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effective marketing
hi i`m malc stones
I`m a new starter and new to this forum but after reading many topics every seems really friendly so i hope you can help i`ve already purchased a ashbys ninja, done a dozen or so jobs all with exellent results, and feedback from my clients but i`m not sure what advertising to carry on for, i`ve been delivering my own leaflets with good success i`ve also attended a alltec discovery day robert had alot of good ideas i was woundering that if the idea of "the best carpet cleaning ever or your money back" actually works on leaflets, ads,etc or do alot of people actually complain and take libertys.
So you found it then!
Good luck,
cheers paul
Len Gribble:
As you say your own leaflets are working for you why change? As for the “best carpet cleaning ever or your money back" it has it’s place, but it the core of the leaflet using key words customers focus on and yes I have used these words do I now that’s for you to find out please fill in your profile, also look a CD’s marketing great
I recently moved to a new area andfound that my leaflets didnt work at all i delivered 300 a day for 7 weeks and got one job i adverts best ever carpet cleaning money back gauratee ete ete ete.
What i have done now seems to work i am going through the phone book and picking names in my area with the better homes and sending a more personal letter with an offer of a free room clean with no strings attached getting a good response so far only cleaned one free carpets by its self most other get a free room plus i do rest of house well say all get 6 jobs out of 25 letters and so far one referral
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