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  • Posts: 2351
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2020, 12:44:48 am »
Not trying to start any arguments. What is the reason you’re working? Is it because money is tight, bored, you need routine, fear of losing your customers,  fear of not getting the 80%, you haven’t declared much profit?

Surely if someone offered you 80% of your net profit to stay at home and chill you’d do it, right?
I'll put my 80% worth in: I think it's all of the above. Maybe the last one not as much.
I don't blame anyone for working for valid reasons but some that I read are a little worrying. I can't believe the nervousness among a lot of window cleaners. I had one on the phone last night telling me what he was doing and how he'd lost customers before, after a spell out. I didn't tell him that a lot of people don't like him anyway.
A lot of window cleaners don't realise how serious this is. They are nervous but for the wrong reasons.

Possibly it’s the thought of losing their business? I’ve always tried to be respectful to my customers and after sending out loads of texts saying I’m putting the business on hold I had over 170 texts back saying I was doing the right thing and they were sticking with me. Some haven’t replied to my text.  I know for sure that over the coming months I’ll lose some work but at least I know I’ll have some sort of business to go back to. Many people won’t have a job at all.

May be I’m fortunate?

As I said, I’m not looking for an argument. Just trying to gauge why you feel the need to go out to work in the current situation.
We look at them, they look through them.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2020, 12:53:12 am »
What a lot of people forget is that it's a two way thing.
We need customers and they need us. A good window cleaner is worth keeping hold of and everyone knows what's going on. There'll be loads of people thinking 'oh, I hope such-and-such comes back to do the windows. I don't want anyone else'.
If a customer isn't prepared to wait a few weeks or months for you to clean their windows then they weren't that good of a customer.
It's those with a load of commercial work that I feel sorry for.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2020, 01:09:33 am »
He didn't say you couldn't. Is it that frightening a prospect for you?
Busby asked a question; either answer it or chill.
I think it's a fair question.

Fair questions have to be honest; it was based on a false premise.  The self employed are not going to be given 80% to 'stay home and chill'.

That implies that the government want us to stop working.

They don't.
Don't be daft.
The grant is available to most self employed people and they can't tell us what to do with it. They don't tell us when to work during normal times, so they can't tell us to work during a pandemic. Especially during a lockdown with the slogan 'Stay Home'.
The key point is that they don't want us to shut our businesses and cause them more problems. That is not the same as not wanting us to stop working.
It's no wonder many think that it's a free holiday .

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2020, 07:12:26 am »
He didn't say you couldn't. Is it that frightening a prospect for you?
Busby asked a question; either answer it or chill.
I think it's a fair question.

Fair questions have to be honest; it was based on a false premise.  The self employed are not going to be given 80% to 'stay home and chill'.

That implies that the government want us to stop working.

They don't.
Don't be daft.
The grant is available to most self employed people and they can't tell us what to do with it. They don't tell us when to work during normal times, so they can't tell us to work during a pandemic. Especially during a lockdown with the slogan 'Stay Home'.
The key point is that they don't want us to shut our businesses and cause them more problems. That is not the same as not wanting us to stop working.
It's no wonder many think that it's a free holiday .

Well this is what they are doing with the Employed.   You only get UP to 80% if you pay your workers the other 20% of their wages.  So if I have a worker who earns a £1000 per month the government are APPARENTLY going to give me £800 for them through the PAYE system and then I make the wages up to the £1000.  If I only pay them 80% i.e. £800 then the government will only reimburse me £640.  On top of that my workers MUST NOT WORK FOR ME.  So if you all have the self employed bit right and you can have the 80% and go to work, employers are far worse off.
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2124
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2020, 07:15:51 am »
We are much more motivated I guess.

The grant is there to support businesses that 'can' t work' , not 'won't work' .  Dont abuse it.   The government have asked for the economy to continue by working from home where you can or in isolation if can't.  The more you earn, the more tax you put back into the system.  That's what they want unless you have symptoms and need to isolate.
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simon w

  • Posts: 1634
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2020, 07:22:37 am »
Surely if someone offered you 80% of your net profit to stay at home and chill you’d do it, right?

Who is offering us 80% of our net profit to stay home and chill?

Would you like to try again?

So your reason to go to work on Monday is that you don’t believe you will be given 80% of your net pay from the government?

There, I tried again.

I'd feel like a parasite burdening the Government for money at a time like this when I know I can go out and work full time hours window cleaning pay my bills including taxes whilst working safely.

colin bird

  • Posts: 1175
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2020, 07:29:55 am »
And to be honest if i carry on working and the government doesn't cough up then i wont be dissatisfied, maybe thats why they are telling window cleaner s and gardiner s to carry on so they can say you have all been working so no cash for you guys

I think you maybe spot on with that mate


  • Posts: 25083
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2020, 07:38:49 am »
In answer to the OP

When Boris made his announcement I was in London clearing out my youngest daughter's flat (Monday night) I had not planned to work the Tuesday and it gave me time to reflect.

Driving back from London late that evening there was a three way whatsapp conference call between my wife and (me driving) youngest daughter and my two eldest daughters (both married to Window Cleaners, one who had just lost her job).

The subject was whether to work, "moral" and personal decisions, could we work etc. etc.etc.

For the rest of that week I posted on here that I was thinking it through and that my personal view was that I should not work. My sons-in-law made their decisions to start again on the Thursday or Friday of last week.

I had read the regulations and I believed that the "stay at home" outweighed the "should go to work" in the government guidelines. (FOR ME)

Then I had a couple of calls from customers asking what I was doing as they were happy for me to clean with "social distancing" and I told them that for "the time being" I wouldn't be working but was "watching this space.

