Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Tref Griffiths on May 27, 2014, 05:02:26 pm

Title: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 27, 2014, 05:02:26 pm
Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie to both this forum and the industry so please be gentle with me!  ;D

My situation is that I'd like to start carpet cleaning, initially around my work and on a limited budget. Last year I went through a very difficult break up and I'm looking for something that will initially earn me some extra pennies over the next year and eventually bring about a reasonable income for me and my daughter. I've worked for myself before so definitely understand how much hard work this is going to take to make it work, but I'm convinced that this is the way to go!

I'm about to get myself some proper training and somebody has been kind enough to offer me a day or two out with them to learn the ropes - so far so good!

No being a little excited and impatient old sod I'm furiously researching. Thankfully I've found this forum and another which has really helped me get my head around things.

So my question is this:

If you had £1k-1.5k to spend on equipment only (I have a marketing budget separately) then what kit would you choose as a starter machine?

Currently I'm thinking that a low-risk, cost effective option for me would be to start with a LM operation and work my way up?

Be great to hear the thoughts of you guys - I won't buy anything until after my training but it doesn't hurt to gain opinion of those more experienced!

Many thanks

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Radek Jablonski on May 27, 2014, 05:13:50 pm
If you get difficult time again probably you will not get support from governent if you are self employed. But I am not in Uk so not sure.

With 1.5k you will not buit up your business properly.

guess you want to work with your estate car, if I am wrong and you will have a van then better start doing windows or power washing, equipment is cheaper for doing this.

And do forget about the other forum, they will put you to purchase some of their stuff. Be carefull.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 27, 2014, 05:21:05 pm
Thanks for the reply Radek

I don't require government support - I have a job so I can sustain myself over the start-up period.

I have spoken to lots of people who have started small and worked their way up - I don't buy into needing to the  "spend big or go and do something else" philosophy. I want to do carpet cleaning - if I need to up my budget a little I can, but I need to keep reins on expenditure.

Perhaps I should have asked "if you we starting up today on a limited budget, what equipment would you buy"

Many Thanks

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: John Kelly on May 27, 2014, 05:33:04 pm
You could start the low moisture route quite easily with that budget. This method is still belittled by some people, however I have lots of customers, successful customers, who only use this system.
Personally I also think its best to have all methods at your disposal so down the line you could add an extraction system which will enable you to tackle all jobs.
Pricing and marketing are the most important parts of this business and where many fail.
If you can make it I would try and attend the TACCA day on 7th June. You will meet a lot of genuine people there and see a lot of what is available in the flesh.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 27, 2014, 05:37:44 pm
You will get many replies saying £1.5k is not enough but that's nonsense. If you are willing to set up with used equipment off Ebay ect then it's plenty. I would forget the LM route to start off my self, it limits you to what you can do and you can always have a second hand rotary too as well as an extractor. I always say to new starters save your money for marketing and get the best used gear you can afford and then upgrade you equipment over time.

These are the types of machine you could go for -

If you can wait, then the best time to buy on Ebay is the last 2 weeks of December up to about the end of March.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 27, 2014, 06:11:37 pm
Thanks John - would love to attend the TACCA event but sadly am away for 2 weeks from the 7th - maybe next time? Really interested in what machine you'd look at for a LM start-up?

Thanks also to DCS - great post and many thanks for the links. Will have a look through them all shortly.

What you guys think of the Jaguar Cub or one of the other "mini" machines as a start-up system? Would these machines be capable of a decent job in most situations?

Thanks guys!

