250L Trailer for sale.
« on: November 10, 2011, 11:26:54 am »
I have a small trailer that I am thinking of selling.

It has a 250L tank, varistream and pump. Last winter I had an L5 heater (think thats the sort) and large propane bottle to make hot water.

It has ports for water in and hot out and can be seen working.

I am not sure of what to sell it for as yet but I am open to offers.

It will be sold as 'parts' to be assembled by the buyer as I dont want to get into the legalities of selling a system.

The only issue is that the trailer needs a bolt through the frame and/or welding of about 3" as the weld has broken.


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Re: 250L Trailer for sale.
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 04:37:52 pm »
Put it on ebay. Number 260891576255