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Kevin R

  • Posts: 906
Thank you from Kevin R
« on: December 06, 2008, 01:08:51 am »
I have decided to bow down from this forum. I am not going to delete my account but my visits from now on will be anonymous. This forum has become full of DIY enthusiasts and sole traders who believe they are business heros because they can earn 25K a year. Nothing wrong with that but its no way to run a serious business as its just not sustainable long term.

Every post now on the subject of hot wfp or the Guttervac is hijacked by the same old no-accounts DIY experts claiming to know it all even though they started residential wfp or gutter cleaning a few weeks ago.

I am interested in discussion but of late its all shouts of "cheap DIY is the best" and it clearly this is not an option for any serious business that wishes to grow and employ staff. I have nothing against inventors or innovators.

I have had several excellent discussions with members and suppliers on this forum that have lead to business success for my company and I wish to thank those members for their contributions. You know who you are.

I will keep in touch with those of you that have become friends and I hope you will do the same to - you know where I am.

Thank you to the owners of this once excellent forum.

Kind Regards

Kevin R

mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2008, 01:51:53 am »
That's a shame. I've found your posts a good read and very informative.
And i'm not the only one.
At least you ain't disappearing.  :)

Wayne Thomas

Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 04:09:09 am »
Sorry to hear you won't be posting anymore Kev. At least you're local to me, so I may pick your brains on some of your gutter cleaning knowledge in the future if you don't mind. You're a decent chap who deserves to progress forward and upwards. I agree with you that there are too many DIY'ers not prepared to invest in decent equipment, who want to do everything on a shoestring budget, expecting huge profits for next to no outlay.

trevor povey

  • Posts: 452
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 07:20:05 am »
I have decided to bow down from this forum. I am not going to delete my account but my visits from now on will be anonymous. This forum has become full of DIY enthusiasts and sole traders who believe they are business heros because they can earn 25K a year. Nothing wrong with that but its no way to run a serious business as its just not sustainable long term.

Every post now on the subject of hot wfp or the Guttervac is hijacked by the same old no-accounts DIY experts claiming to know it all even though they started residential wfp or gutter cleaning a few weeks ago.

I am interested in discussion but of late its all shouts of "cheap DIY is the best" and it clearly this is not an option for any serious business that wishes to grow and employ staff. I have nothing against inventors or innovators.

I have had several excellent discussions with members and suppliers on this forum that have lead to business success for my company and I wish to thank those members for their contributions. You know who you are.

I will keep in touch with those of you that have become friends and I hope you will do the same to - you know where I am.

Thank you to the owners of this once excellent forum.

Kind Regards

Kevin R

All in all Kevin you have been a helpful poster but now is  the right time to retire from this board(without the attention grabbing announcement) don yr famous hard hat and high viz jacket  and have a change in direction Devon's No 1 Village People tribute band...go for it Kevin ;D ;D

Best Regards

Trevor Poovey .


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2008, 08:00:24 am »
Kevin gave great advice on Guttervacs no doubt about that, but the thing with advice is the person recieving it doesn't have to take it - it's their choice. Unfortunately he has such a blinkered view that no-one elses opinions could be discussed or even tolerated by him. If you earn less than he does then you are simply a looser. After last nights spitting and swearing maybe he's done the right thing.
I wish him all the best and thank him for the advice in the past (some of it i took) and look forward to being able to have adult discussions without the verbal abuse in the future.


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2008, 08:16:12 am »
Are there window cleaning industry awards for pitiful departure speaches. ;D

Fair enough you have got the hump because no one see's it your way...what a shame that people do have differant views.


tomy jackson

Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2008, 08:26:36 am »
im  a diyer ,but not every got the skill to be , and not every body wonts to ,then thers who conserterate on billding up a biger bissnes ,and thers those who just wont a safe liveng till reterment , so ill be sory to see you gone from the forum as you all ways gave good add vice , il probely see you posting on uter forums , you can under stand this frum for petcting ther owne intrests as a serplier +add advertisers on ther forum


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2008, 05:17:51 pm »
I agree with you any kind of talk about building/conducting a business and proper investment or just trying to raise the standard of window cleaning you get overwhelmed with comments that don’t help or achieve anything positive.

This might explain why there is a huge gap in the calibre or window cleaners and the equipment available.

