Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: jim mca on June 22, 2011, 10:29:36 pm

Title: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 22, 2011, 10:29:36 pm
Following on from shauns post and negitivite towards ncca what do you want
from a carpet cleaners organisation/federation
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 22, 2011, 10:35:30 pm
have fun
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Neil Williams on June 22, 2011, 10:41:08 pm
helmets on here we go again ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Ian Gourlay on June 23, 2011, 12:12:55 am
Pay No Money

Get Loads of Press PR

Advertising on Radio ?TV

Training resources on line at no cost

THe Important thing is NO COST ;D ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Carpet Dawg on June 23, 2011, 12:33:24 am
Wow! what a crazy thread that was! TACCA! lol

Anyways, what happend to Mike Osbourne?
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Colin Day on June 23, 2011, 08:26:34 am
I see some of  these organisations as a way for those involved to make money, for which in return for your yearly membership you get a nice sticker for the van. I know that in the world of oven cleaning there is an association for oven cleaners, but I myself could produce my own "Mock" association with my own designed "Seal of Approval" logo and off I go. No one would ever tell the difference. ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 23, 2011, 09:09:21 am

I would like my carpets cleaned for no cost when are you available  ;D

I would to be owned by all members with dividends payed if it made a profit
linked to the fsb so you got there benefits it would employ a sales manager
to aquire national contracts.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: richy27 on June 23, 2011, 09:50:15 am
What most people want a an organisation is brand awareness sim to gas safe etc etc so a customer has confidence in your abilities. Alas this costs millions. And I am afraid this within the cc industry just is not goin to happen. Plus the system with the ncca is wrong. How can someone go through the motions on a course pass a multiple answer exam and be all of a sudden a competent cc. I was not when I did the ncca course yes it gave me a basic knowledge but I was not experienced. What doug said is spot on but alas I am afraid it would cost too much to get it to where it needs to be. 
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: richy27 on June 23, 2011, 09:56:48 am
To add while I am on one lol. I don't see the cost of the subs of the ncca worth it. One little news letter which basically I can imagine is widely funded by advertisers. A few usefull articles. And gardeners monthly slot. Gees it was like reading wi newsletter which gets me more work lol. There are some good people involved in the ncca paul pawlo etc etc but perhaps they need a young gun in there to go in the mix. I know 2 who would be superb but I won't say who. Just to give a relevent angle from someone who has not been in the industry since the invention of the wheel 
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 23, 2011, 11:39:31 am
I'm saying nothing, lol
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Gunn on June 23, 2011, 12:24:48 pm
Everybody wants different things from these organisations some brand awareness,others nice logo for van,training,some just want to be part of something. Either way you cannot keep everybody happy with what they offer.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: cannon on June 23, 2011, 01:46:11 pm
I think this carpet cleaners carnival is a step in the right direction.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Hilton on June 23, 2011, 01:59:34 pm
Personal choice, but dont expect to get any major business from it or any recognition.

A few years agon a CC chap I know had van decals made up and put a logo on his paper work saying 'Association of British Cleaners' (ABC) ' The lettering was huge across his van and went through a union flag. Sounds like it looked crap but it actually looked very impressive. I quizzed him about a few times and wondered if he had ever been pulled up on it and he had only once been asked about it by an insurance company, he told them he was trialling the concept of starting an organisation and needed to monitor the impact it would have on customer loyalty and perception of the industry to the public. It was left at that and never mentioned again.

He had 100 fold more comments on it, much more than we ever got from the 'various' organisations we used belong to.

He sold up a couple of years ago and moved to Spain having done very well in his business,
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Chapman on June 23, 2011, 02:19:27 pm
So it didnt really exist  then  ???

Isnt there a name for that  ;D

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Hilton on June 23, 2011, 02:37:22 pm
No, totally fictitious, But no one not even an insurance company were bothered, I dont think he was actually breaking any laws ( although I dont know)  maybe just stretching the truth a bit.

I might add he was very good at the business but when he sold up I never saw the van again, I imagine somehere in the UK some one is driving around with that logo on it.  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Joe H on June 23, 2011, 03:26:15 pm
eerrmmmm - deception comes to mind.

Any law about that?
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Neil Williams on June 23, 2011, 03:39:56 pm
Trust me, been there myself and so have many others.

You have an idea which will rival NCCA.
Loads of people say "great count me in."
You spent zillions of hours researching.
People start asking when will it be up and running.
You say "Shortly just need to finalise a few things."
The negative posters latch on and slate each and every thing about it.
People ask, "How much will membership be?"
You say, "£150 which is a bargin for what you willl get."
People say "Count me in I'm up for it."
At this point you think you're onto something great.
You do the launch.

You end up with 10 people who part with their £150
Outsiders ask "Hows it going and when when I see the first TV advert" even though they have no intention of parting with money or joining
The whole thing dies a death

I'm not against the idea at all but at the end of the day we are all individuals (mostly sole traders) who have no interest in forming a band of brothers, and you can't go after national contracts unless you have a 'carpet cleaning standard' which there isn't and never will be unless you get the industry regulated, whereby everyone has to go on the same carpet cleaning course, using much the same equipment and chemicals.

And I will now say no more on the subject.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Joe H on June 23, 2011, 04:05:24 pm
You right Neil, when you say we are a bunch of individuals.
I said the same when Clean was on the uptake.
I also suggested the only way for a "new" organisation to have an large effect would be to join forces with an existing established organisation and make the changes needed within using their already established structures.
On that point I suggested Clean join to NCCA
Might have worked but we may never know now.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Hilton on June 23, 2011, 04:33:39 pm
eerrmmmm - deception comes to mind.

Any law about that?

Its not deception he was the organisation.

If people wanted to believe he was part of a larger organisation that was up to them but like I say NO ONE asked,  which in its self speaks volumes.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Chapman on June 23, 2011, 04:50:20 pm
What happened to CLEAN ?  Did it never get of the ground ?

There was alot of enthusiasm for it at the time ?

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Ian Gourlay on June 23, 2011, 04:52:34 pm
My  first post was a little humrous

But about Four years ago I joined an organization on Ebay which was completly Free

Guy who thought of it in West Country gave up on it

Regarding employing a Sales Manager

I think that is more of a Grouping type organization

Can anyone remember what Proclean was or is .
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Mike Halliday on June 23, 2011, 05:27:00 pm
why do these organisation try and run before they can walk,

if you want an organisation then just start one, if it has 5 members then so what.... next year it might have 8 members the next year 15 members

why does it need to be big from the start?

why do people have to take on the world, it might be good for your ego to be president of a massive organisation..... but it isn't going to happen.

all you need is for some carpet cleaners to roll up their trouser leg, kiss the chickens bottom and swear an allegiance to work for the common good of all members.... and there it is..... an organisation
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: creighton foyle on June 23, 2011, 06:41:10 pm
with so many people saying that a new organisation would be a good thing in principle , why dont they all join the ncca and try and change it from within  (i think they were dereks words in a previous post),  but it does not make any difference who said it the point is if enough new members join then the will of the majority could be forced on to the minority who it seems to me at the moment run things as they please,  but it must also be said that they are in such a strong position at the moment due to the apathy of the existing members.

