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Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2005, 10:23:25 pm »

just found this:, haven't read it yet, i'm 'off licenced' and 'take awayed' now ;D



Thanks Ben

It would seem that the purpose of a licence is to protect the client, from rogue traders.  The licence identifying that the person on the householder's premises is bona fide, who they say they are and the licence is paid proof.
So not much more than an identity card.  No big deal,  as long as the fee is justifiable.  We should all have one.
Only trouble is the crooks will always be one step ahead.

My opinion...forget all your other soap box issues, a one off reasonable fee for a licence is  a good thing.  I would pay max £100 pa for it.
But, sadly it doesn't prove very much.
My work does.  I'm glad I'm not just starting out



  • Posts: 160
Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2005, 09:54:11 am »
Are you all MAD! is there not enough legislation around already without creating more. What good would it realy do? do you think it will stop roge traders? No its hasn't in any other trade so why should WC's be any different. all my clients have my full address home and mobile number. I can provide upon request fed membership, insuance cert, proof of training,method statments and risk assesments what more can they possibley want? I allready pay out enough without this thank you wery much

Sarah Sarill

  • Posts: 1537
Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2005, 10:08:50 am »
Do you know sometimes I just resent being a woman - its the inability to 'let it go' that gets me in trouble all the time !!!! :D

My biggest grunt about the w/c industry is the ease at which some people can tap nto the market, earn some extra cash and never get caught.  In the 7 years we have been trading in our town there has been in excess of 20 who undercut because they do pay for any insurances, safety equipment etc etc.

When I say undercut I mean HALF your fee so even the loyalest of customers try them out.

On top of that they claim benefits, live in paid for rented houses, drive disabled cars and dont pay any taxes at all !!!

If my £100 got rid of that alone I would think it worthwhile - both in terms of professionalising the industry and increasing our profits due to the lack of w/c's.

I suspect (although the link did not say it) the licence (or ID Card) system must be more than just that.  I pressume you would have to conform to other criteria to become a window cleaner.  For example, be registered with the IR, be fully insured etc.  This ALONE would stop rogue traders in their tracks.  So pressuming this is the case I still say:-

Bring it on.

If not its a useless, beaurocratic waste of time.

Rant over - I rest my case (or do I !!! )



PS:  Dont know who said it but it would be something the fed/BWCA could introduce and or consult on.  Another helpful and beneficial reason to join for )



Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2005, 10:12:35 am »
Way ta go Girl!

Definitely agree with you. 

Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2005, 12:19:37 pm »
You will never stop rogue traders, cowboys etc.
They couldn't give a Rat's ...... about law,licences, ID cards, H&S, etc.
Look how a certain level of lowlifes behave when there are disasters.  New Orleans,
or anywhere else in the world, including here.  Don't give me any garbage about it being different here.
So if your only reasons for supporting a law on licensing is to stop the bad guys, forget it.
An ID card/licence has it's advantages, but none of us wants any more restrictions than necessary.
I agree with stevef, all my customers know me, how I work, I've been local for 18 years!  Indeed what more do they want?  I have the security codes to a number of houses etc. already, they tell me to lock up when I'm done!
As for all you activists, militants or will all go on inventing and re-writing laws to enforce for your own protection, as long as no-one does the same to you, people are just lawless these days, just watch them on the roads, in supermarkets, at carboots, on public transport, when theres a sale on in the shops.
It makes me sick!  I'm never going out again!  I'm gonna switch off my telly, turn on my media player and listen to some Hendrix, or Howlin' Wolf, or Albert Collins, or Dylan on full volume...(it's ok the neighbours are cool, they can't hear, so no issues to settle there).
Finally, if I lived in Scotland I would buy the licence and pass the fee on through my charges, as with everything else.
Have a good Saturday
Be good to people
And yourselves
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2005, 01:03:08 pm »
There should be no window cleaning licence for various reasons, in other trades when local councils have brought in licences for the public good, they have got out of hand.

Every year the councils will add more requirements that they want you to comply with.

