I have been to court many times in my early years and out of 9 cases I won none.
The verbal agreement is worthless, the court WILL expect an agreed work schedule to confirm you have carried out what is expected of you. You go to court, pay yet more money out, the judge says "why haven't you paid" the defendant says"because all the work was not completed to my satisfaction"!
You then go through a 5 min debate which will end up with you arguing you have done the work and the defendant arguing you haven't. During this process the judge will ask for PAPERWORK, i.e. contracts, quotations, completion sheets. Then you will be told, this cannot be agreed, go back and do the work again, get the defendant to agree and sign the work is acceptable and then they will pay you.
If you don't want to do the work again, leave and kiss goodbye to your court costs, time and money.
Not having ago at you Andrew but have seen these type of people walk away scott free so many times, it makes my blood boil!!!!