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L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner

  • Posts: 822
Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« on: June 28, 2006, 03:50:41 pm »
Can anyone offer any advice on this thanks.I do a monthly commercial job
That’s done by W.F.P. Some `jack the lads` have thrown eggs on to some of
The windows.Trouble is,some of the affected windows have window film that’s
Been put on the outside.I have had trouble with bird mess previously on the same
Windows,and its easily damaged.(I did think I might have to replace one window
With new film)This could be tricky.All replies appreciated.

Lewis Doubtfire, Gleem Clean ( The Blade Runner )
L. Doubtfire
Window Cleaner


  • Posts: 5855
Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2006, 08:51:43 pm »
Hi Lewis,

That film your on about, supposed to go on the inside of the windows, I have a few jobs with this film, and its all inside.

Sorry I can't offer you any advice, for the wfp system, as I'm still traditional.

I hope someone will come on and answer your questions for you.

Good Luck


Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2006, 09:11:07 pm »
lewis, some folk use this film on their glass as a security against break ins, if someone throws a brick at the glass, it stays intact, as jeff said its suppose to go inside, simply tell the customer this, and tell them no comeback on you if it scratches  the film,

simon w

  • Posts: 1596
Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2006, 10:34:11 pm »

Are the effected windows at a height that you can use a ladder? If so there's a product called Oil-flo which you can buy from window cleaning suppliers.  try the Federation Of Window Cleaners thats where i get mine.

Apply the Oil-flo, leave it to disolve the muck, then use a mild detergent and a green backed spontex abrasive sponge, remember not to use to much pressure on the glass so you dont cause any scratching.

when you think the mucks been broken down give the window a final clean traditional. problem solved.

Once the eggs been removed you can carry on cleaning windows WFP.

simon w

  • Posts: 1596
Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2006, 11:28:16 pm »

Sorry i did not read your post properly. explain the situation to your customer and make them aware that the window-film they have chosen for their building
is a very delicate material and will not tolerate heavy treatment cleans.

And that in your opinion the best method of cleaning is to use WFP on a regular basis ie monthly, and that if they require treatment cleans to remove egg or bird strikes then you can not guarantee a certain amount of fine scratching.

You should be able to remove general dirt which has accumalated over a month using WPP, just use the brush lightly and let the water do the work. this is the monthly maintenance clean that you have agreed to carry out for them.

Let them decide whether they would like you to do a treatment clean on the egg & birdstrikes and that you wont be held responsible if window-film becomes scratched. I suspect that the window-film was probably scratched before you began cleaning windows for this customer.


Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2006, 11:49:55 pm »
I don't know how you'd do it for the job you have but warm or very warm water approaching 'hot' so as not to crack the glass.

We done a job a few years back and had a similar problem and we got a bucket with hot water in it and then spent a while holding scrims against it untill the egg softened. Problem was the scrims having been dunked in the hot water would cool quickly so it was a two man job. One to hold the scrim against the glass for a minute or two and one to dunk the scrim and hand it to the one holding it against the glass.

It took about 15 minutes but the egg in the end came off quiet easily. We just had to keep soaking it with warm water.

Cold water will do the same but it takes forever. The hotter the water, the quicker it works.



  • Posts: 2986
Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2006, 05:48:19 am »
I'd agree with Ross on this one.

With that window film any scrubbing on it will scratch it for sure, I can't believe they have been so daft as to have it put on the outside :o
The customer should be told (and quickly) that this film will get scratched and damaged over time on the outside of the glass.
WFP is certainly the best tool for the job for a regular clean, the stuff is horrible to squeegee.
I have an office where they have this on the inside and I just give it a light mist and buff clean with microfibre.
Wouldn't recommend that for the outside though!
The stuff marks up so easy :-\


L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner

  • Posts: 822
Re: Egg Mess/ Window Film Tint
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2006, 06:14:33 am »
Thanks for all the replies.All in all it has`nt been too bad.I used some
Bicarbonate of soda mixed in with plain hot water and plenty of `rub a
Dub rub` with a strip washer to soften whats there.I have just `nicked`
Slightly some of the film because it looked as if there was`nt any on this
One particular window.A mistake,but it dos`nt look too bad.All the office
Staff seem grateful for my efforts anyways.

Lewis Doubtfire, Gleem Clean ( The Blade Runner )
L. Doubtfire
Window Cleaner