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After the Gold Rush
« on: January 16, 2006, 05:13:43 pm »
Phone rang, another old friend I haven't heard from for a while.  Heard I was, "doing this new pole squirt water thing from a van!".  "Wow, heard you can make a fortune with that!  Cor, they're all getting into it y'know!".  Oh are they I said.

I left this morning with my van loaded to the gunnells with water and tools, hoses.  Everywhere I looked, gleaming windows!  Brilliant white frames!
I thought to myself, "looks like they're everywhere."

Met a guy about a new commercial contract.  He says, "yeah I've heard all about these systems.  You guys better pull your prices down now there's so many of you.  Your honeymoon is over".

I've just got into wfp.  My reason?  Health problems.  A mis-spent youth no doubt!
I have bad knee joint problems, fallen arches, heart disease, diabetes!
Doctor advised me after my heart attack two and half years ago to give up w/c.
After painful consideration I gave up a load of my work and went part timeafter nearly 18 years.
I heard about wfp, and thought there may be a new lease of life for me.
I was not thinking big bucks, just better outlook, I'd already almost given up all ladder work.  With wfp I could do upstairs again.
Now up and running.

Earning a fortune?  No
Have laid out a fortune (for a window cleaner).  Not even paying a wage.  Living off wife's earnings.
I have aches and pains I never had before!

But I have my dignity.  I am building my business back up.  I am not claiming off the state.  I could.  I was given the choice.

All this talk about making pots of gold is getting me down.
All that glitters is not gold.  All you guys rushing into wfp...yes it works, but the ones that are going to be making the money are the suppliers.  And they will talk it up big time.  There will be the few, like all trades, who are money makers, but most will just graft and pay their way.  All you newbies, let's see in 2 years time how things look when we balance the books, the outlay for new systems, the cost of mistakes, the replacements, the water shortage, the unforseen.

There!  I've said it!  It's Monday and I don't care!
Have a cold bucket of PURE......................................


Pj  :(


Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 05:26:32 pm »
some1 on here told me this last year

the only people who will be getting "VERY RICH" are the suppliers of the systems

i thought on it for a few days, and he was right, the rush for systems have created good prices for them

unless you build your own ;) incase people dont know ;)


Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2006, 05:32:47 pm »
Good on ya Matt.
Like many I'm sure, you're site helped me build my system.
I'd send you a donation, but I'm skint at the moment!



  • Posts: 1137
Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2006, 05:38:03 pm »
All I can say is sorry to it here Morph. I really hope things improve for you.

 I was Going to say a bit more, but the Boss as just shouted TEA.

Got to go.


Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2006, 05:58:02 pm »
Sorry to agree in this case, but you've said it all Pj.

  All you newbies, let's see in 2 years time how things look when we balance the books, the outlay for new systems, the cost of mistakes, the replacements, the water shortage, the unforseen.
These are all the symptoms I don't want. ::)
How often do you hear me asking for problems solving?

In your case though, I hope it picks up for you as your health prevents you doing it any other way really.

Good luck, Rog. ;)


  • Posts: 2986
Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2006, 06:39:31 pm »
Actually I think the suppliers are probably worrying more than the users, there are a great many now making up their own systems, or at least adapting and canabilising as they go along.
With the proliferation of new systems, and many getting involved with making and selling their own designs it just has to put a dent in the major suppliers profits at the end of the day.

Not everybody is getting into it, there are always windows to be cleaned, it does concern me that prices may end out going down though, but if that happens who is going to be affected the most?...........

The Trad cleaner is who :'(

If, for arguements sake, prices are forced down through so many getting into it, the reason prices will come down is because it is considerably quicker than trad.

I keep my prices at the same level as trad cleaners (or at least at the level I would charge if I was forced to clean them off a ladder)

If you start charging a fiver for a house you would have had to charge a tenner for if you had to do it trad, you'll get by because you'll be quicker, but the trad guy is going to suffer as a result.

And as for georgian windows, you are so much faster with WFP that there isn't the slightest comparison, what would take you an hour trad will only take about 15 minutes WFP, so if you actually charge accordingly you will wipe the trad cleaner out of the market on certain types of work (leaded, georgian and other multi-pane windows)

It won't happen of course so DON'T PANIC!!

On your standard housing estate semi the difference in time taken just isn't enough to affect prices enough to make a difference.
If you are going to spend thousands on a van and the kit to go in it, if you wish to stay solvent you aren't going to slap in silly prices.
Those that think it is a license to print money will come unstuck, no matter what business these types go in for, they want an easy life, and whether you are trad or WFP, the easy life it isn't.
And of course you still need all the skills of the trad window cleaner too.