It will not stop one single case of fraud happening, the people who commit this types of crime know the punishments for commiting these crimes and adding another punishment is not going to stop them.

There is a national identity card coming out soon, its going to cost anything up to £85.00 to have one, now this card will have all your personal details on it including what benefits you are claiming, so "pc plod" will be able to know who is working illegally.

Don't forget that the councils can start to dictate how much we charge our customers, when we can put our prices up and by how much, what equipment we use and where we get it from, what we wear, what we drive, how long we work etc etc.

Once pandoras box is opened you can't close it again.

There was also a report carried out that came to the conclusion that the "Black Ecomony" is good for the country.



  • Posts: 251
Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2005, 01:43:35 pm »
A friend of mine was knocked over by a young lad driving a car the other week, the said lad has no licence.

I know a person living about 100 yards from here, that has no TV licence - but his TV works fine without it.

I can obtain a firearm for about eighty quid if I want one - it will take me about two hours, and the seller isn't going to ask to see a licence.

Licences allow the authorities to control the licence holders, never those without!

Because of my medical condition, I limit my windowcleaning work to 6 days a month, so whilst the clever ones amongst you are interfering with my business, and organising my licence arrangements, perhaps you would be so kind as to let me know what discount I'll get, only being a part timer?

Oh yes, somone further up the thread mentioned "disabled badge" I think in the same sentence as "fiddlers".

 I'd like to point out that I hold such a badge, I wonder what, exactly, was the point you were trying to make?

Perhaps those of you that you like to bring yet more licensing would care to stop now, whilst you are losing, or at least attempt to think first?

"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.

Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2005, 02:38:32 pm »
You should have a licence just for that terrifying monster in your picture Baldeagle!

I fully agree with you.


mmmmm no more posts from the ladies?


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2005, 02:57:09 pm »

I agree with what you said, I am registed disabled and have been for over 20 years, I shouldn't be working at all, but I can't stand people telling me what I can and cannot do.

I have a disabled bus pass which comes in handy and I could get a badge for my vechicle, but what will people think if they saw one of them on a ruddy great big van.


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2005, 03:38:19 pm »
Tax, what tax?

If you have a very good accountant then you won't pay any tax for the first 5 years of trading, and very little thereafter.

Sarah Sarill

  • Posts: 1537
Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2005, 06:48:04 pm »

mmmmm no more posts from the ladies?

Hi everyone,

There is always going to be very different opinions on things that get so close to being political and moreso ones which affect our businesses directly.

As you have all realised from my posts I feel very strongly about people (in whatever industry) who cheat the system when the majority do conform by operating legitimate business ventures. 

There was also a report carried out that came to the conclusion that the "Black Ecomony" is good for the country.

Are you suggesting that if people are allowed to do this without penalty it may benefit us all to de-legit as it would benefit the country and our own pockets !! 

Perhaps those of you that you like to bring yet more licensing would care to stop now, whilst you are losing, or at least attempt to think first?


Losing what ?  I always think before I post and unlike many others stick to my opinions which may or may not be right - but still mine. 

Finally,  I fully respect all the opinions on this forum - even though we dont agree on this one.  I respect even more the ones who have the guts to stand by their convictions like me !!!

Great debate though guys and girls  ;D

Much respect to you all,




Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2005, 07:19:20 pm »

I am not saying it is right, it just happens to be a fact that we all benefit in someway because of the "Black Economy". 

The same applies to those that smoke, if every one stopped the goverment would have to find over 10 billion pound every year just to replace the money it would lose.

Sometimes we benefit from bad habits. 


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2005, 08:16:35 pm »

Holy Moly......a girl takes a few hours off to watch the X Factor......and, oh well.
(Oh, wasnt Dan FAB- but thats off topic so forgive me).

I stick by my agreement to license Window Cleaners.

A friend of mine was knocked over by a young lad driving a car the other week, the said lad has no licence.

I feel very sorry for your friend.  Sadly, there will always be people who attempt to ignore laws.   But imagine the carnage if NO-ONE had licenses or were required to take a driving test?  Surely you do not mean you do not support the driving lessons, test & license?