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Paul Moss on May 27, 2014, 06:59:41 pm
And people wonder why they are struggling.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 27, 2014, 07:01:28 pm
What do you mean Paul?
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Paul Moss on May 27, 2014, 07:21:29 pm
Tref, how would you  do this if this or other forums did not exist for free information and help.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 27, 2014, 07:35:00 pm
To be fair Paul, he does seem to be taking this more seriously than some that have been on here and has said that he is "getting proper training and somebody has been kind enough to offer me a day or two out with them to learn the ropes"

I would rather help someone and they did a good job rather then making a complete fook up. I started up by finding by accident this forum and taking a interest by asking loads of questions. It's the way of the world, competition doesn't scare me, I crush competition.  8)
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 27, 2014, 07:37:07 pm
I'd do exactly the same as I'm in the process of doing now Paul - I'd get myself some good training and spend some time with an old pro who is out in the field doing the job - I'd pick their brains and probably ask many of the same questions I'm asking now.

Luckily, in this day and age we have the internet too which acts as a great supplement - with great forums such as these where I can ask away and some people will be kind enough to offer the benefit of their own experience.

I'm sure we all started somewhere ? Let me assure you I will be doing this the right way - I've no intention of being a £5 per room merchant working from the back of a Vauxhall estate - but I do need to start slowly with regards to initial outlay and limit my risk and earn the money to buy better equipment as I go - I wish I had £20k to shell out on state-of-the-art equipment, but the reality is that I don't I'm afraid.

From little acorns, mighty oak trees sometimes grow........



Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Mike Halliday on May 27, 2014, 07:47:55 pm
I've got one of these for sale for £600 basic machine or £800 with a wand and handtool

Bought it earlier in the year as I needed the wonder wand and cfr tool, but now it's just in the way, I'll keep the tools and supply a normal wand and great hide-hose handtool.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: creighton foyle on May 27, 2014, 07:59:35 pm
john kelly would never openly push someone to his website on this forum but if you go to his site you will see he does a good rotary starter package at well under your budget.

most of my work is low moisture (dry fusion) but i still ended up having to buy another hwe machine after selling my airflex thinking i wouldn't need it anymore. (i was wrong)

also from my personal experience and with hindsight  i needed to start up by using hwe in order to learn that i could do a good job using lm and to learn when i couldn't as well.

finally all training courses teach hwe method, there must be a reason for that ? so maybe you should start that way and change to lm later if you feel you need or want to.

shame you can't make tacca day.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Pete Blackburn on May 27, 2014, 08:06:11 pm
Tref, tread with care. The numbers don't work for new starters, even the guys with 30+ years under their belt have to spend 000s in order to persistently market existing and new customers to keep a small income stream.  And remember that the best you can do from this 'game' (not industry) is to earn a wage and that unfortunately is far from been 'a business'.

Ask a private, small business accountant what they typically see as a net profit for a self employed carpet cleaner as an average figure.  That will give you a clear indication.

Sorry to be a little negative but either way, good luck, and think very carefully.  


Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on May 27, 2014, 09:51:18 pm
I can't see how you will make money from day 1 or day 100 part time, to make a decent regular income I think 5 years is required but one thing I would advise is start a window cleaning round it's money from day 1 then add carpet cleaning to your already regular customers a small round could be done on a Saturday and Sunday building up to as many days as you want when or if you decide to go self employed full time.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 28, 2014, 09:00:07 am
Mike - many thanks for that - if it's still available when I come to buy I might be knocking on your door  ;D

Creighton - good advice there - giving me lots to think about!

Shaun and Pete - thanks for the views. I don't mind hearing the negative or some might say realistic views - Although I can commit to 3 days a week plus evening and weekends, so I have enough time on my hands. I'm also a reasonable marketer and have a few ideas on how to bring work in. Thanks
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 09:05:30 am
I agree with John. Low moisture all the way.  You will get great results most of the time if done right.

We have been cleaning this way for ages and customers love it. Really quick drying times. Less tackle needed, not as heavy to lug around.  We do a lot of apartments in Leeds city centre. Parking and lugging gear around is a nightmare. With low moisture you don’t need much to lug around.  Saying that I’ve just purchased a small trolley.

