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  • Posts: 599
3 letters 3 sackings not good
« on: November 19, 2008, 10:32:31 pm »
got in tonight saw three letters each one said due to the cred crunch we have to let you go ect ..........................

what made me mad was two of the jobs were in a road  also cleaned by an eastern cleaner who used a latvian to do the bottoms and a chinaman to do the tops he paid the lat 18 per day and the chinaman 25 as he went up the ladder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he showed me his job cards and asked do you think i charge tooooo much i said no its about right and walked away  madly swearing to my self 

i was 50% cheaper on all the same size houses and i am pro like you all are here  use high quality equip pay tax insurance and give reciepts ect  i now wish i went for max profit max rip off max gain for as little effort as possible .

we are mugs they use us and dump us when it gets a little rough and expect us to come back when the dust has settled 

well   heres one girl thingy who wont accept sour cream in future

sod em and sod gordon
 i met a geordie who said his dad was unemployed before the war employed during (army )and unemployed after the war thats how thery treat us thats what they think of us . rant over are you guys in the same boat

good news  three leads two calls and two new jobs so all is not lost

Wayne Thomas

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2008, 10:53:41 pm »
Has his workers got legitimate passports. In Exeter today they've been on a spree catching all the illegal immigrants working and will prosecute employers taking these type of people on if they can't prove they did the proper checks on their employees. Too right. Fair competition in business, not cheapskate eastern european workers paying no taxes.

Wayne Thomas

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2008, 11:12:17 pm »
Any customers who dump me because of recession won't be taking back on when the recovery happens unless they are willing to pay 50% more for unloyal inconvenience pay. I'd rather replace them with genuine newer customers who can afford it. Customers are customers and I run it as a business not a personal service for their needs but mutual for both parties.

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2008, 11:18:05 pm »
I do sympathise with you Tony.. honestly but I think that this is something all window cleaners are going to have to deal with for the forseeable future. Jobs are being lost in great numbers.. negative equity on property etc etc.

Many who lose jobs will get into window cleaning as it is seen as an easy in occupation. (Unfortunately)

It isn't just window cleaning that is being hit big time. One of the largest plumbing supplies companies has just announce 2000 jobs going and many branches closing (Can't remember their name) Most people are looking to cut back where possible and despite the traditional loyalty from most window cleaing customers (Domestic ones mostly) I think that times will change and the industry needs to adapt.

You have pointed out some positive stuff as well.. this is normal business. Try not to take it personally. It's just business.


mr D

  • Posts: 913
Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 11:19:44 pm »
totally not bragging but i dont understand people sacking w/c's coz of the ression? i've not advertised for over a year now and i'm still turning work away. i've noticed an increase in calls. am i the only 1?


  • Posts: 286
Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2008, 03:13:06 am »
totally not bragging but i dont understand people sacking w/c's coz of the ression? i've not advertised for over a year now and i'm still turning work away. i've noticed an increase in calls. am i the only 1?

many of those calls are from the wife?    ;D

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2008, 08:23:48 am »
totally not bragging but i dont understand people sacking w/c's coz of the ression? i've not advertised for over a year now and i'm still turning work away. i've noticed an increase in calls. am i the only 1?

No I doubt you are the only 1.

There are many with lots of work.. You maybe one of the ones that is doing a job that is reasonably priced.

The ones that are feeling it the most are the ones that are over priced just for the sake of it because they got away with it for so long.

And you will find that because they got away with it, their over heads are larger than what they use to be. They have managed to purchase flash equipment, new luxury items and they should have waited. They cant afford to go in a a lower price because they have invested or (wasted) the money too quick too soon and did not see the future ahead.

Many businesses are  falling, in all types of industry and ones that have had huge financial backing.

thousands of jobs are going and are still being implemented for redundancy.

There are more customers too lose yet. Price your work at reasonable prices! Instead of being greedy.



Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2008, 10:27:58 am »
I never could understand this sentimentality some of the window cleaners have with there customers after all they are “just customers” and should be treated as if in a business relationship and not viewed as anything else, even with all the friendly talk when you go and clean there windows.
:) True,
I would only be sorry to lose "One" customer, she's like my nan (who died) Lovely old lady makes me "Posh" coffee and home made scones, everytime... ArHHH it's like coming home 8) :D ::)


Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2008, 04:47:30 pm »
been to price a job this week  goes in at the lowest price as its a garage and guess what under cut
can not beleive it its a poop sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2008, 05:23:20 pm »
totally not bragging but i dont understand people sacking w/c's coz of the ression? i've not advertised for over a year now and i'm still turning work away. i've noticed an increase in calls. am i the only 1?

