GG3 is for soft water thats why its ok in pure water, but in winter it will be a bit cold as we all like to start out with that hot bucket of water first thing. For good results i find gg3 and pure water does the trick and i'll just have grin and bear it in the winter, each to their own.
No, i dont use a spray bottle just a quick spray with harmony hairspray on my hair before i go out in the morning
nothing slips like fairy liquid, been using it for years had no probs but just fancied a change with gg3 and pure water, for a better slip with gg3 you need to add a touch more but its not the cheapest on the market. Also 'squeegy off' is very good from your posts and your forthright manner i can see you are a professional, i like the way you stand up for what you believe in, keep up the good work you keep this forum on its toes