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Minimum charge...

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Doctor Carpet (Ret'd):
All comments posted have some truth so all I’ll add is that you also have to consider the opportunity cost.

If you’re doing a one bed job you might lose out on booking ina more lucrative job because you’re busy doing these small one room jobs.

Hence the minimum charge.

Basically, I think it’s a case of adjusting your minimum charge to balance the amount of work coming in to the time you have available in your diary.


Back end marketing is worth more than the first sale. plus you can get reviews that are ever green and worth real money as google local default listing is by reviews. plus up selling Stain protection, recommendation,

They call it life time value of a customer


Ian Harper

Mike Halliday:
The way I see it is their is a minimum time involved in cleaning even the smallest carpet  so we need to set our price based on that time not how big the carpet is or the customers perceived idea that a bedroom should cost less than a livingRoom.

Also it’s a big risk to use your prices to build a list, or create a customer base or hope for a google reviews because you end up with a collection of customers who paid a low price who in the future will want the same low prices and the People they recommend will be low payers.

Look at  the Groupon model,  people cleaned rooms for £10 hoping they could build a customer base but all they had was a disloyal base of customer who would never pay full price.

Peter Hobbs:
I totally agree with you Mike. We have a minimum service of £40 which in my opinion is far too low anyway, but we have many competitors in our area charging half that so we have to stay close to competitive! Which is beyond ridiculous... Plus we travel all over Kent, it can easily take 2 hours from one side to another on a bad day so its highly important that when we're booking jobs we try to group them all in the same or similar area.

That being said, would 6 small jobs all in the same area be an issue? I guess I'd take it...

Mr Dvae:
Mike's been around this business many many years. Whatever you think of next he's already done it.
Mike is spot on here.
Many carpet cleaners in the states won't even entertain jobs of less than 3 rooms .


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