No I doubt you are the only 1.

There are many with lots of work.. You maybe one of the ones that is doing a job that is reasonably priced.

The ones that are feeling it the most are the ones that are over priced just for the sake of it because they got away with it for so long.

And you will find that because they got away with it, their over heads are larger than what they use to be. They have managed to purchase flash equipment, new luxury items and they should have waited. They cant afford to go in a a lower price because they have invested or (wasted) the money too quick too soon and did not see the future ahead.

Many businesses are  falling, in all types of industry and ones that have had huge financial backing.

thousands of jobs are going and are still being implemented for redundancy.

There are more customers too lose yet. Price your work at reasonable prices! Instead of being greedy.


Too true - you either need to be a plodder (no boom and bust) or make hay whilst the sun shines (and don't forget to put money aside for the busts that will come to your business).

Thankfully I'm one of the former so I'm still getting work left right and centre.  I was called a busy fool sometime ago on this forum, but at least I'm sleeping soundly - I've got many eggs in many baskets!


  • Posts: 618
Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2008, 06:56:32 pm »
i lost 5 in a row yesterday and another today , also picked up  2 new ones today, to be honest i don,t even bother to ask tem why , i,ll go out on saturday and replace them and get some more on top , nothing to worry about regards alan


Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2008, 07:02:15 pm »
got one old cus back  today who i lost about 3 years ago dont know what happend to the old w/c  but she never moand about price


Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2008, 10:10:53 am »
Any customers who dump me because of recession won't be taking back on when the recovery happens unless they are willing to pay 50% more for unloyal inconvenience pay. I'd rather replace them with genuine newer customers who can afford it. Customers are customers and I run it as a business not a personal service for their needs but mutual for both parties.

Anyone wanting an explanation of the word "contradiction"  just read this post, take the first half, then the second half & hey, there you have it!

Made me well chuckle this wayne! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


peter holley

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2008, 10:43:15 am »
Any customers who dump me because of recession won't be taking back on when the recovery happens unless they are willing to pay 50% more for unloyal inconvenience pay. I'd rather replace them with genuine newer customers who can afford it. Customers are customers and I run it as a business not a personal service for their needs but mutual for both parties.

what if they have lost their job??? this attitude seems harsh.... there is a difference  be tween a customer who messes you around than a custie that has hit hard times to thr recession.....when they get a job againi , i will gladly welcome them back, i may ajust the price a little...but i prefer their money in my pocket rather than my competitions ::)


  • Posts: 683
Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2008, 12:24:48 pm »
  If people are honest with me and tell me they are struggling and can't afford it at the moment, I will happily take them back on when they through their troubles.
  What's more I would also take them back on at th same price, not hike it up.

  A good reputtion is harder to build than a bad one.

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2008, 09:17:17 pm »
picked up 6 new jobs last week :D not the best priced work at 41 for the lot but with the way things are i can't understand why we are still turning work down on here??????i think we need to stockpile a bit for the near future as things may get rough.


  • Posts: 6180
Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2008, 11:16:29 pm »
If people are honest with me and tell me they are struggling and can't afford it at the moment, I will happily take them back on when they through their troubles.
 What's more I would also take them back on at th same price, not hike it up.

 A good reputtion is harder to build than a bad one.

and quicker to lose.

Wayne Thomas

Re: 3 letters 3 sackings not good
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2008, 01:17:35 pm »
Any customers who dump me because of recession won't be taking back on when the recovery happens unless they are willing to pay 50% more for unloyal inconvenience pay. I'd rather replace them with genuine newer customers who can afford it. Customers are customers and I run it as a business not a personal service for their needs but mutual for both parties.

Anyone wanting an explanation of the word "contradiction"  just read this post, take the first half, then the second half & hey, there you have it!

Made me well chuckle this wayne! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Hello Tony,

Glad it made you laugh, I agree it may have read contradictory, however, the message I was trying to imply is that customers who dump me because of their current financial situation aren't worth taking back and that it's better to replace them with new customers in the future.