there are i believe a few posters on here and the ccdo forum who are capable of joining the ncca and taking on the existing management with a view to running the organisation in a way that will genuinely be of benefit to the members and not just use it as a cash cow .
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: PaulKing on June 23, 2011, 06:59:12 pm

all you need is for some carpet cleaners to roll up their trouser leg, kiss the chickens bottom and swear an allegiance to work for the common good of all members.... and there it is..... an organisation

You took the oath on the secret hand tool and now you've broken it, the boys will be around shortly.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 23, 2011, 07:43:43 pm
Mike totally agree with you big things grow from little things was just putting over
what it would like to be part of I read a lot of negitivity towords the ncca but in my
opinion you get back from things what you put into them the hardest part is everybody
has a different idea of what they want some tv ads others great web coverage me I
would start with commercial work but again everyone has different rates. A sales network
is a lot cheaper to build and delivers better results then any other paid advertising.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Colin Day on June 23, 2011, 07:51:44 pm
The way I see the NCCA is, there are too many hoops to jump through and kiss at the same time ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 23, 2011, 07:56:47 pm
if its a network your toying with jim then i'd completely dismiss the word organisation from your thread. ciu members don't like that word. ;D

as long as its free, anyone will join a network.
this is how i'd play it. set up a website, funded by yourself, ask everyone to add there details for free, then get those members some work, then charge.

simples. ;D

in fact so simple, i might even do it myself. who wants to join my TACCA network for free?
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 08:25:45 pm
i think with the NCCA there is a stucture already in place so a lot of hard work has been done ( thats not to say theres not still more hard work to be done) I'm a member and will continue to be a member because i like the idea of an association, Yes i've only received a few jobs directly from the NCCA, but the amount of jobs i've recieved from being a member of the NCCA when i've gone in against another cleaner, it has paid for the membership many times over, I have also been in touch with the biggest newspaper in are county who have agreed to do an article on the benefits of using a NCCA member! the only thing it will cost me is the time it takes to write a article, but as i'm rubbish at writing, i spoke to the NCCA office and there doing it for me.
It annoys me a little to be honest when i see so many people be negative about the NCCA and the so called heirachy! Tonight there was a general meeting, 14 people turned up, what if more turned up to have there views heard???? i don't think people can sit back and have a realistic view unless you've been a member and been to the meetings and tried making a difference! If the people that are negative about it have done all of thee above, then fair enough, i accept your views towards it! I never went to the meeting tonight so what ever has been decided it's my own fault for not going! but i will be at the next one without fail so i can air my views and what i think.  I'm not saying that the NCCA has not got faults! I'm sure some of the senior members will admit that they have, but i am saying it should be the duty of a member to promote it as much as they can and help it to get national recognition, and to be at the meetings to help make changes for the better! i.e Harder training and exam, perhaps work with a senior member for so many days before you can become a full member, i don't know, but reading some of the posts on here i see theres some very knowledgable people who i think can make a real difference, if people really want to make a difference then why not step up join up and help it move forward.................. I mean no offence to anyone by this post, its just my opinion
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 23, 2011, 08:43:21 pm
nicely put billy but i can't see the NCCA listening to someone who's only been in the business for 3 years. allthough ive got some crackin ideas. especially for competence in the members. soon get rid of the riff raff. ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 08:50:28 pm
I disagree, i think having someone who's relativly new to an industry is good, i think sometimes when your in something so long you get blinkered to new ideas, it's nice to have someone who has a different outlook on things but it's also nice to have the more experienced head! You should meet somewhere in the middle and bang we've got a Association everybody knows and loves.............  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 23, 2011, 09:06:25 pm
I think you are wrong Derek ( how dare I) the trouble with people wanting to change the industry from within an organisation or a new one is that they don't follow it through or don't have the time to.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: clinton on June 23, 2011, 09:08:40 pm
Good post billy :)

Maybe someone like derek will bring fresh ideas etc
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:10:10 pm

Have you met Derek? When that boy gets his teeth into something he don't let go!!!!!!!  ;D i still got the teeth marks on my evo wand!!! ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:14:11 pm

I hope you mean fresh ideas????

Fesh ideas sound like some sort of sex game  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 23, 2011, 09:15:04 pm
It's not the job of the members to promote the NCCA nationally, although it helps.

It is the job of the NCCA.

I wouldn't care if one of their policies was free cigarettes for beagle puppies, providing the general public had some clue who they are.

They supposedly have approx 500 members paying £200 a year - that's £100k per year.

FFS what do they spend it on if the directors are unpaid - and please don't tell me expenses.

£100k year after year - believe it or not PR doesn't have to be expensive, especially if you establish a good relationship with a well connected PR company.

They've had 40 years and still no national awareness.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:23:58 pm
Exactly Steve, you just said it, What do they spend it on?

Have you been a member?
Have you been to one of the meetings?
Have you looked at there books?

I'm not meaning those questions to sound funny, it's just so i can get a base line of where your coming from!
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: clinton on June 23, 2011, 09:25:14 pm
Billy just changed it ;D

Your right billy once derek gets his teeth into something thats it ;D 5 big macs is just his starter ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: clinton on June 23, 2011, 09:27:46 pm
40 years is a long time as steve said and still not much  public awareness
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:28:06 pm
Thank you very much Clinton, Makes my post look stupid now! ;D

Anyway what do you mean 5? Is he on a diet? ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 23, 2011, 09:28:37 pm
Billy to answer your questions:

and No

But assuming my figures are correct, they have had a million pounds go through their bank account in the last 10 years - you are obviously far more clued up about them than me, so perhaps you can shed some light on what they do with the money. Because 12 copies of newslink and a stand at the cleaning show each year won't justify it.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 23, 2011, 09:34:56 pm
Don't forget the staff and premises.

We've had this debate before I don't want to get into that again.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:36:52 pm
I actually agree with Steve on that, my question is why? and as a member what can i do to help change that?

I think many years ago it was a lot harder to promote things on a huge scale( Nationally), but as the internet as grown it will be a lot easier to get the message out there and create public awareness! and the more people on board with this, the easier it becomes, but if you have so many other people out there who knock it, saying it don't mean anything, the hard it is to promote!

Like i said i'm not saying there's not faults, but it takes bums on seats and ideas thrown in the pot to change it!

As the saying goes you can't moan that you don't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket!!!!

I think thats got some meaning! ( sounded good anyway)  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: wynne jones on June 23, 2011, 09:38:57 pm
Maybe one day the time will be right for some form of new organisation, who knows.

In the meantime it would be a better use of energy to build up your own business, promote professionalism and high standards through the way you do business and build up your relationship with like minded carpet cleaners you trust. This is a far more flexible and practical approach and just plain works.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 23, 2011, 09:43:56 pm
1 secretary in a 12 x 12 office could deal with membership renewals.

The training course premises are funded by the training fees.

They've had no shortage of money and no shortage of time.

There are anywhere between 10000 and 15000 carpet cleaners in the country if figures are to be believed and they have 500 members.

