
  • Posts: 3
« on: March 10, 2005, 10:16:06 pm »
BIGGEST SELLING POINT; YOUR PREPARED TO GO UP THE LADDER AND THERE NOT...!   Im new to this site but not new to w/clng i find most residential window cleaners that ive come across quote client "all round" or "front and back" im not saying this is wrong  but  iv'e found the best way to quote is always start with a minimum price ie £5.00 per front including lower sills as standard coz they always want the sills done...! of course for that money you most certainly not doing the TOP ones. My example (standard 1930 semi) Of course the customers then wants the back, well simple you just double it so bingo you know its a minimum £10.00 BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE..? as you know this normally is a couple of windows and customers think this is the back OH REALLY.. The point im making is
FRONT BACK & SIDE are three areas to grab some extra revenue an if cheeky enough charge for top sills.. SO ONCE YOU HAVE QUOTED THE FRONT and the customer is leading you round the back, just ask Do you want this side done as well..? coz they just take it for granted its the back..!

Yeh right......! ;D


« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2005, 10:34:18 pm »

Are you for real. If they want the windows cleaned, they want all of them done.

Be up front with them not sly.


« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2005, 10:38:51 pm »
My partner prices windows that way and gets some good prices but I can't.

I just price up the whole job and take time to explain why the cost is what it is.

I guess it different ways of doing things for different people.

And hi Spectator, welcome to the forum.


  • Posts: 23829
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2005, 10:41:50 pm »
Usually I would agree with that Stuart, but I have a run of 1930's faceted double-bay semi's where they all face a busy dual-carriage way and because the garages adjoin (making rear access difficult) they only want the fronts done month in and month out, I charge them £6 a shot.

Then every so often they want the backs done - no bays there and I double the price.

But I do agree with Stuart about treating customers as you would like to be treated - i.e. with respect.
It's a game of three halves!

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 03:06:28 am »
Hey spectator! ;D

Welcome to the forum!  Where are you from?  How long have you been in business?

Pricing residential cleaning jobs is challenging at times.  I have arrived at a standard charge for each window of $8.75 to $10 per window. Unless a storm window(minimum of $20. per). Hate those. :-X

When people call, I tell them that over the phone and then if they are serious I will go out for the exact amount. ;D

There is a town 20 miles from here full of millionaires, mostly retired. They are the biggest penny pinchers I have ever seen! 

I think they are used to hiring illegal mexicans and they pay them horribly little.  I have cleaned a lot of homes there, but sometimes I will quote a fair price and they act like it is 10 times more than they will pay. :o 

Their homes are expensive; they golf every day; drive nothing but mercedes, cadillacs, etc; I treat everyone the same. 8)

I began taking pictures of each house we do now. I do it at estimate time and then I go home and analyze the difficulty, etc, and then call the client with the exact quote. :D

 I keep the info stored and all the details so we know what ladders to take, what will we need; how complex, time, etc.

I don't know how it is over there with house design, but in all the years of business; and having done hundreds of houses, NO TWO HOUSES ARE THE EXACT SAME! :o

I finally have devised certain techiques that work for me, and I think you should do what works for you.

Hugs, Texas Girl :-* :-*


  • Posts: 3
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2005, 08:43:29 pm »

Are you for real. If they want the windows cleaned, they want all of them done.

Be up front with them not sly.

Hi Stuart thanks for your reply, sorry im late in responding, YES IM FOR REAL and your quite correct always always be up front, never assume that client or customers are gonna accept your price after all it's only a quote and customers dont always want "them all done" they like to know what you charge and what exactly are they getting for your price. My advise is always maximize opportunity to earn extra revenue, so it's not about being sly it's letting the customer know that your not a gonna do anything for NOTHING and that you will charge for any extra service they ask and that your not cheap. I personally do not do any residential window cleaning nowadays but prefer to clean commercial glass, BUT CASH IS KING. so load up the extra's your worth it and never never be cheap be value for money a reasonable price but above all JUSTIFY IT which can only be judged on Manner, Service and consistent WORKMANSHIP.

Thanks for your comments.



  • Posts: 148
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2005, 09:04:08 pm »
Hi Spectator
You might be for real but your not from the north east. If I quoted prices like that I'd have no customers. Best of luck and keep it up.
Cheers Malcal

« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2005, 09:34:08 pm »
I personally do not do any residential window cleaning nowadays but prefer to clean commercial glass, BUT CASH IS KING. so load up the extra's your worth it and never never be cheap be value for money a reasonable price but above all JUSTIFY IT which can only be judged on Manner, Service and consistent WORKMANSHIP

Your preaching to the choir!! Why don't you offer your pearls of wisdom to those who ask?


And please stop SHOUTING, its rude