Used Surround and Dynamall with both great results.  For me Dynamall has the edge.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 28, 2014, 10:10:30 am
If you are going to go down the low moisture route get yourself a craftex sabrina maxi 5010 as well if you have the budget. I have picked them up for a few hundred on Ebay and they are the best 1 vac machines I have used and you can use it for stairs, upholstery and if you come across a minger where your lm system may struggle you could go over it first with the craftex and then post bonnet with your lm system.

I started by working fri,sat,sun nights at tesco and carpet cleaning during the week until I had a few k in the bank and I was happy my advertising worked so I think you are doing the right thing.

Just a word of warning as someone has posted. - I have only been going 5/6 years but I can tell this is a declining market for domestic work long term and it's the quietest I have ever had it at the moment. We usually have a steady stream of work from the start of May up to Sept and we are snowed under from Sept to Xmas.

That's why we are adding other services over time so we do not rely on just one service.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 10:23:43 am
If you are going to go down the low moisture route get yourself a craftex sabrina maxi 5010 as well if you have the budget. I have picked them up for a few hundred on Ebay and they are the best 1 vac machines I have used and you can use it for stairs, upholstery and if you come across a minger where your lm system may struggle you could go over it first with the craftex and then post bonnet with your lm system.

I started by working fri,sat,sun nights at tesco and carpet cleaning during the week until I had a few k in the bank and I was happy my advertising worked so I think you are doing the right thing.

Just a word of warning as someone has posted. - I have only been going 5/6 years but I can tell this is a declining market for domestic work long term and it's the quietest I have ever had it at the moment. We usually have a steady stream of work from the start of May up to Sept and we are snowed under from Sept to Xmas.

That's why we are adding other services over time so we do not rely on just one service.

Totally agree with the above.

We use the Sabrinas. cracking machine.  It only comes out if a real stinker.  Most jobs  we use low moisture with very, very good results. 

We statred off cleaning windows, then added carpets (4 years ago), gutter cleaning along with end of tenancy cleaning and upvc restoration. 
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 28, 2014, 10:31:19 am
Thanks guys for the excellent advice.

What about pre-vac machines - what do you think would give me the most back for my limited buck?

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 28, 2014, 10:37:11 am
What type of machine are you using Darran if you don't mind me asking. I am thinking of going more down the LM route for domestics and I have a few of standard speed rotary's at hand. Just thinking though would I be better with something lighter like an oreck orbiter. Also do you use encaps or microsplitters.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 28, 2014, 10:39:15 am
Sorry Darran, just seen a post where you say you use Dynamal most of the time.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 10:52:49 am
We use the orecks on most domestic jobs, more than good enough in my eyes.   We also have victor sprite 300 and 17" for the commercial work. 

Personally, its the way forward for me cleaning carpets unless a real bad one cames my way.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Ian Gourlay on May 28, 2014, 11:51:00 am
As you are in Bedfordshire NCCA has an event a Wickstead Park Nothamptonshire, and Alltec have an open day Hertfordshire all during the Summer.

I would phone John Kelly and have a chat,

Problem with Secondhand you often need to budget for New motors or Pumps On some Twin Vacs you can fit Water filteration devises so you can dry vac If space is limited saves carting around another machine.

How much have you got for marketing, also how much time have you got for cleaning. You say you have a daughter i do not know how old she is but you need factor in time with her. If i were you i would go with Shauns idea of Window Cleaning you should be able to pick up a waterfed pole system for the money you have and you could build up a round of regular repeat customers Carpet Cleaning can be a lot of one offs hence the need to constantly market
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Radek Jablonski on May 28, 2014, 11:58:57 am
You will get great results most of the time if done right.

Most of the time is not good enough!
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 28, 2014, 12:12:05 pm
Radek - He has already said he has other systems he can use if needed on jobs that need a extra help.

Why are you always looking for an argument for things that don't exist???
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Radek Jablonski on May 28, 2014, 12:36:37 pm
Radek - He has already said he has other systems he can use if needed on jobs that need a extra help.

Why are you always looking for an argument for things that don't exist???

Yes i know but this is not about him, it is about Tref.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 02:03:06 pm
I have already stipulated what machines we use...

