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Colin Day

Re: My first walker
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2011, 08:22:28 pm »
I nearly walked last week. I got an address wrong by going to Glebe Ave instead of Glebe Drive [For example]. I ended up being 5 minutes late and this stuck up cow said "Bloody hell, where have you been? Have you got no brains...?" I held my tongue though and proceeded with the job.

"I'll need to write you a cheque, how much for cash? And can I have a receipt?" ???

She left me to it as she had other plans and as I was packing my kit up, I could smell burning... I investigated and found that she left her glass hob on full heat with junk piled on top of it.... :o

And the silly bitch had the cheek to ask if I'd had any brains.... >:(

Tom Moore

  • Posts: 11
Re: My first walker
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2011, 08:24:21 pm »
If potential customers read these posts who do you think they would employ ??
The people on here moaning about mess or toys on the floor and expecting  a clear room or ....allegedly a stirrer who will provide 100% customer service and a provider of service without condition ???
that is why most of you knockers are poor !!

Colin Day

Re: My first walker
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2011, 08:26:07 pm »
I have read many posts, and not commented.
However I think it is time to join in.
Why not do your job.......clean carpets.

The whole point of me being my own boss, is so I don't have to work for tossers... But if I really must, they WILL pay more... ;)


Re: My first walker
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2011, 08:27:44 pm »
was this a phone quote and if so did you not qualfy the job when on the phone, i always ask the custy what they want, wether a full wall to wall or round furniture before i give them a price, if round furniture i always say to them to remove all the small objects, if you'd done all that and the place was like it was when you got there then youve got a valid excuse to up the price or request a revisit when the room is how it was supposed to be.

This was a phone quotation were she said we were doing walkways and round the furniture.

I assumed that if she knew the carpets were being cleaned that day then she would have had the sense to not leave the rooms  like a bomb had dropped.She was taking the p1ss.If shes any sense I think she will realise why the job wasnt done.

If you must assume always assume the worst scenario....other than that assume just makes and ass of u and me!
Why do you think she was taking the urine?

I never even considered asking for more money as I didnt want to do the job.
Other than the mess of "things" on the floor, it was just a straightforward carpet clean, so why would you not want the work?

Tom Moore,I'm a self employed CC and if I feel that someone is insulting me by leaving the rooms as she did, then no I will not clean the carpets.

Sorry I don't understand why you were insulted

Helen you really had to have seen the mess to understand why I felt insulted and no it wasnt a straight forward carpet clean as I said there was a layer of dust all over both carpets that wouldnt even vac up properly and would have been a nightmare.

Wayne I'm not having a go, but people live how people live and If I let that interfere with our business, then we would be bankrupt. :)
How many times have we all been asked to clean because:
Toddler has finished potty training now (yuk..thanks for that)
Someone has thrown up (and worse) over the floor (turns my stomach the thought of it!)
Pet has been sick, had an accident etc etc (was it really the pet? :))
But.....when I hear this I make sure there is an addition on the price.

Layer of dust over the floor that wouldn't vac up.....have seen many of these and with a little hard graft you can get it up, it's just you really didn't want to do it...... I've lost count of the times we've been to these sort of jobs, just deep vacc'd and the custie had gone "wow" they look good...... :)

My guess is that you have had some good ones lately that had everything ready for you and were basically an easy clean........therefore this one was just a disappointment.........we've all been there, but you just have to dig deep and remember you are there to clean the carpets, be they dusty,filthy, stain ridden, or even quite clean :)
It's just part of carpet cleaning that's all :)

Warren Aldridge

  • Posts: 260
Re: My first walker
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2011, 08:31:14 pm »
LOL. So if you had a carpet cleaner over to your house you would happily leave your crud lying around everywhere for him to clean up after you?

Some people....

I dont think he's moaning about the dirty carpets, I think its more the fact that there's items left everywhere for him to deal with

Re: My first walker
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2011, 08:32:49 pm »
or ....allegedly a stirrer who will provide 100% customer service and a provider of service without condition Huh

how do we know that you are a carpet cleaner ??

and not just some random chancer who stumbled in here by accident and saw a wind up session ready for the making ???


Re: My first walker
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2011, 08:34:08 pm »
I nearly walked last week. I got an address wrong by going to Glebe Ave instead of Glebe Drive [For example]. I ended up being 5 minutes late and this stuck up cow said "Bloody hell, where have you been? Have you got no brains...?" I held my tongue though and proceeded with the job.

