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  • Posts: 5366
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2017, 08:36:18 am »
Haha you guys. You might want to watch the solar panel vid where i mentioned 15 houses!!  Then you will see i havent dug a hole!
This house isn't part of that. This house is on a vid where i was showing how i clean a house but the microphone didnt pick up the speach where i was explaining how i was cleaning it.
This house is in another estate, where yes i clean 4 of these size house in an hour, thats down to the size plus they are not exactly next door to each other.
(This one)
These ones i cleaned 15 in just over 2 hrs
(The begining couple of seconds shows you the houses n how compact the estate is)
Heres wher ive mentioned 15 houses and kinda show you the house as well
Watch n enjoy


  • Posts: 23650
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2017, 08:41:55 am »
its obvious to us that you ve not got enough work to keep you busy during the week.probably low priced too.(thats why your racing around splashing and dashing trying to cram as much work in as possible).

dont worry mate we ve all been there.keep at it and you ll have a decent round one day. ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 5366
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2017, 08:50:19 am »
its obvious to us that you ve not got enough work to keep you busy during the week.probably low priced too.(thats why your racing around splashing and dashing trying to cram as much work in as possible).

dont worry mate we ve all been there.keep at it and you ll have a decent round one day. ;D

Daz i believe you dont like working a full day 8 -5 monday - friday.  Seems like you need to take more work on too as you dont seem to like spending on resin or heating your water and putting some prices up to pay for a new van.......seems like you need better work n more of it

Like you daz, the benefit of being self employed isnt to work yourself into the grave.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8578
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2017, 08:51:17 am »
Haha you guys. You might want to watch the solar panel vid where i mentioned 15 houses!!  Then you will see i havent dug a hole!
This house isn't part of that. This house is on a vid where i was showing how i clean a house but the microphone didnt pick up the speach where i was explaining how i was cleaning it.
This house is in another estate, where yes i clean 4 of these size house in an hour, thats down to the size plus they are not exactly next door to each other.
(This one)
These ones i cleaned 15 in just over 2 hrs
(The begining couple of seconds shows you the houses n how compact the estate is)
Heres wher ive mentioned 15 houses and kinda show you the house as well
Watch n enjoy


  • Posts: 5366
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2017, 10:28:54 am »
It wont waste ur time watching a couple of brief vids will it.
For me it might mean swapping time to clean one house to watch all 3 vids but from what most are saying, it takes 2mins per window to clean properly so in reality watching my vid will only be stopping you from cleaning front of an house, thats all



  • Posts: 6088
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2017, 12:32:08 pm »
Small compact properties making 15 in two hours easily achievable, lol, looks like a half decent sized detached with a
conservatory to me,
If that hole gets any deeper he's going to need a ladder to get out.

It looks like a 20 min property to me.

I can see how it could be done in 10 if you are not doing the frames and really going for it but I've never come across a house that doesn't at least need some of the frames cleaning. Maybe my standards are just higher but i don't like to leave any marks or any bits on the sills etc. If I cleaned it in 10 mins it just wouldn't be perfect, it just wouldnt. I might get away with it but I I would know it's not right. Maybe that's my fault, maybe I'm over cleaning and could get away with less. Who knows

10 minutes to clean a detached with a conny  ? I don't think I could do that in 10 even if I went fast... I just couldn't be bothered too

Assuming he's literally just blasting over the glass and gone.

But no me neither, would be much too hard too keep up all day..

 I've cleaned my 3 bed semi in 5mins 24 seconds before and to be honest it was a pretty good job, odd spot if you were looking but not bad at all. Which does make me wonder why it would take me 15 mins to do a similar house on my round


  • Posts: 5366
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2017, 01:13:05 pm »
Think its fair to say theres not many x cops turned window cleaner on this forum because peoples deductions sould land so many innocent people in jail.
But that why theyve become shiners as not good at being police men.

People are liking the fan jets from gardiner now it seems....but why use fan jets unless your wanting a wide coverage of water spray for a better n quicker rinse time??!!
So do the maths on same logical thinking. I have a wide 14inch brush with 6 you have any idea what flow n coverage that gives me? Combined with a dual trimmed brush.
If im using the brush side would on, in one pass going left to right ive covered 14inc of the window and as i carry on working down the window im constantly cleaning over where ive just passed. So on a typical window working in this manner by time ive got to the bottom of the window its the same equivalent of 3 passes using a 12inch 2 jetted brush working up n down.
So the window is truly cleaned and with a better flow than fan jets, my 6 jets are cascading the water down the window probably giving a much greater rinse than most on here all in one pass!! Thats before i do a 2nd pass for good measure!!
Oh and thats on virtually clean windows to begin with.