I'm too professional to attempt to get into a slagging match.  We all clean in different ways, bottom line is the finished product, and repeat custom through good works!

Tref has been given sound advice from many on here, including myself!

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: SteveAllan on May 28, 2014, 02:18:16 pm
Hey Darran do you charge the same for LM as HWE. I have been doing more of this since seeing your posts and the method used with some great results but i sometimes feel a bit of a fraud charging the same - i'm to nice, i'll never be a millionaire lol.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 02:28:24 pm
Same price mate.  Bottom line is the Dynamall is more dosh.   We did 3 carpets today, took 45 mins £120.  The lady has left me a great review.  Finished product is all that matters.

You’re still grafting and using good quality chemicals.   The amount of referrals were getting now since moving to this system is great.  Even though I'm very highly ranked on Google, referrals are all the craze for us.  Past month upped my rate to £60 for 1 carpet (normally £50) just to try and get my workload down a bit, but there still going with it.

I think another great selling point to the custy is "were insured for items worked on, and treatment cover)

Dynamall all the way for me buddy. 
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: SteveAllan on May 28, 2014, 02:46:33 pm
I'm really impressed with it, I use with activa pad, great results. Have you tried Fusion clean at all. Also have you tried the surround spotter at all.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 03:18:21 pm
The only two I have tried steve are Surround and Dynamall.  Both with great results, for me Dynamall has the edge.

Pads like you mate.  Works a treat.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 28, 2014, 03:41:55 pm
Hi Darran,

Your input has been really useful - thanks

You generally use Oreck orbitals only is that right?

If you ever fancy a free helper for a day or two, let me know - the more people I can get out with the better  ;D

Thanks everyone for the input.


Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 03:58:36 pm
Hi Tref

Will keep you in mind.

Oreck/floormac both work well.

Use pads rather than brush.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 28, 2014, 04:32:00 pm
Is it safe to use Dynamall on wool and hessian backed wool carpets especially as it's left in the carpet?

And how do you find bonneting wool anyway. I always got told not to use a rotary on wool by the guys who trained me but I think I have post bonneted on wool a few times.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 28, 2014, 04:40:31 pm
Hey Deep Clean

We have not had any issues with it.  Wool no problem.  Oreck and Sprite slow speed so for me no issues.  Just always make sure you spray your pad before the clean.  Most wool carpets I'm cleaning at the moment.

John from Restormate might be able to add more info, once he reads this thread.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 28, 2014, 04:42:13 pm
Ok Cheers.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: *Hector* on May 28, 2014, 05:03:04 pm
wool.... polyprop..... flotex....

bonnet the bloody lot..

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: maxcampbell on May 28, 2014, 05:06:06 pm
Thanks for the reply Radek

I don't require government support - I have a job so I can sustain myself over the start-up period.

I have spoken to lots of people who have started small and worked their way up - I don't buy into needing to the  "spend big or go and do something else" philosophy. I want to do carpet cleaning - if I need to up my budget a little I can, but I need to keep reins on expenditure.

Perhaps I should have asked "if you we starting up today on a limited budget, what equipment would you buy"

Many Thanks


Don't be discouraged by people saying you can't do it on a small budget. Get any decent (i.e. a good story) twin-vac HWE portable second hand, with hose, a wand & a hand tool. Spend the rest of what you can raise on marketing - leaflets that you can walk out yourself, local parish mag ads - use your imagination, this is the bit that needs creativity, persistence, etc. I would only get into low moisture once you've got the real thing (HWE) under your belt.

Brand of machine is not important, they more or less all use the same components.

Carry on with your second income stream and phase over as & when.

I started by carting a borrowed machine around in a crappy old camper van, never borrowed any money, and now run a 3 van (2 TM) operation keeping 4 people reasonably busy.

As early as poss get on a basic course and network with all the guys.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 30, 2014, 09:04:38 am
Thanks for all the help and advice on this thread - it's been an eye-opener.