Just  imagine what a force they could be if they could only tempt 10% of those cleaners to join.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:45:19 pm

Youmake some good points, but like i said you don't know exactly until you get involved and see the incomes and expenditure, I'm not that clued up on it, i've only been a member since october last year! ;)

All my staff think i have a life of luxury, if only they knew what goes in and out! They think well he must get so much for this and i only get this, we should have a pay rise blah blah blah,

truth is they don't know
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: creighton foyle on June 23, 2011, 09:47:22 pm
steve have you included the money they make on training courses ?, the one i was on had over 30 people attending so that one course was about 10k and how many a year do they do ?.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 23, 2011, 09:51:10 pm
It's not a question of casting aspersions as to where the money goes.

I would like to know why it isn't being invested in PR on a national scale.

Raising customer awareness is a win/win scenario for the NCCA
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 09:55:16 pm

Are you coming to the NCCA Carnival?
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 23, 2011, 09:56:34 pm
I would have liked to Billy, but I will be on my honeymoon in Mauritius.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 10:00:02 pm
you lucky git! ;D

well for the trip to mauritius anyway!!! ;D

I would like to know these things as well, thats why i intend to go to the next meeting and ask questions, i want to try making difference, and see if i can help
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon@arenaclean on June 23, 2011, 10:01:23 pm
When I was a memeber of the NCCA the exam was an exam. It took the form of questions on various aspects seperately for which a long form answer was expected. There were 3 exams, one for carpet, upholstery and spot and stain treatment. I always accepted that if you could pass all 3 you would have a very good understanding of most aspects of our industry. If it now takes a different form like multiple choice I would be disapointed although I accept I have not been a member for 18 years.

The two biggest hurdles are, public recognition and whether there is an appetite for independent business' to join and put in the effort for development. The first is fundemental but I ask myself does the puplic see carpet cleaning as a 'life or death' industry. Gas Safe or 'Corgi' are recognised as a safe installer of potential hazzardous equipment, as carpet cleaners we know the risks but most of my clients know I have standards based on recommendation, not caring if I know how cellousic browning is caused, I sometimes thing we over estimate our own importance. Yes it's important I know what I'm doing so I can offer my customers the best service possible and joining an organisation that uses multiple choice questions  is no assurance of being competent.

It's a laudible aim to group indendendent company's together but as this and other threads demonstrate, and as others have tried and failed, whilst laudible no one is prepared to pay for it and until WE are resolved to foot the bill and supply the resources in time, effort and money it is a non starter. This is despite our desire to inform about despicable practices like bait and switch and the many other problems our industry is tarnished with. The truth is everyone would join subject to two conditions, it wont cost them much and they wont have to do anything, most do not see the need so most wont support it. There are a few who care enough to keep trying but until we are regulated and standardised nationally there will be little success. Some will see this as being negative but I like to think of it as being realistic. In most things Mike halliday seldom wanders in the wrong direction and it's his approach I would personally endorse, start small and let it grow organically and take people with you. The big problem is informing the public and I'm not sure they care enough either.

"if you want an organisation then just start one, if it has 5 members then so what.... next year it might have 8 members the next year 15 members

why does it need to be big from the start?

why do people have to take on the world, it might be good for your ego to be president of a massive organisation..... but it isn't going to happen.

all you need is for some carpet cleaners to roll up their trouser leg, kiss the chickens bottom and swear an allegiance to work for the common good of all members.... and there it is..... an organisation"
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Andrew Briscoe on June 23, 2011, 10:05:22 pm
It's not a question of casting aspersions as to where the money goes.

I would like to know why it isn't being invested in PR on a national scale.

Raising customer awareness is a win/win scenario for the NCCA

Steve makes some good points,
the more members the better, i think more regional meetings would be better.
People on here always complain about having to travel long distances to get to venues meetings.
We see loads of complainers on here about 8.99 a carpet etc.
If there where more members, more money would be available to use on PR
therefore more public awareness and less low cost merchants.

ps have a great day on your wedding Steve.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 23, 2011, 10:07:29 pm
Wll said Andrew, I like the idea of regional meetings, surely it's poss to put these forward to the board at the carnival
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: happy mondays on June 23, 2011, 10:24:05 pm
Pay No Money

Get Loads of Press PR

Advertising on Radio ?TV

Training resources on line at no cost

THe Important thing is NO COST ;D ;D


What about offering cover for holidays and sickness, free book keeping, free baby sitting service, free servicing and repairs on your van and extraction machine  ???

It was fun reading most of the posts from the tacca thread  :)

I might be wrong but the feeling I got from some posts was that some want to pay a small fee for an association or "franchise" that will market their business and get them loads of work.  Its very easy for anyone to say my business isnt where I want it because the association or franchise isnt doing enough.

Whats  really funny though, some people who say these associations mean nothing and slate them but they actually advertise that they have been trained by them, and even have links to the associations websites  ;D ;D but dont pay to join  :o

No association or franchise will ever run your business for you, they wont make you rich, they are just a tool to help you on your way. The more people that join them will raise customer awareness and by becoming a member it is your job to promote it, this in its self makes any association bigger and of more benefit to a business and a consumer.

Building and maintaining a profitable business is down to you and no-one else.  No one is perfect and no exam, paid membership or training in carpet cleaning or any other industry will make someone faultless and the very best in what they do. 

Imo the ncca can only be a good thing for someone wanting to earn a living by cleaning carpets, the more that pay the couple of hundred £'s to join and promote it can only make it bigger and better for all.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 23, 2011, 10:42:23 pm
Pay No Money

Get Loads of Press PR

Advertising on Radio ?TV

Training resources on line at no cost

THe Important thing is NO COST ;D ;D


What about offering cover for holidays and sickness, free book keeping, free baby sitting service, free servicing and repairs on your van and extraction machine  ???

It was fun reading most of the posts from the tacca thread  :)

I might be wrong but the feeling I got from some posts was that some want to pay a small fee for an association or "franchise" that will market their business and get them loads of work.  Its very easy for anyone to say my business isnt where I want it because the association or franchise isnt doing enough.

Whats  really funny though, some people who say these associations mean nothing and slate them but they actually advertise that they have been trained by them, and even have links to the associations websites  ;D ;D but dont pay to join  :o
No association or franchise will ever run your business for you, they wont make you rich, they are just a tool to help you on your way. The more people that join them will raise customer awareness and by becoming a member it is your job to promote it, this in its self makes any association bigger and of more benefit to a business and a consumer.

Building and maintaining a profitable business is down to you and no-one else.  No one is perfect and no exam, paid membership or training in carpet cleaning or any other industry will make someone faultless and the very best in what they do. 

Imo the ncca can only be a good thing for someone wanting to earn a living by cleaning carpets, the more that pay the couple of hundred £'s to join and promote it can only make it bigger and better for all.

guessing thats a cheap shot at me paul.

don't understand it though, the ncca has 2 sides, training and being an organisation, i think they do the training well, i'd be a fool not to promote on my website that i have certificates which i paid bloody good money for. i know for a fact that my customers have never heard of the ncca but i know for a fact that they know what a certificate means.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 23, 2011, 11:19:37 pm
Having only been in this industry for 1 year trained at cleansmart 3 days Im not going to do
another basic cource so I can join the ncca now if they have a cource that can take me to another
level then fine count me in. The real business we are in is sales and marketing as everybody on hear
is a business owner alot of national companies prefer to deal with one supplier and thats what I
think the franchises have over independent carpet cleaners as its easier to sell with your foot in
the door this forum has a lot of great people with a lot to give from website designers, sales profesionals
and Quality carpet cleaners but its about pulling together to make it better for us. I joined the FSB as soon
as I started as I get value for money and I can network at local meetings with like minded people. 

