Total Members Voted: 101
All businesses in any sector have big variations in turnover and profit.I know a plumber who lives in a council house and another whos lives in a detatched with a brand new Range Rover and Jag.I know an electrician who has built his own house worth over 700k another who lives in a semi.What I am getting at is there is no defined amount of money you will earn as a carpet cleaner. It all depends on the person, their business acumen, ambition, being in the right place at the right time etc etc. Oh and how greedy they are
Hi to all,I really don't know how some people on this forum manage 4-5 jobs a day or more as a one man band with a porty,cannot be doing a very thorough job it takes what 30 mins just to set up your equipment and 30 mins to pack up if you were doing 4-5 jobs a day that would 4-5 hours before actually putting a wand to carpet. how long does a job take some of you 5 minutes lol.-Edited-