I have the money to purchase one of the smaller mid-range HWE machines (ie Jag Cub) - would this type of machine be suitable for domestic jobs?


Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 30, 2014, 09:07:52 am
Personally I would go for a Sabrina maxi... Great machine for the money and great suction power too...
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 30, 2014, 09:49:57 am
Cheers Darran

If I'm remembering rightly, you guys normally use the maxi ad-hoc when you come across mingers?

In your experience, could the maxi be used as a "main machine" to get me off the ground as an initial set-up? Specifically looking for a small porty rather than a bigger machine at this stage (space constraints both in my house and vehicle)

Many thanks

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Ian Gourlay on May 30, 2014, 10:26:38 am
What ever you get make sure its a twin vac , If not you will want one shortly after starting and you will need to spend sooner than otherwise on an upgrade
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 30, 2014, 02:16:03 pm
Tref, myself and others such as Simon Nixon on here use the Maxi as our main machine if the carpet is really bad.  It lifts dirt really, really well and the drying time is around an hour.  It's a tough machine that also holds 30L of water.

It's light to carry around too. 

I can give you a contact for a 2nd hand one. I paid £400 for mine and in the 3 years of using it has made me tens of thousands of pounds.  Not had to replace a thing yet.

Mind you for the last 18 months or so, I have gone on to other methods of cleaning as per my posts.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Deep Cleaning Solutions on May 30, 2014, 03:46:35 pm
One thing Darran did not mention is you have to take into account that the craftex maxi has a lot shorter hose length than a twin vac so what use lose with an extra vac you gain from that and it's so well designed it's the best suction on a one machine I have ever seen and they have a 135psi pump normally too. They will be loads on here who will scoff at this but one of my technicians use's it all the time on domestics and gets great results and the customers love the service. Do not use them on bitumen backed commercial tiles though.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Radek Jablonski on May 30, 2014, 04:12:11 pm
Tref if you are going for new machine then have a look at airflex mini, you will get 1 day training included in the price. extra day is 85 + vay i think.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: jim mca on May 30, 2014, 07:19:32 pm
With the equipment available to professional carpet cleaners there should be no need to take a machine into a customers house and wheel it round the house get a mini from Cleansmart or alltec easily runs 50 feet of hose and is easily as good as most full size portables.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Carpet Dawg on May 30, 2014, 07:36:19 pm
One hour drying times with a Maxi?? come on now  ;D you'll be hard pressed to get that with a TM never mind a single vac machine.

Just buy a brand new machine from the likes of cleansmart, they'll give you a days free training and great support throughout your cleaning career. You'll want to buy a high powered machine, you'll regret not having somthing more powerful trust me. Been there done that. You'll be able to run longer hose runs, fill and empty the machine less often and just an alround better machine.

Borrow the money or sell stuff.

You could set up on a budget I did it myself when i was 17 but its a right pain in the arse doing it on the cheap beleive me.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Paul Moss on May 30, 2014, 07:59:01 pm
I can't get one hour drying times with my truckmount.
Can somebody tell me how somebody new to this job can do it with a Maxi?
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 30, 2014, 08:06:47 pm
I might not have been cleaning carpets for 20, 10 or 5 years or have TM (well almost 5ish) but my little maxi  drys carpets in an hour. 

I don't lie.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: simonmnickson on May 30, 2014, 08:22:45 pm

I have used a maxi last two years - almost every job every day, unlike Darran I am still Wet extracting the majority,

I have had a Truck Mount before, and currently have twin vac
alltec as back up to maxi, and have used the alltec 2 or 3 times last year, no need to
use it - as the Maxi performs so well - and is so easy to use compared to the much heavier machine.

The fact - despite the b..lsh.t often touted here and on the other main forum - twin vac nonsense and minimum psi nonsense, maxi as adequate psi and very very good vac lift on the job - were it counts.
The maxi as coped with every job for the last two years, never misses a beat, and dry in 60 mins (Touch Dry)

The Maxi is the best value (as a second hand buy), superb performing machine out there, short hose run maybe helps, and design,
solutions do the cleaning (no pun intended)

I quote 1hour drying with my clients/website/maxi

Touch Dry in an hour is a fact with a Maxi unless your wand technique is lacking, or your over wetting or both.