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: happy mondays on June 23, 2011, 11:50:09 pm
No dont do cheap digs Derek, if I am honest, which I am  :) I had noticed you promote that you have passed the exam and find it frustrating as a member that your web design company put a link on your site that could implie to a potential customer that you are associated with this association because you have passed the exam. Even though in some peoples eyes, means nothing at all really  :) Just interested to know if it means nothing to your customers who have never heard of them, your logic in promoting the ncca. Imo the small cost of membership is very reasonable for what you can get from it.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 24, 2011, 08:54:00 am
The problem with Associations is that everyone wants it to do what they want it to do. Some are just happy being able to advertise that they are a member of an association because they believe that  it gives them some extra kudos. Others want work from it and if they don't get an immediate return on their money, won't renew their membership. Some think they should be promoting the industry. The trouble is the VAST majority of professional carpet cleaners don't see a need to be a part of any association so the NCCA or any other Association can't grow to the size required to really make a difference, but then to really make a difference you need a collective will and there just isn't that in the CC industry.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 24, 2011, 09:45:12 am
No dont do cheap digs Derek, if I am honest, which I am  :) I had noticed you promote that you have passed the exam and find it frustrating as a member that your web design company put a link on your site that could implie to a potential customer that you are associated with this association because you have passed the exam. Even though in some peoples eyes, means nothing at all really  :) Just interested to know if it means nothing to your customers who have never heard of them, your logic in promoting the ncca. Imo the small cost of membership is very reasonable for what you can get from it.
like i said paul, i paid good money (to the ncca, money in there bank) for a certificate, and people know what a certificate means so i'd be mad not to promote it, and in a way i'm helping the ncca get recognised. i'm not a member and don't promote that so don't see the problem. ive done 2 courses with the ncca so ive paid a lot to them. personally i think your grief should be with people that have not paid any money into the ncca kitty and still mention there name on trhere website.
i'm not doing anything wrong. ive paid my money, got a certificate and i'm marketing that certificate to my customers.

anyway, join TACCA, its free
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Joe H on June 24, 2011, 03:33:31 pm
Wll said Andrew, I like the idea of regional meetings, surely it's poss to put these forward to the board at the carnival

Up until last year (at least) the NCCA welcomed regional roadshows, hoping that a member would help find a suitable venue to hold it ie some social club etc

In 2009 I went to one in Shrewsbury, 3 different speakers during the day, reasonable well attended.

I was impressed, so I offered my services to find a place in Warrington which would be suitable for those travelling from throughout the North West, North Midlands, Merseyside, North Wales, West Yorkshire - potentially covering a massive catchement area.
Apart from finding a suitable place and making provisional arrangements there was no other work or costs for me, the NCCA office did the rest.
Cost was £30 including buffet lunch. Non NCCA members were welcome.
It was mentioned on here and another forum.
Total number that turned up was disappointing, but at least an opportunity was given for c/cleaners to attend and support the aims of the NCCA.

Maybe Billy (and other members), the NCCA is still open to members helping out in this small way.

I wish the NCCA Carnival day a great success. Well worth the effort and I hope many more members will be the result, and hopefully the local press will be able to cover the event.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 24, 2011, 05:32:18 pm
I think the NCCA Carnival Day is a really good idea and a positive move on their part.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 24, 2011, 05:42:00 pm
as micheal jackson once sang, ill be thereeeeeeee i'll be thereeeee, oooh dejavu.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 24, 2011, 05:56:26 pm
Come on Del!!! Lets not start that rubbish again,

As in the great words of the supremes............Stop, in the name of love!!!!!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: happy mondays on June 24, 2011, 09:46:15 pm
No dont do cheap digs Derek, if I am honest, which I am  :) I had noticed you promote that you have passed the exam and find it frustrating as a member that your web design company put a link on your site that could implie to a potential customer that you are associated with this association because you have passed the exam. Even though in some peoples eyes, means nothing at all really  :) Just interested to know if it means nothing to your customers who have never heard of them, your logic in promoting the ncca. Imo the small cost of membership is very reasonable for what you can get from it.
like i said paul, i paid good money (to the ncca, money in there bank) for a certificate, and people know what a certificate means so i'd be mad not to promote it, and in a way i'm helping the ncca get recognised. i'm not a member and don't promote that so don't see the problem. ive done 2 courses with the ncca so ive paid a lot to them. personally i think your grief should be with people that have not paid any money into the ncca kitty and still mention there name on trhere website.
i'm not doing anything wrong. ive paid my money, got a certificate and i'm marketing that certificate to my customers.

anyway, join TACCA, its free

 :) I'll give that one a miss eh, 30 members and how many of them are carpet cleaners 2, 3 or 4 lol, but good luck with it anyway!

I could think like you and save myself a couple of hudred £'s each year, not use the logo and advertise that I have a certificate from passing an exam, and put a link on a website to the ncca, most customers would read the info on the site and assume that I was associated with it, at the end of the day you are not doing the ncca any favours, why not just pay the small fee and join? the price of membership is equal to a family meal or a service on your car.  I'm not just having a go at you, but if everyone did as you and others do with the "i have passed this test" "heres a link to the website" the ncca would be gone. Perhaps the ncca should have a bit of a re-think on what is required to be a member, this may then stop the I have done nothing wrong crowd that are out to save a few quid.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on June 24, 2011, 09:58:54 pm
I can remember speaking to Derek Bolton about advertsing 'trained bt the NCCA' and he said it was a loop hole that the NCCA had tried unsuccessfully tried to close.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: clinton on June 24, 2011, 10:07:10 pm
so it still stands then that loophole...
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 24, 2011, 10:27:47 pm
are you honestly saying that in your eyes, i am not allowed to tell anyone who i was trained by.


Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: happy mondays on June 24, 2011, 10:40:46 pm
I can remember speaking to Derek Bolton about advertsing 'trained bt the NCCA' and he said it was a loop hole that the NCCA had tried unsuccessfully tried to close.


Then maybe they do need a re-think, scrap the exam, which imo means nothing at all, and make any one that joins follow a code of practice, this would then make it more desirable for a cc to join.

My gripe with this thread is that alot of carpet cleaners moan about them because

"its a waste of money, they wont get you any work"  

Its not about them getting you more work, you do this yourself and the ncca is just a tool to help you do it, the more people that join can only make the customers more aware of who they pay to clean for them, who should always do the best job possible for the price paid.  This would do alot for this industry.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 24, 2011, 11:04:19 pm
No dont do cheap digs Derek, if I am honest, which I am  :) I had noticed you promote that you have passed the exam and find it frustrating as a member that your web design company put a link on your site that could implie to a potential customer that you are associated with this association because you have passed the exam. Even though in some peoples eyes, means nothing at all really  :) Just interested to know if it means nothing to your customers who have never heard of them, your logic in promoting the ncca. Imo the small cost of membership is very reasonable for what you can get from it.
like i said paul, i paid good money (to the ncca, money in there bank) for a certificate, and people know what a certificate means so i'd be mad not to promote it, and in a way i'm helping the ncca get recognised. i'm not a member and don't promote that so don't see the problem. ive done 2 courses with the ncca so ive paid a lot to them. personally i think your grief should be with people that have not paid any money into the ncca kitty and still mention there name on trhere website.
i'm not doing anything wrong. ive paid my money, got a certificate and i'm marketing that certificate to my customers.

anyway, join TACCA, its free

 :) I'll give that one a miss eh, 30 members and how many of them are carpet cleaners 2, 3 or 4 lol, but good luck with it anyway!