Shame really as everybody could benefit including the suppliers.

There should be a part of the forum where you would have to meet certain criteria to be able to post geared towards the professional window cleaner.

Or maybe you could just join or even start your own elitist group of "Professional" Window cleaners and leave us "Dullards" to whitter on amongst ourselves!

I have said before on this forum...
I am a small fish in a large pond :'( :'( :'(
A one man operation :'(
I like DIY, I am not ashamed of that! :)

But for to be labeled in such a way as a "Cheap" is a bit offensive! >:(

Maybe at 46 years of age I have no "Ambition", sorry about that!

Maybe I am just "Happy" to plod along, sorry about that as well

If you're not happy then leave without the notice...
I did about a year ago... why? because I didn't like wasting my time!

Now I return and waste more time than I like to...
I am free to go when I like... I wont announce it! ::)
And as before I wont be missed! 8)


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2008, 05:45:34 pm »
Maybe that’s what you should and others (dullards) do more often, rather than keep posting on threads that are not about DIY.

Congratulations yet another to bite the dust!
You must be really proud of yourself, peasant!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2008, 06:42:08 pm »
Whose Kevin R and what's got his goat?



  • Posts: 16952
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2008, 06:44:10 pm »
Hi Kev,we had a chat the other night and after talking i think i now know where your coming from,i`m sorry to see that you won`t be posting anymore.After looking into the L5 setup a lot more in legal detail i will be removing mine from the van in the morning and buying a proper installed hot water system on monday,i won`t go back to cold anymore so the money for a pro installed 1 is a drop in the water as far as cost is concerned.I have spoken to a couple of qualified gas engineers and the like and have been told i must be stark raving bonkers to do what i`ve done and only a matter of time before something could well happen.


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2008, 06:48:59 pm »
Kevin R sounds a bit on the arrogant side to me; though other than this one, I can't recall any of his posts. 

Personally I'm glad he's not going to be posting anymore.  We're not all third generation window cleaners; some of us have started window cleaning within the last decade and started from scratch.

Maybe he just isn't bright enough to realise that?

He'd be better off in Cleaning pros.  ;)


  • Posts: 3503
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2008, 06:54:18 pm »

If earning 25k a year makes us a loser, well all I can say there's more of us that fit into that bracket than will admit to it on here.
I am a 25 k a year winner, with no debts and a pension, all my needs are met, the only ambition I have is to stay healthy and happy.

Sometimes people forget that some of us have had other lives outside window cleaning, as a skilled ex tool room machinist, I am perfectly capable of doing a bit of simple, and it is simple DIY.
Matt is an ex carpenter and an enthusiastic DIY man.
If I want something and I can make it, I will, providing I can do it in a reasonable time, it's an outlet for creative thinking, a chance to try a different approach, or just make something better.
The fact that DIY is usually [but not always] less expensive is a bonus, but not the driving factor for many of us.
 We DIY guys will often use the money that you can save line, to justify the reason we do it, but the amount of satisfaction there is in making something that works better is the real driver.

We are all different people, the only thing that some of have in common is the way we earn a living.
If we see a posting that is degenerating into an unpleasant argument we can just walk away from it by pressing the back button, if more of us did this the offending post would die from starvation.

Time to chill and show a little tolerance, we all have our own views, but we don't have to push them down the throats of others, and others are not forced to swallow them.
Resign from this forum if you must, but this 25k loser will not be beaten off this forum, and certainly not because I didn't like what someone else had written.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2008, 06:56:57 pm »
Kev knows what he`s on about in all aspects of this business and is simply fed up with stupid comments like only £10 per hour is only acheivable,DIY is not possible for some of us as employees are to be considered.There are getting more and more on here that are only looking for conflict and not discussion and it`s a shame because we can all offer a lot in our own individual way be it accepted or not,just because 1 dosen`t acheive 1 thing that dosen`t mean others don`t.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2008, 07:13:55 pm »
IMO they are priced realistically now.


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2008, 07:40:16 pm »
Taxi for Ewan!


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2008, 07:40:57 pm »
 ??? nothing wrong with advice i'm all for it.


