewable each year.

Now according to my son usually paying for you own hosting (the place where the actual website sits) is much better than free hosting as these free hosting sites can often be down (your site not showing) or it takes ages to open the page as they are very busy but he told me you can get very good paid hosting for £3 a month. NOT £25 like these thiefs.

"Look at me I even sound like I know what I am on about, believe me I am copying all this from a text message from my son".


I had a word with my son who said he would be more than happy to discuss thing with you. He said he will give you a ring through the week if this is ok? He's away with his wife at the mo.
He told me to tell you what the possible costs may be:

He has his own server that you could host your website on for £20 a year (not £25 a month).
He said you will need to buy your own website (domain) name which can be picked up for a few pounds (roughly £3) these have to be renewed yearly or 2 yearly but what's £3 a year? (BUT DON'T BUY A DOMAIN NAME YET TILL HE HAS SPOKE TO YOU).

As for the design of the site he said the more information, details, pictures, images etc you can provide about your business the easier it will be for him to create a good site for you. He said you would be looking at a one off fee of around £75 which you don't have to pay until your totally happy.
I'm sure he can tell you more about it when he rings you and he has lots of examples of what he has done for other people.

In summary:
One off fee £75
Annual fee of £23

Thanks again for everyones nice comments, i'll try and think of some more money saving tips and advice on plugging your business.

Take care everyone


Daria Taylor

Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2010, 11:57:08 pm »

there are few things i agree with in your post and few i dont, but over all i would say you are right in what you say. When people pay alot of money for a website they expect to get loads of work, but it doesnt work this way. We have a website which i have done my self and just updated as we speak, and we get 70% of business of that and our hits are not very high but almost one in 5 hits is an enquiry. This is because we didnt bother with SEO such as cleaners (town name) as competition is very high etc. We chosen to target more specific key words so when people do search for them, they know exactly what they want and we are there to offer our service. This helps alot as i have tried both techniques and last one certanly works best.

As regards to webdesign is very good that your soon can offer people a good site and not rip people off. I went on a training course from business link other day and our lecturer was a guy who runs a web design company and all lesson he kept on saying you can never have a good site if you only paid 500 pounds for it. Bank for a 1000 and you are guaranteed alot of customers.

So very well written post. well done, and i'm sure plenty of people will find it useful.

dash t


Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2010, 05:25:03 pm »
Can't possibly see how your web designer / lecturer guy can guarantee more customers if you pay £1000 for your website rather than £500... That's nonsense!

He sounds like the typical web designer thief I was on about!

It's like anything I suppose, you have to shop around and don't accept the first offer that comes along. Do research, ask family and friends and come onto great forums like this for some unbiased adviced.

Simon@ Clearview contractors

  • Posts: 755
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2010, 09:31:11 pm »
Thanks for the reply Madge, everything sounds fine there.  Tell your son I'm looking foreward to speaking to him.

Simon. :)

Adam P

  • Posts: 1446
Re: Customers from web page?
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2010, 04:00:19 pm »
what i don't understand is if madges son has been working on websites since the internet began why is he still charging £75 for a website? that's rediculously low for someone who has been doing this for over 10 years! he's either crap, offering very little (possibly a quick template with business name, what they do, and contact details), or feels some reason really generous to a random stranger he's never met (which is what all these bull**** sales people pretend to do but are really screwing me over)

Can't possibly see how your web designer / lecturer guy can guarantee more customers if you pay £1000 for your website rather than £500... That's nonsense!

how come? if i pay google £500 i'll get less visitors then if i pay £1000, if i pay an seo professional i'll get more visitors the more i pay as they'll be doing more work