I could think like you and save myself a couple of hudred £'s each year, not use the logo and advertise that I have a certificate from passing an exam, and put a link on a website to the ncca, most customers would read the info on the site and assume that I was associated with it, at the end of the day you are not doing the ncca any favours, why not just pay the small fee and join? the price of membership is equal to a family meal or a service on your car.  I'm not just having a go at you, but if everyone did as you and others do with the "i have passed this test" "heres a link to the website" the ncca would be gone. Perhaps the ncca should have a bit of a re-think on what is required to be a member, this may then stop the I have done nothing wrong crowd that are out to save a few quid.


31 now and growing strong ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: happy mondays on June 24, 2011, 11:08:12 pm
are you honestly saying that in your eyes, i am not allowed to tell anyone who i was trained by.


Trained  :D are you having a laugh Derek, I could send my youngest Daughter on the course and she would pass it, I have morals and this is my gripe, get your hand in your pocket and join the ncca, you and no doubt many others are using them to your advantage for the price of a training course.  

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: happy mondays on June 24, 2011, 11:27:23 pm
No dont do cheap digs Derek, if I am honest, which I am  :) I had noticed you promote that you have passed the exam and find it frustrating as a member that your web design company put a link on your site that could implie to a potential customer that you are associated with this association because you have passed the exam. Even though in some peoples eyes, means nothing at all really  :) Just interested to know if it means nothing to your customers who have never heard of them, your logic in promoting the ncca. Imo the small cost of membership is very reasonable for what you can get from it.
like i said paul, i paid good money (to the ncca, money in there bank) for a certificate, and people know what a certificate means so i'd be mad not to promote it, and in a way i'm helping the ncca get recognised. i'm not a member and don't promote that so don't see the problem. ive done 2 courses with the ncca so ive paid a lot to them. personally i think your grief should be with people that have not paid any money into the ncca kitty and still mention there name on trhere website.
i'm not doing anything wrong. ive paid my money, got a certificate and i'm marketing that certificate to my customers.

anyway, join TACCA, its free

 :) I'll give that one a miss eh, 30 members and how many of them are carpet cleaners 2, 3 or 4 lol, but good luck with it anyway!

I could think like you and save myself a couple of hudred £'s each year, not use the logo and advertise that I have a certificate from passing an exam, and put a link on a website to the ncca, most customers would read the info on the site and assume that I was associated with it, at the end of the day you are not doing the ncca any favours, why not just pay the small fee and join? the price of membership is equal to a family meal or a service on your car.  I'm not just having a go at you, but if everyone did as you and others do with the "i have passed this test" "heres a link to the website" the ncca would be gone. Perhaps the ncca should have a bit of a re-think on what is required to be a member, this may then stop the I have done nothing wrong crowd that are out to save a few quid.


31 now and growing strong ;D

Derek, well done, you will maybe reach your goal one day and be able to afford the lifestyle you aspire, but believe this, you wont make it by trying to take the mick out of me, like I have said, stop taking the p##s out of the ncca join and pay up  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 24, 2011, 11:39:38 pm
no thanks, i like VFM.

anyway lets agree to disagree, you think i'm cheating the system and i think your throwing your money away unless your like billy who is gonna try and mix things up a bit from the inside. if i thought they would listen to my ideas i may consider joining but even if they did listen, they'd just say its not financially viable etc...etc... so i can't see me joining

i'll stick to me TACCA..

anyone else joining, admins are up for grabs. ;D

anyways, i'm off to bed, see ya next sat if your going.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Ian Gourlay on June 25, 2011, 04:09:45 pm
I yhought NCCA had clamped down on people using trained by

I heard that at Carpex about 6 years ago.

Anyway the Compliance Director if he still is lives 10 miles down the road ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Chapman on June 25, 2011, 08:14:48 pm
How possibly can the ncca take money of people and train them , give them a certificate and then say they can't tell anyone, that's just nonsense,

That would never stand up in court surely ???

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 25, 2011, 09:35:27 pm

You just have to be careful about how you say it. Attended an NCCA training course and passed the exam  is one thing, but trained by the NCCA is quite another, as training encompasses so much more than just attending a course.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Neil Williams on June 25, 2011, 10:36:31 pm
How possibly can the ncca take money of people and train them , give them a certificate and then say they can't tell anyone, that's just nonsense,

Not forgetting you can't become a member of NCCA unless you've done the course, and passed the exam based on that course.
That alone means you are NCCA trained no matter how they might look at it.

Jeez and they wonder why most of us laugh at them.
And no, I don't want to join, to get onto the top table and then change things. These are basics that the current people at the top must surely be able to see that are wrong.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 08:47:39 am
The NCCA, bless em, will never change and if they do it will be very slowly, too slow for those who what to see forward movement in our industry.
The main gripe against the NCCA is it's lack of public awareness, so the the ultimate aim of a 21st century organisation must be to advertise carpet cleaning on national television. Now there's public awareness for you and if that were to happen the founders of that organisation would be sainted.
The business model to do this does exist and it is nowhere near as complex as you might think.  ;)

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 09:09:34 am
so lets do it then.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 09:33:10 am
Hi Derek,

I love your enthusiasm.
The problem with the existing organisations and others that never got off the ground was that they need the continued support of its members to finance it and keep it alive. The members though, would only stay if they were getting something tangible in return (work), something that no fledgling organisation can deliver in the early years, so the members leave and the organisation cannot build up a head of steam. And so with no secure and ongoing finance, sufficient merely for it to remain in existence, let alone achieve the lofty goals of its founders these new organisations quickly flounder.
What we need is a BIG idea ;)

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 09:38:23 am
what about a shareholder scheme for its members.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 09:40:37 am

Forget members, members are the problem, not the solution.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Neil Williams on June 26, 2011, 10:18:42 am
The problem with the existing organisations and others that never got off the ground was that they need the continued support of its members to finance it and keep it alive.
What we need is a BIG idea ;)

What it needs is an initial large lump sum from a manufacturer such as Axminster/Wilton/Prochem etc, someboby who might have a vested interest in the industry. This would give the financial backup to keep it going until member numbers build up so becoming self financing.
Thinking that 50 or 100 carpet cleaners can get something up and running with enough momentum to keep it going 24 months is pie in the sky.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 10:36:54 am
Agreed - but we already have an organisation in place that has huge sums of money going through it's bank account every year.

Lets not be naive here - we are not talking about a tv advert in the middle of coronation street at peak time. There are scores of tv channels and initially an ad could be shown on discovery where people watch diy and gardening shows.

Slowly build momentum, it would have to be a sustained campaign to build awareness.

Now current NCCA members might argue that why should the NCCA use money gained from existing members that could be of benefit to non-members. But lets face it, if you started seeing NCCA ads regularly, even on smaller sky and cable channels, wouldn't you start giving thought to joining an organisation that had your interests at heart. More members = more revenue = more ads.

