the whole point is its ideal for a newbie to get started, a solid customer base to build on, either by canvassing the immediadte local area, stating that you clean windows for customers in the vacinity, or by getting recommendations by your new clients, its a tactical business move....and i wasnt being abusive, it just pes me off when people like you stop people like me trying to help new window cleaners get 1 foot on the ladder.....yes it will cost them 2k but its a genuine round and im a genuine seller with a good solid round willing to help any window cleaner in any way i can, they dont just get a w/c round, theg also get the help of all my experience not just until the cash is handed over, but for the forseeable future and as for you dartford dude....your dad must of had you cleaning windows since you was age 9, because you mustnt have gone to school because there is a B in doubt... you imbosile