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2008, 08:00:36 pm »

i guess i must 1 of the cheap DIY'er, for that i'm proud, i am honeslty proud that i have the ability to DIY my kit

Now some of your posts have been interesting, then you seem to have a little chip on your shoulder than grew bigger and bigger, it started off when Mr H and then again ftp built his own Guttervac, with the exact same parts as you have on yours, this somewhat sent you on a downward spiral, then when Glyn tried to rubbish the DIY guttervac, you seemed to take it personal, the spiral has continued in the recent weeks, going as far as calling people idiots and then last night a F'ing idiot, why, just because they dont agree with you ? ? ? which is very worring as your such a professional person ( though you seem to act like a chav at times with your abusive posts )

i find your story amazing, i really do ( im sure i read this from you recently ) you had a heart attack so then became a person with drive to build a business that would look after your family if the next heart attack came, this you said was / is acheived by working 6 days a week and long hours, only see'ing your children 1 hour a day , now that idea is completely alien to me, i would be enjoying life NOW and spending as much time with my family, but i didnt call you a idiot because of it, we all have different opinions, different outlooks on life

you seem to think that some1 who doesnt have the same outlook is a loser / idiot or other insulting name, which to me is a rather narrow minded approach to life, rather sad to be honest

as Dai has said ( and ive mentioned it before ) i choose to DIY stuff, why, because i can, you had a bad back / shoulder ( i cannot remmber now, dont care either to be honest ) i had a really painfull neck, both we solved by using lighter poles, you brought the SL2, i build the RT Zen-flex, both had the same required effect, yet you insulted me by calling me a idiot ? ? ?

you mentioned a issue with another brand of camera, the battery could fall, i mentioned that people should wear a hardhat, this was met with most abuse ? ? ? yet wearing a hard hat is a great bit of advise as is any PPE

the cheapskate remarks are also funny, when i was a carpenter, i owned ( i still do ) all dewault powertools ( this was at a time when a cordless drill was 450 quid ) i did bring some back from the USA on a trip ( to save money, allmost half price ) but i had the best kit you could buy, i would often laugh at the people with cheaper kit ( i knew a guy who used POWERDEVIL kit, a drill and cordless were 30 quid for the pair, i had a screwdriver bit that cost more than that ), then i realised, they still did the same job ( and earned the same money), the guy with the powerdevil kit was a top notch chippie, i guess it made me realise that you dont need the most expensive kit to do the same job

my lifestyle also points that im not a cheapskate or a poor loser, ive have just returned from holiday in disney which cost just under 7 K, this was my 2nd disney holiday in 18 months, a sign of a poor loser, personally i dont think so

i post to give others a option, the other option is to build things DIY, now other just might not have the money to spend / might prefere to save what money they have / spend it on other things / get down the bookies, who are we to condem and insult people who make that choice, not personally i dont care if you want to spend 1 K on a camera system of 100 quid on a camera system, it really doesnt effect me, but i feel when people ask on here, many like the choice, they choose what they want, if it was down to you, you would just like to give them a reply, buy a 1 K camera because i did


Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2008, 08:04:16 pm »
Maybe that’s what you should and others (dullards) do more often, rather than keep posting on threads that are not about DIY.

Maybe that’s what you should and others (dullards) do more often, rather than keep posting on threads that are not about DIY.

Congratulations yet another to bite the dust!
You must be really proud of yourself, peasant!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Childish, DIY is fine and has its place. I have noticed though with a few that enjoy there DIY, they are closed to the alternatives and always argue or comment in a non constructed way and ruin a discussion.

DIY is fine, it’s the ones who represent it don’t do it any favours.

Now Ewan is heading down the same route, taking cheap shots at people who choose to DIY kit

and so the circle of life continues

the queen is dead long live the queen

Re: Thank you from Kevin R
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2008, 08:06:29 pm »
Hi Kev,we had a chat the other night and after talking i think i now know where your coming from,i`m sorry to see that you won`t be posting anymore.After looking into the L5 setup a lot more in legal detail i will be removing mine from the van in the morning and buying a proper installed hot water system on monday,i won`t go back to cold anymore so the money for a pro installed 1 is a drop in the water as far as cost is concerned.I have spoken to a couple of qualified gas engineers and the like and have been told i must be stark raving bonkers to do what i`ve done and only a matter of time before something could well happen.

Fair play NWH, nice to see it when people admit to making a mistake/error of judgement.