There is no bloody point in them paying for advertising in cleaning magazines, it's the public that need educating not the cleaners. We already know about the NCCA and still don't want to join. Stop fannying about with facebook pages and twitter accounts.

I will tell you one thing for certain though, if things don't change radically at the NCCA then it ha a short life span. Who will take up the mantle when Paul, Pav and Keith hang up their wands ?

The USA carpet cleaning industry was transformed when Sears ran a massive tv ad campaign years ago. Everyone benefited.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Doug Holloway on June 26, 2011, 11:39:15 am
Hi Guys

If the carpet manufacturing industry could be persuaded to run a campaign on the benefits of carpet inc regular cleaning, then it may work, otherwise the costs are just too high.

The NCCA are looking for new leadership  but it will take a very strong person to put in all that effort and get a load of moaning in return.

If one builds a busy CC bisiness it just doesn't leave time to promote the industry which is one of the reasons for the NCCA's lack of impact.


Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: robert meldrum on June 26, 2011, 11:43:49 am
Unfortunately while individuals talk about what they ( individually ) would like in an association companies like Rug Doc and Vax are making steady inroads promoting their newer machines as COMMERCIAL machines and selling them to both domestic and commercial sectors.

If you consider what you REALLY want from an organisation it might already exist.

Because hundreds can chat / argue / debate on forums they already feel part of SOMETHING and some just want to take this a step further by having social gatherings. Again this has already been done with great success but seems to have been hijacked and become a bit cliquish which reduces the appeal to the majority.

If you REALLY want a credible and professional association which will attract discounts from insurance companies, etc and gain recognition and respect from the general public  you must have a credible format to identify individual operators status in the industry.

Other industries have NOVICE / INTERMEDIATE / JOURNEYMAN / CRAFTSMAN status gained through training and examination and there's no reason why C/C'ing can't have the same.

The oldest and best known organisation in the UK is BICCS and they are already offering carpet cleaning along with many other courses.

If you really want to raise the profile of your industry and eliminate the cowboys you could do worse than talk to BICCS about setting up a training model and by doing it now you will have control over what it amounts to, otherwise - as I predicted three years ago - you will have to comply with whatever the government commission comes up with in the near future.

I've had the mis fortune of working in two industries where COMPLIANCE with GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS  came in and everything thereafter had to COMPLY otherwise you would be struck of the register or given a low grading which was freely available to the general public.

If you get together with an existing training provider and draft your proposals you will at least be able to significantly influence the training requirements of the industry rather than have a program put together by someone who has no practical knowledge of the industry and has simply researched the industry and assembled training packages from the reult of their research.

You could talk all day about what would be ideal or good or essential but nothing will happen without action.



Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 12:09:38 pm
With respect, you're all thinking from inside the box. The solution to this problem doesn't lie within the existing dynamics of the industry, nor does it lie within the existing structures of all of the models that have been tried before, including the NCCA, if it did we would have found it by now. As with all seemingly complex problems, there is a perfectly logical solution staring you in the face, you just have to look outside of the box.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Ian Gourlay on June 26, 2011, 12:33:28 pm
Ive been involved with National Companies that promote themselves on TV Press and Leaflets

I can tell you leads on The Ground to the individual are thin on the Ground as they are doing blanket National Coverage.

What it did do was give brand awareness.

Another Company had a system where you paid for the Leads you were given at £25 each as you had paid for the lead it was designed to  to make you push harder to close.

This was the same in all companies, Leads do not fall out of trees

You would be better off spending the money you would be expected to contribute on your own company

I n retail I was  involved in Local Buying Groups , The Group Committee decided we would advertise on local radio I had no choice I had to Contribute , the adverts were run on local radio 50 miles away . They said it was possible to pick up the station so I had to contribute

Google advertising system is clever I did not mention the name of one of the Companies and their advert pops up at bottom of Forum

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 01:06:46 pm
With respect, you're all thinking from inside the box. The solution to this problem doesn't lie within the existing dynamics of the industry, nor does it lie within the existing structures of all of the models that have been tried before, including the NCCA, if it did we would have found it by now. As with all seemingly complex problems, there is a perfectly logical solution staring you in the face, you just have to look outside of the box.


i'm guessing you know whats outside the box, come on simon, tell us so we can pick holes in it like we always do ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 01:25:26 pm
There is already plenty of training available and while I don't disagree with your sentiments Robert, more training and qualifications are irrelevant if there is not an increase in carpets to clean.

The bottom line is customer awareness - but you're right, while we all moan on here, vax and rug doctor do something about it. That's why the majority of customer awareness about carpet cleaning revolves around those products, equally with vanish and the like.

Which just goes to show that it works.

It's not enough for us all to bitch on here about why they should use us and not those products - they don't know about us, they do know about them - why ? because of brand awareness - tv ads, magazine ads.

Getting carpet manufacturers involved is pointless. Customers don't buy from manufacturers they buy from retailers, who have even less inclination to inform clients about doing something regularly that will ultimately delay them from buying another new carpet.

Advertising works - even the things we buy are as a result of awareness. The only reason we don't do it ourselves, as individual companies, is the cost - which is why we are limited to  leaflets, websites, social media etc;

Why is it that only 10% - 15% (if figures are to be believed) of households in the UK have their carpets cleaned ? It's because it's not in their faces from various media outlets on a regular basis.

To keep on about cost is just negative, it doesn't have to cost millions or hundreds of thousands - thousands yes.

But then look at how many thousands of pounds we invest in equipment and then hope that the phone rings to justify those costs.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 01:53:11 pm
50 people, 2% share in the company, £1000 up front

£20k on web design and seo
£5k on a professional witty and funny advert
£25k on a marketting company to market that advert. £5k on a xmas p up.  ;D joke.
£5k on a corporate video

all ball park figures would need costing before i put any money in.

then a  membership fee for new members (and they'll come) which will fund the on going

all decisions a majority of the 50 shareholders.

money is what its about and in numbers, money isn't an issue.

oh and just incase you think its a money making scheme, all profits to be ploughed into the company for at least 3 years.

thats my way of thinking, shame its no one elses though. ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 01:59:12 pm
50 people, 2% share in the company, £1000 up front

£20k on web design and seo
£5k on a professional witty and funny advert
£25k on a marketting company to market that advert. £5k on a xmas p up.  ;D joke.
£5k on a corporate video

all ball park figures would need costing before i put any money in.

then a  membership fee for new members (and they'll come) which will fund the on going

all decisions a majority of the 50 shareholders.

money is what its about and in numbers, money isn't an issue.

oh and just incase you think its a money making scheme, all profits to be ploughed into the company for at least 3 years.

thats my way of thinking, shame its no one elses though. ;D

Derek i can see where your coming from but the figures seem a bit pie in the sky,
£5000 for the p**s up  ;D no where near enough  ;D

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 02:06:29 pm
50 people, 2% share in the company, £1000 up front

£20k on web design and seo
£5k on a professional witty and funny advert
£25k on a marketting company to market that advert. £5k on a xmas p up.  ;D joke.
£5k on a corporate video

all ball park figures would need costing before i put any money in.

then a  membership fee for new members (and they'll come) which will fund the on going

all decisions a majority of the 50 shareholders.

money is what its about and in numbers, money isn't an issue.

oh and just incase you think its a money making scheme, all profits to be ploughed into the company for at least 3 years.

thats my way of thinking, shame its no one elses though. ;D

I agree with your thinking Derek, although I would only budget £10k for the website (for starters) as the media costs are far more important and will eat up more of the money.