I know a person living about 100 yards from here, that has no TV licence - but his TV works fine without it.

Until all his neighbours get wind, resent him for getting away with it & report him.  OR the nice big detector van pulls into town.  Would like to see his face when hes hit with a £1000 fine.   Additionally, our TV license payment helps pay BBC, etc.  Imagine the number of adverts that would have to be played to make up for all that money!   Eastenders would be 2 minutes long with a 28 minute advert break!!!

I can obtain a firearm for about eighty quid if I want one - it will take me about two hours, and the seller isn't going to ask to see a licence.

You really agree with not licensing the holding of fire-arms?   The seller is risking prison, the buyer risking his kids, neighbours kids, etc, finding this illegal gun, cos rest assured, if its bought illegally, its probably being stored incorrectly, and the kids possibly killing themselves or someone else by accident. I know I would prefer fire-arm regulations.

whilst the clever ones amongst you are interfering with my business, and organising my licence arrangements, perhaps you would be so kind as to let me know what discount I'll get, only being a part timer?

Life is about choices.   If a business is set up then if its viable, it should support all expenses.   Oh, and who are the clever ones around here you refer too?  I'm sure they would like to know they are interfering in your business by holding this debate on the World Wide Web!!!!!

It will not stop one single case of fraud happening

Please can I have next weeks lotto numbers....... ;)

As said before, I agree that window cleaners should be licensed.   I stand by my opinion but respect that others have their own views.   

Have a fab night all.  Oh, and what time are the X Factor results on??   LOL

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2005, 09:50:41 pm »
1984 George Orwell 


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2005, 03:25:14 am »
Additionally, our TV license payment helps pay BBC, etc.  Imagine the number of adverts that would have to be played to make up for all that money!   Eastenders would be 2 minutes long with a 28 minute advert break!!!

Yes we pay for the beeb, but we also pay for cable, and Eastenders is one long advert for " The Samaritans" - "Child Line" and "Crimewatch".

Have your licence, and see that it will not help you in anyway whats so ever, except take more money off you.

Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2005, 11:19:58 am »
1984 George Orwell

"Big Sister is watching" :(


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2005, 11:40:14 am »
Hi everybody, concerning these window cleaning licences the cost in north lanarkshire is £107,not only do you have to state which streets you are going to operate in but you also have to state the days and hours you propose to trade and if you ever expand enough to start other employees it is your responsibility to ensure they also have a licence.You also need a copy of your p/l insurance which is obviously a good thing.Although i do agree with all these measures i also think this should be national so you can cross over into other council areas as we all live close to borders and boundaries and this obviously restricts you from making a decent living


Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2005, 01:52:34 pm »
Matt, I totally agree with you. 

Also , can we keep this as a debate on "window Cleaning licensing", instead of making it into a "gender war".   Its not very constructive is it?   Its not original (yes, most women have heard this stuff more than once), and its not on the subject theme.  If your unable to reply or add to this debate, please do not try to turn it around into something its not :  Women V Men.


Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2005, 02:03:11 pm »
Matt, I totally agree with you. 

Also , can we keep this as a debate on "window Cleaning licensing", instead of making it into a "gender war".   Its not very constructive is it?   Its not original (yes, most women have heard this stuff more than once), and its not on the subject theme.  If your unable to reply or add to this debate, please do not try to turn it around into something its not :  Women V Men.


wwooooooooooohhhhooooooo  :-X

Re: Window Cleaning Licence
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2005, 02:13:57 pm »
This is not a "DEBATE", it is a "Topic" on a "Forum" ;)

The guy who started this, asked a "Question", and kindly asked for "comments"

1984 George Orwell

"Big Sister is watching" :(

Apologies, in view of PC this should now read, "Big person is watching".  Doh, can't say big!! Someone will start raving, "A person of no particular description is watching".  That's got a striking tone to it!! ;D

this thread is getting boring now.
moderators close. :P