Some one on here referenced Lee Pryor's site (and that he had started his business working again) and his website referencing  the relevant page of the government regulations. (Highlighted below in red)

With the exception of the organisations covered above in the section on closing certain businesses and venues, the government has not required any other businesses to close - indeed it is important for business to carry on.

So this made me think that I should re-evaluate. I have and I started working again with practical safeguards in place.

I have the "luxury" by good fortune and possibly rainy day saving to have been able to sit this out for far longer than 3 months; but I believe that FOR ME the balanced view is to work FOR THE TIME BEING.

I fully respect the view of others that they wish to follow the overarching view of stay at home but FOR ME AND MY WORK I believe that I can cover a significant proportion of it within Government guidelines on Social Distances and that as I can "I should work".
It's a game of three halves!

Richard iSparkle

  • Posts: 2490
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2020, 07:49:55 am »
Not trying to start any arguments. What is the reason you’re working?

this is why we are working...

With the exception of the organisations covered above in the section on closing certain businesses and venues, the government has not required any other businesses to close indeed it is important for business to carry on. (

we are doing what we are being asked to do.

if the government ask us to stop we will

iSparkle Window Cleaning


  • Posts: 8146
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2020, 07:53:33 am »
I dont think the message from the Govt is ambiguous in any way.

You’ll get 80% of your average profits for the last three trading years.

The message was clear, there will be no lies, deceit, backdowns or anything else.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8847
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2020, 07:56:37 am »
You only qualify for the 80% if your business has been ordered to close or has been effected by the virus, mine hasn't been on both counts so ill continue to work, that said I'm no martyr to work so if somebody was to give me £2500k a month to sit on my backside I would have no problem staying at home with the rest of you workshy.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3929
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2020, 08:21:59 am »
Not trying to start any arguments. What is the reason you’re working? Is it because money is tight, bored, you need routine, fear of losing your customers,  fear of not getting the 80%, you haven’t declared much profit?

Surely if someone offered you 80% of your net profit to stay at home and chill you’d do it, right?
Because I have been told by the government to carry on working..........simple as that.

P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2020, 08:34:20 am »
I am working because we don’t have any savings left , my other half is on full pay but sent home for 12 weeks as she is high risk , the problem being though is she is only 16 hours a week, it’s simply not enough to live on .
I also feel that the 80% grant may not come to fruition !
I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3929
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2020, 08:35:26 am »
You only qualify for the 80% if your business has been ordered to close or has been effected by the virus, mine hasn't been on both counts so ill continue to work, that said I'm no martyr to work so if somebody was to give me £2500k a month to sit on my backside I would have no problem staying at home with the rest of you workshy.
But looking from a different angle, if you qualify for £2500 a month, it will give you an idea of what you are potentially losing in income if you decide not to work when you’re perfectly entitled to do so.


  • Posts: 23852
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2020, 08:41:11 am »
Not trying to start any arguments. What is the reason you’re working? Is it because money is tight, bored, you need routine, fear of losing your customers,  fear of not getting the 80%, you haven’t declared much profit?

Surely if someone offered you 80% of your net profit to stay at home and chill you’d do it, right?

My main reason is its instinctive for me to go to work....I've always been a grafter,also there is a fear of going back to my former life(where I lived hand to mouth and got myself into debt when I was a drinking alcoholic)and being on the bones of my arse financially .....even though I have money behind me I just cant stop working and wont unless the government enforce a stricter lockdown.
Another reason is my missus will need some financial support from me if this goes on for months as her income(and her daughter and sons)has disappeared overnight.....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 23852
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2020, 08:45:45 am »
I am baffled by this . I don't get as much as most on here in earnings . the bragging and advise seems to have stopped .
they seem to be the ones going to work , panicking .
and all the advice and posts I have done get ignored  . like  I am a numpty.

exposes them . they all feel like tits working because they know its like working on Christmas day .
no body would work in this climate unless they really have to.
I'm working because I can......most customers are pleased to see me....👍
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 602
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2020, 08:57:30 am »
I haven’t stopped working I’ve just carried on.
I have a good relationship with all my customers and they are happy to see me.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2020, 08:58:28 am »
Not trying to start any arguments. What is the reason you’re working? Is it because money is tight, bored, you need routine, fear of losing your customers,  fear of not getting the 80%, you haven’t declared much profit?

Surely if someone offered you 80% of your net profit to stay at home and chill you’d do it, right?

Yea, sure your not with a question loaded with accusations and one way of thinking.


  • Posts: 602
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2020, 08:58:53 am »
I’m the same as dazmond.
I’ve always been a grafter I love working.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2020, 09:20:53 am »
He didn't say you couldn't. Is it that frightening a prospect for you?
Busby asked a question; either answer it or chill.
I think it's a fair question.

Fair questions have to be honest; it was based on a false premise.  The self employed are not going to be given 80% to 'stay home and chill'.

That implies that the government want us to stop working.

They don't.
Don't be daft.
The grant is available to most self employed people and they can't tell us what to do with it. They don't tell us when to work during normal times, so they can't tell us to work during a pandemic. Especially during a lockdown with the slogan 'Stay Home'.
The key point is that they don't want us to shut our businesses and cause them more problems. That is not the same as not wanting us to stop working.
It's no wonder many think that it's a free holiday .

Well this is what they are doing with the Employed.   You only get UP to 80% if you pay your workers the other 20% of their wages.  So if I have a worker who earns a £1000 per month the government are APPARENTLY going to give me £800 for them through the PAYE system and then I make the wages up to the £1000.  If I only pay them 80% i.e. £800 then the government will only reimburse me £640.  On top of that my workers MUST NOT WORK FOR ME.  So if you all have the self employed bit right and you can have the 80% and go to work, employers are far worse off.
So you only get 80% of the 80% if you don't make it up to 100%?