But NO, to some on here its a crazy idea as the brush is too heavy........too dont need 6 jets stop messing around..........
Ive tried to be helpful by posting my findings so the brave souls out their who wish to work outside the norm might benefit from it.
Yet some are still old school in their thinking as theyve been wfp for many many years and supposedly tried everything.......yet look at the advancement in wfp over last 20....10 or even 5yrs how its grown. 
Lee you cant possibly do a tv ad it wont cant grow an empire like that and yet hes more than proved himself on here and yet ones moan.
But thats fine......even daz has fell to the negativity of this forum by trying to call earnings into it and yet he dont like to spend on extra like heated water (as moaned in past how expensive it works out a year. Or he hire purchases a new van and increases some prices of customers to afford it.........😂😂  your either making a great living to afford to do so or your not.....but he wanted to bring earnings into play.......
So no skin of my nose if i clean more or quicker than some and i have spare time to do so which is contrary to running round like a headless chicken cramming so many houses into a day.......which one is it as it cant be both....  lol i even like how some dont work in the rain even though many have proved you can (thats people who are happy to invest in methods which allow you to do so but choose not too and then fall behind in their schedule).

But hey ho!  Enjoy working at whatever pace you are and as long as your happy thats the main thing.

Cheers for peoples watching and commenting either way though as it makes for interesting reading.


  • Posts: 7779
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2017, 01:29:30 pm »
Nathan you spend more time on here than working or with your wife and kids. That says more to me than any of your vids.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2017, 04:29:42 pm »
Nathan you spend more time on here than working or with your wife and kids. That says more to me than any of your vids.

If youve got as many kids as me do you blame me!
(Obviously me joking )

How does that work out then slacky......
Im on here between jobs during the working hours n then late night mate....its called insomnia, that ive had for last 20 yrs.
Or during the half hour or so when im filling my van up for next days work.
Wonder if i should sneak on here when i take my boys for their horse riding lessons tomorrow perhaps??!!
Doh personal details again 😂😂😂 what im not working for next 2 days plus weekend. .......what with wife at home teaching kids......yep cause im a splash n dash low priced window cleaner.....
Dam slacky youve caught me out mate


  • Posts: 6088
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2017, 04:45:17 pm »
Nathan do you have a video on your 6 jetted brush?

I want to make one.

Also how do you clean a window with a top opener?

Do you clean the entire window in one go or do you do the top opener on one then top opener on another then back to the lower panes?

Although I'm sceptical about the amount of work you get through im interested how you do it as I would like to be that fast and finish by Wednesday too  :)


  • Posts: 3931
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2017, 04:46:36 pm »
Nathan you spend more time on here than working or with your wife and kids. That says more to me than any of your vids.

If youve got as many kids as me do you blame me!
(Obviously me joking )

How does that work out then slacky......
Im on here between jobs during the working hours n then late night mate....its called insomnia, that ive had for last 20 yrs.
Or during the half hour or so when im filling my van up for next days work.
Wonder if i should sneak on here when i take my boys for their horse riding lessons tomorrow perhaps??!!
Doh personal details again 😂😂😂 what im not working for next 2 days plus weekend. .......what with wife at home teaching kids......yep cause im a splash n dash low priced window cleaner.....
Dam slacky youve caught me out mate

So you do 7 jobs an hour , have a coffee from each customer AND you have time to post 5 page comments on CIU in between ....  :o :o
.... I take my hat off to you sir


  • Posts: 5366
Re: quality control check!!
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2017, 05:51:27 pm »
People, once again, to reiterate this small part of my entire round is the only stretch given the size, compactness and open planned gardens plus other factors where i can clean 15 houses in just over 2 hours and yes thats with a coffee and no im not running.
(Have u seen my tum, im trying to loose weight due to not using ladders anymore. If i was running round houses etc im sure i would be as fit as i was when using ladders...............oooohhhh perhaps i should run between windows perhaps i could finishna day earlier and slim down again!!   Now theres a thought 😂😂😂