Architects have a lot to answer for. These houses are 6 years old and ive been asked to clean the above by the house owner. When he bought the new place he was told how its special and after a while any algae growth will be killed and eventually go. Im guessing halve truths have been told or the client wasnt listening properly as he thought it meant forever 😂
Anyway, its a corner house, opposite woods and a field. It never gets any sun and is always in the cold shade, ideal for algae growth.
So anyway, the help! I mentioned that even with a biocide, in these conditions, i wont make any promises to how long it will hold of regrowth.
Wondered what people find to be the realistic truth of biocides in these conditions and which one is the best?
Ps, the picture doesnt do justice as the render is much worse than what it looks.