Well,went out knocking this afternoon,picked up 26 jobs,12 refusals,leafleted 24 more houses-no one in and tomorrow hope to chase those 24 up and have another 35 houses to call on so cannot complain it went really really well.Was not too sure what to expect but was optimisic as I knew there hadnt been any WC round since well well before XMAS .Anyone who said they had a WC I just said thats not a problem and went,about a third were ecsatic,another third said they had a WC but he hadnt been for months and they just talked themselves into taking me on so I dont feel I have twisted any arms,if anything I was saying look stay with him ,you will see me around or take my flyer just in case so am due to start next Friday - thx for the help to those concerned.This weekend am waiting for the kit I ordered and will be practising like crazy.