Good for you, but this is what I call being insulted...... :)

"I'll need to write you a cheque, how much for cash? And can I have a receipt?" ???
Should have said £10 more as charges are higher in the bank to pay cash in ;D

She left me to it as she had other plans and as I was packing my kit up, I could smell burning... I investigated and found that she left her glass hob on full heat with junk piled on top of it.... :o

And the silly bitch had the cheek to ask if I'd had any brains.... >:(
You were there to clean carpets, not play firefighter, should have left it alone.......TONGUE IN CHEEK REMARK

Tom Moore

  • Posts: 11
Re: My first walker
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2011, 08:34:29 pm »
All your customers clear rooms or you walk away !! Did I say that? I give them one chance then I do it my way which is to stack as high as possible
If not you charge them more !!! Who said that?
They do exactly what you tell them !!! Who said that?
you get insulted by dirty carpets !! What planet are you on?
oh and you earn loads of money !! Only between Mondays and Wednesday then I take the rest of the week off because I can afford to ;D

BTW who are you really because not many appear on here and launch into arguementative postings straight away :o

I,m sorry
Perhaps I should ask first.
You have summed it up in a sentence ,,well done


Re: My first walker
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2011, 08:36:51 pm »
although i think mr moore maybe trying to stirr who cares. in some ways i think he is right .  If i expected every job to be perfect clear without any complications i dont think i would be in business very long . i have done a few jobs before where i nearly felt sick after but hey ho who cares . as long as they are happy and pay my bill i dont care.

like colin mentioned sometimes on the very rare a occasion a customer has been a bit rude i tend to to just rise above it and carry on.  I have one client who basically lives in squaller is rude to me but i have been back 3 years in a row. work is work

Re: My first walker
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2011, 08:38:03 pm »
how do we know that you are a carpet cleaner ??

Because he talks a good storey like the rest of us do ;D


Re: My first walker
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2011, 08:39:40 pm »
LOL. So if you had a carpet cleaner over to your house you would happily leave your crud lying around everywhere for him to clean up after you?

No, I am the sort of person who cleans before the cleaner arrives :)

Some people....

I dont think he's moaning about the dirty carpets, I think its more the fact that there's items left everywhere for him to deal with

He didn't like the fact that underneath the mess there was a thick layer of dust, which was hard to remove.....his words
The items on the floor issue was easily get roundable :)

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
Re: My first walker
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2011, 08:40:15 pm »
Helen Ive had my fair share of doing work in not very nice houses and when I started off full time I got some bad ones that I mentioned about on here.Believe me this was the worst Ive had.

I actually enjoy cleaning dirty carpets more than the cleaner ones so its not that I wasnt up for a challenge.


  • Posts: 234
Re: My first walker
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2011, 08:40:40 pm »
Calm down Tom  Wayne is fairly new to all this so he has a lot more to learn, which he will in time . I've only ever walked once in 12 years . There has been a few times that I've emptied my dump tank on peoples carpets after a heated argument about price ,I've cleaned carpets that have been absolutely sodden with s*** ( incontenent couple )which was arranged by the social workers .So in that time seen it done .Still a long way to go Wayne but I am sure you will stick at it and know in future how to resolve the problems you will come up against .
Tom I see you are in my neck of the woods .

Tom Moore

  • Posts: 11
Re: My first walker
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2011, 08:40:52 pm »
or ....allegedly a stirrer who will provide 100% customer service and a provider of service without condition Huh

how do we know that you are a carpet cleaner ??

and not just some random chancer who stumbled in here by accident and saw a wind up session ready for the making ???
And thats all you worry about ,,,is it
Why not get yourself a boy/girlfriend and have a conversation with some intellect

Colin Day

Re: My first walker
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2011, 08:41:13 pm »
I think the only thing we can learn from this is, it's usually wise to do a face to face quote, at least you can price accordingly (Extra £20 for Johnny Disposal ;D)  Most of us reasonable types can appreciate that it's not always possible to do a face to face quote though.

I had a job the other week where I hadn't gone to quote for an old dear, there was poo everywhere and her [So called carers, who she pays £14 an hour] left if for 2 weeks before they got me in, but told me it was a general carpet clean.

If I had gone to quote, I would have charged considerably more but I would have also hired a general cleaner to get this 94 year old's surroundings fit for a human. I did the best I could and went the extra mile, she was so embarrassed but very appreciative but I was just fuming that her carers would leave this poor woman, to live in her own faeces..... >:(

Re: My first walker
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2011, 08:45:16 pm »
And thats all you worry about ,,,is it
Why not get yourself a boy/girlfriend and have a conversation with some intellect

Oh please ...
do not judge us all (me especially) by your own pathetically low intellect standard.......

It gives me brain ache just trying to think down to your level.....


Re: My first walker
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2011, 08:48:44 pm »
I will give it ten minutes  ......................

abra cadabra

and it vanished along with thomas  lol   ;D

Colin Day

Re: My first walker
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2011, 08:49:14 pm »
Tom... Just calm down a bit fella. We're [nearly] all pretty friendly really and most of us use this site to "LEARN" from other people's experiences.

Were you a Sargent Major or something? You seem to have a rather abrasive way with words..... ;D

(I reckon it's Joe in disguise folks.... ;) :D)


  • Posts: 234
Re: My first walker
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2011, 08:52:18 pm »
After doing those sort of jobs Colin I just want to go home and clean the machine and dive in the bath .Does make you wonder what some of these social workers do all day .

Colin Day

Re: My first walker
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2011, 08:55:42 pm »
After doing those sort of jobs Colin I just want to go home and clean the machine and dive in the bath .Does make you wonder what some of these social workers do all day .

I disinfected the machine with Fresh-Guard, I did consider using some as bubble-bath ;D