The trainer is not bothered whether they get it or not so long as the trainee leaves with empty pockets.
That may be true of Trainers you have come across but it certainly doesn't apply to us. If it were the case we should be charging £995 for our course and not the £395 we actually charge. I know others may find it difficult to believe but we actually do lose money at the rate we charge. However, it is our intention that no delegate leaves the course not understanding methods to effectively deep clean and remove all contaminants, understand sealers and how they work, be able to carry out cosmetic repairs, remove acid etching from calcium based stone, hone & polish stone, colour grout and finally and most importantly be able to identify different tile & stone. Because let's face it if you can't tell the difference between Ceramic & Porcelain for instance what chance do you have of knowing what to do with it? Finally all delegates leave with the knowledge that if they have problems, need help for any reason they have a helpline to refer to. One delegate for example still rings us for advice or simply to confirm that what he is proposing will work and he did the course 4 years ago!
Kev Martin
Tiling Logistics