''ONE DAY EVERY ONE WILL OWN A MAXI - till then we remain the special or the chosen ones'

''Vive le Maxi''
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Radek Jablonski on May 30, 2014, 08:33:39 pm

130psi is not 130psi anymore when you press the trigger,
130psi on the truck mount or even storm etc is totally different story, hard to wet the carpet in deep when using such an extractor, even on short hose. Get 50psi on your truck and you will see how faster the carpet will dry.

Tref, i got the santoemma mini for my own start, it was wasting money, sitting in the van now used maybe once a month on some stain removal.
Some here says thay were starting with small budget and are big guys now, but when it was. Different times now, different competion, different customers.
Unless you will choice lm cleaning, then maxi as a support for start will be.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Paul Moss on May 30, 2014, 09:03:02 pm

130psi is not 130psi anymore when you press the trigger,
130psi on the truck mount or even storm etc is totally different story, hard to wet the carpet in deep when using such an extractor, even on short hose. Get 50psi on your truck and you will see how faster the carpet will dry.

Tref, i got the santoemma mini for my own start, it was wasting money, sitting in the van now used maybe once a month on some stain removal.
Some here says thay were starting with small budget and are big guys now, but when it was. Different times now, different competion, different customers.
Unless you will choice lm cleaning, then maxi as a support for start will be.

Len, could you decipher this for us  :)
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on May 30, 2014, 09:08:57 pm
Simon (and Darren) what's the spec of the maxi? Do you use turbo driers to make carpets dry faster?

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Simon Gerrard on May 30, 2014, 09:38:30 pm
I can't get one hour drying times with my truckmount.
Can somebody tell me how somebody new to this job can do it with a Maxi?
One shot cleaning, simples. ;D
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Radek Jablonski on May 30, 2014, 10:44:21 pm

130psi is not 130psi anymore when you press the trigger,
130psi on the truck mount or even storm etc is totally different story, hard to wet the carpet in deep when using such an extractor, even on short hose. Get 50psi on your truck and you will see how faster the carpet will dry.

Tref, i got the santoemma mini for my own start, it was wasting money, sitting in the van now used maybe once a month on some stain removal.
Some here says thay were starting with small budget and are big guys now, but when it was. Different times now, different competion, different customers.
Unless you will choice lm cleaning, then maxi as a support for start will be.

Len, could you decipher this for us  :)

 Comparing  santoemma maxi and truck mounts. maxi has 130psi but once you press the trigger theres no 130psi anymore, small pump. So, using 130psi on santoemma is like 50psi on the truck mount. Before water hits the carpet is ready in the hose. No way to get deep enough. This way fibre dries faster. You need to press the wand so much to the carpet to let water run a bit deeper.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on May 30, 2014, 10:56:50 pm
Preparation is key so a maxi may be all what is needed personally I think it may take longer but that's my opinion.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 30, 2014, 11:26:04 pm
Tref, myself and others such as Simon Nixon on here use the Maxi as our main machine if the carpet is really bad.  It lifts dirt really, really well and the drying time is around an hour.  It's a tough machine that also holds 30L of water.

It's light to carry around too. 

I can give you a contact for a 2nd hand one. I paid £400 for mine and in the 3 years of using it has made me tens of thousands of pounds.  Not had to replace a thing yet.

Mind you for the last 18 months or so, I have gone on to other methods of cleaning as per my posts.

Thanks Darran - that contact would be good if you wouldn't mind?


Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Carpet Dawg on May 31, 2014, 12:41:30 am
what does touch dry mean?? its either dry or its frigging wet! touching it with the back of your hand doesn't mean jack, try walking on it bare foot, then you'll see how wet your single vac is leaving the carpet. Come on guys, instead of moving forward your moving back!

just looked at the prices of a maxi and a airflex storm. Its only £1,300 more to get one of the best machines on the market. Plus the training, plus the support etc etc.