I think all of the profits should be re-invested indefinitely. £1000 is cheap if it got you a portion of the benefits created by more awareness. How much do people spend on leaflets, pro-rata, with only a 1% chance of a return. Most of the marketing we do is hit and miss anyway, so why not attempt it on a larger scale.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 02:16:34 pm
How about one main body to run things. ( For national exposure )

Then divided into areas

North west
North east
South West
South East

All operating there own marketing and Training within there budget.Local to there members.

Just a  thought.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 02:31:56 pm
just ball park steve, aint got a clue how much it costs, but it costs nothing to find out, but without 50 people we're screwed anyhoo.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 02:34:17 pm
This isn't about areas or regions. It's about the whole carpet cleaning fraternity.

A national advertising campaign would benefit everyone - people you don't know, people you don't like, your nearest competitor - everyone.

It's not about how much return you would get on an investment - it's about raising the profile of the profession you work in.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 02:35:22 pm
................... which is why it should be the NCCA's number one priority.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 02:47:05 pm
This isn't about areas or regions. It's about the whole carpet cleaning fraternity.

A national advertising campaign would benefit everyone - people you don't know, people you don't like, your nearest competitor - everyone.

It's not about how much return you would get on an investment - it's about raising the profile of the profession you work in.

And there goes the whole pile of cards.
If you had 25 members in London for a local tv run
And 25 members in the north east for a local tv run

What would be the price differance.

This is why it needs to be a local campaign.

But with national recognition.

I for 1 would not pay london prices when living in Manchester.

And believe me there will be a massive differance
Advertising on London television
To granada region.

So the reasonable conclusion is to have regional budgets on income generated.

But each region contrubute to the national awareness

Simples  Paul
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 02:58:13 pm
Paul you're confusing a pie in the sky idea that me and Derek were remarking on and what the NCCA should be doing right now.

The NCCA should represent all carpet cleaners nationally, irrespective of their regions, which is why a national campaign is the only sensible option.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 03:12:44 pm
Agreed Steve

But things cant go national overnight. I stick to my thoughts that a great idea would be a regional group.
But pays into a national campaign.( For national awarness)
At the moment NCCA only run there courses at Leicester.
Wouldnt that be better if they had regional courses.

I cant see how with limited cash we could bring national awareness at any pace.
This needs to be done by gradual progression area by area.

All pulling together with the main aim of national awareness.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 03:16:30 pm
all though i understand that you don't want to be funding london prices your forgetting an important issue, there are far more cleaners in london than there are in manchester, and so it all balances out.

its about creating an interesting stir and then marketting that stir nationally to cause awareness.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus) on June 26, 2011, 03:23:28 pm

I'm not talking about courses, although I agree their training should be more regional.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 03:43:42 pm
There are 15 regional tv chanels on air as we speak

How could we get recognition in all areas without millions of pounds.

I like the idea but we all need a realism check has for national coverage.

So i stand by my point each area contributes to national recognition whilst promoting regionally.

Thers is no quick fix or recognition over night.

These lads at the NCCA are no fools i am sure they have looked at all handles

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 03:49:32 pm
There you all go again, thinking from inside the box at what are a very limited range of choices, most of which have been tried in the past.
The main problem is the erroneous belief that a bunch of carpet cleaners on a forum can start a new national association, when none of us know how to start, let alone run one.
The second problem is that everyone has got their own ideas on how to do it, and so, if it's not done how they would like it to be they, aren't interested.
What everyone is interested in is phone calls, jobs and sales but because of the diversity of ideas no agreement can be reached and therefore no progress is made.
The other problem is the massive difference in training (or the lack of it) experience and skill levels of the membership, all of which make it very difficult to market such a diverse group of people to the wider public with the promise of a uniform end product, irrespective of geographical location.
Solving these problems is not in itself difficult if the right criteria are put in place at the outset.

Steve, I agree wholeheartedly with much of what you say. ;)

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 03:59:22 pm

When did TMACCA become recognised.

If you have the answers please use them in  TMACCA.

Or is there another box your thinking out of.

If anybody thinks there going to have a recognised brand in the uk overnight without spending millions,

Im in you can have my grand.

THis must be a wind up silly me

Paul ;D

Good OP Derek
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: creighton foyle on June 26, 2011, 04:11:59 pm
derek the ncca already has about 600 members and an infrastructure of sorts already in place, why not join the ncca have a word with the directors and  organise a poll of existing members to see how many of them would be willing to make a one off payment to implement your ideas, i for one would onsider it as a viable project, maybe you could sound them out at the carnival.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 04:15:02 pm
Surely the NCCA should be thinking about these issues, it is afterall their job, isn't it?

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 04:24:04 pm
Creighton i agree with you.

But this is a issue for members to stand up and be counted.
Maybe at the next AGM, But how many will turn up?

This maybe the way to go a mass attendance.

By the way do members get a statement of accounts annually, Where there money is going.
The NCCA is a ltd company so this should all be available.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Doug Holloway on June 26, 2011, 04:29:23 pm
Hi Guys

Individually we can promote carpet cleaning through our own businesses and that is certainly where I would put my £1000.

If my advertising and quality is high then that reflects well on the industry also.


Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 04:30:34 pm
derek the ncca already has about 600 members and an infrastructure of sorts already in place, why not join the ncca have a word with the directors and  organise a poll of existing members to see how many of them would be willing to make a one off payment to implement your ideas, i for one would onsider it as a viable project, maybe you could sound them out at the carnival.

but would they listen to a newbie like me, i doubt it.

anyway tacca is growing from strength to strength now. ;D ;D

32 members woooohoooooooo ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 04:35:26 pm
Surely the NCCA should be thinking about these issues, it is afterall their job, isn't it?


TMACCA,  Come on Simon

Which box,  You have the answers

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 04:35:59 pm
Of course they wouldn't listen to you, Derek, they've got their own way of doing things and I very much they'll change it any time soon.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 04:41:10 pm

If you mean the TMCCA from the Truckmounters forum, we did nothing with that simply because first and foremost it is a group of carpet cleaners on a forum and as has been proven in the past  not to be the basis from which to start a new national association.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 05:20:23 pm

If you mean the TMCCA from the Truckmounters forum, we did nothing with that simply because first and foremost it is a group of carpet cleaners on a forum and as has been proven in the past  not to be the basis from which to start a new national association.


Simon you still advertise this on your website.

Misleading to say the least.


Good luck  Paul
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 05:24:27 pm
Not misleading at all. All truckmouters numbers are members of the tmcca. But as I said we've left it at that for reasons already stated.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 05:31:05 pm
Not misleading at all. All truckmouters numbers are members of the tmcca. But as I said we've left it at that for reasons already stated.

Please explain what standards are set?
How do you qualify to be a member?
Are there any codes of practise ?

If i get a T/M can i join? just by joining the forum.

I am still waiting for the magical outside the box answer please enlighten me.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 05:37:35 pm
As if I'd spill the details on forum.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 05:43:16 pm
As if I'd spill the details on forum.