There is no reason at all why Morph shouldn't go on to earn a perfectly good living from WFP window cleaning, I'm sure he will do so. He'll be safe, and his body won't be overloaded.

It's a monday, we're all allowed to be a bit dispondant on a monday!

There will always be more windows out there than we can get around.
In our little town of Chepstow there are at the very least...12 window cleaners that I know of, and I am still picking up work on a regular basis without having to go out and tout for it, AND it is work at the prices that I want too!!



  • Posts: 1137
Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2006, 06:41:18 pm »

Had a cracking meal. But first things first, I have a lot of respect for somebody like yourself. You could easily sponge off the state with your health problems but you are trying to rebuild a w/c round and basicly learn a new trade by doing it with wfp. You get MY RESPECT BIG TIME.

But your the only one who lives in your own body, who feels the pain of your joints. I would recommend you review weather its worth while continuing. I used to be a swimming coach and I have seen my fair share of athletes who have had to give up the sport they love because of the level of pain their sport injuries inflicted upon them. Its unfortunate but it is a fact of life.

I was hopeing to become a footballer when I was a teenager. It was my life, but as a teenager I developed an injury were my skin tissue in front of my shins turned to gangreen. That ended my dreams of football because I was told If I carried on playing I would lose my leg.

Life is the most important thing we have on this planet, and it is something we all take for granted. Considering your past health you should look after yourself a little better. If you have to stop w/c I am sure you can turn your hand to something else.

As for wfp. I have spent a lot of money on my system and setting it up. With each passing day my confidence that it works is growing. This is only my 3rd week wfp, But I have been w/c for 26yrs. I have a Domestic w/c round which is worth £1000.00 a week. If I was on my own I would be working 6 days a week, My son as just started with me so if he survives the winter we are looking to expand. Commercial is an option, Getting more domestic work is another.

I dont think this is the end for wfp. I think it is the begining, It is safe, I dont have to worry about falling of my ladder. Some one asked if I wanted to buy their w/c round at weekend. Its worth £1400.00 a month, allready a wfp round with an average earming of £40.00 an hour.

I am just an hard working bloke who provides a quality sevice to my customers. I have approx 650 customers from Lawyers to Milkmen. If your w/c round is good you have a fairly secure future and a safer one to boot.

I plan to start taking things easier in three years time.I will be 50yrs old and my 50s will be for me and my wife. I want to travel and see the wonderfull planet we live upon.

Many regards and best wishes,Nel.


  • Posts: 951
Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2006, 06:42:20 pm »
About a month ago I got a lad from Birmingham E-Mail me.  He'd seen me on here and noticed I'd been in the business 20 yrs and asked me for advise.

Are you prepared to work hard? I asked.

It doesn't matter wether you use a couple of cloths, squeegees and washers or 10 grands worth of smart van and WFP.  The fact still remains...

YOU still have to get out and DO THE JOB. We don't MAKE money we EARN it!

The day they invent a fully programmable Window Cleaning Robot is when some of us might MAKE money.  The rest of us will be on the dole!!!

Just think, when you plan your work list on GEORGE...... it cold be linked to the Robot... All you do is wait for the Cheques to come in!!!!!

Not Perfect - But Honest


  • Posts: 1642
Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2006, 07:15:25 pm »
THE HONEYMOON IS OVER?Dont think its over for us,its over for the customer they are going to have to pay for a good service,at a good price
look at it this way £4.50p for a car clean 1 man 4mins on the floor{my lads a car washer.
me on the floor never earns a squid a minute even on ladders [danger money included]
why do peeps pay more for their car to be cleaned than their windows +plus we have collecting to do as well,sorry customers your honeymoon is over ;D



Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2006, 11:09:35 pm »
Thanks for the morale boosts guys.
I wasn't looking for sympathy.  Just thought I'd reveal a Monday mood.
It's this multiple personality thing.
I may present a completely different story another day!
Sometimes it's good to touch the bottom, to find out you won't drown after all.

Night night


Paul Coleman

Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2006, 06:56:12 am »

Met a guy about a new commercial contract.  He says, "yeah I've heard all about these systems.  You guys better pull your prices down now there's so many of you.  Your honeymoon is over".

So the guy who said this was after a quotation from you?
Seems to me that he may have been biased.


Re: After the Gold Rush
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2006, 08:29:20 am »
Not really shiner, just unimpressed hardnosed opportunist.
Pushing for keen price.
