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  • Posts: 3427
Re: Apology
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2012, 03:37:37 pm »
I'm with Craig on this one. Silly bugger still probably unaware of the uproar he's caused.

I think he may have misread the mood and got a bit carried away with the cheap prices/bad spelling bashing.
Carpet Cleaning
Google Adwords Management


Re: Apology
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2012, 04:44:43 pm »

Sometimes after a row I will give this forum a miss for a couple of days.

Is it not worth the Moderators dropping Steve a quick email? As Ash says, he may not be aware of peoples' reactions.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Apology
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2012, 04:50:13 pm »
Garry we can check when the last time a member logged on, he has seen the problem he has caused. he will be banned as he has not taken the opportunity to apologies,
Mike Halliday.

Gary Longley

  • Posts: 69
Re: Apology
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2012, 04:51:01 pm »

Sometimes after a row I will give this forum a miss for a couple of days.

Is it not worth the Moderators dropping Steve a quick email? As Ash says, he may not be aware of peoples' reactions.

Don't rely on the moderator's do anything except delete legitimate posts - disgusting behaviour!

Gary Longley

  • Posts: 69
Re: Apology
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2012, 04:54:31 pm »
Mike keeps deleting my posts. Everytime I post. I posted a good response to the problem thread and it was deleted without explanation?

So annoying. This will get deleted by Mike. I have made a formal complaint to the owner's of this forum. The moderators are dreadfull on here.


  • Posts: 765
Re: Apology
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2012, 04:58:08 pm »

Mike keeps deleting my posts. Everytime I post. I posted a good response to the problem thread and it was deleted without explanation?

So annoying. This will get deleted by Mike.

Think the moderators have made their stand pretty clear so stick ya beak out for a bit. After all the years I have been on this forum they have never deleted a post for 'no reason', you can see by this thread just how lenient they are so give it a rest.

Gary Longley

  • Posts: 69
Re: Apology
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2012, 05:05:06 pm »
The only reason that you can say that they have never deleted a post without good reason is because you have never seen them...

Ie:  the posts have been deleted without you seeing them, and as they have been deleted you did not know that they existed.

That's a very intelligent post  ;D


  • Posts: 11382
Re: Apology
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2012, 05:08:23 pm »
I've not been a mod for long but I have never deleted a post or thread yet, I've been a member for nearly 10 years and noticed hardly any posts being deleted, it's quite an open forum and that's why some posts go on and on and 'problems' happen.



  • Posts: 1272
Re: Apology
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2012, 05:10:58 pm »
I suspect some posts that had quoted the offensive post have been deleted.

Gary Longley

  • Posts: 69
Re: Apology
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2012, 05:14:52 pm »
I've not been a mod for long but I have never deleted a post or thread yet, I've been a member for nearly 10 years and noticed hardly any posts being deleted, it's quite an open forum and that's why some posts go on and on and 'problems' happen.


This will get deleted by Mike as he's been doing this for the past hour. Why, I dont know?

I wrote a long post giving my views on the problamatic thread, perfectly reasonable, nothing contentious, a perfectly good post. I published it, he deleted it without any explanation. Ok, he can delete it but at least tell the poster why? So annoying, it really is Moderation at its worst.

I have made a complaint about him, lets hope its at least noted. Very bad moderating.
If a post doesn't suit him then he presses the magic button.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Apology
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2012, 05:19:16 pm »
I have been deleting garys posts as he has being posting inappropriate comments so they get deleted so he can complain that his post are getting deleted ( if that makes sense)

he is making a mockery of this serious  topic to just cause trouble
Mike Halliday.

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: Apology
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2012, 05:33:50 pm »
Hi Guys

I too have been deleting his posts which are childish and inappropriate in these circumstances, lets have a grown up approach please.



Tony Gill Carpet Smart

  • Posts: 1254
Re: Apology
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2012, 09:54:05 pm »
24 hrs is more than enough time for him to have done the wright thing IMO.


Peter Sweeney

  • Posts: 534
Re: Apology
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2012, 10:30:03 pm »
TataI agree tony and he cleary isnt man eonugh to do the right thing. As for this Longley moron or whoever he really is just pollutes the forum. Jokes, the lot of them. Now go on, make a pratt of yourself, because I have met Doug, Mike and Shaun and joking/banter aside they are all intelligent, decent people.


Billy Russell

  • Posts: 1620
Re: Apology
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2012, 11:41:48 pm »
TataI agree tony and he cleary isnt man eonugh to do the right thing. As for this Longley moron or whoever he really is just pollutes the forum. Jokes, the lot of them. Now go on, make a pratt of yourself, because I have met Doug, Mike and Shaun and joking/banter aside they are all intelligent, decent people.


Are you sure? Granted, Doug and Mike seem intellegent guys, but Shaun, Really?  ;D


Re: Apology
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2012, 11:46:15 pm »
Mike stop doing all the deleting and give someone else a chance you greedy ....... ;D

Sorry just trying to lighten the mood.