Its beans when you think about it. It'll have a higher resale value when you come to sell it, it'll be a long time before you need to upgrade etc, its  no brainer.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on May 31, 2014, 06:45:31 am
Tref, myself and others such as Simon Nixon on here use the Maxi as our main machine if the carpet is really bad.  It lifts dirt really, really well and the drying time is around an hour.  It's a tough machine that also holds 30L of water.

It's light to carry around too.  

I can give you a contact for a 2nd hand one. I paid £400 for mine and in the 3 years of using it has made me tens of thousands of pounds.  Not had to replace a thing yet.

Mind you for the last 18 months or so, I have gone on to other methods of cleaning as per my posts.

Thanks Darran - that contact would be good if you wouldn't mind?


 Hi Tref, if you send me an email I'll send you the details when I get back from a job.  Will be around 5-6 this evening.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Tref Griffiths on May 31, 2014, 08:23:37 am
Brilliant - email sent mate!
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: simonmnickson on June 01, 2014, 09:48:46 am

I started with the turbo dryers as I felt (wrongly) they would be needed, I had worked for chem dry before and also had the truck mount so felt the little maxi would need the turbo dryer for drying times, after just a few weeks I ditched the turbo dryer and it hasn't been needed in over 18 months a bit like the alltec.

Vive le Maxi !!!

Restormate seem happy with them too.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 01, 2014, 11:29:32 am
You've got good breading! Lol what's the difference between your alltec and your maxi?

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: peter maybury on June 01, 2014, 06:30:02 pm
There is so much bull here by people that are obviously not qualified to give out the advice they are giving. A vax machine is a fine machine until you have something to compare it to.
I started out with single vac machines and thought they were fine until I did some training and saw other machines in action. As well as not being powerful enough in vacuum you are also limited by the water pressure another major factor is water temperature.
TACCA will not accept single vac machines as qualifying equipment as it is something really that belong in the diy sector.
Single vac machines are just not up to the job and anybody using them should put it alongside a decent set up to see the difference.
You  would be better doing some training before investing in equipment.
Low moisture has it uses but is just one of a few systems that you need to get competent at if you want to offer a good quality service to a wide customer base. With low moisture you will get much better results with a machine that is designed for that job than just buying any old rotary. Again you will not have any idea as to how good a machine is until you put it alongside something to compare it to.
It is a shame that you cannot make the TACCA meeting as I would say that the experience of that would be far more beneficial that spending thousands on training courses.
As somebody who has been in the trade for a long time, I find it an inspiring experience and never come away from it without learning something and getting a motivation boost at the same time.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Carpet Dawg on June 01, 2014, 06:44:09 pm
I know Peter, no wonder experianced cleaners leave this forum in thier droves. Some posts get right on my F'in t1ts. Its like a big wind up.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Susan Dean (1stclean) on June 01, 2014, 07:26:20 pm
1500 quid ill tell you what to do with it don't bother your time and go and get a job simple as that , 

1500 pounds will buy you half a good set up second hand that's fine .so you can market cool ,

wheres  the cash coming from to pay your bills when theres no work , your money will run out fast , and then you will work for northing as you be dragged in to the cheap cleaning end = 10 pounds a carpet please sir  ;D  lets not even think about the problems your going to get buying a cheap van ...

but if your clever like me  .......

  get a set up and a van , then get a job delivering fast food on a night , so theres your cash flow everyday, and a customer base as when your giving them there food you can give them your card ect ect ect and lets face it theres your foot in the door !! they have to talk to you for there food so your in there maybe not straight away but after a few months the customers will become friendly then you pitch them

work day and night with bills getting payed via fast food , everything you make cleaning you can buy better gear and bigger marketing unless you have 10k sitting around doing northing to pay everyday bills you will need to take the rose tinned carpet cleaning glasses off and smell the coffee its going to be hard going even people that's been going over 15 years are packing in because of the cheap cleans out there
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 01, 2014, 07:32:19 pm
It is a discussion forum people will have their opinion and should not be gagged there are other forums for that, personally I think the open minded should listen and debate it's healthy! new comers can make their own minds up and learn why it's not just pushing and pulling a wand across a carpet on a personal note I'm interested on how a 'less' powered machine can clean and dry a carpet without the use of turbo driers in an hour and what techniques are being used and if I'm missing out something.

