Market Place > Used Equipment For Sale/Wanted

User Guide - How To Post An Advert


Forum Admin:
1. Click on
2. The following screen will appear, where you need to:
- Enter a subject heading, such as “Carpet Cleaning Machine” 
- Enter the item location, such as “Birmingham”
- Write the content in the message box, things to include are a full description,
age, condition, price, contact details and images.

3. Adding an image – to include an image in the advert choose and browse your
computer for the image. This will insert the image where the cursor is in the
message body. A total of 3 images can be uploaded.

4. Previewing – once you’re happy with your advert, choose preview to see what
it will look like on Clean It Up!

5. In order to make the advert LIVE choose “Post”.

If you need help at any time please contact us on


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