Nice one Simon!!!!

I allways thought Gerrards was a massive ice cream firm,
You must of heard of them?

Marketing hey, its our job.

Carpet cleaning is a pleasurable result from this.

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Colin Day on June 26, 2011, 06:00:54 pm
Oh, lets have PUCCA (Porty Users Carpet Cleaning Association) ;D

How pathetic!
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 06:17:28 pm
Oh, lets have PUCCA (Porty Users Carpet Cleaning Association) ;D

How pathetic!

you could get jamie oliver to promote it, pucca. ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Paul Evans on June 26, 2011, 06:25:45 pm
As if I'd spill the details on forum.

Ive heard it all now

Bu** S**t

Simon i see you as very succesful.

Dont let yourself down.

Fink im going to make a organisation up.


Easy an im ped


Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Colin Day on June 26, 2011, 06:30:14 pm
Oh, lets have PUCCA (Porty Users Carpet Cleaning Association) ;D

How pathetic!

you could get jamie oliver to promote it, pucca. ;D

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 06:30:45 pm

33 members woooohoooooooo  
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 26, 2011, 06:54:39 pm
Or Gordon Ramsay for fucca ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 26, 2011, 07:04:57 pm
Or Gordon Ramsay for fucca ;D
i actually found that funny until i started to wonder what it stood for ;D

maybe we could start a cheap organisation for the cowboys like enterprise, effin useless carpet cleaners association ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 26, 2011, 07:12:11 pm
Would enterprise not be MLAM

makin loads a money
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: creighton foyle on June 26, 2011, 07:26:31 pm
derek i do'nt know if "they" as in the directors would want to listen to you as i think some of them are doing nicely out of the ncca already, being paid for training and expenses etc.  i am in no way trying to say anything illegal or untoward is going on as i am sure all the trainers deserve their reputations on merit however one example that could be a possible conflict of interest is their apperant refusal to allow trainees that have done a course with derek bolton at cleansmart to be allowed to join the ncca after completion of that course yet dereks name is on some of the training manuel content issued by the ncca and the courses are virtually identical in every surely it would be in the interests of the ncca to allow people who have done this course ( and of course taken the very difficult to pass exam )to join if they want to, this of course will not happen because the ncca will lose their training fee which is a lot more than cleansmarts fee and of course the trainers might get less training work out of it because given a choice what would you pay for the course matts charges or the ncca's.

now regarding who would listen to a newbie like you ? well i would call me a newbie not you and having met you once you seem to be pretty switched on with some quite radical but workable ideas and if you do'nt mind me saying i think you would be like a dog with a bone once your mind is set and it is people like you that can make things go forward and get the job done so invest your £250 to join the ncca and take it from there.

lastly i need to say i have no axe to grind with the ncca or its directors but i would not be human if i did not question their motives and why they do the job apparently for free.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 26, 2011, 10:37:39 pm
Can I thank everyone who has had an imput in this thread and hope some people
with influence in the ncca, suppliers, chemical producers and carpet manufacturers and
suppliers have had a read IMO we need to be pro active as the diy market is growing
with money to burn on advertising this business needs a strong organisation to lead it
and I hope changes can be made in the ncca to make that happen and a lot of the guys
with good ideas and vision on here and other forums join and push forward with making
it something for carpet cleaners to be proud of.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 27, 2011, 10:30:54 pm

36 members and growing slowly. mr halliday might have a point, start slow and see what happens, ya never know. ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 28, 2011, 08:20:20 am
Love it, Derek. ;D

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 12:14:41 pm
Love it, Derek. ;D

go on then, i dare ya, double dare ya. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 28, 2011, 06:59:20 pm
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: garry22 on June 28, 2011, 07:26:18 pm

I said it on another forum. I really does look the business.

I've got a friend who was worried about competing against more senior members of his profession. I told him it's not the best that succeed, it's those whose marketing is the best.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 07:50:28 pm
in order of importance to running a successful carpet cleaning company i would say

1 marketting
2 personality
3 knowledge of the job
4 equipment
5 drive thru macdonalds
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 07:54:24 pm
;D ;D

bok bok bok squaaaaak bokaaaa (how do you type the noise of a chicken) ;D ;D ;D

triple dare ya. ;D

37 members now, thought you'd joined si ;)
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 28, 2011, 08:08:19 pm
;D ;D

bok bok bok squaaaaak bokaaaa (how do you type the noise of a chicken) ;D ;D ;D

triple dare ya. ;D

37 members now, thought you'd joined si ;)

What kind of chicken is that????????????? Fog Horn Leg Horn when he's had a good saturday night????  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 08:13:37 pm
go on then iron man, ;D lets hear yours!!!
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 28, 2011, 08:19:44 pm
buck,buck,,,,, buck,,, buckAHHHH/

There you go he-man!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 08:23:50 pm
don't ya mean he he man.

and stop playing around with buckaroo and make a chicken noise.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 28, 2011, 08:25:55 pm
My names is Derek West!!!! Now thats as close to a chicken as your going to get!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 08:31:14 pm
thats just plain mean, well i aint bringing that bag of clean washing on saturday now, ya can swivvel. :P
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Simon Gerrard on June 28, 2011, 09:23:28 pm
I did join, Derek, have I been banned already- crikey that must be some kind of a record, even for me! ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 28, 2011, 09:35:51 pm
you likkle liar tommy. ;D

i wouldn't ban anyone, need all the members i can get.

38 now.


as micheal jackson would say.

we are the world
we are the future
we are the ones that make a brighter carpet so lets start giving.
there a children crawling
all over dirty rugs
its time to make a brighter carpet for me and you.
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: jim mca on June 29, 2011, 10:29:47 pm
Go on Derek give us a video of you singing the theme tune
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on June 29, 2011, 11:11:42 pm


Mr West doe's not require much encouragment!!!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: clinton on June 30, 2011, 09:35:11 am
Looks like all our members are on the facebook derek ;) ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Ian Gourlay on June 30, 2011, 02:57:18 pm
What does TACCA stand for

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 30, 2011, 07:43:03 pm
Go on Derek give us a video of you singing the theme tune

okay i will, and dressed as wacko himself

just as soon as we hit 1 million members ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on June 30, 2011, 07:44:49 pm
What does TACCA stand for

it stand for

The Antwacky Carpet Contraption Amalgamation ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on July 04, 2011, 08:09:25 pm
45 members now, you were right mike. ;)
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Billy Russell on July 04, 2011, 09:22:45 pm

I sense a bit of fatal attraction, you must be michael douglas!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on July 04, 2011, 09:33:22 pm
Yes Derek is the Bunny boiler!

Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: derek west on July 04, 2011, 09:36:42 pm
you mean

funny boy-ler ;D
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: garyj on July 07, 2011, 03:04:04 am
Now might be a good time to tell your friends that you've been accepted into an organisation that recognises your good work. Offer a discount to anyone to anyone that will write something on their wall to say they are getting there carpets cleaned, then ask them to say how happy they were with the clean (if they were). Advertise yourself again in the reply saying something like "see you in 6 months for a maintenance clean. Write the initial post as yourself, all other replies write as your Facebook Page. First step to building a list!
Title: Re: Organisation
Post by: clinton on July 07, 2011, 07:53:53 am
A few more members too when i looked last time..