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Craigp on June 01, 2014, 08:57:54 pm
I know a forum which states in their rules "Peoples opinions are based on their own experience, therefore cannot be wrong"

But its hard not to challenge when it's so different to ours.

Another forum I frequent states in the rules "Any posts I see with 'I' in small case will be deleted on site"

I like that one.  :)
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: John Kelly on June 02, 2014, 11:06:07 am
This is a photo of me 20 years ago, don't laugh at the tash ;D. I used to have a couple of very nice contracts, one with Newcastle Breweries for their pubs and one for a Builiding & Decorating company run by the most demamding, obnoxious man you could ever meet who used to re-furbish all the CIU social clubs.
The breweries only had their carpets cleaned when the environmental health officers forced them to. So they were minging with severe blacktop. All really good quality seamed Axminsters.
Most of the work was carried out with that blue machine in the photo. An Extracta DX. Single vac, 100psi.
No Internet forums back then, no CRB's. My weapons, Prochem pile brush, watering can with fine rose, wallpaper spiked roller, Enzall.
Carpets were in use same day, no shrinkage, looked great.
Kept these contracts for years until Newcastle Breweries sold off all their pubs, passed other contract on to Paul King when I started fire & flood full time, think he still does it.
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Paul Moss on June 02, 2014, 01:01:34 pm
Just seen the pic  :)
John are you sure that Shaun is not your love child  :D
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Andrew@Approved Carpet Cleaning on June 02, 2014, 01:05:06 pm
That's a cracking womb broom!  ;D
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Doctor Carpet (Ret'd) on June 02, 2014, 01:31:48 pm

all the CIU social clubs.

So the forerunner of this website was a get-together in a pub! ;D

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: *Hector* on June 02, 2014, 01:33:13 pm
That could explain a lot Rog...  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on June 02, 2014, 04:45:50 pm
Lol John, you looked like Kevin from Corrie. 
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: John Kelly on June 02, 2014, 04:53:02 pm
Cheers, ypu've made my night...not :'(
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Darran Pryce on June 02, 2014, 05:01:01 pm
It's the tash... lol.  So many think I'm Tom Cruise. Must be my hair style.  ;D
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 02, 2014, 05:54:08 pm
You think that's funny Paul moss used to be Kevin the gerbil  :o

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: *Hector* on June 02, 2014, 05:56:15 pm
There is also a rumour knocking about that you used to be generous Shaun..  :o

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 02, 2014, 05:58:22 pm
That is a vicious rumour!

Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: *Hector* on June 02, 2014, 06:16:32 pm
I know Shaun...

I wouldn't have believed it myself, If......................

I hadn't started it...  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Susan Dean (1stclean) on June 02, 2014, 07:49:35 pm
in blue ?? posh git I had to have the house yellow all my life , ???
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: ian harper on June 10, 2014, 05:33:42 am

good luck first

take your time, lots of people start up and spend a lot more than you have only to fail you see deals on ebay all the time, nearly new machine with tones of stuff with it. thats where the real value will be for you.


Ian Harper
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: clinton on June 10, 2014, 08:22:37 am
Like the picie john ;)
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: Russ Chadd on June 10, 2014, 09:26:38 am
Ever heard of the term... "The blind leading the blind"?
Title: Re: Advice Needed!
Post by: bennymon on June 10, 2014, 09:13:05 pm
Hit the nail on the head Russ   ;) del