hi guys,
using sodium hypo on painted tennis courts would it remove the paint from the tarmac?
No it should'nt do, I know some tennis court cleaners use this prior to clean but only in small areas so it does'nt dwell for long.
I've had 30yrs building and maintaining tennis courts, mostly the porous macadam type, I have never used any chemical on them, I always use a whirlaway with 3000psi then a fan lance to rinse off.
You will no doubt remove paint as you should never put on thick paint as this causes slippages problems for players.
You may also remove some chippings from the surface on older courts, this is to be expected because of the type of tarmac used, its a matter of knowing how much is acceptable, you can only try a test patch if your not confident, having contact with a court sprayer will help, but they are likely to do there own cleaning.
If as you are rinsing there is a lot of moss left you can only do it again or remove CAREFULLY with your lance.
Having said that the average clean takes about 1 1/2 days although I have done some easily in 1 day.
Dense macadams (usually black) take 1 day, Acrylic/cushioned acrylic, because of the smooth surface texture may need hypo/broom and will take 2/3 times as long if there NOT being re-coloured, never use pressure washing on an artificial grass court.
I charge direct to the customer from £350 per court (most charge about £450) but have charged as much as £950, depends on surface/access/water flow/removal of debris. blocks of tennis courts can be good earners but be careful of reducing prices too much.
Not to much info I hope