Two very poignant features of Cleanitup are highlighted by this.

Firstly, it is absolutely POINTLESS banning someone off this forum.. they can just re-register and carry on under a slightly different name.  Kid yourselves all you like, you do not know who you are talking to unless they are people who you have met in real life or have at least got a lot of other forum members to vouch for them.

If you ban someone you are just going to encourage them to kick back against the forum.  The only sensible, logical and viable thing to do.... IF the owners/mods of this forum actually give a sh*t... is to phone that person up and talk to them about what has been posted.

Can't do that?  That's because this forum is a free-for-all and anyone can get on it and post their own brand of boll*cks (take me as a prime example ;D)

So, Cleanitup, you have made a rod for your own back.  You have given Mr A. N. Other a chance to anonymously abuse/defame/insult the members of the forum without any chance of repercussion or comeback.

I would take a serious note of the current legal situation regarding internet bullying.  In the past it has been taken as a given that "people post sh*t on the internet" but not any more..... there have been much more serious legal implications ion recent times.  Does the owner of this forum really want to provide a platform for people to wantonly break the law?

In moral terms it could be worse than providing a site for free illegal downloads of copyrighted music.

Time to re-think and evolve.  And stamp out the trolls :)

Anyone who hasn't got the balls to use an account with their real name and email address does not have the right to use such a forum, in my opinion :)

(By the way do you really think Steven Lawrence is a real name?  Nothing to do with the infamous murder case on the streets of London a number of years ago?  It's even less imaginative than such pseudonyms as Neal Down ;D)


  • Posts: 765
Re: Apology
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2012, 11:57:27 pm »
Stephen Lawrence is his real name Jim, he is also on Linkedin and the name of his company is already posted on here, it is easily findable along with his address and phone numbers.

To be fair to Clean It Up, it is the biggest site of its kind in the uk and the most exciting, because of the way it operates it provokes debate and is stimulating and exciting even if at times that comes with a payoff of having a few clown members. I find the other forums pretty sterile and a bit too chummy for my liking.

Stop being alarmist Jim, no law was broken.

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: Apology
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2012, 12:07:26 am »

Trolls are impossible to combat. They are on all internet forums. Much bigger, much more populated and better known forums than cleanitup.

I suppose you could delete obvious trolls as soon as they start posting. They'd soon get fed up.

To do what I assume your suggesting and make it like the solutions forum would kill this sites revenue.


Re: Apology
« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2012, 12:23:12 am »
Gary, if it is his real name/details then he is contactable and I would suggest the only course of action is for the forum owner/admins to contact him directly (by real world means such as talking on the telephone) and resolve the situation through that medium.

I presume you are a qualified lawyer, to state no law has been broken?  There has been a lot of publicity recently about things posted on the internet, and the legal position of such actions.

Tony, totally incorrect.  It is absolutely possible to combat such activities by instigating such vetting procedures as operated by Cleantalk.

The old adage of "quality not quantity" is so true.  There is only a fraction of the activity on that forum but you know what?  There is hundreds of times more USEFUL information and discussion compared to the endless "How do I switch my machine on?" topics posted on here.

Sure, it might not be the most vibrant forum on the internet but at least you know the people you're talking to are real people and that if anything kicks off there is accountability, which is something woefully lacking on Cleanitup.  But the point is, nothing kicks off because everyone is posting under the full realisation that they are fully accountable for their words and actions, so it remains a place of RESPECT for fellow forum users.

Kill revenue?  OK so then we are dealing with the question of ethics.  Is it ethical to operate a forum that sells advertising based on page impression counts, regardless of the fact it is providing a platform for abusive/inappropriate attacks on its members?

I've been on the interweb for years mate, and have owned/moderated forums over those years.  I've also been on the other side of the fence, being part of the "renegade" factions who flagrantly dish out all sorts of cr*p for their own personal amusement because it's funny.  You just can't do that kind of stuff any more.

Biggest point of argument is that the 80/20 rule probably applies.... 80% of the postings would likely come from 20% of the membership.  Therefore, filtering out the accounts that don't want to give their name/details over will have a minimal impact on the forum traffic.  Those who are genuine users would willingly make known their real name etc if they truly want to use the forum and positively contribute to it.


  • Posts: 765
Re: Apology
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2012, 12:36:24 am »
Don't be an arse Jim, you know damn well I am not a qualified lawyer and you sound stupid presuming such a thing because I said no law had been broken. It was a one off remark in very bad taste and not a sustained bullying attack, it wasn't even defamatory. It's already been pointed out that the mods have it in hand and we have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.

You are now suggesting that CIU is not ethical and doesn't care what is posted, that IS a defamatory remark and you don't have to be a lawyer to know that. If you feel so strongly then why are you adding to those impressions?

The mods on here have always been consistent on one thing over the years, and that is if you don't like it you know where the door is.